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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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Okay, I have a theory on why "Hillary is a sickly old woman who will die soon!" is catching on.

Basically, uncucked Republicans were hoping that Trump supporters would kill Hillary. However, after nothing happened after the "maybe the second amendment people can do something, I don't know," these non-cucks remembered that Trump fans are total losers who can kill people in ambushes but have no chance of executing an assassination.

So they were just really hopeful that Hillary was going to be killed and now they realize that it won't happen.

So now they have to fantasize about another way Hillary will die.

Nah, it's just sexist "women are weak" bullshit.
That WaPo article Iolo posted was great.

I argue quite a bit that the actual silent majority is a coalition of brown folks, urban Millennials, and educated white women, but quite a few people on the right still think that it's blue collar white people. Even Bernie Sanders thinks this. Trump's campaign strategy is consistent with the errant belief that America looks like it did in Nixon's day demographically.

This is also why any attempts at pivoting won't stick at this point; it's probably not enough to peel off any of those prongs of that coalition. Trump thought that he could coast on creating a cult of personality via going on TV and appealing to blue collar white people, and he was right - it's just that doing so can win you a GOP primary, but will get you blown out in a general election.


I don't remember 2012 or 2008 being this bad in terms of pure garbage polls being so plentiful.

Anyway I figured out who released that poll. It's some oil and gas firm based in Alberta Canada which is were I live.

This is one reason to why that pollster thinks trump is leading in PA now.

One of the reasons of Trump’s surge is attributable to seemingly strong support from the women” added Mukherjee.
Not with a NeoGAF posting history!
I cannot wait for the future of politics where in another 10-20 years absolutely every candidate will have a paper trail of social media and other internet postings a lightyear long to browse. At this point, if you want to make a specific effort to have a career in politics, you'd have to be disciplined from birth to never say anything online, ever. Imagine a world where 25+ years of social media and internet archiving exists on everyone before oppo research even started, lol. SO MUCH FUN!

Anyone want to hire me to be that cute girl that swears that she totally lived next door to the candidate in college so I can get access to their private posts and videos? Yes. This will happen. There will be Carlos Danger-style catfishing against political foes as the norm.
Lol which pollster?

What PA poll? The one that shows trump leading by 5 there?


They're called "Project Execution" which is just brilliant. The entire thing is hilarious. They don't weight for anything but gender...but they don't even say how they do that. The entire thing is done in an evening. Landline only. Margin of error is 7.1%

I'm 25 today.

Congressional campaign imminent.

Happy Birthday!



They're called "Project Execution" which is just brilliant. The entire thing is hilarious. They don't weight for anything but gender...but they don't even say how they do that. The entire thing is done in an evening. Landline only. Margin of error is 7.1%

Happy Birthday!

I figured out who released this poll before you posted this info. It's obvious that a firm that specializes in oil and gas will release a poll that favours trump.
I figured out who released this poll before you posted this info. It's obvious that a firm that specializes in oil and gas will release a poll that favours trump.

I apologize for not posting it originally. I thought I did, but I had a dumb and I didn't.

When I run for President, the oppo file on me will just be full of drag Gifs. And I'm going to walk into the Oval Office purse first anyway...so...


Kills Photobucket
I apologize for not posting it originally. I thought I did, but I had a dumb and I didn't.

When I run for President, the oppo file on me will just be full of drag Gifs. And I'm going to walk into the Oval Office purse first anyway...so...

no American will vote for a pizza hater
no American will vote for a pizza hater

I regret any comments that could have been taken to construe anything other than support for the hard working Americans who work in, and enjoy, the pizza industry. Look, we are a diverse country of many beliefs. Some people believe pizza is good. Some people believe pizza is an abomination and a disgusting affront to the decency of Americans.

I respect the diversity of our beliefs, and believe that the right to be wrong is integral to the free expression of all people. This is something I have always said, and it is something I have always believed.

Together, we will work to form that more prefect union so often spoke about. People who hate pizza, as well as people who are obviously wrong and defective in some way, all have a place at the table. This is our American dream. This is our American destiny. We are one people, united.

May god bless you, and may god bless the United States of America.


Lol is that PA poll what caused Nate to go nuts earlier?

He went nuts?

*goes to check his Twitter*

Oh yeah, here's your answer adam:

Nate Silver said:
As a warning, there's been an increase in fake polls this year. Random people throwing up a website & citing their "polls" to get attention.

I'm not throwing shade at any pollsters you've ever heard of. We're talking really obscure cases. But be careful what you retweet / link to.

We're VERY inclusive at 538 and will include crappy polls so long as we're confident they're real. But sometimes things don't check out.



So I have felt like this has been increasingly the case over the last decade, but probably more so than ever now...this election is so crazy that keeping up with things just seems like it could easily be a full time job. Beyond that, the insanity is so compelling that it seems easy to tune out the rest of the world and just keep track of daily Trumpings. That being said, I also tend to feel mildly guilty if I spend too much time overindulging in the news-junkie life.

All of which is just to ask a question which I am sure comes up all the time in this thread, but regardless...

What is everyone's preferred media diet?

The only things I really consider indispensable are the NPR Politics Podcast, the NYT Upshot, and Josh Marshall at TPM (to be honest I thought I was over TPM ages ago but he has been astonishingly on point for the entire election cycle). I certainly wish I watched Sam Bee and John Oliver every week, but definitely have not been exactly doing that.

Beyond that, I'll watch Frontline if a story ever catches my eye, and usually keep up to date with Planet Money. I really like Propublica but never invest the time in reading them. I am mostly pretty happy with my Twitter feed, but unlike a lot of people I just find it too chaotic and don't think I ever found it to be a great replacement to Google Reader. I find Vox to be well intentioned but mostly a pain in the ass. I also in the course of writing this just realized that PBS has a NewsHour Podcast, which I will probably try to check out.

Are any of the Sunday shows any good? I don't think I've seen once since Russert passed away.

Anyway, curious to hear about people's strategies to keep up.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Yeah, this is awful. At least there's no need to spend any more money on this race.


So, random aside, but I just finished watching The West Wing, and...found it quite surprisingly enjoyable. I had seen the first 4.5 seasons when they originally aired, but quit during season 5 because thought it was getting boring. Now I kind of wish I had seen seasons 6 and 7 as they aired, but watching them now was kind of awesome too.

Honestly, after the Newsroom, I never thought I would be able to find Sorkin's writing to be anything other than completely pornographic. On top of of that, I've had a lot of trouble enjoying House of Cards, for example, just because it's too hard to suspend my disbelief when I know too much about a subject. So I was pleasantly surprised to find the West Wing mostly pretty enjoyable.

In the early seasons, most of Sorkin's quirks are visible, but at least toned down from where they ended up going. And yeah, it's a hyper-idealized vision on politics, alongside a hyper-simplified discussion of policy. But it's still good for what it is, and it's just real enough that I was able to accept that I was watching some sort of bizzaro world where things operated a little bit differently. I mean, yes, it is silly that "the gang" broked a peace deal between Israel and Palestine with the Secretary of State nowhere to be seen. Or, say, that the press secretary with a background in PR got promoted to chief of staff. But even those didn't really bother me. It's television.

I think it was really smart for the show to undergo the changes did in seasons 6 and 7, following the presidential race along side the lame duck White House. It was one of the most successful mid-run shake ups I've seen in a TV show. Reminded me a lot of Friday Night Lights, in a weird way.

Anyway, the last few episodes during the transition really stuck with me, seeing them for the first time right now. I'm sad to see Obama go, even as I'm excited to see Hilldawg run shit next. It's incredible how well those last few episodes evoke a lot of feelings we'll all probably be having in November, just as it's incredible how well their 2005-06 season basically called the 2008 presidential race.

I'm only only season 4 of WW, but it's been an enjoyable, and is a legitimately good show. Newsroom on the other hand, is hot garbage. Sure, I like the idea of making fun of Republicans non-stop as much as the next filthy lib, but the way Newsroom went about it was incredibly obnoxious and off putting.
Scarborough said something in Thursday or Friday that really stuck with me.

Donald Trump gets EVERY benefit of the doubt. Hillary Clinton gets NONE.

Stuff like this really hits that point home.
For minorities, women and gays, it's never enough to be as good as the next person. We have to be better and flawless. And that's still not enough.


He went nuts?

*goes to check his Twitter*

Oh yeah, here's your answer adam:


I don't remember seeing fake polls in last year's federal election in Canada and I'm already seeing fake or really weird polls at times in this election like that PA poll and that fake poll that showed trump leading by 6 nationally a few days ago.
Man, if Hillary dies of blood clots in her brain, then she'll be replaced by Tim Kaine: The white male, more popular version of Hillary.

I don't know if "Tim Kaine will actually be the president!" is the message you wish to send undecided voters to be honest.


Man, if Hillary dies of blood clots in her brain, then she'll be replaced by Tim Kaine: The white male, more popular version of Hillary.

I don't know if "Tim Kaine will actually be the president!" is the message you wish to send undecided voters to be honest.

Which is why he is such an amazing pick.

Imagine what it would be like wirh Warren or Bernie. They would basiclly start campaigning Trump vs Warren or Bernie.
"Sarah Palin might be just one (low energy) heartbeat away from the presidency!" is a lot more frightening than "Tim Kaine might be just one (low energy) heartbeat away from the presidency!" to most voters imo.


But let us be serious now, orange turd is a far worse and a more dangerous candidate that palin ever was and I am not defending her at all. She was and is still awful and dangerous but at the very least she had some experience working in government. Orange turd is by far the most authoritarian, ignorant and unqualified individual to have a chance at being part of the most powerful executive branch in the world.
No, he's done with that now. There's no way a guy who has a record of saying offensive things for at least 30 years is going to continue once someone else decides he should stop.


Holy shit, who said this?

Allegations of anti-Semitism have surfaced against one of Donald Trump’s foreign policy advisers, raising further questions about the guidance the Republican presidential nominee is receiving.

Joseph Schmitz, named as one of five advisers by the Trump campaign in March, is accused of bragging when he was Defense Department inspector general a decade ago that he pushed out Jewish employees.

The revelations feed two themes that his opponent Hillary Clinton has used to erode Trump’s credibility: That he is a foreign policy neophyte, and that his campaign, at times, has offended Jews and other minorities.

Schmitz, who is a lawyer in private practice in Washington, says the allegations against him are lies. All three people who have cited the remarks, including one who testified under oath about them, have pending employment grievances with the federal government.

Daniel Meyer, a senior official within the intelligence community, described Schmitz’s remarks in his complaint file.

“His summary of his tenure’s achievement reported as ‘…I fired the Jews,’ ” wrote Meyer, a former official in the Pentagon inspector general’s office whose grievance was obtained by McClatchy.

Meyer, who declined to comment about the matter, cited in his complaint another former top Pentagon official, John Crane, as the source and witness to the remarks. Crane worked with Schmitz, who served as inspector general between April 2002 and September 2005.

In his complaint, Meyer said Crane also said Schmitz played down the extent of the Holocaust.

“In his final days, he allegedly lectured Mr. Crane on the details of concentration camps and how the ovens were too small to kill 6 million Jews,” wrote Meyer, whose complaint is before the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB).

Tim Kaine is like the least controversial VP candidate in decades. Fearmongering about him becoming president in the event of Clinton's health declining is pretty silly considering her replacement would be pretty agreeable.

Also why Clinton picking a firecracker candidate would have been a less preferable option. Clinton herself is already very disliked, picking a candidate that shores up her left flank (let's be real, like 95% of Bernie primary voters are going to be voting for her whether they're enthusiastic or not) wouldn't help matters. But Kaine isn't such a personality-less sack of meat like Pence who adds nothing to the ticket, he helps her with swing voters.


If Trump continues to do poorly even with the teleprompter I think we'll have some kind of frustrated outburst soon enough.
The thing is, he can't help but add in off the cuff remarks. Also, there's no way he's making it through the debates without saying at least 6 terrible things. He's got absolutely nothing to fall back on.


Tim Kaine is like the least controversial VP candidate in decades. Fearmongering about him becoming president in the event of Clinton's health declining is pretty silly considering her replacement would be pretty agreeable.

Also why Clinton picking a firecracker candidate would have been a less preferable option. Clinton herself is already very disliked, picking a candidate that shores up her left flank (let's be real, like 95% of Bernie primary voters are going to be voting for her whether they're enthusiastic or not) wouldn't help matters. But Kaine isn't such a personality-less sack of meat like Pence who adds nothing to the ticket, he helps her with swing voters.

Yeah, Virginia seems to be pretty much in the bag now, although I don't know if it's because of Kaine.

Vilsack probably would've gotten Iowa to a safer place for Clinton than it is now, but whatever. Virginia has more EV anyhow.
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