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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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Trump claims his golf courses are worth tens of millions. Until the tax bill arrives.

When Donald Trump submitted financial disclosure forms to election regulators, he bragged that his portfolio included some of the “finest and most iconic properties in the world.” Among them was Trump National Golf Club Jupiter in Jupiter, Fla., which Trump valued at more than $50 million.

That came as a surprise to officials in Palm Beach County, where the golf course is located. A few months earlier, for the third straight year, Trump’s attorney had gone to court to argue that, for the sake of calculating his tax bill, the property was worth “no more than $5 million.”

it baffles me how incompetent Hillary is when it comes to handling this email thing. now look where we are:


Colin Powell is blaming Hillary Clinton's "people" for "trying to pin" the Democratic nominee's use of a personal email server on him.

"Her people have been trying to pin it on me," Powell told People magazine on Saturday at event in East Hampton, New York, in an article published Sunday night. The New York Post's Page Six reported similar quotes from Powell at the Apollo in the Hamptons 2016 Night of Legends event.

The remark came just days after The New York Times reported that Clinton told FBI agents that Powell told her to use her own email at a small dinner gathering of former secretaries of state, except for classified communications, as he had done while secretary of state, according to a forthcoming book. Powell's office responded to that story, remarking that "General Powell has no recollection of the dinner conversation."

"He did write former Secretary Clinton an email memo describing his use of his personal AOL email account for unclassified messages and how it vastly improved communications within the State Department," Powell's office said in a statement.

the last line doesn't even matter, its going to start a new cycle on this stuff.


it baffles me how incompetent Hillary is when it comes to handling this email thing. now look where we are:


For as tech savvy Clinton's campaign is, it would be so fucking devastating if the thing that does them in is fucking e-mail.

Thank god the e-mails stuff is so baked in at this point, the only possible new e-mail thing that would wreck her is if she was sending christmas cards to osamabinladdy(at)rocketmail.com

Also: "trying to pin it on him"? Geez, all that happened was that Hillary mentioned to the FBI that Powell told her he did the same! There was no finger pointing, just truthful (or at least, perceived truthful) answering of questioning. This is just a man that doesn't want to be involved in any way, shape or form with the Clinton e-mail scandal stuff.

Donald J. TrumpVerified account
Some day, when things calm down, I'll tell the real story of @JoeNBC and his very insecure long-time girlfriend, @morningmika. Two clowns!

Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 22m22 minutes ago
Tried watching low-rated @Morning_Joe this morning, unwatchable! @morningmika is off the wall, a neurotic and not very bright mess!


Trump Said to Begin Preparation for First Debate Against Clinton

Roger Ailes, the former Fox News chairman who helped prepare George Bush to debate Michael Dukakis in the 1988 presidential race, is advising Mr. Trump

There's now nothing Trump can say against Hillary about her defending a rapist, or the Gennifer Flowers/Monica Lewinsky issues, that will hold water. All she has to do is touch upon Ailes advising Trump, and Trump looks like the biggest hypocrite.


Trump has absolutely no respect for the office he is running for. This should be abundantly clear to every American and yet...


Racism is a hell of a drug
Just given the dynamics of this race, the state by state polling his going to look a little out of whack for what we expect given the national polling.

well, also as adam said, most of the "national polls" right now are complete shitty garbage

And you know, I just haven't had the time, because I've been so busy having sex with so many people. Aaaaaallllllll of these scores of people, just thousands of them, up on the rooftops, they've got clothes flying off of their arms, their legs, their whatever. I sex up so many people I'm starting to get sick of it. And the reason I have all this sex is because I am so good at it. Believe me. Many people are saying that I am very, very good, if not the best they've ever had, in bed. And you know, this may come off of as bragging, but actually, I am more humble than you could ever understand.

this post is making me think of that tinder OT thread for some reason
I just realized that I've hit the wall in terms of being able to stomach Trump's schtick. He has to be one of the most annoying human beings on the planet. Everything he says and does, the way he says anything or does anything is so fucking annoying.
Oh. My. God.

Morning Joe is one of the last groups that actually tries to be nice to Trump *sometimes*.

But I guess when you're in bed with Breitbart, you're set for life.
Yeah, like just today, which he claims to have been watching, while Mika wasn't having any of it, Scarborough was actually praising the "pivot" and Trump trying to "reach out" to African-Americans. He got called on it, but was just like "what do you expect him to do" (resulting in a number of obvious things having to be listed and pointed out) and being terrible. So yeah, shitting on someone like Scarborough of all people, who just spent the time trying to defend and pat you on the back for not being a complete idiot for a few days... this "pivot" is another complete nothingburger. Especially with those Mika comments on top of that. Yikes.
Oh. My. God.

Morning Joe is one of the last groups that actually tries to be nice to Trump *sometimes*.

But I guess when you're in bed with Breitbart, you're set for life.

I can only assume at this point that Trump is deliberately trying to antagonize the media as much as possible. That way when he loses, it sets the stage for him to cry foul about mainstream media 'bias' and use the impotent rage of his base to launch Trump News.
I just realized that I've hit the wall in terms of being able to stomach Trump's schtick. He has to be one of the most annoying human beings on the planet. Everything he says and does, the way he says anything or does anything is so fucking annoying.

I'm just flat out getting bored of this election. I want it over. I think we know these two candidates backwards and forwards and two and a half additional months aren't going to really change people's opinions.
lol, Lewandowski on CNN:

CNN: Trump's only getting 1% of the black vote. Do you have any introspection as to why that is and why Trump's getting such low black support?
Corey: That's just one poll, that doesn't capture the reality of the race. And in the primary, the got 25% of the black vote in South Carolina, so those polls must be wrong!

Both completely dodging the actual question (with more poll-doubting nonsense on top of it) and apparently not realizing that he's damning Trump even further, saying he could only get 25% of Republican Blacks in the primary, nevermind blacks period. This guy...

Also, Joe's seeming more critical of Trump in the second segment of the show than he was in the first. I wonder what changed...
For as tech savvy Clinton's campaign is, it would be so fucking devastating if the thing that does them in is fucking e-mail.

Thank god the e-mails stuff is so baked in at this point, the only possible new e-mail thing that would wreck her is if she was sending christmas cards to osamabinladdy(at)rocketmail.com

Also: "trying to pin it on him"? Geez, all that happened was that Hillary mentioned to the FBI that Powell told her he did the same! There was no finger pointing, just truthful (or at least, perceived truthful) answering of questioning. This is just a man that doesn't want to be involved in any way, shape or form with the Clinton e-mail scandal stuff.
I mean she could have lied. Wouldn't be the first time.
The National Association for Business Economics surveyed its members ahead of the Nov. 8 presidential election. Roughly 55% said Mrs. Clinton, the Democratic nominee, would do the best job of managing the economy.

About 14% picked Mr. Trump—slightly less than the 15% who selected Libertarian presidential nominee Gary Johnson and the 15% who said they didn’t know or had no opinion. ( The figures didn’t add up to exactly 100% due to rounding.)


El oh el
No one feeling the green revolution?

It's okay. Once Jill becomes President, she'll just magic money into existence whenever she needs it. Or something.

Trump totally has his Twitter back. What's up with him referring to women as "neurotic" all the time? It almost seems sexist....but the pivot.....

Wait. Wait.

Joe Scarborough likes Liverpool? And I thought he could sink no lower.
lol, Lewandowski on CNN:

CNN: Trump's only getting 1% of the black vote. Do you have any introspection as to why that is and why Trump's getting such low black support?
Corey: That's just one poll, that doesn't capture the reality of the race. And in the primary, the got 25% of the black vote in South Carolina, so those polls must be wrong!

Both completely dodging the actual question (with more poll-doubting nonsense on top of it) and apparently not realizing that he's damning Trump even further, saying he could only get 25% of Republican Blacks in the primary, nevermind blacks period. This guy...

Also, Joe's seeming more critical of Trump in the second segment of the show than he was in the first. I wonder what changed...

So...how many registered republican black voters are there compared to democratic/independent?
No one feeling the green revolution?

No, only butt hurt Bernie fans are supporting Stein. And I say this as someone who supported Bernie in the primary, but I saw the writting on the wall after the "Ides of March" primaries. I think Hillary will do a damn fine job, plus we'll get a progressive SCOTUS (fucking finally).


There was a guy on CNN (forgot the name, designation) who says he has email proof from powell's staff saying powell advised hillary to use private email.

He said his article is going up on newsweek website later today.
There was a guy on CNN (forgot the name, designation) who says he has email proof from powell's staff saying powell advised hillary to use private email.

He said his article is going up on newsweek website later today.

Can we just drop all this and get Powell's endorsement?
No, only butt hurt Bernie fans are supporting Stein. And I say this as someone who supported Bernie in the primary, but I saw the writting on the wall after the "Ides of March" primaries. I think Hillary will do a damn fine job, plus we'll get a progressive SCOTUS (fucking finally).

Anybody who has such a lack of understanding of how our system of government works, how our election system works, and about evidence-based policy versus ideology based party, isn't somebody whose vote should be sought. Screw them, hope they enjoy irrelevance.


One of my favorite things about these ads is that they tend to use Trump's own words. There's no positively spinning what he's said over the past 16 months. And even with more context, these quotes are still disturbing to many voters.



Sam Wang with 92-95% probabilities for Clinton now.

uh what? polls are softening for clinton


TLDR: The past six elections have only had a mean polling swing of 3 points in either direction and Clinton's polling aggregate is 5.5% based off only statewide polls. It is not inconceivable that it reverts back to previous swing averages, but it is unlikely at this point.
uh what? polls are softening for clinton

The only polls that have come out in the past week are shitty online tracking things. And, if we want to pretend those are uber accurate (which some are!) we'd look at Ipsos and Survey Monkey, both showing the race in the exact same place it was two weeks ago. The only softening is from Morning Consult, and the fact that they don't press their respondents harder is part of the problem.

One of my favorite things about these ads is that they tend to use Trump's own words. There's no positively spinning what he's said over the past 16 months. And even with more context, these quotes are still disturbing to many voters.

Exactly. The best you can argue is "He didn't mean it that way...." but he still said it. It confirms what people think/know about him.
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