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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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I mean, if the swing states aren't swinging anymore then you'd be better off not wasting money there.

See, this is the question, isn't it? I had a few glasses of wine last night and rambled to my bf about this.....

Are there swing states this year? I mean, really and truly? We keep putting more and more of them in the safe D column. At this point, I feel like it's basically Iowa. So....ya. That's an interesting dynamic. However, I think Hillary is going to definitely be in the mindset that the old rules are still in play.


No Scrubs
See, this is the question, isn't it? I had a few glasses of wine last night and rambled to my bf about this.....

Are there swing states this year? I mean, really and truly? We keep putting more and more of them in the safe D column. At this point, I feel like it's basically Iowa. So....ya. That's an interesting dynamic. However, I think Hillary is going to definitely be in the mindset that the old rules are still in play.

Well, if I were Mook and I saw that all the swing states were +6 Hillary I'd sure as shit start slowly shifting money to other places I thought we could swing.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon

Seriously. Could you imagine if the whole Manafort thing happened under Clinton?
Sahil Kapur ‏@sahilkapur
Monmouth poll finds that if @JohnKasich were the Republican nominee he'd be leading @HillaryClinton 57% to 33% in Ohio.



Monmouth Ohio:

Hillary: 43
Trump: 39
Johnson: 10
Dr. Jill Stein: 1

Portman: 48
Strickland: 40

Holy moly:

If Kasich were the nominee: 57K-33C

Edit: beaten.

I still think we dodged a bullet, especially with Kasich. We might be in on his good-guy schtick, but I could see less-informed voters buying it.
He would not be that high. I can buy that he'd be leading but 1) he'd have to have given a more conservative answer on immigration 2) would face attacks that he never got, 3) partisianship still works he's not gonna have like a 20 point lead

That is a bullshit poll that is going to convince republican suits they don't have a problem and conservatism is still popular.
Isn't the point of spending in Missouri to help seats like Kander? It seems particularly valuable there since electing Democrats isn't impossible there, though I think Utah is a waste for that same reason.
He would not be that high. I can buy that he'd be leading but 1) he'd have to have given a more conservative answer on immigration 2) would face attacks that he never got, 3) partisianship still works he's not gonna have like a 20 point lead

That is a bullshit poll that is going to convince republican suits they don't have a problem and conservatism is still popular.

To be honest, I buy those numbers. Kasich is popular, even among Democrats as of late. Maybe he wouldn't have been quite that high, but it would have been damn close. Kasich is a republican that plays perfectly with white, suburban voters. He's as close to generic R as you're going to get, to be honest.
Well good thing people like Jon Huntsman and Kasich have snowballs chance in hell of winning a single primary other than their home state. You made the bed, now lie in it. They are more acceptable with democratic voters in their policies than with grassroots GOP voters, and thats why the crazies that took over the GOP will have none of it.
Isn't the point of spending in Missouri to help seats like Kander? It seems particularly valuable there since electing Democrats isn't impossible there, though I think Utah is a waste for that same reason.
There is a Democrat in Utah who could win, Doug Owens. But I guess that depends on how high you'd prioritize a House seat.
Kasich was the Republican candidate who scared me the most before the cycle got underway. I do think he'd be a formidable opponent and would likely win Ohio. That having been said, these hypothetical poll questions are always a little silly because they're asking about someone who isn't undergoing a presidential campaign (and the attacks that go along with it). If nothing else, it's likely his temper would cause some problems for him on the campaign trail, especially since he'd be running against a woman.


Professional Schmuck
Kasich was the Republican candidate who scared me the most before the cycle got underway. I do think he'd be a formidable opponent and would likely win Ohio. That having been said, these hypothetical poll questions are always a little silly because they're asking about someone who isn't undergoing a presidential campaign (and the attacks that go along with it). If nothing else, it's likely his temper would cause some problems for him on the campaign trail, especially since he'd be running against a woman.

I know this is asking a lot, but I'd love to see proof that anyone was 'scared' of a psycho like Kasich with a face like Forbes' until Jeb and Rubio imploded. Because ... I don't think there is any evidence.

Not calling you out specifically, but he only sounds reasonable when compared to the most dangerous main party nominee ever. Hillary might get 380 against Trump, but wouldn't fare much worse against Kasich.


Monmouth Ohio:

Hillary: 43
Trump: 39
Johnson: 10
Dr. Jill Stein: 1

Portman: 48
Strickland: 40

i think kasich is going to deliver the state to hillary. trump lost pretty decisively in the primary. i don't think there's enough people there who are up for his shenanigans, and kasich won't support him either.
I think 2012 will be the last time we'll ever see a typical gypsy moth republican who can still land a pivot to win the nomination. Trump changed things. He blew the door wide open and set the bar really low. There's always going to be crazies driving the bus from here on out, unless they can find someone who is batshit in the primary but totally the opposite in the general. A Reagan in the streets but Cruz in the sheets candidate. The laws of universe doesn't allow this possibility just by virtue of the gulf between crazy politics of GOP primary and rest of the people.
Kasich would have ripped another tape recorder from a female reporter's hand and that'd be the end of him.

He was only the "golden boy" of the GOP because nobody ever paid attention to him or his faults.
I know this is asking a lot, but I'd love to see proof that anyone was 'scared' of a psycho like Kasich with a face like Forbes' until Jeb and Rubio imploded. Because ... I don't think there is any evidence.

Not calling you out specifically, but he only sounds reasonable when compared to the most dangerous main party nominee ever. Hillary might get 380 against Trump, but wouldn't fare much worse against Kasich.

Kasich is, on paper, the one to be worried about. He's a strong conservative. He has way more experience than Rubio. He is a popular governor. He doesn't have the baggage that the Bush family name brings.

Kasich would not have sent white, college educated voters running for the hills. It just wouldn't have happened. He'd have said some shitty things, and we'd have hit him, but he undoubtedly would have run way better than Trump.
I still think we dodged a bullet, especially with Kasich. We might be in on his good-guy schtick, but I could see less-informed voters buying it.

Lets remember that outside of Ohio, Kasich won as many primary states as I did. Yes the guy has a surface level appeal and has played the Trumpocalypse well but there isn't a constituency for boring midwesterners in the modern GOP. Current Republican voters want the most extreme choice possible and that's not Kasich.


No Scrubs
Kasich would have ripped another tape recorder from a female reporter's hand and that'd be the end of him.

He was only the "golden boy" of the GOP because nobody ever paid attention to him or his faults.

And there it is. Had he run against Clinton it would have been her first NY Senate race all over again.


It would have depended on how well Kasich's compassionate conservative shtick holds up when ads start actually focusing on all his faults.

Someone with that shtick can still win an election for the Repubs against a weak candidate like Hillary.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Lets remember that outside of Ohio, Kasich won as many primary states as I did. Yes the guy has a surface level appeal and has played the Trumpocalypse well but there isn't a constituency for boring midwesterners in the modern GOP. Current Republican voters want the most extreme choice possible and that's not Kasich.

Except you're viewing it from the GOP primary perspective, not the general election perspective. Kasich could have drawn in a ton of independent/moderate voters. His main problem is that he could never get out of the primary because the GOP primary voters are crazy far right.

In a general election, he'd be a fantastic candidate. Not saying he'd beat Hillary (I think it's be extremely close), but he'd be solid.


No Scrubs
Except you're viewing it from the GOP primary perspective, not the general election perspective. Kasich could have drawn in a ton of independent/moderate voters. His main problem is that he could never get out of the primary because the GOP primary voters are crazy far right.

In a general election, he'd be a fantastic candidate.

Until his sexist tendencies got the better of him. The fact is the entire field was flawed this time around, short of Huntsman jumping in.


Professional Schmuck
Kasich is, on paper, the one to be worried about. He's a strong conservative. He has way more experience than Rubio. He is a popular governor. He doesn't have the baggage that the Bush family name brings.

Kasich would not have sent white, college educated voters running for the hills. It just wouldn't have happened. He'd have said some shitty things, and we'd have hit him, but he undoubtedly would have run way better than Trump.

The thing about looking at paper is that it doesn't wilt on stage. His actual policies and experience would send the same people running for the hills given even a moment's mainstream scrutiny, and that's without him ginning up rural racists with clearer dogwhistles. Kasich being a viable alternative to anything is fantasyland. Romney without the winning smile, GW Bush without the charm.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I know this is asking a lot, but I'd love to see proof that anyone was 'scared' of a psycho like Kasich with a face like Forbes' until Jeb and Rubio imploded. Because ... I don't think there is any evidence.

Not calling you out specifically, but he only sounds reasonable when compared to the most dangerous main party nominee ever. Hillary might get 380 against Trump, but wouldn't fare much worse against Kasich.

1. People really don't like Hillary (Democrats included)
2. There is a sizable portion of the electorate that wants change after 8 years of Democratic rule.
3. Kasich, on paper, is a fairly innocuous appearing Republican. He comes off as "sane" and "reasonable" enough that he would be able to peel off moderate Democrats willing to give the other team a chance.
4. The media would pound Hillary relentlessly now that an unpopular Dem would be running against a supposed "adult" Republican.
Except you're viewing it from the GOP primary perspective, not the general election perspective. Kasich could have drawn in a ton of independent/moderate voters. His main problem is that he could never get out of the primary because the GOP primary voters are crazy far right.

In a general election, he'd be a fantastic candidate. Not saying he'd beat Hillary (I think it's be extremely close), but he'd be solid.

No, I'm pointing out that the things that make him attractive to the general public are poison in the GOP primary. The Republicans need to find someone who can appeal to the base and then tack back to the center. So far Romney has done the best job of that.
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