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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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Yea, no. Literally no one cares about the speeches (outside of Bernie-stans that haven't given up the fight) and no one thinks the Foundation is corrupt outside the conservative bubble.

Bush could have given her a hard time, but everyone else in that primary was 1000% clown shoes.

It's not any one of these problems individually that's hurt her, it's the sheer collective weight of it all. Her mini-scandals (real or imagined) never leave the news. A few people care about the emails, a few people care about the foundation, a few people care about the paid speeches, a few people care about her flip-flops, until Hillary has underwater favorability and trustworthy numbers.


Kasich could only win one state in his own damn primary

Guy did not really have much appeal

she's so bad she stepped out of her ground-floor political office window and fell up through the glass ceiling

She cheated gravity, her secret is revealed


(feel like Kasich coming in 10th on that fucking panel of losers is a mic drop moment and y'all wanna talk Jon Huntsman now. smh)

Every single person on the planet recognized Kasich wasn't winning the nomination outside of convention fuckery. People were scared of him in some alternate universe he did. If he did win the nomination those results would have meant nothing because the Republican diehards would vote for him anyway.
If there's one thing I can be proud of myself for predicting during the primary season, it was Walker not being a real contender for the nomination, even when he was briefly being treated as the frontrunner. Having lived in Wisconsin, I knew just how much of a lightweight he was, and how weak the competition he had faced was throughout his political career.


Kasich would only have been scary if he won, but he was never, ever going to win. The appearance of moderation is a death sentence in the Republican primaries.


It will be interesting to see what establishment Republicans do in the future.

Will they try to reform their primary system that produces 'purists' who don't want to compromise and, likely in the future, nationalist populists? Will they concede on getting rid of gerrymandering in the future to get rid of safe seats that result in these 'purists' and nationalist populists winning elections? Will more establishment republicans start embracing more of the mainstream media and reject the conservative echo chamber as a bunch of deluded morons? Or will they actually adopt some populist policies without the racism and craziness to combat this attack on conservative orthodoxy.

Honestly, I am expecting that the Republican party will do none of those things and just languish nationally for quite a while until demographics completely destroy them, which then forces change. But that just might be my biases showing.


As long as the GOP doesn't lose their power to block legislation nothing will change. They don't need moderates when they don't need to craft legislation. An inanimate carbon rod could do the job.
As long as the GOP doesn't lose their power to block legislation nothing will change. They don't need moderates when they don't need to craft legislation. An inanimate carbon rod could do the job.

The Republicans strategy is to stall legislatively and then win in the courts and at the state level. If the Dems can flip the SC that changes the entire model as existing laws will be interpreted more liberally. Thats why McConnell was so adamant about not filling Scalia's seat this year.


Against a generic D or better Kasich would have struggled, but I think practically any Republican other than Trump would have beaten Hillary this time, even Cruz or Bush (but maybe not Carson).

A story that will probably be buried after the election by obituaries on Trump is the hubris of Hillary running in 2016 when she knew her email problems, foundation, and paid speeches would be big problems. She jeopardized the Democratic party's chances and we just got lucky with Trump.

False. People forget that Trump was the UNEXPECTED candidate. The Clinton campaign was ready to run against a more traditional like candidate Bush, Kasich and Rubio. The way she's running her campaign now is in response to the Trump dumpster fire. She'd be campaigning a lot more aggressively if she had to.

Seriously, go back and watch some of the early Republican debates and read the headlines they were generating. Hillary would have steamrolled all of them.
Must be a slow monday if we're still discussing 2020 in the afternoon. Come on guys, where are the latest tweets and political news. I'm a junkie and this is my opium den. I guess Trump didn't do anymore pivoting after dropping the Joe/Mika bomb?
The funny thing is trumps tweeting about some rumor about a supposed affair while his wife is suing the daily mail for defamation.

Dude is an all around hypocrite


No Scrubs
I know you really, really want it to...but it's not. The emails in question were already known to the FBI. It's just Judicial Watch doing what they always do.

Also a Washington Post writer really phoning in an article. I swear he couldn't have buried that lede any deeper in there if he tried.


The funny thing is trumps tweeting about some rumor about a supposed affair while his wife is suing the daily mail for defamation.

Dude is an all around hypocrite

Trump gonna Trump gonna dump gonna frump gonna lump gonna...

The emails are old and stale, like Rhianna and Chad Michaels.
False. People forget that Trump was the UNEXPECTED candidate. The Clinton campaign was ready to run against a more traditional like candidate Bush, Kasich and Rubio. The way she's running her campaign now is in response to the Trump dumpster fire. She'd be campaigning a lot more aggressively if she had to.

Seriously, go back and watch some of the early Republican debates and read the headlines they were generating. Hillary would have steamrolled all of them.
Hell the DNC back in 2013-2014 was doing a lot of work on digging up for 2016 including Trump. I interviewed for a position there during that time table for a researcher position totally dedicated to 2016.

This was before the 2014 elections
Isn't that kinda the per-requisite to getting the nomination?

One can still talk about the hypothetical of how strong a candidate he would be in a general election if he somehow got the nomination. If I were to put my assessment in the form of bullet points, it would be something like:

-Kasich is a weak Republican primary candidate.
-Despite that, if he did get through, he has a lot of upside as a general election candidate.
-That doesn't mean he's unbeatable; he has some very specific weaknesses and is untested on a national stage.
-Polling him is kind of pointless since of course a non-candidate will look great when no one is attacking them.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Rubio had the most upside, Jeb the least. People throwing money at Jeb seriously did not understand the Backlash the Bush name has.


As long as the GOP doesn't lose their power to block legislation nothing will change. They don't need moderates when they don't need to craft legislation. An inanimate carbon rod could do the job.

They do need to change if they want to win the presidency, which is the main goal of any political party. Republicans already have an uphill battle demographically, and the rest of toxic mess and fucked up incentives make it even worse.

Demographic projections are bad for Republicans and 2020, when the states will determine the districts, is a presidential year. That means that a lot more democrats will vote and will likely control or can at least block the gerrymandering fuckery of the Republicans.

If Republicans want to actually wield the power of government to enact the kind of change that they want to do they will need to change in some manner.



Just quoting this to laugh again at the absurdity of the Republican primary


Rubio had the most upside, Jeb the least. People throwing money at Jeb seriously did not understand the Backlash the Bush name has.

The problem is that rubio would be up against Hilary who has way more experience than him despite her flaws and is way more moderate than him on a lot of issues. We saw how badly christie destroyed him in one of the debates before the NH primary. We can expect hilary to probably do the same to him on the campaign trail and in presidential debates. The only good thing is that rubio would probably do way better with hispanics then trump will end up doing in this election. I could see rubio doing as bad as romney against hilary.

Also I highly doubt the republicans will have a shot at winning the presidency in 2020. Political parties don't usually come back from the type of defeat trump will face in November in the next election. There is no modern day nixon, eisenhower or reagen waiting to lead the republican party to victory in the next election.


1. People really don't like Hillary (Democrats included)
2. There is a sizable portion of the electorate that wants change after 8 years of Democratic rule.
3. Kasich, on paper, is a fairly innocuous appearing Republican. He comes off as "sane" and "reasonable" enough that he would be able to peel off moderate Democrats willing to give the other team a chance.
4. The media would pound Hillary relentlessly now that an unpopular Dem would be running against a supposed "adult" Republican.

I'm going on the record to say that I hate "change for change" sake argument that some people fall for (I know you aren't, I'm just decrying its something humans fall for). It's very clear to me why things are gridlocked and its pretty clear what the policy directions of each party are. If you legit think one side is better that's one thing, a conversation can be had. However, "well this hasn't gone as well as I would have liked, lets just do anything else" is a dumb way to vote. It's akin to saying "Well I haven't been able to open this pickle jar with my hands so I might as well try anything else even if that includes using C4!". If you don't think X is working, Y isn't automatically better. Sometimes its even worse!

Avatar the Last Airbender

It has like 2 filler episodes.

I'd say more than that but its still a good show overall. It won't be obvious why people like it so much at the very start though (I say this to Teggy)

Kasich came in fourth place in a three man race

2020 will be another unelectable conservative wacko.

This is funny because its true :p
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