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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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I don't know if I'll survive to the election.

Some reason it just hit me really hard during my not quite daily browse of Trumps twitter that I can't take it anymore. Don't know why but this is what broke the camels back I guess.

Donald J. TrumpVerified account
Some day, when things calm down, I'll tell the real story of @JoeNBC and his very insecure long-time girlfriend, @morningmika. Two clowns!

Then after a quick google and read of this WaPo article on it, really just cemented how frustrated I am that we live in a world where it's possible that Trump is a "serious" candidate for president. I'm actually pissed that there are people who support him. At this point, I think I've lost all respect for anyone who says they are going to vote for Trump. Maybe before I was giving some people the benefit of the doubt, but no more.

I understand why he made it, and why the GoP has become what it is. Maybe I'm just in a weird mood today but I feel I've decided I will take no shit from anyone about anything regarding the GoP. Not that I have done so recently, but I'm done believing there's any moderate wing left or that there's any rescuing the party. Screw Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell and McCain for being complete cowards and bending over for the Tea Party and now Trump. There's no way they haven't noticed they have been digging their own graves. Maybe a few years ago they thought, "Well, it'll only be a couple feet deep, we can still jump out," and now it's past six feet deep and they're looking at the prospect of being buried alive, considering whether or not they should keep going or just shoot themselves and end it. You can almost tell the they sometimes want out, but they're completely absorbed in their positions of power and the party and whatever happens to the country as a whole be damned.

I hope democrats win big this year, and go full on no fucks given. Don't let a lame duck Congress confirm Garland; they said we should wait for the next President to nominate a justice. If that's how they want to play, fine, let Hillary nominate a liberal justice. No take backs because your party lost the election.

I feel like I could rant a lot more but I'm ready to punch some stuff so I'll stop.
Hey, Poligaf, longtime lurker and newbie here.

I don't really have much to contribute to the Hillary vs. Kasich fantasy, but I had some friend who touted that he's a "true liberal" and that he would vote for Kasich over the "shill" apparently because he seems decent. He was a Berner so I didn't really try to argue with him.

I don't really like Kasich but if he was able to become the general republican nominee, I would be panicking 24/7 by now.

Tell your friend that Noam Chomsky, Bernie Sanders, and Elizabeth Warren think he's a dumb cunt.


Professional Schmuck
Hey, Poligaf, longtime lurker and newbie here.

I don't really have much to contribute to the Hillary vs. Kasich fantasy, but I had some friend who touted that he's a "true liberal" and that he would vote for Kasich over the "shill" apparently because he seems decent. He was a Berner so I didn't really try to argue with him.

I don't really like Kasich but if he was able to become the general republican nominee, I would be panicking 24/7 by now.

Debirudog! Welcome to PoliGAF, where our memes are dank and our panic is all fake.

I wouldn't trust anyone who had such a flimsy belief system that he would jump from Bernie to Kasich.

As for panicking, remember people are just bored. Kasich would fold under any scrutiny at all.

But that said, I do think he's on the very short list of people who comported themselves well on the right this cycle. VERY short list.

Last thing we need to be doing is getting complacent.

On one hand we have every credible poll showing Hillary winning every battleground state by 5-8 points. On the other hand you know October Surprise is coming.

SHIT I'm panicking now.
I think Kasich would have a good shot at beating Clinton. It's interesting to discuss in the sense that we're witnessing a very weird, one-in-a-generation race between Clinton and arguably the worst candidate in modern history (Trump). Take that away, give her a decent/sane opponent, and this would be an entirely different race. A lot of election metrics favor republicans, yet they nominated a completely un-electable candidate.

Hillary Clinton is one of the most disliked, least trusted candidates in recent memory. Running her against someone as calm and "likable" as Kasich would be interesting and create a very different election narrative (with the media fully on board for Kasich). I could see a 285 to 253 victory for Hillary, where Kasich carries Ohio and Florida.

Uh, cause the GOP hate machine has convinced a large portion of the population (including you) that she should be disliked and is untrustworthy, with their incessant sensationalism, half-truths, and blatant lying of the last several years, and ratcheted up even further in the last couple years. She's not inherently un unlikeable person, considering all the anecdotal evidence we have- she's unlikeable as the caricature the GOP has created of her, and it's sad that people like you take that at face value and act like it's by merit.


Tell your friend that Noam Chomsky, Bernie Sanders, and Elizabeth Warren think he's a dumb cunt.



Debirudog! Welcome to PoliGAF, where our memes are dank and our panic is all fake.

I wouldn't trust anyone who had such a flimsy belief system that he would jump from Bernie to Kasich.

As for panicking, remember people are just bored. Kasich would fold under any scrutiny at all.

But that said, I do think he's on the very short list of people who comported themselves well on the right this cycle. VERY short list.

Last thing we need to be doing is getting complacent.

On one hand we have every credible poll showing Hillary winning every battleground state by 5-8 points. On the other hand you know October Surprise is coming.

SHIT I'm panicking now.

My panic certainly isn't fake. My disgust as this overly long election cycle is.

It would be awesome if some rule could be put into place to limit the amount of people who could run for president at a time. We don't need 17 chucklefucks on either side every four years.
Hillary isn't running against Kasich, so why are we even talking about this? As soon as Kasich would become a real candidate, he would've been politicized the way any other candidate would've.

Also, these new Hillary emails need to stop. I'm on vacation and Judicial Watch shouldn't do that.
My panic certainly isn't fake. My disgust as this overly long election cycle is.

It would be awesome if some rule could be put into place to limit the amount of people who could run for president at a time. We don't need 17 chucklefucks on either side every four years.
There's already only two parties. Reducing the amount of options isn't really a good idea.
You'd think the Methodist Christian, motherly, grandmotherly, very affable, beer drinking, troop loving, laughing, Middle class, sassy woman that also happened to be one of the poorest white house families ever would be the most likable candidate this election. Especially over the casino owning magnate, the serial liar, the serial philanderer, racist, etc. other candidate.

But nope.
Hillary isn't running against Kasich, so why are we even talking about this? As soon as Kasich would become a real candidate, he would've been politicized the way any other candidate would've.

Also, these new Hillary emails need to stop. I'm on vacation and Judicial Watch shouldn't do that.

For some stupid reason Monmouth tested him vs. Hillary in their Ohio poll.


My panic certainly isn't fake. My disgust as this overly long election cycle is.

It would be awesome if some rule could be put into place to limit the amount of people who could run for president at a time. We don't need 17 chucklefucks on either side every four years.

chucklefucks you say?


I think the fact that there were so many just speaks to how many differences exist within the republican party. It was supposed to be Jeb! but you have people like Cruz and Fiorina and Carson coming in with the crazy. And then Trump....
Who says it's a bad thing? The story is, as one perceptive poster recently noted:

This was made public like a year ago. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/23/u...-emails-hillary-clinton-said-were-erased.html

But it keeps getting reported like its new every few months

Here's one from March http://thehill.com/policy/national-security/274230-lost-emails-discovered-from-clintons-server
Here's one from june: http://lawnewz.com/high-profile/fbi...n-clinton-server-during-e-mail-investigation/

This article is intentionally written to pretend this is a new revolation not some fighting with Judicial Watch trying to get these out so trump can use some innocuous line as "evidence" or something


Debirudog! Welcome to PoliGAF, where our memes are dank and our panic is all fake.

I wouldn't trust anyone who had such a flimsy belief system that he would jump from Bernie to Kasich.

As for panicking, remember people are just bored. Kasich would fold under any scrutiny at all.

But that said, I do think he's on the very short list of people who comported themselves well on the right this cycle. VERY short list.

Last thing we need to be doing is getting complacent.

On one hand we have every credible poll showing Hillary winning every battleground state by 5-8 points. On the other hand you know October Surprise is coming.

SHIT I'm panicking now.
Thanks! This is my favorite place to lurk in Gaf as I feel like I'm learning a lot about American politics. Being a young Hill-supporter is difficult, especially when you're in Oregon.

It surprised me to be honest. I mean, it was a long time ago and I tried telling him Kasich was more right-winged than he let himself appear to be but he just didn't really trust in Hillary even though I said if he really was liberal, he should vote her...but nope, he just doesn't trust her. :/

I didn't want to alienate him but I'm not surprised he's a Berner since this guy always complains about things being unbalanced in Smash 4 and shit talking about broken characters.


Wait, these 15,000 emails were emails the FBI already knew about and took into account, but just haven't been released publicly yet? And the story is a judge ordered State to set a timetable on release, spurred by FOIA from Judicial Watch?

Who the fuck cares then? I thought this might be something, but it's just a sensational way to say "15 thousand emails" in a headline. Lol.


Wait, these 15,000 emails were emails the FBI already knew about and took into account, but just haven't been released publicly yet? And the story is a judge ordered State to set a timetable on release, spurred by FOIA from Judicial Watch?

Who the fuck cares then? I thought this might be something, but it's just a sensational way to say "15 thousand emails" in a headline. Lol.

It's always about taking down that no good witch lol.


Wait, these 15,000 emails were emails the FBI already knew about and took into account, but just haven't been released publicly yet? And the story is a judge ordered State to set a timetable on release, spurred by FOIA from Judicial Watch?

Who the fuck cares then? I thought this might be something, but it's just a sensational way to say "15 thousand emails" in a headline. Lol.

Yup. They are literally just going to try and keep making this whole thing seem like it's something. It's the only thing they can really attack her on that has substance and it really hasn't worked.

Maybe I'm projecting, but I think people are tired of hearing about emails like Bernie said.


This is semantics, and nothing more
Who the fuck cares then? I thought this might be something, but it's just a sensational way to say "15 thousand emails" in a headline. Lol.

People who are interested in seeing what's in the emails? Which should be everyone, frankly. If there's absolutely nothing of interest in them--if it's all mundane personal chitchat--then it only buttresses the story Clinton tells about them.
At this point, if the media could promote one positive thing Clinton or Trump (even he has to have done something positive somewhere in his life) do, I'd welcome it as a change of pace. It's pure negativity right now between their coverage of the two.


Professional Schmuck
The old 'if you have nothing to hide, let me and the entire public see the emails I've been saying were a national security threat' tactic, huh.


People who are interested in seeing what's in the emails? Which should be everyone, frankly. If there's absolutely nothing of interest in them--if it's all mundane personal chitchat--then it only buttresses the story Clinton tells about them.

Ah, the nothing to hide argument. Sure, I'm interested in seeing a lot of politicians' emails on both sides... but I wonder why only Hillary's ever get released. Do you have any idea? It would be pretty neat to see the inner workings of the Republican Party, I think. Of course that wouldn't be too useful as a method to take down a potential president like in Hillary's case, since no Republican is likely to capture the White House for many years regardless.

I also do enjoy the Sony-esque announcements of announcements of release dates. They definitely know how to hype things up.

Considering you called me toxic last week, it would be very welcome!

I was only as serious as your posts are


This is semantics, and nothing more
If not, Meta's here to argument about meaningless semantics to a rather meaningless article. lol

I swear, one of these days I'm going to get dragged into explaining what is, and what is not, a semantic argument, and that will only seal my fate to bear this tag forever.

This was made public like a year ago. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/23/u...-emails-hillary-clinton-said-were-erased.html

But it keeps getting reported like its new every few months

Here's one from March http://thehill.com/policy/national-security/274230-lost-emails-discovered-from-clintons-server
Here's one from june: http://lawnewz.com/high-profile/fbi...n-clinton-server-during-e-mail-investigation/

This article is intentionally written to pretend this is a new revolation not some fighting with Judicial Watch trying to get these out so trump can use some innocuous line as "evidence" or something

1.) This is the first time we learned how many emails were recovered by the FBI. If I'm remembering it right, Comey left it at "several thousand." It's news that it's approximately 14,900, or roughly half of what was deleted.

2.) This is also the first time I've heard (at least) that the emails will be released to the public.

Some of you go to such bizarre lengths to defend Clinton, even when no defense is necessary. This isn't bad news, yet you still want to shoot the messenger.

What interests is there other than to find supposed damning evidence of Hillary even though she was found innocent???

That's one, sure. There's also just the interest in keeping tabs on the actions of government officials. On the flipside, there's the interest in having a cache of deleted emails that are predominantly personal and contain no damning information.

Oh, and she wasn't "found innocent."
The old 'if you have nothing to hide, let me and the entire public see the emails I've been saying were a national security threat' tactic, huh.

Republicans have nothing but conspiracies now. They know history will remember that their candidate was a white nationalist, and the only thing left is to try to drag the Dems down too.

It's a bad look, but what else can they do? Admit that the core appeal of the party has been racism for decades?
God, Gawker has its head up its ass more than any site I've ever seen.

What Thiel’s covert campaign against Gawker did was to invisibly change the terms of the risk calculation. The change begins with the post about Thiel’s sexual identity in a homophobic investor culture, the post Thiel now cites as the inspiration for his decision to destroy Gawker. It was solidly protected by media law and the First Amendment, as were the other posts that, as Thiel wrote, “attacked and mocked people”—specifically, his cohort of rising plutocrats in Silicon Valley. Hurting rich people’s feelings is, in principle, not a punishable offense.

"Some say that what we did accomplished literally nothing except causing extreme pain to others, but I say it's technically not illegal!"

I have never see Gawker writers apologize for any of the horrible things they've done.

Defending Gawker's right to exist is the most exhausting version of "hate your speech, fight to defend it" since I don't like a single human who works there.

FFS, the title of the article is called "Gawker Was Murdered By Gaslight." where they compare their plight to domestic abuse victims.


This is semantics, and nothing more
Ah, the nothing to hide argument. Sure, I'm interested in seeing a lot of politicians' emails on both sides... but I wonder why only Hillary's ever get released.

Stop wondering and start requesting. Not only is it not true that "only Hillary's ever get released," but if you want someone else's, and they're subject to FOIA, nobody's stopping you from getting them. Drop the persecution complex, already.

EDIT: And I'm not making a "nothing to hide argument," by which I take you to mean something like, "If she has nothing to hide, she should release the emails." I'm not talking about her, but about you. Are you really so disinterested in seeing what those emails contain? If they turn out to be completely innocuous, can I expect that you will not tout that fact? Or are you only interested in things that further your own political beliefs, and conveniently bored by things that tend to work against it?


Is anybody here planning on seeing the Barack and Michelle Obama first date movie?

I'll probably watch it when it his video. Don't see myself taking the time to go watch it in theaters, since it seems dramaless and hagiographic.
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