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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
I swear, one of these days I'm going to get dragged into explaining what is, and what is not, a semantic argument, and that will only seal my fate to bear this tag forever.

We should have can syntax argument such so complete set.
Yeah, if I had to guess, I would say Hillary is more likely than not a one-term president. I just hope the Republicans sort their mess out beforehand. (although that might be the only way they win IMO)

NeoGaf was certain that Obama would be a one term President, for more solid reasons.

We just don't know.


No Scrubs
God, Gawker has its head up its ass more than any site I've ever seen.

"Some say that what we did accomplished literally nothing except causing extreme pain to others, but I say it's technically not illegal!"

I have never see Gawker writers apologize for any of the horrible things they've done.

Defending Gawker's right to exist is the most exhausting version of "hate your speech, fight to defend it" since I don't like a single human who works there.

FFS, the title of the article is called "Gawker Was Murdered By Gaslight." where they compare their plight to domestic abuse victims.

Have you seen the NY Mag article by a former editor? He freely admits fault, but goddamn his head was all the way up his ass and he was in total denial about what Gawker really was.
: throws up violently :


Is anybody here planning on seeing the Barack and Michelle Obama first date movie?

I'll probably watch it when it his video. Don't see myself taking the time to go watch it in theaters, since it seems dramaless and hagiographic.

What? This is a real thing?


Is anybody here planning on seeing the Barack and Michelle Obama first date movie?

I'll probably watch it when it his video. Don't see myself taking the time to go watch it in theaters, since it seems dramaless and hagiographic.
I didn't hear about it until now. There's a ton of good movies I've been skipping.

I would love to see a Obama-drama biopic though. I've been imagining how it would be played and directed.


It is too bad though that Rubio never got to lose to Hillary. That would have been the best 2nd place victory speech you ever saw.

"To be absolutely clear, I came in third place, and Hillary Clinton came in second place. First place is Jesus Christ."

Is anybody here planning on seeing the Barack and Michelle Obama first date movie?

I'll probably watch it when it his video. Don't see myself taking the time to go watch it in theaters, since it seems dramaless and hagiographic.

Only if it gets great reviews

I still need to read Obama's books lol


Ugh, these new emails are a whole bunch of nothing. They're aren't new to the FBI. They had them and took them into account before their decision to not prosecute Clinton, which means there's nothing in them that will really hurt her, just make this damn story continue.

Just took a peek at #HillarysEmails on Twitter and, besides it being a collage and representation of the deranged anti-Hillary part of the Internet, they were concentrating on the fact that there's one email where some guy who once donated to the Clinton Foundation (it doesn't say) asked to talk to Hillary before she met with an Israeli diplomat.

How is this controversial? I mean, yeah, I get that many voters aren't comfortable with the idea that powerful people talk to each other, especially people who once donated money to the Clinton Foundation, but Obama can't talk to anyone who once donated to his campaign, like Warren Buffet? or what if Oprah suddenly asked to talk with Obama about something?

It's all just amorphous anger at elites, isn't? And Hillary's shoddy way of explaining things.


Unconfirmed Member
God, Gawker has its head up its ass more than any site I've ever seen.

"Some say that what we did accomplished literally nothing except causing extreme pain to others, but I say it's technically not illegal!"

I have never see Gawker writers apologize for any of the horrible things they've done.

Defending Gawker's right to exist is the most exhausting version of "hate your speech, fight to defend it" since I don't like a single human who works there.

FFS, the title of the article is called "Gawker Was Murdered By Gaslight." where they compare their plight to domestic abuse victims.

I remember a lot of them publically speaking out on twitter last year after that article outing the CFO of Conde Nast as gay, which does take some bravery to speak out against your employer and co-workers like that.

And it's not just Gawker writers that are seeing something wrong with how the whole thing is going down, regardless of how terrible Gawker might be.


No Scrubs
I remember a lot of them publically speaking out on twitter last year after that article outing the CFO of Conde Nast as gay, which does take some bravery to speak out against your employer and co-workers like that.

And it's not just Gawker writers that are seeing something wrong with how the whole thing is going down, regardless of how terrible Gawker might be.

To my recollection the Gawker writers were defending it, everyone else was speaking out.


Stop wondering and start requesting. Not only is it not true that "only Hillary's ever get released," but if you want someone else's, and they're subject to FOIA, nobody's stopping you from getting them. Drop the persecution complex, already.

I'm not being persecuted, it can't be a persecution complex. You probably mean persecution by proxy complex. Does that exist? Let's say it does. Anyway, I don't have that either.

Are you really so disinterested in seeing what those emails contain? If they turn out to be completely innocuous, can I expect that you will not tout that fact? Or are you only interested in things that further your own political beliefs, and conveniently bored by things that tend to work against it?

Well, a couple things. We already know the emails are innocuous, or the FBI would have recommended prosecution. So there's no "turn out to be", just "is". That's the entire point you're missing or willfully ignoring; we know there's no there there, it's all sound and fury and headlines. At some point you get tired of the constant scandals that never really seem to pan out. Let's see some real scandals. Where the real scandals at?

Also, I promise you I will not tout anything about what is or isn't in Hillary's emails, except insofar as it results a funny meme.

Pls print.
: throws up violently :
Ann Coulter on Khizr Khan: "We're all going to be living under Shariah law if this guy has his way"
“To have this angry Muslim standing with his hajjib-wearing wife — saying nothing — haranguing us, telling us lies about our Constitution,” she continued. “You know, what he should’ve been doing was waving Sharia law and telling Americans to read it instead of telling Trump to read the Constitution, because we’re all going to be living under Sharia law if this guy has his way.”


Stop wondering and start requesting. Not only is it not true that "only Hillary's ever get released," but if you want someone else's, and they're subject to FOIA, nobody's stopping you from getting them. Drop the persecution complex, already.

EDIT: And I'm not making a "nothing to hide argument," by which I take you to mean something like, "If she has nothing to hide, she should release the emails." I'm not talking about her, but about you. Are you really so disinterested in seeing what those emails contain? If they turn out to be completely innocuous, can I expect that you will not tout that fact? Or are you only interested in things that further your own political beliefs, and conveniently bored by things that tend to work against it?

I'd love to put in a FOIA request for Mitch McConnell or Jason Chaffetz except that Congress is NOT subject to FOIA.


Congress, the federal courts, and parts of the Executive Office of the President that function solely to advise and assist the President, are NOT subject to the FOIA.
A Trump surrogate just now is trying to square Trump's deportation policy with what he wants from a Trump immigration plan, i.e. a way to make them legal residents. Trump has said that he wants a mass deportation force.

His answer? roughly: "Well that is deportation. We process them, and then they leave the processing facility, and that's a deportation. It's more of a rhetorical deportation."

And then again: "Well, yes, it's deportation. It's not a deportation like putting them on a bus and out of the country."

Wtf am I listening to...


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Stop wondering and start requesting. Not only is it not true that "only Hillary's ever get released," but if you want someone else's, and they're subject to FOIA, nobody's stopping you from getting them. Drop the persecution complex, already.

EDIT: And I'm not making a "nothing to hide argument," by which I take you to mean something like, "If she has nothing to hide, she should release the emails." I'm not talking about her, but about you. Are you really so disinterested in seeing what those emails contain? If they turn out to be completely innocuous, can I expect that you will not tout that fact? Or are you only interested in things that further your own political beliefs, and conveniently bored by things that tend to work against it?

You can't be serious...

We're against them releasing this shit because while none of us believes there's any smoking gun, there ARE going to be tons of emails leaked strategically and out of context by Republicans that serve no purpose other than embarrassing Hillary.
I swear, one of these days I'm going to get dragged into explaining what is, and what is not, a semantic argument, and that will only seal my fate to bear this tag forever.

Why wait? :p

Your first three posts on this topic were to clarify the meaning of an article and it's newsworthiness. Does that not at least dip it's toes into the semantics pool?


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
A Trump surrogate just now is trying to square Trump's deportation policy with what he wants from a Trump immigration plan, i.e. a way to make them legal residents. Trump has said that he wants a mass deportation force.

His answer? roughly: "Well that is deportation. We process them, and then they leave the processing facility, and that's a deportation. It's more of a rhetorical deportation."

And then again: "Well, yes, it's deportation. It's not a deportation like putting them on a bus and out of the country."

Wtf am I listening to...

Like I said yesterday (and was called a conspiracy theorist): The Trump campaign WANTED that to leak.

Now they can play the game of "Say what this group wants to hear directly to them, say what that group wants to hear when I talk to them later." It's obvious by the way they're dancing around the issue. They just want enough misinformation out there to where people aren't sure what the deal is.


Holy shit, my local news actually covered the email story correctly.

It's not difficult. You begin reading the story thinking that these are "Never before seen!" emails from Hillary's secret server in a mountain.

Then as you write your headline and read a bit more, it says "The FBI discovered the emails during their investigation this year and before Comey cleared Clinton of any chargers", you're like "huh, well, ok".

If you're an editor feeling a bit of Hillary-hate, then you could say "Hillary didn't hand over these emails initially", and that may be a bit controversial, but, again, there's little proof they new these emails were work related. You're left with just more of the same.

And that's it. But, yeah, I wish Hillary was less secretive than this. Would've saved us a lot of trouble.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
It's not difficult. You begin reading the story thinking that these are "Never before seen!" emails from Hillary's secret server in a mountain.

Then as you write your headline and read a bit more, it says "The FBI discovered the emails during their investigation this year and before Comey cleared Clinton of any chargers", you're like "huh, well, ok".

If you're an editor feeling a bit of Hillary-hate, then you could say "Hillary didn't hand over these emails initially", and that may be a bit controversial, but, again, there's little proof they new these emails were work related. You're left with just more of the same.

And that's it. But, yeah, I wish Hillary was less secretive than this. Would've saved us a lot of trouble.

There world be something else. Clinton is held to a different standard.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
If they found almost 15k emails that weren't originally given by HIllary and her lawyers, why did Comey not mention them until now?
Like I said yesterday (and was called a conspiracy theorist): The Trump campaign WANTED that to leak.

Now they can play the game of "Say what this group wants to hear directly to them, say what that group wants to hear when I talk to them later." It's obvious by the way they're dancing around the issue. They just want enough misinformation out there to where people aren't sure what the deal is.
No, the Trump campaign obviously did not want this to leak out of a closed door meeting, because it undercuts his entire appeal and makes him look like a boldfaced liar. Yes, I agree he wanted to lie during the meeting, but IT DOESN'T WORK IF EVERYONE SEES BOTH LIES AT THE SAME TIME. Your theory is insane.


If they found almost 15k emails that weren't originally given by HIllary and her lawyers, why did Comey not mention them until now?

He did, but it wasn't news because tt's been reported again and again every couple of months.

The difference is that Judicial Watch managed to make them public and got an exact amount, about 15,000. That's the news. But the FBI already went through them.


Trump has apparently cancelled rallies in Oregon, Nevada and Colarado.

Oregon I get, but Nevada and Colorado? Colorado is definitely out of reach for them, but I wouldn't have thought he quit it this early. Even Hillary is still going to Michigan once in awhile and it's also Safe D.
I wonder if no one is investigating the "who knew about Hastert being a child rapist" thing because they're scared of what they'll find or because no one cares about the Speaker of the House being a child rapist.


Trump has apparently cancelled rallies in Oregon, Nevada and Colarado.


I actually thought about going to the Portland rally out of twisted curiosity.

Though I expect he cancelled the Portland events because his big donors bailed on him when their names became public. Not even really sure what was going on there.

He had events in Seattle scheduled for the same trip, so if he's not canceling those the "scheduling" bit is an obvious feint.
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