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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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how did they not learn from the tea party lady who said it was Obama/Clinton who caused the death of the soldier

I think this is pretty much clear the Manafort is just clocking in and not giving a shit anymore, you don't make that mistake twice (especially when you're the campaign manager)
See Pierson I can see making this mistake. Time and time again she has proven to be nuts and not really on her game. In fact I don't know how or why she was hired. What is she good at doing for her candidates?

But Manafort is supposed to be some political savant. Or maybe that only works in countries "electing" dictators.
Yeah, it's fascinating, especially since it's quickly becoming a pattern for Manafort. I mean, first you had the Melania Trump stuff where he was caught with pants down, completely denying that any plagiarism had occurred at all. Then you for some reason, completely inexplicably, had him on TV attempting to deny that he himself or anyone in the Trump campaign had anything at all to do with the change in the Republican party platform that called for lethal weapons to be provided to Ukraine to help them defend themselves against Russia just be completely removed, something that no one even attempted denying during the convention itself since it's directly traceable back to them and there's absolutely no debate on that front. And now this.

Like seriously, the platform stuff is the most baffling thing at all. Why would he lie about that, and why now instead of during the convention? It's on the record, there's no debate about it, and after he was already caught with his pants on fire once to say something that's completely, 100% demonstrably false like that instead of just trying to somehow spin it or something... I just don't get it. Manafort's behavior has definitely been completely bizarre and it's fascinating.
how did they not learn from the tea party lady who said it was Obama/Clinton who caused the death of the soldier

I think this is pretty much clear the Manafort is just clocking in and not giving a shit anymore, you don't make that mistake twice (especially when you're the campaign manager)
Yup.. This to me is Trump wanting him to keep going at this and Manafort not giving a damn and doing it just to make Trump happy since the prospects of somehow are minuscule at best.
Nick ConfessoreVerified account
Full statement from Seth Klarman, major Republican donor/raiser, on backing Clinton.





A new Rasmussen Reports telephone and online survey finds Clinton with 44% support to Republican nominee Donald Trump’s 40%. Six percent (6%) prefer Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson, while three percent (3%) back Green Party candidate Jill Stein. Another three percent (3%) prefer some other candidate, and four percent (4%) remain undecided.


Neo Member
I live in Maine, where the orange idiot is going to be today.

I'm pondering going to his stupid rally, acting like a supporter, and getting his attention to ask why he is being so "establishment" by letting his advisors and the republicans script him and tell him what to say. Tell him that we are voting for him and supporting him because he's real and says whats on his mind, not reads from a script written by the establishment.

Now, I don't have tickets, but seriously if someone disguised as a supporter said this shit to him there's no way he wouldn't go off script for a bit to prove that he's still "keeping it real" and it would be a great way to ensure he keeps saying stupid shit.
I hope Toomey is knocked out by Trump. He hasn't explicitly endorsed him and has been trying to distance himself from him but I don't think he will escape the downward spiral unless something changes quick.


Christ, those Rass numbers. Trump sinking like a stone.

Also, it's from a week ago, but I was just reading the Houston Chronicle's endorsement of Hillary:

Any one of Trump's less-than-sterling qualities - his erratic temperament, his dodgy business practices, his racism, his Putin-like strongman inclinations and faux-populist demagoguery, his contempt for the rule of law, his ignorance - is enough to be disqualifying. His convention-speech comment, "I alone can fix it," should make every American shudder. He is, we believe, a danger to the Republic.

We could go on with issues, including her plans for sensible gun safety and for combatting terrorism - her policy positions are laid out in detail on her campaign web site - but issues in this election are almost secondary to questions of character and trustworthiness. We reject the "cartoon version" of Hillary Clinton (again to borrow her husband's phrase) in favor of a presidential candidate who has the temperament, the ability and the experience to lead this nation.

These are unsettling times, even if they're not the dark, dystopian end times that Trump lays out. They require a steady hand. That's not Donald Trump.

The times also require a person who envisions a hopeful future for this nation, a person who has faith in the strong, prosperous and confident America we hope to bequeath our children and grandchildren, as first lady Michelle Obama so eloquently envisioned in Philadelphia. That's not Donald Trump's America.

It is Hillary Clinton's, who reminded her listeners Thursday night that "When there are no ceilings, the sky's the limit."


I love how it took Donald Trump for the MSM to finally grow some nuts. This lady on MSNBC is not taking any shit from this Trump-stan.
I noticed Drudge said yesterday MSNBC has been beating CNN in ratings during the election, especially the last couple weeks. Really seems like people want an anti-Trump platform right now, and CNN's coddling of him is hurting them.


The Autumn Wind
I noticed Drudge said yesterday MSNBC has been beating CNN in ratings during the election, especially the last couple weeks. Really seems like people want an anti-Trump platform right now, and CNN's coddling of him is hurting them.
I know that all the awful Trump surrogates they parade out has certainly made me watch CNN a whole lot less. They're insufferable and I don't see what the network feels they gain from having them on. They bring any discussion to a screeching halt by either completely lying about something, falling right into Trump talking points that have nothing to do with the actual discussion, or just saying some completely hateful shit.


I know that all the awful Trump surrogates they parade out has certainly made me watch CNN a whole lot less. They're insufferable and I don't see what the network feels they gain from having them on. They bring any discussion to a screeching halt by either completely lying about something, falling right into Trump talking points that have nothing to do with the actual discussion, or just saying some completely hateful shit.
Scottie Nell Hughes makes me want to go to the CNN set just so that I can argue with her. She's so damn dumb.


No Scrubs
I noticed Drudge said yesterday MSNBC has been beating CNN in ratings during the election, especially the last couple weeks. Really seems like people want an anti-Trump platform right now, and CNN's coddling of him is hurting them.

Which is kind of funny because everyone who isn't a Trump talking head is constantly going in on him. They should just get rid of the Trump heads.


I know that all the awful Trump surrogates they parade out has certainly made me watch CNN a whole lot less. They're insufferable and I don't see what the network feels they gain from having them on. They bring any discussion to a screeching halt by either completely lying about something, falling right into Trump talking points that have nothing to do with the actual discussion, or just saying some completely hateful shit.

I don't watch it anymore because of that


One of my favorite things about MSNBC primetime is that Maddow often does a history lesson before she addresses a current-day topic. Yesterday was a good example: in the context of discussing situations where a party disavows its own candidate, she showed news clips of David Duke's 1989 run for Congress, complete with news footage of Poppa Bush was publicly pushing folks to vote against him.

CNN pales in comparison. They strike me as lazy.. it seems much easier to get a few adversarial commentator heads in boxes yelling at each other instead of doing research and editing together a cohesive report on a topic.
One of my favorite things about MSNBC primetime is that Maddow often does a history lesson before she addresses a current-day topic. Yesterday was a good example: in the context of discussing situations where a party disavows its own candidate, she showed news clips of David Duke's 1989 run for Congress, complete with video segments where Poppa Bush was publicly pushing folks to vote against him.

CNN pales in comparison. They strike me as lazy.. it seems much easier to get a few adversarial commentator heads in boxes yelling at each other instead of doing research and editing together a cohesive report on a topic.

As a show, I love Rachel. Her show is great when she's not having to cover news as it's happening. When she covers things like the convention and whatever, she tries way, way too hard to give hot takes and she tries too hard to be non-partisan. She swings too far. I don't know if it's Brian who makes it worse, but there's definitely a difference between "The Rachel Maddow Show" Rachel and "Decision 2016" Rachel.

And it's kind of weird to watch. I didn't notice it until the RNC/DNC started.


538 Now-Cast showing HillDawg winning at 91.6% makes me very, very erect.

(Polls only: 77.7% for HillDawg, Polls plus: 72.6%)
whata going o at msnbc
Basically, what happened was Trump supporters bringing up the "Trump's a counter-puncher" stuff in regards to the Khan stuff as to why he couldn't stay on message--whenever he's attacked, he's going to punch back, etc, etc. And then they went in on that, saying if that's the case, if he's really a "counter-puncher"... then why isn't he responding to Warren Buffett's attacks and his challenge to release his tax returns? If he's someone who's going to respond to every single attack, why has he been acting like Buffett doesn't even exist? And going all in, asking is Trump someone who only punches down to people like the Khan's, and refuses to actually punch up or at people on his actual playing field? And then implying if he really is a "counter-puncher" at all or just a coward weakling who only picks fights with those who knows he can win against. And them not really being sure how to respond. It was great.


As a show, I love Rachel. Her show is great when she's not having to cover news as it's happening. When she covers things like the convention and whatever, she tries way, way too hard to give hot takes and she tries too hard to be non-partisan. She swings too far. I don't know if it's Brian who makes it worse, but there's definitely a difference between "The Rachel Maddow Show" Rachel and "Decision 2016" Rachel.

And it's kind of weird to watch. I didn't notice it until the RNC/DNC started.

I'm actually at the exact opposite space. I love MSNBC particularly when they have Joe, Brian, schmidt, Nicole on because for the most part they give reasoned points and don't act like surrogates or spin artists.

I want debate and discussion - not talking point drivel and yelling at each other - MSNBC is the only place that pulls it off.
I showed the video with the racist outbursts from Trump supporters to a couple of my female minority friends who are voting for Trump. I was trying to explain to them why I am voting against Trump (not necessarily for Clinton as there is a lot of stuff that she's done that I can't defend). They are so religious though that they are still voting for Trump because of pro-life. They know I'm not religious at all and am vehemently pro choice, so the "well, you don't understand" counter argument comes out. I can't get through to them and they are FL voters. Sorry guys, I tried.
Basically, what happened was Trump supporters bringing up the "Trump's a counter-puncher" stuff in regards to the Khan stuff as to why he couldn't stay on message--whenever he's attacked, he's going to punch back, etc, etc. And then they went in on that, saying if that's the case, if he's really a "counter-puncher"... then why isn't he responding to Warren Buffett's attacks and his challenge to release his tax returns? If he's someone who's going to respond to every single attack, why has he been acting like Buffett doesn't even exist? And going all in, asking is Trump someone who only punches down to people like the Khan's, and refuses to actually punch up or at people on his actual playing field? And then implying if he really is a "counter-puncher" at all or just a coward weakling who only picks fights with those who knows he can win against. And them not really being sure how to respond. It was great.

damn i wanna see this
Basically, what happened was Trump supporters bringing up the "Trump's a counter-puncher" stuff in regards to the Khan stuff as to why he couldn't stay on message--whenever he's attacked, he's going to punch back, etc, etc. And then they went in on that, saying if that's the case, if he's really a "counter-puncher"... then why isn't he responding to Warren Buffett's attacks and his challenge to release his tax returns? If he's someone who's going to respond to every single attack, why has he been acting like Buffett doesn't even exist? And going all in, asking is Trump someone who only punches down to people like the Khan's, and refuses to actually punch up or at people on his actual playing field? And then implying if he really is a "counter-puncher" at all or just a coward weakling who only picks fights with those who knows he can win against. And them not really being sure how to respond. It was great.

Thanks for the recap. Sounds awesome!


aka andydumi
Yes this was the doomsday scenario even before Trump officially won the nom, to focus on down ticket races and give members the freedom to burn Trump if that's what it takes to survive. We are seeing some of this already. I guess it's just hard for me to imagine the Republican party saying ok Hillary, person we loathe, take it. Plus I just don't trust polls this far out.

It's a more fruitful and safe approach than having Trump in there. Business would prefer a known quantity than unpredictability. And the R party would get a new chance in 4 years to try again with a more moderate candidate if they can successfully keep Congress and obstruct as best they can for 4 years.
Trump isn't in the same league as Buffett and Bloomberg. Let alone on the playing field.

Buffet, Bloomberg, and probably even Cuban can bitch slap Trump because they are richer than he is, sometimes way richer.

I would like to see the billionaires against Trump trend continue with some humanist people that, at the very least seem to, care about social justice, climate change, and improve the lives of everyone to come out for Clinton/against Trump. Someone like Gates, Zuckerberg, and Musk come to mind.


Local update:
- Evan Bayh still carpet-bombing Indiana airwaves with positive ads about all the stuff he's done. Occasional negative SuperPAC ad against him but those are probably outnumbered 5 to 1.

- Buddy (moderate Republican who lives in Ohio) is so fed up with Trump he's voting for Hillary. He was a never-Trump person though, but nice to have his vote.

- Trump people at work are pretty quiet. Probably the most vocal pro-Trump person in office said "Trump needs to learn to keep his mouth shut, election won't need to be rigged because he brought it on himself!"

- A LiUNA! for Hillary sign appeared on the drive into work to counter act the two Trump signs. I suspect we'll see increased signage as we get closer.
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