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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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I love that Cher is at the age where she doesn't give any fucks and is just going to say what she wants to say. I'd pay a thousand bucks to go to a fundraising dinner where Cher and a few old black folks talked shit about the GOP for a half-hour on stage while I ate.


Clinton Foundation stuff isn't great.

And what's with these emails that the FBI didn't have? Anything major or is the media just hyperventilating?

There's absolutely nothing so far that has been reported in the Clinton Foundation story that is anywhere close to unethical. If anything it shows that donors had far more limited access than assumed, as reports showed that donors wanting access were routinely denied.


There's absolutely nothing so far that has been reported in the Clinton Foundation story that is anywhere close to unethical. If anything it shows that donors had far more limited access than assumed, as reports showed that donors wanting access were routinely denied.

Problem is the media actually needs to report on what the Clinton Foundation actually when they mention stuff like this, since stupid people are going to think it's a scam and not a great charity that does things like get hundreds of thousands of people in Africa HIV/AIDS drugs and treatment.
This Huma shit is exactly why Hillary doesn't even care about looking corrupt or not.

This is a ludicrous conspiracy that depends HEAVILY on the word of one guy who faked his entire life story and says that Obama is a Muslim. And yet, the top editor of the National Review got hired by the National Review for pushing this story.
The Clinton Foundation stuff is like baby's first election stuff.

Politicians meet with donors to their own campaigns all of the time. Let alone to a charity they're associated with.
the clinton foundation thing is beyond fucked up, its just that trump is an even more terrible candidate

@mattyglesias 3h3 hours ago
To generate “more than half” they need to exclude all officials of the US and foreign governments from the denominator.

@mattyglesias 3h3 hours ago
And the smoking gun is that Clinton went out of her way to help a Nobel Peace Prize winner who was having trouble with a foreign government?

@mattyglesias 3h3 hours ago
The other gotcha: She sat at the same table as the wife of the Kennedy Center’s chairman while attending the Kennedy Center Honors.

@mattyglesias 1h1 hour ago Washington, DC
If it were true that she only met or spoke on the phone with 154 people over four years, that would be a scandal.

We have very different definitions of "beyond fucked".

This is a really serious deal that could torpedo Hillary's entire campaign and the next week is do-or-die.

I know, once it gets out that she talked to a Nobel Peace Prize winner, she's sunk.
People do know that politicians spend well over half of their time raising money, right?

This is a stupid defense. We should defend the clinton foundation on the fact it was a charity and there was no conflict of interest

saying others do it is stupid.

especially when its defending real conflicts (political cash) with non-real ones (charity)


This is a really serious deal that could torpedo Hillary's entire campaign and the next week is do-or-die.



The Clinton Foundation stuff is like baby's first election stuff.

Politicians meet with donors to their own campaigns all of the time. Let alone to a charity they're associated with.

Strong this.

This is literally how 90% of all ambassador positions are filled (and have been filling for the entire 20th century by both parties). The question becomes, when you are as well known and connected as the Clintons, is meeting with anyone who is also a donor regardless of the substance of their argument unethical. I'm on the side of no, unless their was a substantive change in policy on behalf of said donors and there is no current evidence of that occurring.
Hilary should of known better than to use a stupid, private email server. None of this would be happening. Like, where the fuck were her people to dissuade her of this?


Hilary should of known better than to use a stupid, private email server. None of this would be happening. Like, where the fuck were her people to dissuade her of this?

Please, if it wasn't emails, it'd be something else. She was pretty dumb politically to do so, but it'd just be some other minor thing that's suddenly a huge scandal instead.
The private email server has nothing to do with it. She still would have mishandled the emails if the same exact thing had happened with a government email. It still would have been subject to the FoIA and we'd still be talking about this.

The truth is that if you spend as much time in politics or even a decent amount of time in politics and you have as many people after you as the Clinton's do then stuff is going to pop up. Or it can even be non political like the Ayers controversy.


Hilary should of known better than to use a stupid, private email server. None of this would be happening. Like, where the fuck were her people to dissuade her of this?

The email think is the only thing I wish she could go back in time and just not do it.

But people freaking out over this new thing need to chill. I genuinely believe most people just don't care about this stuff. Unless there is evidence showing wrongdoing this is just another "it just looks bad'. Even though the charity was doing good work and there appears to be no conflict of interest.

The Clintons especially Hillary has been getting shit for decades. She's a very prominent figure in our country and the world. It's no shock her opponents are going to try and attack her on anything.

The only way she avoids any of this is if she was locked in a room for 30 years and wasn't allowed to do anything.

Basically my point is. No matter what she does. No matter how much good she does. She'll get shit for it.
Please, if it wasn't emails, it'd be something else. She was pretty dumb politically to do so, but it'd just be some other minor thing that's suddenly a huge scandal instead.

Yea but this email shit just makes her look untrustworthy. That's not the perception you want when you're running for president.
Yea but this email shit just makes her look untrustworthy. That's not the perception you want when you're running for president.

People have been questioning her trustworthiness forever. It's baked in at this point and is not going to change much. She is lucky to not have a sane opponent using it against her, but there is no need to freak out


Yea but this email shit just makes her look untrustworthy. That's not the perception you want when you're running for president.

People have questioned that forever. It didn't start with this. Sure the emails don't help that narrative, but it's been there.

It comes from people who just don't like her so they make up bs reasons why. She's untrustworthy or She doesn't come off as "genuine".


People have questioned that forever. It didn't start with this. Sure the emails don't help that narrative, but it's been there.

It comes from people who just don't like her so they make up bs reasons why. She's untrustworthy or She doesn't come off as "genuine".

This. Clinton was always hated even her years as first lady.
Does Trump (and ... some supporters?) not understand that Clinton Foundation money isn't, like, raw cash that the Clintons can access at will and get to mess around with? It's a goddamn charity. In Trump's universe, everything named Trump is his shit and something he can control, so it's impossible to confused with anything else.

There's no actual story at the end of the day. Even if you want to laughably say that a few encounters happened to match up with long lists of people implies paid access, you're only halfway there. Even the most paranoid person who wants to believe the "pay" part has zero evidence of the "play" part. The hell would "play" even be, anyway? Someone from another country pays X dollars to a charity and then ... win? It's underpants gnome territory. The SOS doesn't do trade deals. Congress has to pass those. SOS doesn't deal in military contracts. The Pentagon does that. Is there even one single hint of a single favor, anywhere, ever? And if yes, what was it? Did some foreign leaders want booty call access to Biden? I guess that's a theoretically possible thing someone might ask for.
I can't believe people in here are excited for FF XV.
It's going to be freaking terrible, but I have to buy it anyway. It's been TEN DAMN YEARS. I have to see this through to the end, regardless of the outcome. "Excited" isn't the right word at all. Dread might be more appropriate. The thought of starting the game and doing the Cidney sequence makes me groan. It'll meta around 70 and be the poster child for games that try way too damn hard to do everything but end up being great at nothing.
Speaking of embarrassing rpgs I thank god I live alone when I play Atelier games.
Hey now! Well, same, but so cruel! They're harmless! It's like the video game equivalent of watching my little pony.
...Okay, carry on. I solved my own question and made myself sad.


I don't know how some of yall will make it to election night.

Some of yall should prepare yourselves for the first debate as well. If the moderator is doing their job BOTH candidates will be hit hard, and they should be. Wasn't it reported Trump isn't doing any debate prep.

One thing about all of this is that hopefully it's preparing Clinton and her team with what to expect to be attacked on and asked about during these debates.
Even 1 week until the election, Hillary could be up by 10 points and people will still say something will come out at the last moment to sink her.

Yet we have a year (aka 2 decades) of Trump saying/doing sketchy things and the right-wing throwing every single conspiracy and scandal Killary's way but no one's afraid that dumpster fire will sink itself?

I guess I get it. It's scary this year, and the stakes feel higher than ever, but I kinda just wish the 8th of November was here already so this sad chapter in US politics can be over.

Only saddened more by the fact it'll never be over.


I don't know how some of yall will make it to election night.

Some of yall should prepare yourselves for the first debate as well. If the moderator is doing their job BOTH candidates will be hit hard, and they should be. Wasn't it reported Trump isn't doing any debate prep.

One thing about all of this is that hopefully it's preparing Clinton and her team with what to expect to be attacked on and asked about during these debates.

Hillary was hit hard during the Primary debates as well. She was fine.
But God I hope she comes up with a better answer for the emails.

My only concern is that I hope she's prepared for the ways Trump is going to attack her. Her campaign keeps saying that Hillary is used to people attacking her, but no... Hillary has not had someone publicly say the kind of vile, disrespectful, school yard things Trump will say to her face.

Hillary doesn't need a political mind as a debate partner. She needs an insult comic. Lol


Hillary was hit hard during the Primary debates as well. She was fine.
But God I hope she comes up with a better answer for the emails.

My only concern is that I hope she's prepared for the ways Trump is going to attack her. Her campaign keeps saying that Hillary is used to people attacking her, but no... Hillary has not had someone publicly say the kind of vile, disrespectful, school yard things Trump will say to her face.

Hillary doesn't need a political mind as a debate partner. She needs an insult comic. Lol

It sucks but she won't come up with a better answer for those emails lol. But yea she kinda needs to be above the fray but also be able to hit back when it comes to Trump in these debates.

I do not expect a tempered Trump. Especially since he won't have a teleprompter.

Not to mention the polls still don't look great for Trump. Like I'm wondering if he's close to another outbreak of stupid soon.


Washington Post: Inside Donald Trump’s new strategy to counter the view of him as ‘racist’

Donald Trump is rapidly trying to turn around his presidential campaign with a vigorous and at times strained effort to shed a label applied to him by a substantial portion of the electorate: Racist.

Guided by his new campaign leadership, the Republican nominee has ordered a full-fledged strategy to court black and Latino voters and is mobilizing scores of minority figures to advocate publicly for his candidacy.

Trump is planning trips to urban areas — with stops at churches, charter schools and small businesses in black and Latino communities
— and is developing an empowerment agenda based on the economy and education, aides said. Under consideration is an early September visit to Detroit, where retired neurosurgeon and former Republican primary rival Ben Carson would guide him on a tour of the impoverished neighborhoods where he grew up.

Trump’s team also hopes to exploit what the campaign’s internal poll of black voters nationally shows to be a potential vulnerability for Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton once voters are informed of the crime policy record of former president Bill Clinton, according to two Trump associates.

At his rallies, meanwhile, Trump has been spotlighting black supporters and making a blunt pitch to minorities. He has described blacks in sweeping and categorical language, suggesting that they are mired in poverty, living in dangerous neighborhoods and have nothing to lose by giving him a chance. He also has changed his tone on immigration by saying he would swiftly deport “the bad ones” living in the country illegally but would use the existing legal process for others — after vowing for more than a year that he would deport them all.


For Trump, the objective is twofold, according to his aides and allies. He wants to make inroads with minority voters, who polls show overwhelmingly support Clinton. He also believes that a more measured approach on race can convince white voters now shunning him — especially women — that he is not the racist that his inflammatory rhetoric might indicate.
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