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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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So, I just found out there's actually a Hillary office right near my apartment in Cincinnati... I'm thinking about volunteering, if my classload proves to be light enough. Never done that before, seems like it'd be a really cool experience.


Hillary has not had someone publicly say the kind of vile, disrespectful, school yard things Trump will say to her face.
She briefly ran against Giuliani in 2000 before he dropped out because of his prostate cancer.
(Which makes his recent attacks on Hillarys health all kinds of hilarious)

Ben Garrison is 100% on board with the "Hillary+Stools, something's going on." conspiracy.
I just did a bunch of drugs so maybe I'm reading this wrong.


Really ignorant. There strategy is not really knew and is kind of arrogant. The rheotic that Trump tried to use to try to court AAs was condescending and generalizing. It makes him look even more racist. I mean just read this :
“Black voters have no affinity for Hillary Clinton,” Stone said. “She’s done nothing for them.. . .Bill Clinton has an affinity to black voters and it’s stylistic: He slips on the shades, plays the saxophone, how cool. But most black voters don’t know about the 1994 crime bill and they need to be educated.

It is paternalistic racism. The strategy has been played out before divided the voters and the politicians. It hasn't really worked and his proposals are again nothing new and has been said before and is less ambitious then what the Democrats want and want Hillary wants. It is better that he'll attempt it but it means nothing if Democrats especially black ones like Obama hit him on his racism. I would image he'll get a point or two, but his strategy is talking at a person is going to fail in getting the support he wants. Now whatever he'll look less racist to other white Americans; it might have some impact, but again all the Democrats needs to do is consistently hit him, which they are going to do anyway.


It is becoming clear that orange turd is finally being held back so I don't think we should expect anything controversial from him. It really isn't hard to avoid, he just keeps to the scripts and only goes on fox news while accusing all other networks of being unfair until they start saying what he wants.

Orange turds pivot of course wont work. 2 or 3 months is not enough to turn it around and undo all the xenophobic, hateful and dangerous rhetoric he said and that goes without mentioning that it would make him even more untrustworthy.


It is becoming clear that orange turd is finally being held back so I don't think we should expect anything controversial from him. It really isn't hard to avoid, he just keeps to the scripts and only goes on fox news while accusing all other networks of being unfair until they start saying what he wants.

Orange turds pivot of course wont work. 2 or 3 months is not enough to turn it around and undo all the xenophobic, hateful and dangerous rhetoric he said and that goes without mentioning that it would make him even more untrustworthy.
Just today along thats no true lol.


Just today along thats no true lol.
Well yes, to us anything he says sounds controversial. I personally find the entire republican platform to be absolutely evil but the media isn't picking up on most of it. Of course we are seeing some signs of the pivot backfiring, especially the conspiracy nonsense.


I feel like there is no difference between how the media reports about the Clinton Foundation stuff and Trump's campaign attacks. Most of the time they report it by talking about how Trump is attacking it, not the facts around it.
"Let's talk about another issue that's important to us ... to the future of our children."

...Are words that came out of Trump's mouth. God this is dull. It's just an extremely generic political speech that like anyone with public speaking experience could deliver.

Clinton is funded by "the education bureaucracy," I guess, whatever the hell that is.
It is becoming clear that orange turd is finally being held back so I don't think we should expect anything controversial from him. It really isn't hard to avoid, he just keeps to the scripts and only goes on fox news while accusing all other networks of being unfair until they start saying what he wants.

Orange turds pivot of course wont work. 2 or 3 months is not enough to turn it around and undo all the xenophobic, hateful and dangerous rhetoric he said and that goes without mentioning that it would make him even more untrustworthy.

I think it's highly likely that Hillary's main focus right now is practicing her debate performance with lines specifically planned to get Trump riled up. He has no prompter at all during those debates, and that's a helluva long time to leave Trump unrestrained. Hillary's going to prod him on various fronts (business failures, scams, and maybe even the Russia stuff).

I've never been more sure in my life that someone would take the bait than Trump.



I was worried about a potential pivot last week. I'm not anymore.

This article from Huffington Post describes why the Clinton camp isn't going after the flip flopping yet.

Basically, they don't think it's worth attacking something that hasn't really happened yet, and can't be attacked succinctly or easily.

And their polling shows people don't really respond to attacks against trump based on his ideology, as he really doesn't have one. Character attacks and against his unpreparedness are the most effective. If he does try to change positions, they won't attack him for doing it, but will point to it as another example of how desperate and unprepared he is.

If he really does change that much. Which he won't.


I want to see what next weeks polls look like. Especially after all this news that has people freaking out and that picture of Clinton on the army slide. If these numbers hold it's done. The most interesting thing will be the debates.

Not to mention you have Bernie stumping next month. Then you have Obama all of October.


With these underlying advantages, it would not be surprising if the Republican House majority lasted for at least a decade. The structural advantages underpinning it are that strong. The odds of a Clinton presidency are strong, too — and a Democratic White House would probably strengthen the Republican hold on the House, given the tendency for the president’s party to struggle down-ballot. If Democrats are going to retake the House anytime soon, November would probably be their best shot, and as of now it’s not happening.



I want to see what next weeks polls look like. Especially after all this news that has people freaking out and that picture of Clinton on the army slide. If these numbers hold it's done. The most interesting thing will be the debates.

Not to mention you have Bernie stumping next month. Then you have Obama all of October.

The last debate is two months from now. That's practically an eternity. It will literally be nearly November 1 before we get polls taken after debate 3. Then we have a week to Diablos about last minute surprises.
So, just to make sure I'm on the same page.

The election is in 77 days. Some places will vote earlier than that. You're behind in the polls everywhere. No swing state is even close to leaning your way except maybe Iowa and who cares about Iowa. Seriously. States that should be safe are trending away from you. You have no ground game. You're being out raised by your opponent. Half of your party is like "ew." You've had nearly as many campaign chair slash managers as wives....

And your play is to go to Texas and try to convince African Americans and Latinos that you're not a racist, after you've very publicly said very racist things about both groups. There are 77 days and your game plan is GUIS I'M NOT REALLY A RACIST OKAY?

I mean...what?
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