Yahoo: Donald Trump planning meeting with black and Latino activists
That's minority outreach? Not only is he meeting with the small subset that are already Republican, but they have to go to Trump Tower rather than Trump going out to meet them in their communities!
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is planning a Thursday morning meeting with Latino and African-American activists at his Manhattan headquarters in Trump Tower. The activists are fellows from the Queens, N.Y., office of the Republican Leadership Initiative, a program designed to train young, diverse recruits to be campaign field operatives.
Multiple GOP sources confirmed plans for the meeting and characterized it as part of Trump’s outreach efforts in the African-American and Latino communities. While the initiative is not solely focused on training minority activists, a source said the Queens office of the program is in a predominately African-American and Latino area and has attracted its participants from the community.
An email circulated earlier in the day Tuesday indicated that former U.S. Rep. Bob Turner, current chairman of the Queens County Republican Party, was helping to organize the event, which was initially set to take place in Queens. Turner told Yahoo News the event was subsequently shifted to Trump Tower and described it as part of Trump’s efforts to court Latino voters.
That's minority outreach? Not only is he meeting with the small subset that are already Republican, but they have to go to Trump Tower rather than Trump going out to meet them in their communities!