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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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Yahoo: Donald Trump planning meeting with black and Latino activists

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is planning a Thursday morning meeting with Latino and African-American activists at his Manhattan headquarters in Trump Tower. The activists are fellows from the Queens, N.Y., office of the Republican Leadership Initiative, a program designed to train young, diverse recruits to be campaign field operatives.

Multiple GOP sources confirmed plans for the meeting and characterized it as part of Trump’s outreach efforts in the African-American and Latino communities. While the initiative is not solely focused on training minority activists, a source said the Queens office of the program is in a predominately African-American and Latino area and has attracted its participants from the community.

An email circulated earlier in the day Tuesday indicated that former U.S. Rep. Bob Turner, current chairman of the Queens County Republican Party, was helping to organize the event, which was initially set to take place in Queens. Turner told Yahoo News the event was subsequently shifted to Trump Tower and described it as part of Trump’s efforts to court Latino voters.

That's minority outreach? Not only is he meeting with the small subset that are already Republican, but they have to go to Trump Tower rather than Trump going out to meet them in their communities!
That sounds more like a photo op than outreach-again, basically trying to dogwhistle to the smart people in the burbs that he's really not a racist!

The problem is that he's trying to influence medium to high information voters and they aren't buying it.


When the news has sound going of Trumps rally today, It's really unsettling. I can only imagine a Trump rally is overwhelmingly male, added with the anger that is boiling at these events, when they shout TRUMP!, its terrifying to me.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Facebook ad says if I donate 3 bucks I'm entered in to win a chance to have dinner with Eric Trump. I assume that's meant to be an incentive.
Twist: You are the dinner. Hold on, I need to write a pitch for a remake of The Most Dangerous Game.
Making him seem not like a racist is the best thing they can do, doubling down is basically the status quo which is what is making him lose so badly. The issue is that I do not think the campaign is going to be effective at it and it that doesn't include the Hillary countering them and doing their own thing. It is a very likely chance that they'll be partially successfully with the strategy as in tightening the polls slightly. But there's a big chance that it'll effectively not do anything at all. If the campaign can't turn this around within about a month or so he lost( I think he already lost anyway).

See this gets super complex because we don't know where Trump's mindset is. If he thinks he can still win, then, sure try and appear a bit less racist. However, if he's accepted that he's not going to win, and has gone into survival mode, then the brand is more important. I think doubling (or tripling) down on white nationalism is how he gets there. I would even argue that, if he's losing, he's not invested in the polls actually tightening up that much. It gives him the crooked/corrupt media angle to run with.

This is all well and good... from the perspective of Republican leadership. All of this would help maintain the down-ticket as best you can (rile up the base and maybe hold those seats). But it's not good for Trump himself.

Any discussion of "the Trump campaign" has to be prefaced with whether you're talking about good for the man himself or the GOP leaders that are pushing him. Trump, I think, has finally realized that he's screwed. He's going down with people he likes, and he's not going to put in a shit ton of work at the end of the line since he probably won't win anyway. He knows that it'll be a blowout, and so he'd rather take it easy.

Normally this wouldn't happen since you (if you're party leadership) would hope that the head of your ticket actually cares about the party you're in charge of.* Trump doesn't care about that at all. After November, he can literally punch Pubis in the face on national television and walk away. He's not a politician and he doesn't run in these circles. It'd be like me going to a lumberjack convention; I don't need any of those connections, so I can do whatever I want there. Trump doesn't have to care about long-term effects on the party after he loses; it's just not his problem.

*As an aside, this would've been the scariest part of a Sanders run for me since I live in a red state. Good organization from national Dems is the only thing that even vaguely helps out in places like this, and when you've got someone heading the ticket who literally doesn't give a shit about stuff like long-term party success.

I think I arrived at the same place you did. Because we don't know what the hell he's thinking right now. I think my original argument was what is best for the Trump brand moreso than the party. What's best for the party is to drink until November 8th, and pray to god no one remembers 2016 in 4 years.

I feel like scaling back on things like rallies would make this a lot easier for Trump Outside fundraising, going to Texas served no purpose. This new Trump isn't doing anything to save face with his base. In fact, his immigration....flip flop or whatever it is is probably hurting him. Immigration was his only policy platform. What he's doing with it now makes sense only in the context of trying to do what's best to actually win and not burn the party down. The latter is not a trait I would ascribe to Trump. From a brand perspective, it doesn't make sense either.

To be honest, I think it's probably just a manifestation of the dysfunctional campaign. Trying to read the tea leaves is probably a fools errand, because there is no reason to any of this that he's doing.



Watching MSNBC

I am so excited for Hillary's speech on Thursday.

If she nails this, she could successfully bring the Alt-Right to national attention, define them as racist, and tie them to Trump and every Republican who supports him.

This could be big.

Conversely, no press seems to be bad press for them. The alt right has more of a sway in politics than ever this year.

This Ben Garrison cartoonist guy seems like a despicable human being.

The whole Ben Garrison thing is so weird. He started out as a bog standard conservative political cartoonist. /pol/ found it hilarious to edit all his cartoons into being racist, misogynistic, and Anti-Semitic, and he got upset about it which of course made the do it even more. Then I guess he realizes that he has an audience in this sort of thing so he's continually gotten worse and worse. I think he did Stefan Molyneux cartoon recently.


Stein having an AMA on Reddit... Should be... good...?

Best I can come up with is stop the stupid ass strategies of going to safe republican states. Do not go to Texas. Do not go to Oregon. Do not go to Mississippi.

Adam, I always appreciate your political insight, but as a proud Oregonian, I must object to you classifying us as a "safe Republican state" when we haven't gone Republican since the entire country did back in '84. The last two elections we were over +10 for Barack (+16 in 08!). Come on man. Don't lump us in with Texas and Mississippi!
Adam, I always appreciate your political insight, but as a proud Oregonian, I must object to you classifying us as a "safe Republican state" when we haven't gone Republican since the entire country did back in '84. The last two elections we were over +10 for Barack (+16 in 08!). Come on man. Don't lump us in with Texas and Mississippi!
Haha. I had another sentence I cut out about not going to safe Democratic states too. I must have deleted it while fixing typos. I had originally mentioned it going to Connecticut too. My bad.


No Scrubs
Conservative "humorists" are always vile dipshits. Havent found a single one of them or their work even slightly amusing.

I tend to be the same way, but that's in large part because they're mostly unwilling to hit themselves and be self-deprecating in the way other comedians are. I think the ideology just doesn't lend itself well to humor, but that doesn't necessarily mean a conservative comedian can't be funny. Just that to be funny, odds are you must be apolitical.


Conservative "humorists" are always vile dipshits. Havent found a single one of them or their work even slightly amusing.

That's because their humor comes from the same ugly place as their politics, which means most of their bits are about belittling people and punching down.
Haha. I had another sentence I cut out about not going to safe Democratic states too. I must have deleted it while fixing typos. I had originally mentioned it going to Connecticut too. My bad.

Fair enough. "Don't go to safe states" seems like sage advice for a campaign that needs to focus solely on a couple battlegrounds to have any chance whatsoever. But Trump's campaign is perhaps not the most effective we've ever seen....


Rachel Maddow recently touched on how the alt-right and extreme right-wing movements have inflitrated the Republican party and risen to prominence. I would love to read more about this. Anyone have any good reads on this?


Have people gotten bored of Trump? He seems like nothing now. Maybe we've all gotten used to his offensiveness. I wonder how republicans feel right now. I bet they're just waiting for the GE to be over.
Rachel Maddow recently touched on how the alt-right and extreme right-wing movements have inflitrated the Republican party and risen to prominence. I would love to read more about this. Anyone have any good reads on this?

When in doubt about a hate group, Southern Law Poverty Center:


This doesn't explain how the Alt-Right ended up taking over the GOP, but that idea can be summed up as 40% of Republicans being extremely racist and the Alt-Right capturing that 40% by just presenting the most raw form of racism possible.
Man, these guys are just fucking nuts.

“At the core of the JI [Jewish Identity] is a malevolent supremacy. This is the manifest in their rejection of outgroups who wish to participate and innovate traditional Jewish cultural activities. Why reject diversity and progress within your community if not a false feeling of ‘betterness’? The root of this problem is, of course, a sexual feeling of inferiority. Mighty psychosexual urges must not be downplayed within group dynamics. As a remedy to this, the JI must be infiltrated with foreign members to procreate with their men and women. That way, the deep psychological psychosis can be treated at the root.”

—“A Critical Analysis of the Jewish Identity,” The Right Stuff, January 2016

What the fuck am I reading.


Man, these guys are just fucking nuts.

—“A Critical Analysis of the Jewish Identity,” The Right Stuff, January 2016

What the fuck am I reading.

Who the hell wrote this?

If it was someone (ahem, Steve Bannon) from Breitbart and close to the Trump campaign (closer than other advisors), how long will it be before someone finds a despicable anti-Jewish post they wrote or comments they made in the past?

Because we all know it's somewhere.


Latest John Oliver was pretty great, it really would be something to have trump come out and say it was all a play, to expose our shitty campaign finance system, how his candidacy has horrible racist/fascist overtures and a huge chunk of republicans still support it, etc



Wow at that recent SC poll that shows hilary tied with trump in a 4 way and down by 2 in a two way. It's anpoll commissed by the SC Democratic Party but the RNC must be panicking behind closed doors with some of these recent polls in SC.

Trump has room to grow in GA and SC. Hillary is getting her floor of 43-44% like Obama got in those two states.

The biggest reason trump is struggling in those states compared to other republicans in the last 3 decades or so is because he's losing voters he can never get back in this election like white women/college educated whites The only room for growth I see for him in those two states is the senior voters especially in the case of SC. As long as he keeps his massive advantage with senior voters in SC he will win that state by a few percent.In terms of georgia I'm not sure how he will be able to win that state in this election because I doubt he will max out his vote in the rural parts of that state.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
(((Harry Enten))) ‏@ForecasterEnten 14m14 minutes ago
Take every state average of polls since the convention, weight by population, & Clinton leads by 5.1. Obama won same group by 1.5. #bigswing

The fact that Hillary could win by significantly larger margins than Obama is something I never would have expected in this election up until recently.

Imagine how big the lead would have been if we nominated someone who didn't murder an ambassador!
Just when I though I knew all of the gay/drag lingo. So I have to ask , Whats Fishy?
Fishy is a way of saying a drag queen looks like a biological woman.there are all types of drag. Fishy is a type where your goal is to look "real." So you're padded for the gods, fully painted, tucked etc. It's not my favorite style of drag, but some queens pull it off well.

So a queen that looks super authentic is serving you fish. She's Fishy. Like fresh tilapia.


Fishy is a way of saying a drag queen looks like a biological woman.there are all types of drag. Fishy is a type where your goal is to look "real." So you're padded for the gods, fully painted, tucked etc. It's not my favorite style of drag, but some queens pull it off well.

It's also one of the most underappreciated forms of drag.

Any queen can just throw anything on and call themselves "Different" (*cough*Milk*cough*). It takes a lot of work to serve Filet of Flounder.
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