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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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It's also one of the most underappreciated forms of drag.

Any queen can just throw anything on and call themselves "Different" (*cough*Milk*cough*). It takes a lot of work to serve Filet of Flounder.
Mama, you ain't coming for Milk. No ma'am. I prefer camp and androgynous queens tbh. Nina Flowers and Ongina are bae. I also love me a good old Southern, pageant girl too. Gimme day big hair, three four wigs, teased right. Yassssss


Mama, you ain't coming for Milk. No ma'am. I prefer camp and androgynous queens tbh. Nina Flowers and Ongina are bae. I also love me a good old Southern, pageant girl too. Gimme day big hair, three four wigs, teased right. Yassssss

Nina Flowers and Ongina are queens.

Heck, I even liked The Princess.

But Milk was lazy disguised as avant garde.

Gia Gunn was right.





remember me
Wow, there's a pretty well kept drag race wiki

Also how has this gif never been used

Nina Flowers and Ongina are queens.

Heck, I even liked The Princess.

But Milk was lazy disguised as avant garde.

Gia Gunn was right.




Nina is also super nice. My mom wrote her a letter and she hand wrote a letter back to her. I don't think Milk was last. I think she needed some time to measure.....maybe curdle? I liked her.... Until she tried to go Glamazon. Also random: I'm sad that club kid looks are dying out. It's a whole style that the children don't appreciate anymore.

I like Sharon and her style the best from what I've seen. Her outfits...slay???
Yassssss. Good call. Sharon is my second favorite queen ever...after Alaska. Katya is third. Then it gets all confusing. There are so many ways to do drag is hard to pick one queen who is everything.


I don't think I could run in heels. I could manage a block walking okay. Well at least as well as Kim Chi.

I went to spectate a few times when I lived there and there's a small contingent that takes the race part of the race seriously and it's pretty impressive to see them booking it down the street in serious heels.
I can't believe that some of the main players from #GamerGate have managed to become important in the Trump campaign.

Milo and Mike Cernovich proved their conservative credentials by terrorizing random indie game developing women and now they have become real political players... somehow.

Mike Cernovich cut his teeth rummaging through Zoe Quinn's dumpster and hiring a PI to stalk her and he is now a major figure in the Trump internet sphere.


I can't believe that some of the main players from #GamerGate have managed to become important in the Trump campaign.

Milo and Mike Cernovich proved their conservative credentials by terrorizing random indie game developing women and now they have become real political players... somehow.

Mike Cernovich cut his teeth rummaging through Zoe Quinn's dumpster and hiring a PI to stalk her and he is now a major figure in the Trump internet sphere.

Dude was even invited on Fox News. Gross.


I can't believe that some of the main players from #GamerGate have managed to become important in the Trump campaign.

Milo and Mike Cernovich proved their conservative credentials by terrorizing random indie game developing women and now they have become real political players... somehow.

Mike Cernovich cut his teeth rummaging through Zoe Quinn's dumpster and hiring a PI to stalk her and he is now a major figure in the Trump internet sphere.

Flies find a way to attract one another in a pile of dung.


When in doubt about a hate group, Southern Law Poverty Center:


This doesn't explain how the Alt-Right ended up taking over the GOP, but that idea can be summed up as 40% of Republicans being extremely racist and the Alt-Right capturing that 40% by just presenting the most raw form of racism possible.

Infowars influence has been growing on the right fringes of the GOP for years now, and entertaining birther theories only allowed that kind of thinking to ensconce itself in the rank and file. Trump winning the primary roulette accounts for probably another 40% who will go along with the ideologically dominant wing of the party because worshipping power and belligerence is an essential part of movement conservatism.


I can't believe that some of the main players from #GamerGate have managed to become important in the Trump campaign.

Milo and Mike Cernovich proved their conservative credentials by terrorizing random indie game developing women and now they have become real political players... somehow.

Mike Cernovich cut his teeth rummaging through Zoe Quinn's dumpster and hiring a PI to stalk her and he is now a major figure in the Trump internet sphere.

I can't wait to hear both Milo's and Mike's reaction on election night. They won't be to happy about the election results on that day.
Fishy is a way of saying a drag queen looks like a biological woman.there are all types of drag. Fishy is a type where your goal is to look "real." So you're padded for the gods, fully painted, tucked etc. It's not my favorite style of drag, but some queens pull it off well.

So a queen that looks super authentic is serving you fish. She's Fishy. Like fresh tilapia.

Thank you drag professor.


Is it possible that trump campaign's obsession with hilary's health actually eats into trump's advantage with the 65+ age group(i.e seniors) ? If his campaign keeps on obsessing about hilary's health there is a chance that the seniors who support him will probably become disgusted with the trump campaign's obsession with hilary health and ditch him. I do think the trump camapign will move on from this issue eventually, but if they keep on focusing on hilary's health elderly people may not like what he is doing.


I can't wait to hear both Milo's and Mike's reaction on election night. They won't be to happy about the election results on that day.

Milo will love it when Trump loses. On the basis that everything he does is for attention and to help fleece people of cash, Trumpnloaing presents far more opportunities than Trump winning. Hell, if Trump wins the racists who follow him might expect some actual results which would be terrible!

Like Fox, milo prospers in opposition to things.


Is it possible that trump campaign's obsession with hilary's health actually eats into trump's advantage with the 65+ age group(i.e seniors) ? If his campaign keeps on obsessing about hilary's health there is a chance that the seniors who support him will probably become disgusted with the trump campaign's obsession with hilary health and ditch him. I do think the trump camapign will move on from this issue eventually, but if they keep on focusing on hilary's health elderly people may not like what he is doing.

Na dude, any seniors with a semblance of reason already abandoned Trump a while ago. Although, they could think it's not a good line of attack.


Na dude, any seniors with a semblance of reason already abandoned Trump a while ago. Although, they could think it's not a good line of attack.

Just thinking it may be a possible if his campaign continues to push the issue, but I expect it to die down eventually.


Milo will love it when Trump loses. On the basis that everything he does is for attention and to help fleece people of cash, Trumpnloaing presents far more opportunities than Trump winning. Hell, if Trump wins the racists who follow him might expect some actual results which would be terrible!

Like Fox, milo prospers in opposition to things.

Milo really loves fleecing people of cash and I bet you he will find a way to make money out a hilary clinton presidency. I still find it crazy that a CEO of an ultra right wing website is helping run a presidential candidate's election campaign, but trump running for president did encourage some people like david duke to run for political office.
I have to imagine that "Trump is anti-Obama" will be a big attack ad. It won't convert the Trump loyal, but Obama's a little too popular right now for Trump to survive being in the minority opinion.
Anybody watching the guy who did the Clinton Foundation AP story on Morning Joe right now? Good lord, this guy should never be on television


Milo really loves fleecing people of cash and I bet you he will find a way to make money out a hilary clinton presidency. I still find it crazy that a CEO of an ultra right wing website is helping run a presidential candidate's election campaign, but trump running for president did encourage some people like david duke to run for political office.

Hmm? Duke ran for a seat on the Louisiana senate in 1975 and president in 1979. Trump was just making a name for himself in New York real estate at that point.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I am sad I missed this!

“I just think he’s” an idiot, Cher said of Donald J. Trump, adding a decidedly unprintable modifier.


Cher did more than just blister Mr. Trump. She also offered a blunt appraisal of Mrs. Clinton’s strengths and weaknesses. “This chick is just tougher than Chinese algebra,” Cher said of the Democratic nominee.

“I know that if he got into office, our world would be the worst place,” Cher said. “I don’t think we could imagine how bad it could get.”

She added that, “if breaking news ever happened and he had to go to the podium, we would just all go ...”

She finished her thought with a four-letter expression of disgust. Then she walked off to a roar of applause.

http://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/24/u...ck&contentCollection=Home Page&pgtype=article
*Benny Hill music*


Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman Reince Priebus predicted on Tuesday that Donald Trump could catch Hillary Clinton in the polls by Labor Day.

"I think what you are seeing on the campaign is a continuation of a good couple of weeks that Donald Trump has had," he told reporters on a conference call, noting the Republican presidential nominee's "prepared, mature comments on the campaign trail."

"It's going to be important for us and for Donald Trump to continue down this measured path that he's on and if he does that, I think he's going to be tied or ahead at or just after Labor Day."

NYT now has a Senate forecast: http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016/upshot/senate-election-forecast.html?_r=0

Don't get the Nevada %s.
He will be. In the LAT/USC poll!

I was talking to my girlfriend about this poll yesterday and we are both confused about how it's even a viable model. Not because it has no opportunity to correct a weighted sample group, but because this sample group somehow gives anything other than the same answers every time.

Especially in an election like this, who are the people who are going back and forth between DJT and Hillary every week? I guess you could say they don't, because this poll has mostly been flat. But the whole concept of asking the same person every week who they are voting for seems statistically pointless.

So our reactions, depending on the data, were one of two flabbergastings:
1) Are there seriously "undecideds" who aren't sure who they're voting for in 2016? ("We asked 3,000 people with no opinions whatsoever who they're voting for.")

2. What is to be gained at all from somebody reaffirming their vote week after week? ("We asked this same guy who he is voting for every week and he gave the same answer every time.")

It's just so weird to me. This poll doesn't appear to have any value at all.


It's really just going to be emails and Clinton foundation for the next couple of months isn't it? I'm just about done watching news because of it. I just no longer give a shit about the emails or the Clinton foundation. Every day it's the same shit. If she's guilty show me some hard evidence otherwise I don't give a shit.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I was talking to my girlfriend about this poll yesterday and we are both confused about how it's even a viable model. Not because it has no opportunity to correct a weighted sample group, but because this sample group somehow gives anything other than the same answers every time.

Especially in an election like this, who are the people who are going back and forth between DJT and Hillary every week? I guess you could say they don't, because this poll has mostly been flat. But the whole concept of asking the same person every week who they are voting for seems statistically pointless.

So our reactions, depending on the data, were one of two flabbergastings:
1) Are there seriously "undecideds" who aren't sure who they're voting for in 2016? ("We asked 3,000 people with no opinions whatsoever who they're voting for.")

2. What is to be gained at all from somebody reaffirming their vote week after week? ("We asked this same guy who he is voting for every week and he gave the same answer every time.")

It's just so weird to me. This poll doesn't appear to have any value at all.

She's up in it today. We are okay with it again.

As for emails/foundation, it's sort of the only line of attack so yeah they will say it a lot.
New Florida poll:


Donald Trump leading Hillary Clinton 43% to 41% among Florida Voters.

Both Patrick Murphy (D) and Marco Rubio (R) are leading by wide margins in their respective party primaries for US Senate

In the potential general election match up for Senate, Rubio leads Murphy by 5 points 44% to 39%

The top issue for voters was Dissatisfaction with Government at 29%, followed by jobs at 18%, immigration at 13% and ISIS at 12%. No other issue reached double digits.

The top quality voters seek when choosing who to vote for president is experience at 27%, followed by Commander-in-Chief at 16%, Trustworthiness at 15% and focus on the economy at 14%.

Today Trump +2, yesterday Clinton +14. Tomorrow?


It's really just going to be emails and Clinton foundation for the next couple of months isn't it? I'm just about done watching news because of it. I just no longer give a shit about the emails or the Clinton foundation. Every day it's the same shit. If she's guilty show me some hard evidence otherwise I don't give a shit.
Don't forget pillows and, "Is it a pants bulge or catheter?"
and good lord, bernie's new slush fu......er, political group already mired in staff revolt and more corrupt than clinton foundation. tall feats!


...The creation of the group comes as Mr. Sanders faces lingering disappointment from some of his supporters for his endorsement of Mrs. Clinton and questions about his finances that have arisen since he left the race.

During the primary race, Mr. Sanders repeatedly delayed releasing his financial disclosure information, and ultimately never did. This month, he spent nearly $600,000 on a vacation home in Vermont near Lake Champlain.

Republicans in Mr. Sanders’s home state have taken notice of his post-campaign behavior and his new political organization and accused him of violating his own principles.

“He preaches transparency and then he tries to set up the most shadowy of shadowy fund-raising organization to support his causes,” said Brady Toensing, the vice chairman of the Vermont Republican Party, who argued that Mr. Sanders was essentially a big donor. “What I’m seeing here is a senator who is against big money in politics, but only when it’s not his big money,” he said.

Paul S. Ryan, a campaign finance expert at the Campaign Legal Center, a nonprofit political finance group, said that it was unusual for a federal lawmaker to set up such a fund-raising organization and that Mr. Sanders should have to follow the donation limits and disclosure requirements to be in compliance with the Federal Election Commission.

“There are definitely some red flags with respect to the formation of this group that are worth noting and keeping an eye on,” Mr. Ryan said. “We’re in a murky area.”
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