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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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From a few pages back: It's true that Conservatives aren't funny. I don't have any scientific evidence, but I can offer Dennis Miller as an example. Most of his career he was hilarious, then he became a born-again Conservative after 9/11. Now he's about as funny as a bowl of oatmeal.
When your best argument is "people are just too ashamed to say they support my guy" you might have a bad candidate.

Yeah, but they're not ashamed. There's no significant deviation between live interviews and online polls. Conway is playing the Con game.

Looked at the USC poll, Trump AA support went in one day from 14 to 4.6. REAL DEAL.
CNN going in with Trump's health and the BS doctor statement.
Well about time. Trump is a complete man child. He likes to boast about his strength and stamina so much like an insecure fat bully he even faked his doctor's statement, adding things like he has extraordinary strength and stamina (lol). I dont buy for a single minute that a professional physician wrote that travesty. This is easily the funniest thing to ever happen in an election.
From a few pages back: It's true that Conservatives aren't funny. I don't have any scientific evidence, but I can offer Dennis Miller as an example. Most of his career he was hilarious, then he became a born-again Conservative after 9/11. Now he's about as funny as a bowl of oatmeal.

Yeah, Dennis Miller has become such an insufferable unfunny douche.


which copypasta do you think he used?

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.


The Autumn Wind
Well about time. Trump is a complete man child. He likes to boast about his strength and stamina so much like an insecure fat bully he even faked his doctor's statement, adding things like he has extraordinary strength and stamina (lol). I dont buy for a single minute that a professional physician wrote that travesty. This is easily the funniest thing to ever happen in an election.
I just don't understand why all the speculation when anyone can contact the supposed doctor. All the contact info is right there in the header.
HAHAHAHAHA's AMA has started on Reddit

If you want to ask the Goodman about something, there's your chance

The current questions are about as good as you'd expect. Off to a nice start!


Well about time. Trump is a complete man child. He likes to boast about his strength and stamina so much like an insecure fat bully he even faked his doctor's statement, adding things like he has extraordinary strength and stamina (lol). I dont buy for a single minute that a professional physician wrote that travesty. This is easily the funniest thing to ever happen in an election.

Yeah, it was ridiculous at the time, but only now CNN brought the Gupta. He was diplomatically very skeptic.

P.S.: Can CNN drop Wolf and give Keilar her own show?


Thank you for doing this AMA!

I'd like to ask you about your 6 presidential endorsements over the past 2 years. All of them have failed (well, not Jill Stein, but it's pretty clear she will since she is fifth in the four person race, losing to the carcass of a dead gorilla.] My question for you is, how do you endorse all of these people with wildly different political beliefs? Also, what do you have to say about the failure of each endorsement of yours?

Endorses Rand Paul, November 14, 2014

Rand Paul drops out due to low polling numbers (February 3, 2016) and later endorses Donald Trump.

Endorses Elizabeth Warren, March 6th

Elizabeth Warren declares she isn't going to run (March 31, 2015) and later endorses Hillary Clinton.

Endorses Martin O'Malley, April 1st, 2015

Martin O'Malley drops out of the race (February 2, 2016) due to low polling numbers and later endorses Hillary Clinton.

Endorses Jim Webb, April 21st, 2015

Jim Webb drops out of the race due to abysmal polling numbers and terrible debate performance (October 20, 2015) and later endorses Donald Trump.

Endorses Bernie Sanders, June 25, 2015

Bernie drops out due to low delegate count and endorses Hillary Clinton at the Democratic National Convention.

Endorses Jill Stein, July 15

Jill Stein is currently losing to Trump, Clinton, Johnson, and Harambe.

Omg. He dead now. Just like
Jill's campaign
Omg. He dead now. Just like
Jill's campaign

I endorsed Rand Paul because Clinton is a neocon and I'm against perpetual wars, Congress decides on a great many issues, the president can decide unilaterally on war with AUMF. Yes, Warren endorsed Clinton but I wanted her to run. Yes, O'Malley dropped out. Webb is far better than Clinton. Bernie was cheated and WikiLeaks DNC emails prove this, thanks for not mentioning that fact. Stein is losing, yes, but so what? I'd say your inability to see beyond a quick talking point is more of a failure than my position for each candidate. You haven't taken a second to ask WHY Clinton is better than any of them, only assumed she is, perhaps because she's the nominee, although I can't speak on your behalf. Also, ALL of Clinton's foreign policy forecasts, from Iraq, Libya, Honduras, and now Syria, have been failures, so how do you feel about that?

Pure nonsense

Why can't he just admit he hates Hillary and it doesn't really matter what their policies are, as long as they aren't Hillary?

This is a trainwreck
All the "election is rigged"/poll watching stuff is convincing me there is going to be Trump-supporter-instigated violence on election day.

Sounds like we're really going to have red-shirted bullies threatening people at polling places.
All the "election is rigged"/poll watching stuff is convincing me there is going to be Trump-supporter-instigated violence on election day.

Sounds like we're really going to have red-shirted bullies threatening people at polling places.

I thought there'd be massive violence at one or both conventions so there's a chance this won't happen. A very slim chance.
That was fucking great.
That's also probably the best DJ Shadow track in like a decade.
I'm done hoping he'll ever get back to form though, The Mountain Will Fall with pretty shitty as a whole, this track notwithstanding.

Same. I kinda feel bad for the dude. You ever listen to In Tune & On Time? Between songs he's so fucking sweaty and thirsty.

"You recognize this song from Endtroducing? Please clap."

Poor guy.
Glad to see Reddit calling out our good man. There are still some hilarious questions seeping in there, but they seem to be getting downvoted.


Same. I kinda feel bad for the dude. You ever listen to In Tune & On Time? Between songs he's so fucking sweaty and thirsty.

"You recognize this song from Endtroducing? Please clap."

Poor guy.
You crazy.
I saw DJ Shadow when he was doing pretty much the Live! In Tune and On Time set and it was one the best shows I've ever seen in my life.
Generally speaking, early aughts Shadow is some of the best shows I have ever seen (and I have seen him a bunch of times doing different things with different people).

Then hyphy happened :(


I just went to a quince in Northern California this last weekend for one of my cousins and they started blasting Mac Dre. Some of these dudes were drunk as fuck doing the thizzle dance.

Was fucked up too, but come on, what year is it.


That AMA is going well...

In response to:

Do you believe that the ends (Clinton not winning) justifies the means (Pushing unethical conspiracy theories about health)?

HAGOODMANAUTHORH.A. Goodman [score hidden] 27 minutes ago

Lol, one YouTube video on Dr. Drew's opinion is unethical? But Clinton accepting hundreds of millions as SOS isn't unethical to you??? OK...
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