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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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I don't mind the idea of cheese with apple pie. I think you could even bake the cheese inside the pie but it can't be cheddar or whatever that cheese is. It would have to be a brie or some other light, dessert cheese.
Seriously, though. None of you fry up an egg and mash it into a doughnut or something. So the runny yolk gets all over the sweet doughnut? It's fucking delicious. Or, you can do a biscuit, apple butter, with a fried egg on top of that. I'm legit asking because this is something my family has always done. It's not just me. Maybe it's just a up in the West Virginia country thing though.



I might try the apple pie and cheese combo.

Thank you! I have at least one friend.

And CCS agress with me even if he's not here to defend himself. Because he knows I'm always right. So that's 2!
Hmm, I'm a little surprised that Trump flip-flopped on amnesty before gun control.

Trump has always been a huge racist, but he used to support gun control (as most people from New York do).


I've heard of people having sharp cheddar with apple pie and I'm originally from the midwest, so it's definitely a thing people do in some regions. I mean, at least it's not like the Mid-Atlantic's thing with fuckin' scrapple. Now there's something worth getting upset over.

For example, 39% of people qualify Trump as Evil (36% male, 42% female and by party, 66% Dem, 36% Ind and 9% Repub)

Clinton is 38% total (41%, 33% and 11%, 40% and 71% respectively).

How can that be when we know she's been getting evil injected directly into her ass?
I guess the low number of Republicans thinking Trump is evil puts an end to the "Evangelicals are voting for the lesser of two evils!" theory and the more fun "Evangelicals think he's the Antichrist who will cause the rapture!" theory.



Lmao, that sounds like a threat to me.

As for adam's tastes, while I'd never heard of cheese on an apple pie, it makes sense in a sweet/savory sense considering apples and cheese are a fairly standard snack/appetizer. It seems like a pretty decent combo IMO.

That being said, ice cream is objectively delicious, so you're wrong on that one adam. I'm pretty sure Newton's fourth law was that ice cream is fucking delicious.


So HA Goodman had his AMA on R/politics, and he is getting dumpster-ed by just about every other question.

It is pretty glorious to behold.


I believe the context of the above Trump quote is that it's a tough on crime thing, so there wouldn't be any more criminals to shoot people.
Just something I wanted to point out

Those IPSOS things aren't what we'd traditionally consider a poll, poll.

They take their national survey, determine what state everyone is from, and the weight it based on demographics and stuff. It's more like 538 if 538 only used polls from one company. Kinda interesting, but eh, not sure it should be included in Nate's model but whatever.
Clinton, Ryan team up on anti-poverty plan

Well, one good thing might have come out of this Trump insanity. Republicans look like they might actually realize they need to do something for the people who vote for them instead of whoring it out for rich people and businesses
This is incredible.

There was an article about Clinton's ability to listen and turn that into results (I believe Ezra Klein wrote it) and specifically mentioned Clinton name-dropping the 10-20-30 plan.

I think Clinton could really be the most effective president in terms of legislation since LBJ, but for completely different reasons. How much can she accomplish by going on the charm offensive with members of Congress, throwing her support behind their pet projects and ideas that have been swimming around for years, and demonstrating that she can actually get support and momentum for said pet projects?

I shouldn't get ahead of myself, there are plenty of Congresscritters who will go into next year hating her guts and never willing to work with her, but... Who knows?
This is incredible.

There was an article about Clinton's ability to listen and turn that into results (I believe Ezra Klein wrote it) and specifically mentioned Clinton name-dropping the 10-20-30 plan.

I think Clinton could really be the most effective president in terms of legislation since LBJ, but for completely different reasons. How much can she accomplish by going on the charm offensive with members of Congress, throwing her support behind their pet projects and ideas that have been swimming around for years, and demonstrating that she can actually get support and momentum for said pet projects?

I shouldn't get ahead of myself, there are plenty of Congresscritters who will go into next year hating her guts and never willing to work with her, but... Who knows?

The one thing about Hillary is that she's not worried about getting credit for something. If she can get something she wants through, and Ryan needs to take credit, she'll let him. I think the GOP in power hates her guts on television, but would be relieved that she won. Not enough to publicly work with her, but enough that if she helps them get their pet projects through they'll play nice enough.


Staff writer for The New Yorker:


Hmm, yes, why would renowned Nobel Prize winners donate to a charity doing a lot of great work like fighting HIV in Africa other than for access to Hillary?

Hasn't it ever occurred to these people that they donated to the Clinton Foundation because they knew the Clintons and not the other way around, i.e., they only knew the Clintons because they donated to the Foundation?

I mean, ok. Let's indulge them for a bit: The Clintons set up the foundation to keep doing good/being in the spotlight and hanging around with people in power. Never mind that Hillary was a Senator and Bill was President, the Clinton Foundation was meant to be the real source of their future connections/launch pad to a future Hillary Presidency.

Right there, the accusation that other charities and organizations donated to the Foundation because of future influence peddling, starts to unravel.

None of these foreign people and org's could donate to a potential Hillary campaign and most already had dealings with previous US administrations and knew the Clintons despite the Foundation, not because of it.

IT MAKES NO SENSE to try and se a nefarious deal where they donate millions of dollars to charity, just so they can get Hillary's Secretary of State number and contact for favors that they couldn't even cash in!

Geezus, effing, Christ.

And even if they did donate to have access to them. BIG DEAL. It's not like the Sinaloa Cartel made a secret donation and managed to get a Skype session with Hillary. These are people who usually get some type of access to the Sec. of State sooner or later.
The one thing about Hillary is that she's not worried about getting credit for something. If she can get something she wants through, and Ryan needs to take credit, she'll let him. I think the GOP in power hates her guts on television, but would be relieved that she won. Not enough to publicly work with her, but enough that if she helps them get their pet projects through they'll play nice enough.
Obviously I think she's genuinely invested in getting things done, but it'll also probably provide some decent insurance from lazy GOP criticisms.

Republican Congressman: "Blargh Hillary Clinton hasn't done anything for the middle class"
"What about X bill that created hundreds of jobs in your district"
"Uh, next question"


Obviously I think she's genuinely invested in getting things done, but it'll also probably provide some decent insurance from lazy GOP criticisms.

Republican Congressman: "Blargh Hillary Clinton hasn't done anything for the middle class"
"What about X bill that created hundreds of jobs in your district"
"Uh, next question"

This isn't a supposition. The odious Rep. Steve King from Iowa (who supported Ted Cruz in the primary but has endorsed Trump) let it slip some weeks ago that Hillary wouldn't be the worst thing to happen to Republicans since they feel they can work with her.

Steve King said:
“I’ve sat across the table with Hillary Clinton eye-to-eye, and when you’re working outside of staff and outside of the press, she is somebody I can work with,” King said as part of The Des Moines Register’s Political Soapbox series at the Iowa State Fair.

Unlike Obama, they don't worry about her getting all the credit and Hillary really has a talent for negotiations in person.


This Coulter tweet freakout is the most amazing thing I've ever seen. She wrote a whole book about his immigration plan! He changed it the day of her first book signing! WITH STEVE BANNON!

I don't think Trump is a plant because if he really were a plant there's no way he would carry off the pure humiliation of every Republican so effectively. It's too good to be intentional.
Trump revealing himself to be a cuck means that white nationalists aren't going to line up behind these fake Nazis in 2020 and that Vox Day will end up being the 2020 nominee instead of some flip-flopper like Curt Schilling.


Got around to listening to that 10 minute CNN Hillary interview with Anderson Cooper.

Those answers, my god. That's exactly what Hillary needs to tell everyone.

The way she handled that Clinton Foundation e-mail and then went into that e-mail reply was solid.

Of course, she whiffed on the press conference question and Anderson Cooper didn't let her go on that because that Politico article is right: the best thing for Hillary to do now is to let Trump destroy himself and only come out when necessary.

Can't wait for her to go after alt-Right later.

I swear to god this is a thing white people do.

Updated for accuracy.

The Boxcar Children liked pie with cheddar cheese on it. That's the level of whiteness you have to be at to do some shit like that. You're Benny.

Adam, I like you, but you are one weird dude. You like Ohio State and SM3DW, and you hate ice cream, pizza, beer, and Super Mario 64. Sometimes, I wonder if you're just trolling us all.

Have your copies yet poligaf :eek: ? ;)

The fact that this dumb fuck is on the NYT best seller list and I'm whoring myself out to try and get my gay WW2 solider story in the hands of a two bit literary journal is fucking bull shit.

Adam, I like you, but you are one weird dude. You like Ohio State and SM3DW, and you hate ice cream, pizza, beer, and Super Mario 64. Sometimes, I wonder if you're just trolling us all.

To be clear, I am very white. However, I don't hate pizza or Super Mario 64. The former is just meh, and the latter is overrated...but probably because I didn't play it as a child.

Beer is still gross. Ice cream was a mistake.

I also don't like bunnies of that helps slash makes it worse?
Speaking of The Boxcar Children, my mom was Gertrude Chandler Warner's assistant.

Cool (?) story.

Cool! I loved the Boxcar Children when I was little. I tried reading the first one to my bf's nephews, and they were like "This is boring. Why aren't their dinosaurs? Why would you want a broken cup?" And...shit, I don't know. Way too much pressure.

She will need a better answer on the press conference topic before they ask her it during the debates.

Eh. I'd just have a press conference sometime next week to shut them up if the campaign really thinks it's going to be an issue. I doubt they'll bring it up.


This is incredible.

There was an article about Clinton's ability to listen and turn that into results (I believe Ezra Klein wrote it) and specifically mentioned Clinton name-dropping the 10-20-30 plan.

I think Clinton could really be the most effective president in terms of legislation since LBJ, but for completely different reasons. How much can she accomplish by going on the charm offensive with members of Congress, throwing her support behind their pet projects and ideas that have been swimming around for years, and demonstrating that she can actually get support and momentum for said pet projects?

I shouldn't get ahead of myself, there are plenty of Congresscritters who will go into next year hating her guts and never willing to work with her, but... Who knows?

I think this has a lot less to do with Clinton than the GOP realizing that they need to do things for their base to stave off a populist uprising in the party.

Also, I think the GOP Congress hate is likely confined to the tea party faction. The GOP will work with Clinton if they think it serves their own interest. Under Obama, they did not think it served their own interest due to their own ideological beliefs and the primary system. Again, what could change things is the fractures in the GOP caused by Trump. They now might have a vested interest to back some more populist policies so long as it goes to poor white districts as well and do some sort of immigration reform.

They also might have a vested interest in primary reform, so we might see that as well (or that just might be my wishful thinking)


The question to me is, who is responsible for the immigration switch? One would assume Conway after she told him about the numbers. Or maybe Ailes?

But wasn't the initial reporting of Bannon that he wanted Trump to double down on the blatant nationalism? So how does he feel about this?

It's just weird to me. This is basically what Manafort wanted from Trump but couldn't get.


So tell me if I understand the current Trump-immigration situation correctly:

1. if he sticks to the hardline build-the-wall, deport-all-illegals stance, he risks the Hispanic vote

2. if he backs immigration reform, he loses the alt-right vote.

If that's true, its quite a hole he's dug up for himself.


So tell me if I understand the current Trump-immigration situation correctly:

1. if he sticks to the hardline build-the-wall, deport-all-illegals stance, he risks the Hispanic vote

2. if he backs immigration reform, he loses the alt-right vote.

If that's true, its quite a hole he's dug up for himself.
None of those really matter to him. They're details and margins and largely locked. The damage is done with Hispanics and the alt-right is relatively small in the grand scheme.

This is the same thing as his minority outreach. It's about educated whites and mainstream Republicans feeling better about him. An appeal that he's not a heartless bigot.
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