Clinton took some good shots at Clinton in Vegas just now
Clinton took some good shots at Clinton in Vegas just now
Steve Kornacki‏ @SteveKornacki
Story of PA: Trump blue collar gains wiped out by losses in white collar Philly burbs, where Obama was +9 in '12 & HRC is +40 in new poll
Clinton took some good shots at Clinton in Vegas just now
Sounds like he negotiated for the ability to endorse Ryan but couldn't get Trump to budge on McCain and Ayotte. I'd rather not see McCain primaried by a lunatic if a republican is going to win AZ anyway.
Quickly diverted the question tooCot damn it can't feel nice being called out by an 11 year old. Fuck did Pence get ethered.
Waaaa (Trump seems to like him).
Quickly diverted the question too
in the last thread i was called a misogynist because i criticized hillary. so....good luck?
That FL poll is great for Clinton, but ugh that gaudy Rubio lead. Still hope Democrats can turn it around, I think he's a much weaker candidate than people tend to give him credit for.
I support DJT. Can I post in here from time to time? I dont post much in general and have only made a few political posts but i read this thread a lot. I'd like to post in here occasionally. Here's a post explaining my views:
I will say the past week has been about as bad as possible....just awful. I'm ashamed and confused and angry all at once at this past week
This is one of the areas that's really different and facinating to me. Over here, mandatory ID in order to vote is expected. It's just that having an ID is required for a lot of different things, from buying alcohol, to signing contracts, to interacting with government agencies, that practically everyone has one anyway. And we have a lot of options for them as well. First you could get a passport from any Police office in the nation, or use your driver's licence, or get an ID card, either from the Police or from the nearest office of the bank you're using. And if you're short on time you could get a provisional ID that's just as valid right away by visiting the Police, though that's more expensive and you need a witness who can confirm your identity to them.
And voting is always on the last sunday in September, though mail in voting is available for about a month before that.
We're only about 10 million in total over here though, so there's much less of a logistical nightmare to hold elections here than in the US.
The numbers, Rebel Leader, what do they mean!?
What did Kelly Ayotte do to piss Trump off, exactly?
Not that it takes much.
What did Kelly Ayotte do to piss Trump off, exactly?
Not that it takes much.
We have such systemic problems in so much of our local government, that voting ID laws are just terrible. Firstly, they're not free. You have to pay for IDs.In Ohio, for example, it's $8.50. And even if a person has the $8.50, my local DMV is not on the bus route. They have really, really narrow hours. Some states have made the voting ID free, but they only have one or two locations to serve an entire county (or sometimes a state). They limit the hours, and they close offices that are in minority heavy areas.
And even if you can afford it, and even if you can arrange transportation, you still have to have documents to get your ID. In Ohio, you have to have an original birth certificate (not a photocopy) and your original Social Security card. The first can be very, very difficult to get (and, again costs money). In my case, we had to drive 45 minutes away to get a copy so I could get my ID.
Oh wow, that must've been something.
+40? Holy shit...
You know what'll be funny? If, for all the shit Hillary got for being a worse candidate that someone like Obama, she actually winds up winning by higher margins both in the popular vote and electoral college.
Sounds like he negotiated for the ability to endorse Ryan but couldn't get Trump to budge on McCain and Ayotte. I'd rather not see McCain primaried by a lunatic if a republican is going to win AZ anyway.
Obama faced competent if imperfect (naturally) opponents.+40? Holy shit...
You know what'll be funny? If, for all the shit Hillary got for being a worse candidate that someone like Obama, she actually winds up winning by higher margins both in the popular vote and electoral college.
This is one of the areas that's really different and facinating to me. Over here, mandatory ID in order to vote is expected. It's just that having an ID is required for a lot of different things, from buying alcohol, to signing contracts, to interacting with government agencies, that practically everyone has one anyway. And we have a lot of options for them as well. First you could get a passport from any Police office in the nation, or use your driver's licence, or get an ID card, either from the Police or from the nearest office of the bank you're using. And if you're short on time you could get a provisional ID that's just as valid right away by visiting the Police, though that's more expensive and you need a witness who can confirm your identity to them.
And voting is always on the last sunday in September, though mail in voting is available for about a month before that.
We're only about 10 million in total over here though, so there's much less of a logistical nightmare to hold elections here than in the US.
Has McCain voted out of party line at all? If not he's no different than a crazed loon they're replace him with. McCain is such a Chicken shit. I hope he gets booted for what he's become. Farewell former Maverick.
Colorado resident.
It increases our voter participation tremendously by making it vastly easier to vote. In favor.
Kirkpatrick has a real shot, especially against a nut. She's won a rural congressional district twice in a row.Sounds like he negotiated for the ability to endorse Ryan but couldn't get Trump to budge on McCain and Ayotte. I'd rather not see McCain primaried by a lunatic if a republican is going to win AZ anyway.
If he doesn't sack up and unendorse Trump, he deserves what he gets. Sure, doing so might hurt him with the loony base of his party, but character matters.
Obama faced competent if imperfect (naturally) opponents.
John McCain one of the most respected voices in the Republican Party on national security was asked a direct question: Are you comfortable with Donald Trump possibly having control of our nuclear arsenal?
This should be a no-brainer, since McCain is supporting Trump for president, a gig that includes having a measure of control over that aforementioned nuclear arsenal.
But in answering the question, McCain pulled a big time homina homina homina. He declined to answer, other than to say: This is on you to figure out, American voters!
Thats not an exaggeration in the least. Heres the video, which was flagged for me by a Democrat, of McCain taking on this question in an exchange with reporters yesterday:
Heres the transcript:
QUESTION: Are you comfortable with Donald Trump possibly having control of the nuclear arsenal?
McCAIN: [Silence, followed by unintelligible stammering.] Anyone that the people of this country choose to be the commander in chief and the President of the United States therefore can lead this country, and will lead in a responsible fashion. Anyone who is elected president fairly in this country. And thats the way that our democratic system works. Thats how our government works. The American people select the next president of the United States, knowing full well what the role of the commander in chief is. Therefore, I have the utmost respect for the verdict of the people.
100% agree as a Colorado resident.
This is one of the areas that's really different and facinating to me. Over here, mandatory ID in order to vote is expected. It's just that having an ID is required for a lot of different things, from buying alcohol, to signing contracts, to interacting with government agencies, that practically everyone has one anyway. And we have a lot of options for them as well. First you could get a passport from any Police office in the nation, or use your driver's licence, or get an ID card, either from the Police or from the nearest office of the bank you're using. And if you're short on time you could get a provisional ID that's just as valid right away by visiting the Police, though that's more expensive and you need a witness who can confirm your identity to them.
And voting is always on the last sunday in September, though mail in voting is available for about a month before that.
We're only about 10 million in total over here though, so there's much less of a logistical nightmare to hold elections here than in the US.
Let's be fair, no matter what margin Hillary wins by, it will be chalked up to Trump. The grounds for this are already being laid by the right (denial of legitimacy), the far left (salt), and even by some well-meaning people. She may not be Obama, but she's survived 40 years of attacks on her character and very being, and I don't think that's weak.
I believe it's because she says she "supports" Trump, but also wanted to be clear that she doesn't "endorse" him.
Barack Lesnar even said Trump was an idiot, like two pages ago. He doesn't seem to care though.
Colorado resident.
It increases our voter participation tremendously by making it vastly easier to vote. In favor.
100% agree as a Colorado resident.
+40? Holy shit...
You know what'll be funny? If, for all the shit Hillary got for being a worse candidate than someone like Obama, she actually winds up winning by higher margins both in the popular vote and electoral college.
I mean, I'm pretty confident that if Trump were facing Obama it would be an even more embarrassing margin. Hillary is a worse candidate than Obama.
That said, a politician like Obama comes around about once every 20 years.
Denver County here and yes, it's great. By the time the election actually happens I've almost forgotten I voted already by mail.
How does Maine have a pro-Trump, Republican Govenor?
Fucking midterms.