Holy shit.<whistle>
Holy shit.<whistle>
Heres the transcript:
QUESTION: Are you comfortable with Donald Trump possibly having control of the nuclear arsenal?
McCAIN: [Silence, followed by unintelligible stammering.] Anyone that the people of this country choose to be the commander in chief and the President of the United States therefore can lead this country, and will lead in a responsible fashion. Anyone who is elected president fairly in this country. And thats the way that our democratic system works. Thats how our government works. The American people select the next president of the United States, knowing full well what the role of the commander in chief is. Therefore, I have the utmost respect for the verdict of the people.
If and when we see southern Republicans start to reform away from white nationalism, I expect Ted Cruz to be leading the way. Please stop laughing. Texas Republicans are some of the most vulnerable, and he's smart enough to see the demographic writing on the wall. Alabama, Mississippi and South Carolina will be the last to fall, as is appropriate. Plus he's one of the best at discussing conservatism philosophically, so whatever moves he makes, he'd be best equipped to cloak them in the garb of purist conservative principle. I am certainly not saying he will succeed, because he sucks at reaching out beyond the base. But I am sure he will try.Nope. Many of the party's biggest problems are in the south. That's the white resentment capitol, race wise, and the problem will only get bigger due to immigration+black migration back to the south. It's also the power base for the religious right, who are fighting battles that were lost on the national level years ago. Yet the GOP can't simply throw the south out, because they'd have no path to EC victory without it. But going forward the GOP has to find a way to limit the south's influence on the party. Maybe that means switching up the primary/caucus schedule.
Sooner or later republicans are going to have to realize being the party of rich white men is not a great thing, nationally. They need to re-dedicate themselves to working people and small businesses. And they need to find a way to stop making suburban white women embarrassed to admit they're conservative. The gay bashing, immigration fear mongering, transphobia, faux morality bullshit has to go. But that ties back into my first point: how do you move away from that stuff without losing the south.
Manufacturing is dead and a lot of jobs are going to be made obsolete soon. Republicans would be smart to remake their economic platform while democrats preside over economic changes and turbulence. Wait for the next recession and be ready to capitalize.
No no, I'm right there with you as a young person.Don't get me wrong.. I wouldn't object one bit if we all went to mail-in ballots.
(And in a few decades, us oldsters could enthrall/bore young folks with tales of our old, primitive voting systems, lol..)
Let's be fair, no matter what margin Hillary wins by, it will be chalked up to Trump. The grounds for this are already being laid by the right (denial of legitimacy), the far left (salt), and even by some well-meaning people. She may not be Obama, but she's survived 40 years of attacks on her character and very being, and I don't think that's weak.
Crowd chanting something
Matt Viser ‏@mviser 2m2 minutes ago
People at a Trump rally hold up copies of the constitution. They are booed, and escorted from the room. This is definitely a new GOP.
Where is here?
I want to be able to vote by an app on my phone and on the web. It's 2016, it's time. Put enough money on it, it can be smooth, fast, and secure. Get it done and over with.
Fucking Twilight Zone:
You mean the Lada Raven?
Supporters of the Republican presidential candidate are booing the constitution!
What a (scary) time to be alive.
The protesters were holding up Constitutions. This is the most I have ever seen Trump thrown off by protesters.
Politico article on Trump's shrinking electoral map:
What say you, Poligaf? Is Colorado for Hillary almost a given at this point?
Politico article on Trump's shrinking electoral map:
What say you, Poligaf? Is Colorado for Hillary almost a given at this point?
How does Maine have a pro-Trump, Republican Govenor?
Fucking midterms.
Yes. She will win it and probably by 10%+ at this point.Politico article on Trump's shrinking electoral map:
What say you, Poligaf? Is Colorado for Hillary almost a given at this point?
Politico article on Trump's shrinking electoral map:
What say you, Poligaf? Is Colorado for Hillary almost a given at this point?
They stopped spending money here; I dont think theyre confident about Colorado at all. Clinton is here to shore up her base; she would not be here if she was confident, said Trump state director Patrick Davis. The demographics that shes referring to are from 2008 and 2012. This is a completely different electorate. Donald Trump has completely reorganized the electorate. Her math is wrong. He is attracting people who have not voted in a general election in the last 10 years, bringing them back to politics."
Trump looks pitiful today.
I guess he doesn't like the polls at the moment?
Trump and Clinton both pulled ads from Colorado. You can pretty much stick a fork in it.
Something seismic would have to happen for Colorado to go red at this point.
I have watched these Republicans be more harsh towards Donald Drumpf than theyve ever been in standing up to Barack Obama and his radical agenda, he said. They did nothing, nothing all these phony votes to repeal and replace ObamaCare, show votes so they can go back and keep their power and get reelected.
I can't get over the Iran tape thing. There's a Washington Post article from around 16 hours ago with a quote from Hope Hicks confirming he was confused about the tape. Yet he still asserts he watched a tape of the cash being delivered. Just no regard for anything resembling the truth.
Politico article on Trump's shrinking electoral map:
What say you, Poligaf? Is Colorado for Hillary almost a given at this point?
andrew kaczynski ‏@BuzzFeedAndrew 42s43 seconds ago
MSNBC getting sassy with Drumpf lying:
This is hilarious. Its fake but amazingly accurate!
Trump is going to age more in the next 95 days than Presidents do over 8 years.
The "Drumpf" is kind of shitty to be honest. It is somewhat racist and something liberals should be above.
I'm lazy as fuck today but what was HW's margin over Dukakis? Was it a blowout?
7.8 points looking at the wikipedia article.I'm lazy as fuck today but what was HW's margin over Dukakis? Was it a blowout?
andrew kaczynski ‏@BuzzFeedAndrew 42s43 seconds ago
MSNBC getting sassy with Trump lying:
The "Drumpf" is kind of shitty to be honest. It is somewhat racist and something liberals should be above.
7.8 points looking at the wikipedia article.
The EC was a total blowout for HW Bush.
Godamn thats savagery.53.4% to 45.6%
426 Electoral votes to 111. Mega blowout.