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PoliGAF 2017 |OT1| From Russia with Love

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GOP is keeping income inequality high and growing.

GOP is loving unlimited campaign contributions.

Income inequality = small % of people get more "free speech"
Man have the democrats done anything today or are they just silently regurgitating talking points while the rest of the country despairs around them. That California press conference was the first thing I've seen resembling any kind of opposition.


Is it possible for Canadians to organize a massive protest crossing the northern border?
If you're looking for a massive Canadian protest, it will undoubtedly happen when Trump dares to set foot in this country to meet with Trudeau.

So wherever that happens to take place.
During the first major session of the gathering, Ryan pulled out a “Gantt chart,” like those used for construction projects. Ryan, a big fan of charts and wonky policy briefings, said he was inspired by Trump, a builder. It showed three horizontal lines of work the Senate, the House and the White House would complete over the course of the first 200 days of the Trump administration.

man, this reminds me of that time bams snatched cantor's soul over bullshit prop usage.

I meant it more often in the sense that it's ironic Obama did the least amount, despite the GOP screaming bloody murder that he was going way out of line

ah, apologies for the misunderstading.
If you're looking for a massive Canadian protest, it will undoubtedly happen when Trump dares to set foot in this country to meet with Trudeau.

So wherever that happens to take place.
He comes here, he'll get the biggest protest in years. Knowing him, he'd be so thin-skinned to try and declare war because Canada is mostly Anti-Trump.

We burnt the White House Once, Trump. Don't make us do it again.


I can't tell if she's a psychopath or just plain stupid honestly.

Josh Rogin ‏@joshrogin 11m11 minutes ago
@TulsiGabbard says Syrians told her "there are no moderate rebels." That's the Russian government line exactly.

Josh Rogin ‏@joshrogin 18m18 minutes ago
@TulsiGabbard says the Syrians she spoke to all support Assad. Maybe because her trip was arranged by the regime? #facepalm
Man have the democrats done anything today or are they just silently regurgitating talking points while the rest of the country despairs around them. That California press conference was the first thing I've seen resembling any kind of opposition.

What are you expecting? Another protest to make everyone feel good about themselves? When everyone was freaking out about the GOP controlling all of the branches of government, this is why. The Dems don't have any avenues to oppose Trump inside the system.
Are they really employees, or are they just regular people who made those accounts? I'm skeptical to think actual employees did thaf after Badland's National Park announced that they were not the ones who posted the climate stuff and that it was a former employee who still had access to the account.

Not sure but https://twitter.com/AltNatParkSer say they're run by some current employees.

For a while their tweets wouldn't show up on my TL and I couldnt find them on my followed list. Strange.
I remember reading in a thread that someone compiled a sourced list of everything Trump has done so far. I don't remember where I saw it, though. Can someone post that?


In case anybody needs this translated: Higher taxes on lower-income families.
They'll have their spiffy new manufacturing jobs by then so it's all good. And everyone working in jobs already will get raises because of all of the big corporate tax cuts that will be put into place. So consumer spending will skyrocket and health care premiums will go down thanks to Obamacare getting repealed and everyone will be happy and America will be great again.

He comes here, he'll get the biggest protest in years. Knowing him, he'd be so thin-skinned to try and declare war because Canada is mostly Anti-Trump.

We burnt the White House Once, Trump. Don't make us do it again.
I suggested that if Trudeau knows what's good for him that any meeting with Trump take place in Nunavut. Although hell, we might even trek up there to protest if its feasible.

All I ask is that if we torch the White House again we refer to the operation as the Madonna Gambit. It would be poetic.


A Human Becoming

More than a Member
So I've been wondering: If you had to rank the Trump nominees that must be confirmed by the Senate (including the positions that have already been) from best to worst, how you would rank them?


Apparently only blue states are being investigated for voter fraud: https://www.theatlantic.com/politic...ps-punitive-voter-fraud-investigation/514424/
Virginia is the blueprint for what they'll attempt to impose in blue states across the country.

I remember reading in a thread that someone compiled a sourced list of everything Trump has done so far. I don't remember where I saw it, though. Can someone post that?
This is the post you want to look at - obviously there's been more awful news today, so I'm sure we'll see an updated version at some point.
Hindu Nationalism is very very bad and probably the biggest threat to the world right now other than Trump considering that India has a lot of nukes.

A lot of very small nukes. India and Pakistan's combined total yield is less than half of the yield of most individual bombs tested above ground. It wouldn't be globally catastrophic.

Locally, sure.


What. The. Fuck.

Anyone suggesting she be anything other than ran out the party should be ashamed. What an awful human being.

EDIT: Also, aren't their rules or something about members of your government meeting people like Bashar?

They just aren't allowed to negotiate or anything of that sort. They can meet

Republicans tried to go after Pelosi for meeting with Assad like 10 years ago (when we weren't fighting a proxy war against him)

Still, she has no business meeting with him and even less business relaying his talking points
A lot of very small nukes. India and Pakistan's combined total yield is less than half of the yield of most individual bombs tested above ground. It wouldn't be globally catastrophic.

Locally, sure.

I mean, the destruction of Pakistan would be devastating to the world.

Especially if Pakistan retaliated.

Pakistan-India wouldn't have a ton of spillover effects in terms of triggering other conflicts but the potential loss of life is immense.
Tulsi is just as FSB compromised as Trump. I have my doubts about Bernie also now.

Tulsi just hates Muslims.

Assad is very popular among Muslim haters because they view him as killing the "savages."

Tulsi let Indian propaganda rot her brain, she didn't get compromised by Russia (she's a fucking nobody).


Happy to see states, cities and major metropolitan centers holding joint press conferences to speak out against the Trump administration today - specifically their immigration policy.
I feel you might wanna reconsider that stance.

Obama took it slow. For what? I can see no obvious benefit from that. He certainly practiced government overreach in other ways. One can maybe try for the argument that it helped him get reelected, but then, why not scale it up during the second term? Republicans were already bitching about gross government overreach anyway, and moved the goalposts from number of orders to their content.

As i see it, the lesson to take from this is that when you do have power, you should god damn use it, and use it as much as you can to do whatever you can to help the people that you wanna help, because you sure as fuck won't have much time on top in a modern democracy. This can be seen quite well with the ACA. Thank the fucking gods that they pushed that thing through any way they could, because even if it gets torn down later, at least you helped a fuckload of people while it lasted. Do what you can while you still can.

republicans certainly seem to understand that.

This is just more erosion of norms though that Crab brought up earlier. You don't violate norms with reckless abandon because your opposition will do the same. You enshrine and entrench norms so they can't be violated.

To use a flipped party example, it was absolutely an affront to constitutional norms when FDR kept running for President. We let it happen until he was gone, then locked that up so it was the highest level of illegal. That's what you do here.

We should be keeping a record of all the shit the GOP does that we find to be in conflict with our systems of government, and then when we can, make it impossible to get rid of our locks against such behavior.


Please tell me you guys are watching de Blasio rake Bannon through the coals for his anti-immigrant dogma and shade Trump for evading taxes in New York.
Trump says all the (non-existent) illegal votes went to Hillary.

All of them.


He also accuses the Pew researcher that debunked Trump's claim about the Pew research of groveling to the press.


A woman in Iowa was arrested this week on suspicion of voting twice in the general election, court and police records show.

Terri Lynn Rote, a 55-year-old Des Moines resident, was booked Thursday on a first-degree charge of election misconduct, according to Polk County Jail records. The charge is considered a Class D felony under Iowa state law.

Rote was released Friday after posting $5,000 bond. A preliminary hearing is scheduled for Nov. 7.

The Des Moines Register reported that Rote is a registered Republican who cast two ballots in the general election: an early-voting ballot at the Polk County Election Office and another at a county satellite voting location, according to police records.

Rote hadn’t planned on voting twice but said it was “a spur-of-the-moment thing” when she walked by the satellite voting location, she told The Washington Post in a phone interview Saturday.

“I don’t know what came over me,” Rote said.

She added she has been a supporter of Donald Trump since early in his campaign, after Republican candidate Mike Huckabee dropped out of the primary race.


It has not been a full week yet and already Trump and the Republicans have exceeded most expectations on how awful they'd be.

Democrats cannot look for ways to work with this man.

Any Democrat found crossing that line needs to be primaried. And from what I've been reading and hearing, I'm not the only one who thinks so.
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