I feel you might wanna reconsider that stance.
Obama took it slow. For what? I can see no obvious benefit from that.
He certainly practiced government overreach in other ways. One can maybe try for the argument that it helped him get reelected, but then, why not scale it up during the second term? Republicans were already bitching about gross government overreach anyway, and moved the goalposts from number of orders to their content.
As i see it, the lesson to take from this is that when you do have power, you should god damn use it, and use it as much as you can to do whatever you can to help the people that you wanna help, because you sure as fuck won't have much time on top in a modern democracy. This can be seen quite well with the ACA. Thank the fucking
gods that they pushed that thing through any way they could, because even if it gets torn down later, at least you helped a fuckload of people while it lasted. Do what you can
while you still can.
republicans certainly seem to understand that.