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PoliGAF 2017 |OT1| From Russia with Love

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you can't put a price on sparks
Is the notion of a limited government becoming more popular with you guys yet?

you mean limited government in the guise of oppressing people?

Trump is the head of the limited government party.

what's so limited government about requiring voter ID? removing a woman's right to choose abortion? they say they are "limited government," but they are just for government in different ways.


Just chiming in to say that we introduced a 1-for-2 legislation on state level in Germany a couple years ago, and it worked great.
Of course it needs to be seen if Trump enacts it in a similar way.

Tommy DJ

Gotta have been posted here but I still can't stop laughing at this. For reference, this is the library in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building.

Sec. 7. Expedited Completion of the Biometric Entry-Exit Tracking System. (a) The Secretary of Homeland Security shall expedite the completion and implementation of a biometric entry-exit tracking system for all travelers to the United States

How has this part of the EO Trump signed not been more scrutinized? It doesn't clarify at all who will be subject to this biometric screening, it actually just says "all travelers to the United States". That could easily be stretched to apply to all US Citizens with US Passports coming back from vacations abroad.


Sorry, I wasn't aware that that was a policy. I respectfully disagree of course, but I'll concede and refrain from drawing critical attention to future concerning public fascist remarks.

Always have to be a little bit of a dick there at the end, don't you.
Just chiming in to say that we introduced a 1-for-2 legislation on state level in Germany a couple years ago, and it worked great.
Of course it needs to be seen if Trump enacts it in a similar way.

Hmm, whose more trustworthy - ruthless efficient Germans or a bunch of staff members of congress people who are literally paid off by various companies to hack away at various good regulations.

I'm all for reasonable deregulation - get a libertarian, liberal, socialist, and a conservative economist in a room and if they all say, "well, that's just dumb," throw the damn rule out and if there's even a 3-1 vote, let Congress vote on it.


I'm all for reasonable deregulation

The point is not that its about deregulation.
It is simply so, that law makers tend to enact new laws, rules and regulations without ever taking the time to actually check wich of those might simply be outdated. As a result you have bloated law texts that in effect overburden the bureaucracy and the courts.
We used it as a tool to force them to do exactly that, get rid of old outdated stuff.
Sen. Sessions Advising Sally Yates To Disobey Improper Presidential Orders.

Sessions: You have to watch out because people will be asking you to do things you just need to say "no" about. Do you think the Attorney General has a responsibility to say "No" to the President, if he asks for something that is improper? A lot of people have defended the Lynch nomination, for example, by saying, "He appoints somebody who's going to execute his views, what's wrong with that?" But if the views the President wants to execute are unlawful should the Attorney General or Deputy Attorney General say "no"?

Yates: Senator, I believe that the Attorney General or the Deputy Attorney General has an obligation to follow the law and the constitution - and to give their independent legal advice to the President.

Sessions: Well, that's true. And like any CEP, where the law firm, sometimes, the lawyers have to tell the CEO, Mr. CEO, don't do that. We'll get us sued. It's going to be in violation of the law. You'll regret it. Please. No matter how headstrong they might be, do you feel like that's the duty of the attorney general's office?

Yates: I do. To fairly and impartially evaluate the law and provide the president and administration with impartial legal advice.



Unconfirmed Member
The point is not that its about deregulation.
It is simply so, that law makers tend to enact new laws, rules and regulations without ever taking the time to actually check wich of those might simply be outdated. As a result you have bloated law texts that in effect overburden the bureaucracy and the courts.
We used it as a tool to force them to do exactly that, get rid of old outdated stuff.

Did that also require a 1 for 1 trade in costs too?

Trump's order has nothing to do with outdated regulations, since outdated regulations aren't being enforced anyhow, so you can't get the required cost savings from them to meet that requirement. It's basically either no new regulations, or you're getting rid of a regulation you're currently actively enforcing.


Did that also require a 1 for 1 trade in costs too?

Trump's order has nothing to do with outdated regulations, since outdated regulations aren't being enforced anyhow, so you can't get the required cost savings from them to meet that requirement. It's basically either no new regulations, or you're getting rid of a regulation you're currently actively enforcing.

No, no provision on costs was given.
It was done as a tit-for-tat. You wanted to add a new sentence into a paragraph, you had to get rid of two other sentences in the same law/reg/rule. You wanted to put in a new paragraph, you had to take out two in the same text. And so on.
The one who wanted to add, also had to say what goes out, so no external shenanigans.
Can an Executive Order even mandate stuff like that? I feel like the President can't put harsh restrictions on what legislators can and cannot do. If that were the case what's to stop a President from signing a bill, and then issuing an EO that says Congress is unable to repeal it?


Neo Member
Can an Executive Order even mandate stuff like that? I feel like the President can't put harsh restrictions on what legislators can and cannot do. If that were the case what's to stop a President from signing a bill, and then issuing an EO that says Congress is unable to repeal it?

I think in this context, regulation does not equal legislation. Regulation consists of rules established by regulatory agencies and cabinet offices (which fall under the executive branch) rather than 'acts' established by Congress. The various regulatory agencies under Obama were big on establishing new rules (to protect consumers/employees etc), and Trump wants to get rid of those.

I think in this context, regulation does not equal legislation. Regulation consists of rules established by regulatory agencies and cabinet offices (which fall under the executive branch) rather than 'acts' established by Congress. The various regulatory agencies under Obama were big on establishing new rules (to protect consumers/employees etc), and Trump wants to get rid of those.


Ah. Fair enough. So theoretically Congress could pass laws dictating those responsibilities are delegated to said agencies and it bypasses the EO?


Unconfirmed Member
Can an Executive Order even mandate stuff like that? I feel like the President can't put harsh restrictions on what legislators can and cannot do. If that were the case what's to stop a President from signing a bill, and then issuing an EO that says Congress is unable to repeal it?

This is an order for regulators, not lawmakers. Like how Tom Wheeler was the swing vote in the FCC on the decision to include the net neutrality regulation. Tom Wheeler was appointed by Obama, not elected by the people.

I don't know if the order is legal or not, but regulators are a part of the executive branch, so the president has a decent amount of power over them.

Ah. Fair enough. So theoretically Congress could pass laws dictating those responsibilities are delegated to said agencies and it bypasses the EO?

Yes, but they won't.


Hi guys did anything happen while I was moving

I'm kidding, just dropped by to say good luck in the post-fascist hellscape, also I was right about the Nazis


Unconfirmed Member
Hi guys did anything happen while I was moving

I'm kidding, just dropped by to say good luck in the post-fascist hellscape, also I was right about the Nazis
You get out of the country, bro?

Also, I imagine gloating about being right about the nazis is never truly satisfying. Like you were right but you wish you hadn't been.


The Intercept's big story the government doesn't want you to know is out: FBI related https://theintercept.com/2017/01/31...has-inherited-an-fbi-with-vast-hidden-powers/

One part:

Officials of the bureau were so concerned that many of these police forces are linked to, at times even populated by, overt white nationalists and white supremacists, that they have deemed it necessary to take that into account in crafting policies for sharing information with them.

List of documents:


Paul Krugman ‏@paulkrugman 4m4 minutes ago

Given the rate at which things are coming to a head, "President Trump" -- the sort-of legitimate head of a republic -- won't last long 1/

Either he or the republic, in any meaningful sense, will be gone quite soon. I have a hard time seeing one year, let alone four 2/

What this means is that anyone considering working for or with this White House -- Senators, officials, businessmen -- shouldn't 3/

Either you're going to go down with a disgraced president, or you're going to be complicit in the death of democracy. Just say no 4/


I mean, sure, he's got stuff wrong in the past (recent past, too, with predictions for a Trump win on the markets, I think), but still...

I mean, sure, he's got stuff wrong in the past (recent past, too, with predictions for a Trump win on the markets, I think), but still...
Not really a fan of Krugman's pundit side but I generally agree and have been saying this for awhile. Trump's current behavior is unsustainable. He hasn't done anything to show even an ounce of respect or deference to House/senate leadership and instead is making their jobs harder. He's picking battles that shouldn't be picked, antagonizing various groups at the same time, disrespecting republican and democratic senators, and above all else operating in a sloppy unprofessional way.

All they had to do was lay low and wait for budget battles in the spring. McConnell could have easily gotten away with eliminating the filibuster then, and he'd have a decent argument (I'm assuming democrats will obstruct Trump's insane budget). But, having awoken the beast on a variety of everyday life issues that resonate more than budget fuckery? Leadership has to see the writing on the wall. This guy is burning down the house and they're inside with him.

What will Trump's approval ratings be in the spring? They could have been pretty good if he simply cut taxes and made some changes to Obamacare. Instead he'll be underwater as they start the budget process, and his political capitol is long gone.


Not really a fan of Krugman's pundit side but I generally agree and have been saying this for awhile. Trump's current behavior is unsustainable. He hasn't done anything to show even an ounce of respect or deference to House/senate leadership and instead is making their jobs harder. He's picking battles that shouldn't be picked, antagonizing various groups at the same time, disrespecting republican and democratic senators, and above all else operating in a sloppy unprofessional way.

All they had to do was lay low and wait for budget battles in the spring. McConnell could have easily gotten away with eliminating the filibuster then, and he'd have a decent argument (I'm assuming democrats will obstruct Trump's insane budget). But, having awoken the beast on a variety of everyday life issues that resonate more than budget fuckery? Leadership has to see the writing on the wall. This guy is burning down the house and they're inside with him.

What will Trump's approval ratings be in the spring? They could have been pretty good if he simply cut taxes and made some changes to Obamacare. Instead he'll be underwater as they start the budget process, and his political capitol is long gone.

Yeah, assuming this tweet is accurate:

David Yankovich Verified account

Okay, this is important.

Republicans in Congress are shutting their phones off, hanging up on people, and hiding.

Why isn't media on it?

Republicans are shitting themselves (pardon the language. :p ). Trump really has woken the beast of the everyday average Joe, and this is mostly over immigration. The fight over the ACA Repeal where people are literally dying because of what they're doing - that'll make this look like nothing.
Team Hillary blames Obama more than Putin

The worst-kept secret inside Democratic circles is how bitter Hillary Clinton's team is at President Obama over her election loss. We have heard from numerous, anguished people in Clinton-land blaming Obama -- more than Putin, FBI Director James Comey or, um, Hillary herself -- for the defeat.

The reason: Clintonites feel that if Obama had come out early and forcefully with evidence of Russian interference in the campaign, and perhaps quicker sanctions, she might be president today. His caution, they argue, allowed the public to have a foggy sense of clear, calculated, consistent Russian meddling in the campaign. We can't stress enough how upset some Democrats are. It's testing relationships between Clinton and Obama loyalists. It's making efforts to form a new Trump opposition coalition harder.

A Clinton campaign official told us: "The White House was like everyone else: They thought she'd win anyway. ... If he had done more, it might have lessened a lot of aggrieved feelings, although I don't think it would have altered the outcome. The Russia thing was like a spy novel, and anything he had said or done would have helped get people to believe it was real."

On the flip side: Obama has let it be known that he remains befuddled on how she missed what to him was an easy layup of a win, given his own popularity on Election Day and Trump's vulgarity:

A top Obama aide told us the White House was very deliberate about not being seen as politicizing the hacks. The aide said the first priority was making sure that the actual voting was untainted, and coordination with Republican state officials would have collapsed if Obama was seen as grandstanding.



TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Most merkuns probably don't like Muslins. I wish we were fighting over like social security or something. I hate to say it but I think the fascist fans in this crap country are probably like yaaaaa ban the muslins and look at these liberals with no jobs at the airport


Most merkuns probably don't like Muslins. I wish we were fighting over like social security or something. I hate to say it but I think the fascist fans in this crap country are probably like yaaaaa ban the muslins and look at these liberals with no jobs at the airport
Trump/Bannon are being so brazen with these things because they know half the country will be like

"Liberals are supporting terrorists and they're hypocrites because women can't drive in SA, oh and they're paid by soros"
Watching Trump press conference on CNN right now, he still always has been in campaign mode, literally everything out of his mouth is verbatim from the stump speeches
Trump/Bannon are being so brazen with these things because they know half the country will be like

"Liberals are supporting terrorists and they're hypocrites because women can't drive in SA, oh and they're paid by soros"
It frustrate me to no end to hear the right wing radio/media spin everything as "those radical democrats/liberals trying to destroy Ameria", and knowing that millions are nodding along in engineered ignorance and blind patriotism
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