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PoliGAF 2017 |OT1| From Russia with Love

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I refuse to believe there are not talks of impeachment among Congressional Republicans. There's no way that some upset Trump supporters threatening to primary them is worth the damage he's going to do and the rise of an extreme and potentially violent left.

They're prepared to continue fiddling while the institution burns as long as they get to play out their extremist ideological fantasies. The rise of an extreme and potentially violent left is coming and the same people responsible for it will be shocked.


These people all just voted for Tillerson. They aren't doing anything. They are drunk with power.

This. They're doing the bare minimum to look like they're putting up a fight. If Trump's getting impeached, it's because the Dems took back Congress in 2018


CNN just had its commentators basically repeat what was written in Vanity Fair's Can Jared and Ivanka Outrun Donald Trump's Scandals?, where they claim that from sundown on friday to sundown on saturday, things go awary because Kushner/Ivanka follow the Sabbath and that allows Trump to get out of control without his counsel, and that this pattern is likely to continue.

That article is basically saying Kushner is getting fed up.

PInk Tape

That moment when you realize that the Trump admin hasn't even faced an external problem i.e. hurricane, terror attack, or even pushing a fucking bill through congress. Literally every day has been another self made crisis

It's amazing honestly.

ISIS and the weather can just sit back and relax as long as that buffoon and his team are still in control. They'll destroy the country in no time.

Nelo Ice

That moment when you realize that the Trump admin hasn't even faced an external problem i.e. hurricane, terror attack, or even pushing a fucking bill through congress. Literally every day has been another self made crisis

That reminds me in the back of my head I'm also panicking over how fucked we'd be in CA if the big one hit.
CAIR filed lawsuit against Trump (I missed this)


The reports say Calamity Bannon wants Gorsuch, so I'm pretty sure that's who we'll get.
This makes no sense.

People have taken the Judicial Common Space score thing from 538 way too much to heart.

Gorsuch is, based on his pedigree, probably the least offensive of the 3 frontrunners.


I have to say I have been pretty uncomfortable since the inauguration but tonight I am feeling really scared. It really seems like Bannon is running the show and by hiding things and adding more yes men they are blocking themselves off. It seems like they could start doing really terrible things and there would be no way to stop it.


I refuse to believe there are not talks of impeachment among Congressional Republicans. There's no way that some upset Trump supporters threatening to primary them is worth the damage he's going to do and the rise of an extreme and potentially violent left.
They are looking the other way because they might have a chance to overturn roe v wade and get their tax cuts.

They don't give a fuck about these protests. Half of them are in districts designed to keep them in office and their districts aren't going to suddenly change their ethnic or political diversity overnight.

I'm convinced people here live in a bubble where they don't see or hear the trump supporters. I've been in some of the most conservative parts of the North East and it's the same fucking things being said.

The same fox news talking points over and over and over again. Bending the rules at every turn with whatever logic they have heard on tv. "Coal will bring back the jobs I don't see it getting any warmer", "it's only 30 days what are those people complaining about waiting at an airport", "don't these people know we are at war with these terrorists", "my health care premium went up so some woman on welfare can get a free health care plan", "I'm making jack shit and I'm being replaced by somebody in another nation", I even heard this one a few weeks back :"these immigrants don't care about this nation, they come here and they send their money back home to their families stealing out jobs and resources".

Nevermind the fact that most of these people could benefit from a more activist government with things like orginzed labor in a town dominated by Wal-Mart or major infrastructure projects to help these towns cope with What winters will to do roads and buildings or farmers getting to speak out against price gauging with companies like Tyson and horrible wages. Or having your health care tied to your job and preventing people from job searching without risk of developing a life threatening condition.

These people have been ignored in democratic messaging or have been in districts where the same GOP rep gets ellected over and over and over again because he can relate to them on a cultural level. When they think democrats they think people taking their hard earned money and celebs that live sexually deviant lives that are unholy.

I have yet to meet another straight white male Democrat in work or social circles in almost 5 years.

I don't know how or what can be changed about it but I honestly believe that democrats need run in every single district in the nation even if they lose they need to showcase to large parts of this nation that they do represent their interests.
They're prepared to continue fiddling while the institution burns as long as they get to play out their extremist ideological fantasies. The rise of an extreme and potentially violent left is coming and the same people responsible for it will be shocked.

I think its more the lines they are praying all of this dies down if/when Trump slows down. They've waited 8 years to retake the Presidency and they've managed to take both the House and the Senate. They do NOT want to fuck this opportunity up but did not count on Trump being this shitty.

I do believe there will be a breaking point but they're hoping against hope they can push through what they can before the tipping point. Or at least until they can find a way to separate themselves from Trump to lesson the blow if/when they do go after him as they know their voters are watching.


From tonight in Dallas -- solidarity with refugees

(Texas is #2 behind Cali for number of resettled refugees -- have several friends that work/worked at IRC)
They are looking the other way because they might have a chance to overturn roe v wade and get their tax cuts.

They don't give a fuck about these protests. Half of them are in districts designed to keep them in office and their districts aren't going to suddenly change their ethnic or political diversity overnight.

I'm convinced people here live in a bubble where they don't see or hear the trump supporters. I've been in some of the most conservative parts of the North East and it's the same fucking things being said.

The same fox news talking points over and over and over again. Bending the rules at every turn with whatever logic they have heard on tv. "Coal will bring back the jobs I don't see it getting any warmer", "it's only 30 days what are those people complaining about waiting at an airport", "don't these people know we are at war with these terrorists", "my health care premium went up so some woman on welfare can get a free health care plan", "I'm making jack shit and I'm being replaced by somebody in another nation", I even heard this one a few weeks back :"these immigrants don't care about this nation, they come here and they send their money back home to their families stealing out jobs and resources".

Nevermind the fact that most of these people could benefit from a more activist government with things like orginzed labor in a town dominated by Wal-Mart or major infrastructure projects to help these towns cope with What winters will to do roads and buildings or farmers getting to speak out against price gauging with companies like Tyson and horrible wages. Or having your health care tied to your job and preventing people from job searching without risk of developing a life threatening condition.

These people have been ignored in democratic messaging or have been in districts where the same GOP rep gets ellected over and over and over again because he can relate to them on a cultural level. When they think democrats they think people taking their hard earned money and celebs that live sexually deviant lives that are unholy.

I have yet to meet another straight white male Democrat in work or social circles in almost 5 years.

I don't know how or what can be changed about it but I honestly believe that democrats need run in every single district in the nation even if they lose they need to showcase to large parts of this nation that they do represent their interests.

You are 7348803% correct. The problem is those Dems who would potentially run in those areas won't, because if you're a person with some sense and aren't a bigot, you're moving to a major city instead of trying to turn around people with 30+ years of brainwashing. You just want to live your life and leave ignorant people to their chosen fate.

We unfortunately need progressive white dudes to bite the bullet and move to the sticks and work against the tide of propaganda from the right.
I have to say I have been pretty uncomfortable since the inauguration but tonight I am feeling really scared. It really seems like Bannon is running the show and by hiding things and adding more yes men they are blocking themselves off. It seems like they could start doing really terrible things and there would be no way to stop it.

I share the feeling but try not to be too scared. There's little you can do other than show up, protest, donate, call, etc. To a certain extent this is out of your individual hands and we all just have to rely on each other to resist, support and weather the storm. This is the trying times of our generations, and as long as we're still seeing protestors and resistance (if anything they've only been growing) we're not out of this yet.
You are 7348803% correct. The problem is those Dems who would potentially run in those areas won't, because if you're a person with some sense and aren't a bigot, you're moving to a major city instead of trying to turn around people with 30+ years of brainwashing. You just want to live your life and leave ignorant people to their chosen fate.

We unfortunately need progressive white dudes to bite the bullet and move to the sticks and work against the tide of propaganda from the right.

Wasn't NeoGAF buying a town in Wyoming?
CNN just had its commentators basically repeat what was written in Vanity Fair's Can Jared and Ivanka Outrun Donald Trump's Scandals?, where they claim that from sundown on friday to sundown on saturday, things go awary because Kushner/Ivanka follow the Sabbath and that allows Trump to get out of control without his counsel, and that this pattern is likely to continue.

That article is basically saying Kushner is getting fed up.

I had a feeling that of many Trump loyalists; the secret reason they back him is because they have ridden his win to the mainstream and power to get their ideology out.

Once they find out he doesn't give a shit about them and undermining them, they will get fed up as well.


Idiot Hannity was apparently speculating on where all the money was coming to pay all the protesters tonight. That shit is exasperating, especially because his viewers believe it. By the way there was a huge protest in the elite coastal town of Louisville, Kentucky tonight.



Sen. Chris Coons, D-Delaware, a member of the Judiciary Committee told CNN he is still seething over the Republicans' decision to block Judge Merrick Garland from filling the seat when they refused to hold hearings and votes on his nomination last year.
"But I'm not going to do to President Trump's nominee what the Republicans in the Senate did to President Obama's," Coons said. "I will push for a hearing and I will push for a vote."

Fucking really?


Unconfirmed Member

Trying to block for 4 years will only end with nuking the filibuster for SCOTUS and getting the absolute worst possible choice.

Trying to block individual justices until one of them is somewhat acceptable is the best option.

If democrats are in the same position that republicans were in for Garland, they should 100% go full obstructionist, but they simply aren't in that position.
I hate colbert's whole awkward uncomfortable standup comedian approach now. And he doesn't have any chemistry with his side kick. It sucks.

I just want the daily show/Colbert report combo back. That would seriously make me feel a lot better about this shit than I currently do.
It's like trump supporters sometimes are just reading from a talking points memo.

"8 U.S. Code 1182"

- the constitution is superior to U.S. Code, it's discrimination based on religion

"No, it's not based on religion, the media is sensationalizing the lie about it being about religion"

- no, it literally discriminates based on religion in the text

"have you read it?"

- yes, section 5 (b)

"it doesn't say muslims"

- Umm, it says minority religions for 7 countries where muslims are the majority, meaning in fact yes muslims are targetted

"constitutional rights don't apply to non-citizens"

- Actually, they do.


I haven't actually seen anyone argue that the Constitution doesn't extend to non-citizens in foreign countries BUT this impacts non-citizens already in the country so that doesn't matter. Also the Constitution may apply in certain situations, like having a green card may be enough to have the Constitution apply to a non-citizen when in a foreign country it just isn't settled law afaik.


Until Mr. Wonderful is their PM

O'Leary? Loathed the dude from the first time I saw him on Dragon's Den, because he's joyfully inhuman to the point that not even his fellow judges could stand him (one actually denounced him and his bid for leadership of the Canadian Progressive Conservative party in the press a week or so ago). He's a long shot, but he is absolutely unfit for the office and ought be thrown into the sea.


Unconfirmed Member
Idiot Hannity was apparently speculating on where all the money was coming to pay all the protesters tonight. That shit is exasperating, especially because his viewers believe it. By the way there was a huge protest in the elite coastal town of Louisville, Kentucky tonight.
To be fair what is and isn't a costal town is going to change a lot over the next century 20 years so we should consider everything costal. Just to be safe.
Trump didn't dare go after LGBT people so that's nice at least.

WASHINGTON — The White House said on Monday that President Trump would leave in place a 2014 Obama administration order that created new workplace protections for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people.

In a statement issued in response to growing questions about whether Mr. Trump would reverse the Obama order, the White House said the president was proud to embrace gay rights.

“President Trump continues to be respectful and supportive of L.G.B.T.Q. rights, just as he was throughout the election,” the statement said. “The president is proud to have been the first ever G.O.P. nominee to mention the L.G.B.T.Q. community in his nomination acceptance speech, pledging then to protect the community from violence and oppression.”

The decision to keep the order, the statement added, was Mr. Trump’s. It uses stronger language than any Republican president has before in favor of equal legal protections for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people, though that is not likely to quiet Mr. Trump’s critics on the left.

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