Schemer better get his closet stick out and whip those D votes.
Who is Sen minority whip?
Who is Sen minority whip?
Sessions has been recusing himself from all cabinet votes right?
HOLY SHIT!?!?!? Right Wing Radio during the white press briefing/,,,,,
Not really, no. Party in power is always blamed for everything. And people in general don't give a shit about Senate rules.
Except no one cares about shit like that. What the voters are going to care about is whether their lives are helped or hurt by what the GOP does.
If the GOP thought they were immune from criticism, then they wouldn't so damn scared about actually repealing the ACA.
You all think that the protests happening are as powerless as the Occupy protests, but it's looking more and more like the kind of protests that happened in the 60s when people were CONSTANTLY protesting.
Or nobody is going to care about rules and instead care about the laws that are passed
Democratic strategists with knowledge of the chairman selection process say Perez has as much as a 66-member lead among the 447 members of the party who will vote on the next chairman at the party convention in late February. In total, 304 members have indicated who they're backing.
fuck that guyHOLY SHIT!?!?!? Right Wing Radio during the white press briefing/,,,,,
"Hey should we be cutting down more trees for land instead of fighting forest fires?"
Oh man, it's definitely going to be Perez.
Does this mean what i think it means?BOOM
WASHINGTON (AP) - Second Republican senator, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, says she cannot support Education nominee Betsy DeVos.
WASHINGTON (AP) - Second Republican senator, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, says she cannot support Education nominee Betsy DeVos.
Are the "DNC rigged it" shitposts going to start soon?
Don't we need 2 more defectors to get past the 50-50 tie? So far we just have Collins and Murkowski, so we're still losing 51-49 -- or did I miss someone?MURKOWSKI A NO ON DEVOS
Oh man, it's definitely going to be Perez.
Can public support even handle a war right now/soon? Do people really want pointless shit like this again after Iraq?
Does this mean what i think it means?
I wonder how many people need to call to get attention in Alaskan towns.
Wait for the Bernie people to bail. This is stupid btw
Oh man, it's definitely going to be Perez.
Murkowski got primaried once before.
It's not a stretch to say she's going to get primaried again.
Don't we need 2 more defectors to get past the 50-50 tie? So far we just have Collins and Murkowski, so we're still losing 51-49 -- or did I miss someone?
Don't we need 2 more defectors to get past the 50-50 tie? So far we just have Collins and Murkowski, so we're still losing 51-49 -- or did I miss someone?
Oh man, it's definitely going to be Perez.
Oh man, it's definitely going to be Perez.
Sessions is abstaining from cabinet votes
Another right-wing coal burner Skype
Clean coal doesn't exist you shit
Don't we need 2 more defectors to get past the 50-50 tie? So far we just have Collins and Murkowski, so we're still losing 51-49 -- or did I miss someone?
Holy shit they are not being subtle about this at all.
Seriously, this is pure propaganda
You guys are sounding an awful lot like Aaron Strife to Diablos in 2010 when he was properly Diablosing.
We need to deal with the very real problem that a lot of Americans who hold a disproportionate amount of power are opposed to beliefs like "tolerance."
Really? You think so? I don't see any Democrats or Independents being supportive of a land war and even half of Trump's base probably wouldn't be able to stomach it.
Perez seems like a fine guy but Ellison has unifying potential and Perez has opportunities for advancement by kicking Hogan's ass in 2018. I won't take my ball and go home, but it would be frustrating.
Holy shit they are not being subtle about this at all.
Seriously, this is pure propaganda
1 more defector. Pat Toomey, allegedly, was the last one wavering. Teachers are strong in Pennsylvania.
Macron looking like he can pull this one off.
Fillon is a disaster (only slightly less than LePen) so this would be pretty cool.