Dominican Power
Spicer called DeVos an educator. lulz
The Good: As far as Im concerned, the most important thing to look for in a Supreme Court justice right now is a willingness to stand up to executive power. For at least the next four years (in all likelihood), the White House will be occupied by a narcissist with a proclivity for authoritarianism. We arent yet two weeks in to Trumps administration, and were already barreling toward one or more constitutional crises. Oddly and perhaps in spite of himself, of the three names said to be on Trumps shortlist (Gorsuch, Thomas Hardiman and William Pryor), Gorsuch appears to be the most independent and has shown the most willingness to stand up to the executive branch. Heres President Obamas acting solicitor general, Neal Katyal, in the New York Times today:
In particular, he has written opinions vigorously defending the paramount duty of the courts to say what the law is, without deferring to the executive branchs interpretations of federal statutes, including our immigration laws.
In a pair of immigration cases, De Niz Robles v. Lynch and Gutierrez-Brizuela v. Lynch, Judge Gorsuch ruled against attempts by the government to retroactively interpret the law to disfavor immigrants. In a separate opinion in Gutierrez-Brizuela, he criticized the legal doctrine that federal courts must often defer to the executive branchs interpretations of federal law, warning that such deference threatens the separation of powers designed by the framers.
A proven record of standing up to the executive branch when it oversteps its authority on immigration that seems pretty important and relevant right now.
This is why Gorsuch should be confirmed. This isn't the hill to die on. If it was Pryor, I wouldn't be saying this.
From this:
This is why Gorsuch should be confirmed. This isn't the hill to die on. If it was Pryor, I wouldn't be saying this.
From this:
There's wider awareness of and support for the Women's March than the Tea Party held at its height of power in 2010
My worry is that if Obamas crew is backing him, they don't understand how to fix the DNC.I've found Perez's arguments and public appearances during the DNC chair campaign more convincing, or reassuring, than Ellison's, but maybe he's just a better speaker than Ellison is.
What happens in the second round. Where do the center-right voters go and can Le Pen still pick off leftists?
This is why Gorsuch should be confirmed. This isn't the hill to die on. If it was Pryor, I wouldn't be saying this.
From this:
I wasn't here in 2010, but I don't really see how midterm losses under a Democratic president at a time of high unemployment means that Republicans will get a midterm boost from altering Senate rules of all things. The people you're responding to are right. No one cares about stuff like that.
An economist getting a win in an election is outright insanity. In a good way.Center-Right voters go to Macron. His official position is that of a pure Centrist.
Ultimately what he is currently doing making a pure thread-the-needle play.
None of this is the point. He's going to be confirmed no matter what. Democrats need to filibuster him as a matter of principle over Garland's treatment and the suggestion by Republicans during the campaign that only they get to seat SCOTUS justices from now on.
Macron has better second round polling than Fillon.What happens in the second round. Where do the center-right voters go and can Le Pen still pick off leftists?
My worry is that if Obamas crew is backing him, they don't understand how to fix the DNC.
What happens in the second round. Where do the center-right voters go and can Le Pen still pick off leftists?
If we're getting another round of "the primaries are unfair" if Perez wins, then there's nothing really going to convince the people that espouses that kind of bullshit. Either it is up to a vote or it isn't.
Why is @BarackObama constantly issuing executive orders that are major power grabs of authority? This is the latest
This is literally party insiders deciding.
What was the Tillerson vote?
What was the Tillerson vote?
What was the Tillerson vote?
Warner Heitkamp Manchin KingWho were the 4?
3 Dems confirmed him : Warner, Manchin and Heitkamp. Not surprising. Plus Angus King.
There has to be some kind of quantum eraser phenomenon happening with Trump where his actions are retroactively creating contradictory tweets in the past.
Not good. We need Ellison to win or the Democrats won't be unified.
VA is not a blue state, holy fucking shit.Warner is in a liberal state, dumbfuck.
Sigh, Dems deserve everything they get
Purity tests are when you take a fairly minor action or association and blow it up to the point where it becomes the sum total of your view on the individual. Hillary's speeches, for instance, were a purity test. As a private citizen she took some of Wall Street's money, therefore she's tarred for life. A vote in favor of an unqualified Russian stooge for SMS is a much bigger deal, especially if it represents a pattern of actual, as opposed to invented, behavior.Just so I'm 100% clear are "purity tests" about Democrats who are aiding Republicans or about Democrats who are aiding "Big Business"?