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PoliGAF 2017 |OT1| From Russia with Love

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I like that Auberonia is apparently one of the most armed nations in existence.
The economy was doing fine until I answered one issue in a way that completely tanked it, haven't been able to dig it back out despite the brisk weapons sale.

I dismiss some 80+% of the issues because all the answers require government action of some kind, when ya know, there's not even supposed to be one.


These are the different government descriptions, I've always wanted to somehow get a nation into "Corporate Bordello" for a period:

Auberonia was "Capitalizt" for the longest time for some reason.

Platonipa has always been in the bottom left.

I had another one where I started it off as "Scandinavian Liberal Paradise" that descended into psychotic madness because "WON'T SOMEONE THINK OF THE CHILDREN" was my guiding principle on every decision. I think I had it at one point where children once born were immediately taken away by the government, named as a number and parents never saw them again. To protect the children of course. I have to assume they were conceived on government orders too.

They go defunct if you don't login after 20 days or something.


These are the different government descriptions, I've always wanted to somehow get a nation into "Corporate Bordello" for a period:

Auberonia was "Capitalizt" for the longest time for some reason.

Platonipa has always been in the bottom left.

I had another one where I started it off as "Scandinavian Liberal Paradise" that descended into psychotic madness because "WON'T SOMEONE THINK OF THE CHILDREN" was my guiding principle on every decision. I think I had it at one point where children once born were immediately taken away by the government, named as a number and parents never saw them again. To protect the children of course. I have to assume they were conceived on government orders too.

They go defunct if you don't login after 20 days or something.

Wait, so anarchy is the best? 100x100x100% freedom!
Auberonia was "Capitalizt" for the longest time for some reason.

Platonipa has always been in the bottom left.

I had another one where I started it off as "Scandinavian Liberal Paradise" that descended into psychotic madness because "WON'T SOMEONE THINK OF THE CHILDREN" was my guiding principle on every decision. I think I had it at one point where children once born were immediately taken away by the government, named as a number and parents never saw them again. To protect the children of course. I have to assume they were conceived on government orders too.

They go defunct if you don't login after 20 days or something.


Looking at the category glossary for each of these, and I'm convinced you wrote most of them.
Senate schedules 6:30 am vote on DeVos

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has scheduled a vote at 6:30 a.m. Friday, an unusually early time, to advance Betsy DeVos's nomination to serve as secretary of Education.

Senate Republicans say they are getting fed up with Democratic obstruction and the extra early vote will allow them to get a head start in running time off the procedural clock.

McConnell is confident he will have the 51 votes he needs Friday to end debate on DeVos.

Early morning votes are an extreme rarity in the Senate. One memorable instance took place the day before Christmas, 2009, when Democrats passed ObamaCare shortly after 7 am on a party-line vote of 60 to 39.
While two Republicans, Sens. Susan Collins (Maine) and Lisa Murkowski (Alaska), will ultimately oppose DeVos, they will vote with their GOP colleagues on the procedural question of ending dilatory debate.

Senate rules require that 30 hours elapse after the Senate has voted to cut off a filibuster before a vote on final passage can be held.

By voting at 6:30 a.m., Republicans have a chance of confirming DeVos by late Monday but if Democrats drag out the post-cloture debate for the full 30 hours, it could lag intoTuesday.

McConnell and other GOP leaders are confident that there will be no other Republican defections on DeVos. They expect she will win confirmation next week with 51 votes after Vice President Pence weighs in to break an expected tie.

And this was shortly after her vote was supposedly pushed back to next week. -_-
It's a slow day for the Trump administration so I wonder how they'll finish it up, might end wel--

The State Department drafted its own statement last month marking International Holocaust Remembrance Day that explicitly included a mention of Jewish victims, according to people familiar with the matter, but President Donald Trump’s White House blocked its release.

"Are Bannon and Miller Holocaust Deniers?" reaches day infinity.



Eh, not exactly. It isn't black and white. There is a law in place that has been analyzed by the Supreme Court that legalizes abortion. Therefore, that puts the decision for a Christian to have an abortion between themselves and God. I don't think it is contradictory at all in that scenario.

No it does not. Do not put your moral judgement upon others (as much as I hate to use Godwin's law but the Nazis also acted according to the law in practice). YOU said abortion is the same as murder, so that makes you a morally irreprehensible person, because Georege Tiller in your estimation probably murdered thousands of people. Why did you not do anything about that? You should have killed him before the other terrorist did it. Everyone of you who currently currently that abortion is murder is at least the same as people living right next to concentration camps. Either you think murder (=abortion) must be stopped at all costs or you actually do not believe in your own words and thus please stop referring to abortion as murder, since you only represent as the worst, most cowardly possible persons in doing so.

Edit: Sorry if my argumentation is not very good right now(it is pretty late here), but my point stands, considering abortion as murder and allowing doctors to practize abortions are not morally possible. Either you stop this mass murder (in your eyes) right now, or you accept that your are a willing accomplice in this (perceived) mass murder. The other possiblity is to think about your argumentation and never refer to abortion as murder again. Basically i is uour decision, either I hear about physical attacks on abortion clynics tomorrow or you do not think abortion is acually murder.


Have this video posted yet? Trump staff told a reporter, who is a US citizen, "Get out of my country."


That's from the campaign. Like everything else it was ignored because why not.

I don't understand how Republicans can keep being this dense

Senate Republicans‏ @SenateGOP

"We want this nominee to be treated the same way that President Clinton and President Obama's nominees were treated." –@SenJohnThune #SCOTUS


Tammy Baldwin has an opinion on Scott Walker's claim she should vote for Gorsuch

Tammy Baldwin‏ @tammybaldwin

Your opportunity to weigh in on Gorsuch ended with your short-lived Pres campaign. Focus on fixing WI's roads and bridges. #priorities


Republicans get to be dense because they know the American people are dense and that they won't pay a political price. The senate, especially.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
No it does not. Do not put your moral judgement upon others (as much as I hate to use Godwin's law but the Nazis also acted according to the law in practice). YOU said abortion is the same as murder,

Stopped right here because this never happened.
Nearly 4.9 Million Jobs depend on trade with Mexico

According to the Mexico Institute


Breaking that down further, some 4.9 million jobs are at risk from frozen trade, which means one out of every 29 U.S. workers has a job supported by trade between the countries, he said. When looking state by state, the data referred to 2014 numbers that showed California most vulnerable with 556,000 jobs dependent on trade, while Texas was equally at risk with 382,000 jobs relying on that relationship.


According to the NAFTA Works

Some of the jobs linked with the bilateral trade are in manufacturing and primary goods production, said Wilson, but most are in service sectors, such as finance, health care and retail. “This is because the job gains directly associated with exports are more or less canceled out by those lost through import competition, leaving the major net job gains from bilateral trade coming from the benefits associated with imports and the related economywide efficiency gains,” he said.


Unconfirmed Member
If Gorsuch does get confirmed, does this mean we'll have another 30 years of Scalia like worshiping of his "non-partisan consistent principles" that only coincidentally absolutely always align with the conservative political stance on every controversial and important issue.

I know he's dead set against the Chevron deference, but all that does is give him even more leeway to interpret the law his own way. It'll do absolutely nothing to make him go against other conservatives on any decision.

He sounds better than Pryor, but if we ever get to the point where Gorsuch's the swing vote on anything meaningful, this country's screwed anyway.
Responses below clarify this.

Not sure on legitimacy of source, but tweet storm here explains that many of the recent rule changes (gun restrictions, etc) were done under the Congressional Review Act - which stipulates that no similar rule can ever be put in place.

quick tweetstorm about an issue that's a BFD, but getting almost no attention. so there's something called the Congressional Review Act. the Congressional Review Act (CRA) is an obscure rule.

it was passed in 1996, and it's only been successfully used once in history. the CRA enables Congress to repeal recently signed federal regulations with simple majority votes. these votes can't be filibustered.

but it goes further than that – if regulations are killed through CRA, federal agencies can't issue similar regulations again. ...ever.

Rs – controlling both houses of Congress & presidency – are now abusing this obscure, powerful rule on issue after issue. how? well...

here are some things the House has already passed through CRA:
➞ enabling the mentally ill to purchase guns:… https://t.co/0vJhDhyni0


➞ killing an anti-corruption rule that forced oil companies to disclose payments to foreign governments: https://t.co/sEa2HPiMho


➞ allowing coal companies to to dump their mining waste into streams, like the good ol' days:… https://t.co/MJlBvhBXn2

..and there's plenty of other rules they'll try to slash this way – one that limits methane pollution is next on the @GOP chopping block

and remember: the @GOP's abuse of the CRA means Ds are powerless to stop any of this. AND – no similar rules can ever be issued again.

so if you want:
– schizophrenics w/guns
– more corrupt oil companies
– coal water
– and methane pollution...

forever – you're in luck!

you can thank the @GOP, their outrageous misuse of the Congressional Review Act, and the special interests whose bidding they do.

if you're not into those things, call your members of Congress & tell them to stop using an obscure rule to screw their constituents.



Not sure on legitimacy of source, but tweet storm here explains that many of the recent rule changes (gun restrictions, etc) were done under the Congressional Review Act - which stipulates that no similar rule can ever be put in place.
Congress cannot bind a future Congress.

And it's not abuse/misuse if that's what the Act is intentionally supposed to allow. And it is.

And used successfully once in twenty years?
These are the different government descriptions, I've always wanted to somehow get a nation into "Corporate Bordello" for a period:

Auberonia was "Capitalizt" for the longest time for some reason.

Platonipa has always been in the bottom left.

I had another one where I started it off as "Scandinavian Liberal Paradise" that descended into psychotic madness because "WON'T SOMEONE THINK OF THE CHILDREN" was my guiding principle on every decision. I think I had it at one point where children once born were immediately taken away by the government, named as a number and parents never saw them again. To protect the children of course. I have to assume they were conceived on government orders too.

They go defunct if you don't login after 20 days or something.
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy please.


If Gorsuch does get confirmed, does this mean we'll have another 30 years of Scalia like worshiping of his "non-partisan consistent principles" that only coincidentally absolutely always align with the conservative political stance on every controversial and important issue.

I know he's dead set against the Chevron deference, but all that does is give him even more leeway to interpret the law his own way. It'll do absolutely nothing to make him go against other conservatives on any decision.

He sounds better than Pryor, but if we ever get to the point where Gorsuch's the swing vote on anything meaningful, this country's screwed anyway.

I think we could be looking at 35+ years of another scalia like SCOTUS justice if we are unlucky, but that should be balanced out by future supreme court justice picks by a democratic or a more moderate republican party.


I think we could be looking at 35+ years of another scalia like SCOTUS justice if we are unlucky, but that should be balanced out by future supreme court justice picks by a democratic or a more moderate republican party.
if Kennedy and/or Ginsburg step down or die, it won't matter who gets nominated after that... there will be a clear conservative majority for at least 3 decades, probably 4
I found Tillerson's remarks to State employees today to be somewhat reassuring


I'm sure he will do things that piss me off, but for now I feel slightly more at ease
I'm cautiously optimistic about this pick after initially hating it.

Specifically this Economist write-up recently reassured me:

After one meeting with Saudi Arabia, Trump is now against the settlements, for the two state solution, and for invading Yemen and Iran.

Jesus Christ, this dude has no opinions or views and just goes with whatever the last person said to him.
if Kennedy and/or Ginsburg step down or die, it won't matter who gets nominated after that... there will be a clear conservative majority for at least 3 decades, probably 4

That's when you expand the Court by two Seats, then pass a law fixing the size at eleven.


So apparently Kellyane Conway was on Hardball tonight, completely makes up a "Bowling Green Massacre" that never happened and claims it was done by Iraqis and caused Obama to ban Muslims. Chris didn't even challenge her on it.


Unconfirmed Member
I think we could be looking at 35+ years of another scalia like SCOTUS justice if we are unlucky, but that should be balanced out by future supreme court justice picks by a democratic or a more moderate republican party.
Silly rabbit, Trix are for kids! democrats don't get to pick Supreme Court justices anymore.


That's when you expand the Court by two Seats, then pass a law fixing the size at eleven.

Pipe dream. We can't even get state legislatures, Gov seats, and the House.

Senate seems like the only thing we can be assured of winning, it just depends on the year.
That's when you expand the Court by two Seats, then pass a law fixing the size at eleven.
If we pack the court what incentive is there to keep it that size?

Even if such a law is in place, what stops the GOP from, as soon as they have a trifecta, repealing it and replacing it with a fixed size of ninety-nine justices, who they all get to pick.

Or, if we're uninterested in keeping even the facade of a functioning democracy, why not just make it illegal for the GOP to run for office?


Unconfirmed Member
I'm pretty sure you can't just say "this law can NEVER be passed again." Not even the Supreme Court holds that power.

I think he means without another congressional bill.

Without that procedure, Democrats only need the presidency back to change things back. With that procedure, Dems need the filibuster proof trifecta to change it back.
The trump supporter I mention on here from time to time dropped a bombshell on me today. I was telling him that it's no wonder most people don't like him, when he always has a bitchy, miserable attitude and talks about race 24/7. He responded, "people agree with me and my ideals. People on stormfront". Also he described himself as a zionist, and said the only people he likes are jews. I thought for a second how to reply to so much condensed moronity, decided I couldn't and basically ran the fuck away

A zionist trump supporter that loves stormfront, we are truly living in the end of days


The trump supporter I mention on here from time to time dropped a bombshell on me today. I was telling him that it's no wonder most people don't like him, when he always has a bitchy, miserable attitude and talks about race 24/7. He responded, "people agree with me and my ideals. People on stormfront". Also he described himself as a zionist, and said the only people he likes are jews. I thought for a second how to reply to so much condensed moronity, decided I couldn't and basically ran the fuck away

A zionist trump supporter that loves stormfront, we are truly living in the end of days



The trump supporter I mention on here from time to time dropped a bombshell on me today. I was telling him that it's no wonder most people don't like him, when he always has a bitchy, miserable attitude and talks about race 24/7. He responded, "people agree with me and my ideals. People on stormfront". Also he described himself as a zionist, and said the only people he likes are jews. I thought for a second how to reply to so much condensed moronity, decided I couldn't and basically ran the fuck away

A zionist trump supporter that loves stormfront, we are truly living in the end of days

Sounds like a setup to a Chapelle Show skit


Unconfirmed Member
The trump supporter I mention on here from time to time dropped a bombshell on me today. I was telling him that it's no wonder most people don't like him, when he always has a bitchy, miserable attitude and talks about race 24/7. He responded, "people agree with me and my ideals. People on stormfront". Also he described himself as a zionist, and said the only people he likes are jews. I thought for a second how to reply to so much condensed moronity, decided I couldn't and basically ran the fuck away

A zionist trump supporter that loves stormfront, we are truly living in the end of days

I don't know the typical stormfront stance on this, but it's probably not that hard to bring racists to like Israelis if the alternative is palestinians. Israelis are still white.

Besides, where else are the white supremacists nationalists going to send all the jews.
If we pack the court what incentive is there to keep it that size?

Even if such a law is in place, what stops the GOP from, as soon as they have a trifecta, repealing it and replacing it with a fixed size of ninety-nine justices, who they all get to pick.

Or, if we're uninterested in keeping even the facade of a functioning democracy, why not just make it illegal for the GOP to run for office?

Why does it remove the facade of a functioning democracy to increase the size of the Court? It hasn't changed size in over a hundred years.

The GOP ran on stealing a SC seat and won. The facade is gone. Power is the only thing that matters and the sooner the Democrat's realize that, the sooner they might actually win.
I don't know the typical stormfront stance on this, but it's probably not that hard to bring racists to like Israelis if the alternative is palestinians. Israelis are still white.

Besides, where else are the white supremacists nationalists going to send all the jews.

The Israelis are not white to white supremacists, but they are less non-white than the Palestinians, it's true.
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