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PoliGAF 2017 |OT1| From Russia with Love

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So apparently Kellyane Conway was on Hardball tonight, completely makes up a "Bowling Green Massacre" that never happened and claims it was done by Iraqis and caused Obama to ban Muslims. Chris didn't even challenge her on it.

Of course not. The only people on the news who have the guts to stand up to Trump's people are Anderson Cooper, Jake Tapper, and Rachel Maddow.
I don't know the typical stormfront stance on this, but it's probably not that hard to bring racists to like Israelis if the alternative is palestinians. Israelis are still white.

Besides, where else are the white supremacists nationalists going to send all the jews.

jews are the number 1 villain according to stormfront. they are the shadowy globalists upon whom all ills can be ascribed
So apparently Kellyane Conway was on Hardball tonight, completely makes up a "Bowling Green Massacre" that never happened and claims it was done by Iraqis and caused Obama to ban Muslims. Chris didn't even challenge her on it.

Maybe she was thinking of that haunted trail she really liked that one time if only she could remember it. http://themassacreinbowlinggreen.blogspot.com/

The Massacre in Bowling Green
Horror Industries is a haunted attraction company based in Bowling Green Kentucky. We were founded in 2001 with the establishment of " Halloween House ". Based around the story of Michael Meyers and the Halloween movies it was voted #1 in the state of Kentucky in numerous online polls. Visit The Massacre to find out why we are the most powerful and exciting haunted attraction in the area.


So apparently Kellyane Conway was on Hardball tonight, completely makes up a "Bowling Green Massacre" that never happened and claims it was done by Iraqis and caused Obama to ban Muslims. Chris didn't even challenge her on it.
Poor CNN's missing out on having Conway on their shows spouting baseless claptrap that they then refuse to contest or challenge. Sad!


Beat EviLore at pool.
Bowling Green Massacre still haunts me to this day. So happy Kellyanne had to bring up those feelings again. Now I can't sleep tonight.


Unconfirmed Member
These are the different government descriptions, I've always wanted to somehow get a nation into "Corporate Bordello" for a period:

Auberonia was "Capitalizt" for the longest time for some reason.

Platonipa has always been in the bottom left.

I had another one where I started it off as "Scandinavian Liberal Paradise" that descended into psychotic madness because "WON'T SOMEONE THINK OF THE CHILDREN" was my guiding principle on every decision. I think I had it at one point where children once born were immediately taken away by the government, named as a number and parents never saw them again. To protect the children of course. I have to assume they were conceived on government orders too.

They go defunct if you don't login after 20 days or something.

Is it fair to put America into the Compulsory Consumerist State catagory? Either that or Capitalist Paradise. Either way, it's moving towards Corporate Police State with Trump.

Also, what the hell is a New York Times Democracy?

Civil Rights Lovefest sounds nice.


Networks need to stop inviting Conway on. Let her go hang out on Fox. She is completely unreliable and should be frozen out.


Vera Bergengruen‏ @VeraMBergen

Former prime minister of Norway was detained at Dulles for an hour b/c he visited Iran in 2014

Notice how much republicans, especially the white house, keeps explaining their activities by compared it to obama. Every day it seems like there is a new issue "well obama did...", "you weren't mad when obama..."

How many times are they gonna play the obama card lol

It's funny that Obama can just smack down their reasoning most of the time if he wanted to.


How many times are they gonna play the obama card lol

The answer is every time. They will blame Obama for everything. Poorly planned raid didn't go well? Obama set it up before he left. Economy goes to shit thanks to tariffs/tax cuts for billionaires? Inherited bad ecomony from Obama. Will get better when Dem president who replaces Trump gets in office and inherits his good economy. So on and so forth.


Beat EviLore at pool.
Notice how much republicans, especially the white house, keeps explaining their activities by compared it to obama. Every day it seems like there is a new issue "well obama did...", "you weren't mad when obama..."

How many times are they gonna play the obama card lol

It's funny that Obama can just smack down their reasoning most of the time if he wanted to.

They will play the card the whole first two years if not more.




"Of course I fully understand the fear of letting terrorists come into this country," Bondevik told ABC7 outside the Washington Hilton Wednesday night.

But, he said, it should have been obvious he's not a terrorist.

"It should be enough when they found that I have a diplomatic passport, [that I'm a] former prime minister," Bondevik said. "That should be enough for them to understand that I don't represent any problem or threat to this country and [to] let me go immediately, but they didn't."
Uh, no, if anything that makes you clearly more of a threat.

Even worse, you're the founder of this obvious terrorist front organization: Oslo Centre for Peace and Human Rights


Ok, we get a jobs report tomorrow. Easy predictions:

If numbers are even close to good, even numbers Republicans would have complained about before as being too small, we'll hear, "businesses are already showing their confidence in he new administration."

If numbers are bad - OBAMA!


Beat EviLore at pool.
Well today is already gonna be a shit show.

Milo Yiannopoulos says he’s going to the White House press briefing

WASHINGTON — Milo Yiannopoulos, the conservative provocateur and Breitbart News columnist, claims he is going to attend the White House press briefing on Friday.
“I’ll be there,” Yiannopoulos said in an email to Yahoo News.
Yiannopoulos said he didn’t know whether he would get to ask White House press secretary Sean Spicer a question at the briefing.

Why does it remove the facade of a functioning democracy to increase the size of the Court? It hasn't changed size in over a hundred years.

The GOP ran on stealing a SC seat and won. The facade is gone. Power is the only thing that matters and the sooner the Democrat's realize that, the sooner they might actually win.
Packing the court neutralizes the point of having a court. Why pack it with only two extra justices when we could pack it with 90? It ceases to be a meaningful part of our democracy if the only thing controlling it is "whoever had a trifecta last". It's absurd.

If power is the only thing that matter, we should give up pretenses of democracy and have a one party state. Then the Democrats will have all the power.
Does anyone else feel that Trump has exposed a lot of structural issues in our government by the way he has operated his administration? I feel the Judicial Branch needs more power to better enforce the checks and balances we have on each branch. The US is currently showing what happens when enough years of money, propaganda and corruption eventually works it's magic on enough people. Now as Obama said we need to have faith and support for our institutions.

They will play the card the whole first two years if not more.
And if you try to debate it, they will bring up the fact that liberals blamed Bush for the bad economy under Obama's first few years. Of course it's because the economy crashed as Bush was almost out of office but they consistently ignore that part.


The most popular Democratic President in history had 76 out of 96 Senate seats and couldn't pack the Court.

I wouldn't plan any kind of immediate strategy around trying something similar.
GOP doesn't need to resize the court.

They'll just reach out to daddy Putin to have a few justices killed.

Er, it will just happen that a few will become deathly ill for no known reason, these things just happen, you can't predict it.


Responses below clarify this.

Not sure on legitimacy of source, but tweet storm here explains that many of the recent rule changes (gun restrictions, etc) were done under the Congressional Review Act - which stipulates that no similar rule can ever be put in place.


the rules can be put back in place just not through the administrative rulemaking process. our dysfunctional congress would need to do it.


Unconfirmed Member
Does anyone else feel that Trump has exposed a lot of structural issues in our government by the way he has operated his administration? I feel the Judicial Branch needs more power to better enforce the checks and balances we have on each branch. The US is currently showing what happens when enough years of money, propaganda and corruption eventually works it's magic on enough people. Now as Obama said we need to have faith and support for our institutions.

And if you try to debate it, they will bring up the fact that liberals blamed Bush for the bad economy under Obama's first few years. Of course it's because the economy crashed as Bush was almost out of office but they consistently ignore that part.

The stuctural issues have gradually been made more apparent ever since Gingrich took over in the 90s.

Reagan set us on this path of political rhetoric and economics, but Gingrich is what set us on the path of institutional distruction. It's just amazing how far down that road we've gone.

And Gingrich actually wants to take it even farther than trump and mcconnell are taking it at the moment, but Gingrich seems like he's completely on the outside at the moment.


We haven't even talked about Trump saying that women in the White House have to "dress like women". That went over well.


Unconfirmed Member
We haven't even talked about Trump saying that women in the White House have to "dress like women". That went over well.

Did he say that?

There's far too much to be kept up on. It's insane.


Don't know what this is all about

Steve Clemons‏ @SCClemons
Repeat. Two (& perhaps more) @SecretService Mgr level staff abtuptly forced to resign tonight & escorted out of EEOB #trump #whitehouse
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