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PoliGAF 2017 |OT1| From Russia with Love

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Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Yeah that Cuban thing is a straight lie. Cuban is going to be furious. He was clearly pro-Clinton throughout the campaign.

Rebel Leader

Saw this in off topic

A Reuters photographer captured this photo of an aide holding a paper titled POTUS remarks.


It's more than one sentence.

Donald Trump can't read.
I know Mark Cuban well. He backed me big-time but I wasn't interested in taking all of his calls.He's not smart enough to run for president!

2020 campaign has already begun.

Considered Hillary Clinton for SoS, she's a big fan, believes Trump will make America win. I only hire 7/10's and up though. Too bad!


Junior Member
Both Bernie and Trump ran as populists. Bernie would not have been close to as bad as Trump, but it still would have created serious problems.

Populism is eternally shit because the idea that the "common man" knows better on a gigantic spectrum of specialized concepts is completely insane.

Fucking this


Junior Member
Snowden released the right information with with the right curation and the right publications, effecting real policy with the released information. He then fled a country that had already held Manning for 3 years without trial at the time, in conditions the UN torture chief ruled cruel and inhuman.

And now we're talking about him going into the hands of a president that litterally called for his execution.

But fuck him right? I guess he deserves it for saying a couple of dumb things about hillary.

Fuck those types of reactions. How fucking heartless can you guys be?

The dude pushed for his own execution with that tweet.


Junior Member
Can someone tell me what's wrong with John McCain?

He seems like a good dude. Not a complete partisan hack. Willing to occasionally step across the aisle and work with democrats. Moderate (?).

But I'm pretty ignorant and I know some people absolutely despise him. What are the major criticisms?

His voting record. He always talks up how he is going to do something big but folds to what the estalishment GOPers want
I mean it's sort of a who cares though. The only reason anyone cares is that Debbie used her massive amounts of power to rig 3.5 million primary votes for that loser Hilliary. Their minor ideological differences are meaningless.

Does anyone actually think that any of these people are going to be the de facto leader of the Democratic Party? And be able to steer things towards their "base"?

They should have found someone organizationally competent and stopped faffing about ages ago.

It's kind of telling that a bunch of people have no idea what the DNC actually does but still still strong opinions about it.


An Unintended Side Effect of Trump's Border Wall
Since the Great Recession, more Mexicans have left the United States than migrated there. Constructing a barrier along the southern border may discourage more from going.
In their popular song “Jaula de Oro,” which translates to “Cage of Gold,” the famous Mexican band Los Tigres del Norte tells the story of a migrant who finds himself unable to move across the U.S.-Mexico border. His lack of mobility does not keep him in Mexico, as one would expect, but in the United States.
In 1986, however, the pattern of circular migration ended after Ronald Reagan signed into law the Immigration Reform and Control Act, or IRCA. Upon doing so, Reagan hailed: “Future generations of Americans will be thankful for our efforts to humanely regain control of our borders and thereby preserve the value of one of the most sacred possessions of our people: American citizenship.”

One of IRCA’s primary measures was to increase the enforcement budget of the Immigration and Naturalization Service. As a result, crossing the national boundary became a much more dangerous and expensive enterprise. To avoid detection, migrants had to pay smugglers to help them get across hazardous terrains that were less patrolled.

Despite the new hardships of migration, relatively few Mexicans reconsidered their decision to head north. On the contrary, the numbers of undocumented migrants continued to grow. While in 1986, an estimated 3.2 million unauthorized migrants lived in the United States, the number reached 5 million in 1996, and grew to approximately 11 million in 2006. Despite the increased fortification of the border, Mexicans continued going to the United States because of economic need. After all, the passage of IRCA did nothing to alter the low wages and high underemployment rates in Mexico. However, as sociologist Douglas Massey and others have shown, as crossing the border became increasingly hard after 1986, most migrants started refraining from going back and forth between the two countries and instead decided to settle permanently in the United States.
Lol Reagan

That 21 billion would be better invested in actual infrastructure.


May contain jokes =>


May contain jokes =>
Based on what? It's certainly unsubstantiated and I didn't claim otherwise. Everyone should be skeptical.

But I found it interesting they tweeted about the same exact thing less than a minute before Trump did.
On my Facebook feed


Trump is the worst kind of executive. He doesn't care about facts or evidence. This is really nothing new. It's hilarious that he criticizes the media for putting up "fake news" when he remains a huge source of fake news for his twitter followers and often from his administration officials as well.


FGC Waterboy
The opposite of populism isn't oligarchy, it's technocracy, which I think most of us are at least a little in favor of.

I guess I find it very hard to see, with our borderline worship of capitalistic success (hi Trump!) as a marker of overpowering intelligence and wisdom as well as even morality sometimes (Musk, Elon), to see how the two wouldn't end up being the same in the US at this point.
I guess I find it very hard to see, with our borderline worship of capitalistic success (hi Trump!) as a marker of overpowering intelligence and wisdom as well as even morality sometimes (Musk, Elon), to see how the two wouldn't end up being the same in the US at this point.

On the flip side, populism is immediately tied up in oligarchy and wealth worship right now, sooooooo

Increasing the expectation from "rich and panders to me" to "rich, panders to me, and demonstrates expertise in the chosen subject" isn't a bad thing.
No, it definitely showed as a minute before. If I typed it wrong that was my error.

Here's how it shows for me:


Also, the rogue account posted something similar ~20 minutes earlier.

Ahh gotcha. Interesting. I was inclined to think these were fake, and still certainly could be. Lucky guess is definitely not out of the question or someone peripherally connected to WH insiders but not "in the White House". But interesting.
I doubt it, considering the reactions to industry executives and insiders nominated to cabinet positions over the years.

Industry executives =/= industry experts tho

People responded very well to putting teachers in charge of the department of education, physicists in charge of energy, and so on.
Who is an industry expert, then? It definitely makes more sense for someone like Tim Cook to have more of a role in policy than someone like Dijkstra.

Because, with a handful of exceptions, the only relevant skill overlap is managerial. The exception I'd make would probably be in finance, where most of the execs are also reasonably involved in day-to-day stuff, but, like, a transportation company executive doesn't seem significantly more qualified to run the department of transportation than any other executive from any other industry.
Sanders' populism is about taxing the rich and fighting crony capitalism to make society more equitable. It's not about letting average joe make policy or that the "common man" knows better, just that the "common man" deserves better.

Obama understands the difference between their forms of populism too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acOx0AxWlZI

The discussion is pretty silly.

The TPP would've had a negligible estimated impact on GDP decades from now. Moreover, much of the proposal wasn't about lowering barriers that (keep in mind) were already low. Due to protectionism via avenues like patents coupled with the likelihood that environmental/labor protections for the avg Joe wouldn't be enforced, it was highly likely to be a trash deal for the US. Even Hillary had to deal with the political ramifications of the aforementioned trash by putting on a show that she wasn't for the LOL gold standard of trade deals.

Populists like Sanders and Trump exist because of fuck ups by incompetent people who happen to be educated. If folks didn't produce catastrophic fuck ups that get the public riled up, then there would be no reason for people like Sanders and Trump to exist. Maybe the election of Donald Trump and success of Bernie Sanders was a subtle hint. Or maybe it meant everyone was outstanding at what they do for a living. Who knows really...but it seems like the supporters have a tiny bit of common sense that things aren't where they want them to be. Definitely not as dumb and gullible as commonly assumed.
To be honest, both technocracy and populism have their problems.

Technocrats tend to be overly confident (a symptom of unexamined assumptions) and come across as uncaring when messy reality interferes with their perfect solutions.

On the other hand, it's hard to ignore the history of populist movements morphing into authoritarianism, or their tendency to (implicitly or explicitly) define "the people" in a way that really only refers to certain people (rural whites for Trumpism, or college-educated millennials for much of the Sanders movement).

You need the right balance, and the Democratic Party is probably too weighted towards the technocrats right now, but the Sanders movement would likely represent an overcorrection.
The amount of Socialists who call for ending all student debt has me rolling my eyes. Yeah, the people making 100k a year as engineers are really the people we need to redistribute wealth to right now.


I mean, maybe you can call for eliminating all student debt from students from for profit colleges, but all student debt? Please. There are lots of people who have student debt but are going to be upper middle class very soon and need help way less than almost anyone else.
The guy running the U.S. Department of Education Twitter is not very good.

Post updated - our deepest apologizes for the earlier typo.


What is wrong with free education?

Don't you guys need more engineers?

You could argue for free college I guess if college makes people not Nazis and helps out the economy.

But giving people making 100k a year a bunch of money after they already got their degree is >_>


The amount of Socialists who call for ending all student debt has me rolling my eyes. Yeah, the people making 100k a year as engineers are really the people we need to redistribute wealth to right now.


I mean, maybe you can call for eliminating all student debt from students from for profit colleges, but all student debt? Please. There are lots of people who have student debt but are going to be upper middle class very soon and need help way less than almost anyone else.

Out of that entire interview, your immediate focus falls on one part of one line ("If we are to carry out a left agenda - in terms of living standards, in terms of ending student debt, making life livable for the majority of working people who find it hard to get by - how do you expect that party to put forward bold proposals?")?

My friend, it's like you're trying to find things to be annoyed about.


Out of that entire interview, your immediate focus falls on one part of one line ("If we are to carry out a left agenda - in terms of living standards, in terms of ending student debt, making life livable for the majority of working people who find it hard to get by - how do you expect that party to put forward bold proposals?")?

My friend, it's like you're trying to find things to be annoyed about.
It stood out as especially annoying coming inside a paragraph that called for Bernie to run as a third party and calling the Dems out of touch with reality.

There was a lot annoying about the interview in general, but Socialists wanting to give debt relief to rich doctors and engineers is just the most eye-rolling thing.

It's like when I'm reading an interview with Paul Ryan and there's a lot of terrible going on, but I only post about Ryan lying about how high risk pools could work with almost no funding. It's not that I enjoyed the other parts!
What is wrong with free education?

Don't you guys need more engineers?
How else will they be mad at people for wanting well-paying jobs that don't require a degree if college isn't expensive?

Some of you people I swear.
It's also kind of funny because Hitler didn't get a majority of the parliament, but the predecessors to the SPD and CDU also couldn't and so they ruled with a minority government, unless my memory fails.
It stood out as especially annoying coming inside a paragraph that called for Bernie to run as a third party and calling the Dems out of touch with reality.

There was a lot annoying about the interview in general, but Socialists wanting to give debt relief to rich doctors and engineers is just the most eye-rolling thing.

It's like when I'm reading an interview with Paul Ryan and there's a lot of terrible going on, but I only post about Ryan lying about how high risk pools could work with almost no funding. It's not that I enjoyed the other parts!


Rich Doctors and rich engineers are not the issue when talking about free education. Let them walk, they certainly have earned that break.

Statistically also, I would be surprised if doctors and engineers make up a huge amount of the student debt composition
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