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PoliGAF 2017 |OT1| From Russia with Love

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So I guess the home owner would continue to live in a home being renovated?

Thought its interesting that the people that can, would be able to live somewhere else temporarely. Like this jackhole. So he would have a REPLACEMENT in order before he started his so called renovating.
"And Aaron shall lay both his hands upon the head of the live goat, and confess over him all the iniquities of the children of Israel, and all their transgressions in all their sins, putting them upon the head of the goat, and shall send him away by the hand of a fit man into the wilderness"

I wonder if he was clever enough to reference this (the "sins" being giving people healthcare), or if it's just a coincidence. Someone well versed in the bible would likely pick up on using a goat as a metaphor for sin.

Or someone who read "Upon the Head of the Goat" in High School and it stuck with them, as in my case. Although at one point in my life I was actually fairly well versed in scripture. At least as well versed as someone taking a couple of scripture classes in High School could be, but still.
Donald Trump's hilariously bad inauguration concert boasts 3 Doors Down, YouTube performers
All-time worst band candidate 3 Doors Down is set to headline alongside country singer Toby Keith (who once wrote a song about lynching). Other acts include YouTube performers The Piano Guys, DJ RaviDrums (best known as the musical director for Howie Mandel's short-lived TV show Howie Do It), and one-time Dreamgirl Jennifer Holliday. Additionally, actor Jon Voight is confirmed to attend.

Is this real life
The "Steve Harvey willing to work with Trump" headline on CNN had me cracking up. Like we were all waiting to hear what his relationship with the incoming administration would be.
Didn't Steve Harvey just host Miss Universe (the disaster), and Trump owned Miss Universe up until that show? So, obviously he's willing to work with Trump....since he got paid by him a year ago.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
At this rate Trump is going to ask Mike Tyson to lead a domestic violence program.


Pence will run in 2020, lose to a mediocre Democrat who will get crushed 4 years later by Neo-Reagan and history will repeat itself!

Neo-Reagen won't work to well in the current political climate. Trump was technically Neo-Reagen with his appeal to working class whites in the North and he barely won the recent presidential election. Neo_Reagen will probably lose in 2024 if the republicans go in that direction.
There was a 1958 TV show with a snake oil salesman named "Trump" who said he was the only one that could save the world from imminent destruction and he could do it by building a wall around the town.

Narrator: The people were ready to believe. Like sheep they ran to the slaughterhouse. And waiting for them was the high priest of fraud.

Trump: I am the only one. Trust me. I can build a wall around your homes that nothing can penetrate.

Townperson: What do we do? How can we save ourselves?

Trump: You ask how do you build that wall. You ask, and I'm here to tell you.

Jesus fucking christ.

Sounds like Comey's meeting with the House was a disaster.
Comey’s lack of candor in a classified setting, intended to brief members on the intelligence agencies’ assessment that Russia interfered in the election to benefit Trump, follows a public rebuff this week to senators seeking clarification.

In that earlier hearing, Comey said he would “never comment” on a potential FBI investigation “in an open forum like this”, raising expectations among some attendees of Friday’s briefing that Comey would put the issue to rest in a classified setting.

But according to sources attending the closed-door Friday morning meeting, that was not the case. As such, frustration with Comey was bipartisan and heated, adding to intense pressure on the director of the FBI, whose conduct in the 2016 election itself is now being investigated by an independent US justice department watchdog.

One source in the meeting said Comey would not answer “basic questions” about the FBI’s current investigative activities. The FBI chief was grilled “over and over again”, according to the source, about his standards for acknowledging FBI investigations, with legislators repeatedly bringing up Comey’s dramatic public confirmation that the bureau was revisiting classification issues with Hillary Clinton’s private email server days before the election, as well as his summer press conference announcing that he would not seek indictment



The Atlantic reported Friday that the “America First Project” didn’t yet have much to its name aside from the participation of a handful of former Breitbart staffers and an activist who previously ran the “Black Men for Bernie” group.

Dustin Stockton, a former Breitbart reporter who will serve as the PAC's chief strategist, told The Atlantic that the group would run for the time being out of an existing organization called Western Representation PAC, with a media arm called "Big League Politics" to come in the distant future.

Stockton, who was involved in the Tea Party movement before he joined Breitbart, said the group would aim to fundraise $8-10 million in its first year with the help of a 200,000-person email list.

The strategy Stockton described to The Atlantic echoes the Tea Party playbook, complete with organized town hall confrontations and a team of reporters that would “ambush” unfriendly lawmakers. The group also had brainstormed giving out “Trump Enforcement Posse” or “Trump Enforcement Team” badges as donor rewards, according to the report.

Infamous ex-Breitbarter Patrick Howley, known for mocking his former colleague Michelle Fields after Corey Lewandowski grabbed her arm last year at a Trump event, is also involved in the group (Howley also once published crude, sexist tweets about reporter Rosie Gray, for which he was forced to apologize. Gray wrote The Atlantic’s story on the new PAC).



Sounds like the FBI/CIA may actually be ball-deep in an investigation and they don't want anymore leaking out. Just speculation on my part.

It's just really hard to buy that they'd rather be investigating a guy who's going to be their boss in 6 days, than a private a citizen with zero power to stop them. Any hint of an ongoing investigation during the campaign would have caused him to lose.
It's just really hard to buy that they'd rather be investigating a guy who's going to be their boss in 6 days, than a private a citizen with zero power to stop them. Any hint of an ongoing investigation during the campaign would have caused him to lose.

You don't get what he is saying

He's saying that the FBI has been taking this seriously since John McCain approached them a few days after the election.

Remember a month or so ago when the FBI finally confirmed to agree with the CIA about Russia? That's their way of saying "yes we are taking it seriously now".
What does Steve Harvey have to do with Urban Housing development? The question was out there what Ben Carson had to do with it. It's always 'They're black, duh' as a joke answer but now... Jeez. That probably is it.

Urban Housing development? I know you're not Steve Harvey who thinks it is Housing For Urban Development. You both should probably stop talking/typing since you're talking about shit that doesn't exist.


No Scrubs
Urban Housing development? I know you're not Steve Harvey who thinks it is Housing For Urban Development. You both should probably stop talking/typing since you're talking about shit that doesn't exist.

Dude forgot an "and" and your giving him shit? Really?


We're talking about the HUD, but if you want to be pedantic then ok.
Do you.

Tapping Steve Harvey seems like such a strange choice. Literally the only thing I know about him in the past with philanthropy is he does have a foundation though I've heard little of what it's actually accomplished.
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