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PoliGAF 2017 |OT1| From Russia with Love

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No Scrubs
Would Petraeus survive? I mean, we're well passed the hypocrite stage of the administration, so his whole pillow-talk thing is a nothing-burger, right?

He'd be torn to shreds instantly. I doubt he could even get the needed security clearance at this point.
So what are the odds of Section 4 of the 25th Amendment being invoked in our lifetimes lol?

Trump has surrounded himself with craven opportunists. If ever there was a cabinet + congress that would gladly throw him to the wolves.....

I mean, the thing is, Flynn was the only Cabinet-level choice that was actually more dangerous than Trump. There are other people who are racist assholes (Sessions), rich assholes (Labor/Treasury Sec. picks), incompetent (Carson/DeVos), or corrupt (Price), but they all at least will likely respond the correct way to pressure from Congress, the public et al. The problem is the one who likely won't is Trump, because he doesn't know any better and/or is in hock to the Russians.


Would Petraeus survive? I mean, we're well past the hypocrite stage of the administration, so his whole pillow-talk thing is a nothing-burger, right?

I don't see how a person convicted of passing classified info is allowed to get security clearance. It's baffling.


He'd be torn to shreds instantly. I doubt he could even get the needed security clearance at this point.


I want Petraeus for the comedy value, and the ammo he brings to the Dem midterm campaigning.

But, yeah, you're most likely right about his security clearance issues.


Unconfirmed Member
So when do us plebes get to see hear call transcripts? Has the WH seen them or do they just know they exist?

Because it would be amazing if he was like "don't worry we got you, Mr Trump asked me to give you his word" but when he reported back it was done he was like "don't worry boss I was super discreet"


The GOP got into power, immediately started a sequel to Iran-Contra and Watergate and managed to accomplish 0% of their agenda.

With the Bill/W/Obama/Trump combo, I can't imagine how anyone under like 40 could ever vote Republican for the rest of their lives.

I mean, I know things change, but.....


With the Bill/W/Obama/Trump combo, I can't imagine how anyone under like 40 could ever vote Republican for the rest of their lives.

I mean, I know things change, but.....
It's amazing how well the Republican Party has managed to distance itself from the Bush administration.

After Iraq and the 2008 financial crisis and Hurricane Katrina, the party by all rights should have been dead. Instead they're back in control of everything and are even more incompetent.

I'd say America has the memory of a goldfish, but that's an insult to goldfish.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
To all the dedicated and apolitical civil servants, keep the leaks coming! The pressure can have an effect.


No Scrubs
Glenn Greenwald pinned this literally yesterday.

Life comes at you fast.


Imma tweet this at him


It's amazing how well the Republican Party has managed to distance itself from the Bush administration.

After Iraq and the 2008 financial crisis and Hurricane Katrina, the party by all rights should have been dead. Instead they're back in control of everything and are even more incompetent.

I'd say America has the memory of a goldfish, but that's an insult to goldfish.

They may have the memory of a goldfish but at least they vote consistently. Democrats on the other hand are hands down the worst because they wont even bother to show up or vote for Mickey mouse or worst. Third party : l
They may have the memory of a goldfish but at least they vote consistently. Democrats on the other hand are hands down the worst because they wont even bother to show up or vote for Mickey mouse or worst. Third party : l
I mean. Hillary didn't trail behind Obama that badly in the popular vote.

Unfortunately that very small minority tips elections.
Interesting also in all this is Conway was also thrown under, her credibility questioned again. All this happens just a few hours after she says that Flynn has full support.

Basically looks like, Preibus-Spicer and Bannon played her well.


It's amazing how well the Republican Party has managed to distance itself from the Bush administration.

After Iraq and the 2008 financial crisis and Hurricane Katrina, the party by all rights should have been dead. Instead they're back in control of everything and are even more incompetent.

I'd say America has the memory of a goldfish, but that's an insult to goldfish.

They will be dead for another 8 years or longer once trump gets kicked out of office.


Interesting also in all this is Conway was also thrown under, her credibility questioned again. All this happens just a few hours after she says that Flynn has full support.

Basically looks like, Preibus-Spicer and Bannon played her well.
Well, she wasn't lying about Flynn having the President's full support.
Problem for her is that Trump is a puppet and was overruled by his puppet masters.
Interesting also in all this is Conway was also thrown under, her credibility questioned again. All this happens just a few hours after she says that Flynn has full support.

Basically looks like, Preibus-Spicer and Bannon played her well.

yes yes let the in fighting continue

trump is on record for saying he supports flynn fully

kremlin denies flynn talked to them

flynn then apologizes for talking to russia, immediately throwing egg to both trump and kremlin

then he resigns after all this, further insulting what both trump and kremlin put forward.

everyone comes out looking like a loser.
Wait a minute I'm just learning that its not that he promised the Russians that existing sanctions would be done away with but that he tipped them off of the latest ones coming as a result of meddling with the election. Holy shit.
This looks really bad right? There's literally blood in the water now right?

Yes everyone is leaking to the press because no one trusts Trump and everyone around him. He is compromised and it became evident early on to the IC when the president and everyone around him ignored the reports of Flynn being compromised and letting him continue with national security clearance. These aren't growing pains for an administration this is a full on organ rejection by the body.
Yes everyone is leaking to the press because no one trusts Trump and everyone around him. He is compromised and it became evident early on to the IC when the president and everyone around him ignored the reports of Flynn being compromised and letting him continue with national security clearance. These aren't growing pains for an administration this is a full on organ rejection by the body.


with the word out that the IC is against Trump

time is literally ticking
Damn, I need to delink my bank account from paypal so I can't buy stuff so easily when I have manic incidents. On the upside, I just got the humble ACLU bundle, where a minimum of $30 (100% to charity, you manually can pick the amounts) gets you oodles of tasty stuff. I don't even want 90% of it, but it's essentially a straight-up donation to the ACLU that has a bonus of several hundred dollars of games. $2M raised in the first 12 or so hours which is already way over the $300k of matching donations the store is offering.
Legion of Doom ranked prior.

1. Trump
2. Bannon
3. Flynn
4. Sessions
5. Miller
6. Ryan
7. McConnell
8. Comey
9. Chaffetz
10. Tillerson

One down!
Issa's gotta be on there somewhere - the original Chaffetz and that ratfucker squeaked by another term in Congress.

Just for fun, here we're the 24 closest GOP-won seats in 2016:

Issa (CA-49) - 0.5%
Bacon (NE-2) - 1.2%
Hurd (TX-23) - 1.3%
Lewis (MN-2) - 1.8%
Denham (CA-10) - 3.4%
Tenney (NY-22) - 5.5%
Comstock (VA-10) - 5.8%
Knight (CA-25) - 6.3%
Blum (IA-1) - 7.7%
Roby (AL-2) - 8.2%
Coffman (CO-6) - 8.3%
Faso (NY-19) - 8.6%
Fitzpatrick (PA-8) - 8.9%
Poliquin (ME-2) - 9.6%
Ros-Lehtinen (FL-27) - 9.8%
Mast (FL-18) - 10.5%
Yoder (KS-3) - 10.7%
Smucker (PA-16) - 10.9%
Lance (NJ-7) - 11.0%
Curbelo (FL-26) - 11.8%
Budd (NC-13) - 12.2%
Culberson (TX-7) - 12.3%
Love (UT-4) - 12.5%
Trott (MI-11) - 12.8%

Republicans won a 1.1% popular vote victory in the House elections. To flip this, Democrats probably would have needed an 11.7% victory in the generic ballot. Jesus. That's considerably higher than 2012 and 2014 which was more in the 6-7% range. The much touted 7% only would have net them 8 extra seats here for a total of 202, just one over the 201 they had after 2012. Their 10.6% victory in 2008 would here translate to 213 seats, just .1% shy of taking Curbelo's for 214.

Of course this is a rough and imperfect estimate - if Democrats were winning by 10 it wouldn't be as simple as boosting their margins everywhere by 11. Still, just gives us an idea of what we're up against.


The National Security Advisor to the President of the United States was just fired because he was national security risk.

Nonono. He resigned. Which does lead to a fantastic series of questions for any canny reporter (who can actually get a rep to give a straight response...):

"Did the president know about Flynn's discussions of sanctions before he tendered his resignation?"

And the followup:

"The president fired Sally Yates for taking actions he did not authorise. Why did he not fire General Flynn?"
There are MANY bigger aspects of this story, but the days of Kellyanne Conway having credibility as a White House spokesperson has got to be over. In less than a month we have alternate facts, the Bowling Green Massacre, and Flynn having the full confidence of Trump.
Can someone create a deck of Playing Cards of all these people (and the rest) that I can print out?

Sean Spicer and Melissa Spicer have to be the jokers in the deck.

Spades (The Russians)
A - Carter Page
K - Vladimir Putin
Q - Paul Manafort
J - Igor Sechin
10 - Viktor Yanukovych
9 - Sergey Kislyak
8 - Tevfik Arif
7 - Felix Sater
6 - Dmitri Rybolovlev
5 - Alimkhan Tokhtakhunov
4 - Tamir Sapir
3 - Rotem Rosem
2 - Semion Mogilevich
1 - Sergei Millian

Diamonds (The Administration)
A - Steve Bannon
K - Donald J. Trump
Q - Rebekah Mercer
J - Rex Tillerson
10 - Michael Flynn
9 - Reince Priebus
8 - Stephen Miller
7 - Jeff Sessions
6 - Mitch McConnell
5 - James Comey
4 - Steve Mnuchin
3 - Peter Thiel
2 - Mike Pence
1 - Jared Kushner

(Whew... it was really tough to divide up the Spades from the Diamonds, and I hate to exclude like 13 or 14 people.)

Clubs (The Propaganda)
A - Aleksandr Dugin
K - Rupert Murdoch
Q - Kellyanne Conway
J - Sean Spicer
10 - Sean Hannity
9 - Alex Jones
8 - Alexander Marlow
7 - Larry Solov
6 - Alexander Nix
5 - James Dowson
4 - Laura Ingraham
3 - Richard Spencer
2 - Milo Yiannopolous
1 - James O'Keefe

Hearts (The Resistance)
A - Christopher Steele
K - President Barack Obama
Q - Sally Q. Yates
J - Ben Smith
10 - Sergei Mikhailov
9 - Ruslan Stoyanov
8 - Dmitry Dokuchayev
7 - Oleg Erovinkin
6 - Bernie Sanders
5 - Keith Ellison
4 - Elizabeth Warren
3 - Adam Schiff
2 - Justin Trudeau
1 - Angela Merkel

Joker 1 - Melissa McCarthy
Joker 2 - John Oliver

(So many cuts!)


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
And Kellyanne is still not a like...political person or advisor or whatever. Let's be honest...she's a TV personality and a pollster. Though her polls have been shit. So she's just a talking head who happens to know the president (whom she previously trashed repeatedly).

Kellyanne is brilliant and talented but just at spreading bullshit.


Is he actually going to do anything during his first 100 days
Meeting with foreign leaders so he can aggressively shake their hands and talk about how popular he is, taking them to Mar-a-Lago so he can make money, signing rewritten versions of his Muslim ban until one sticks, bitching on Twitter about shit he watches on cable news... that's a pretty full docket for Trump's first 100 days especially given his Monday to Thursday schedule. Perhaps he'll make time for another Yemen raid or two.
Michael Flynn

While I accept full responsibility for my actions, I feel it is unfair that I have been made the sole scapegoat for what happened. (1/2)

Michael Flynn ‏@GenMikeFlynn 5h5 hours ago
But if a scapegoat is what's needed for this Administration to continue to take this great nation forward, I am proud to do my duty.

Scapegoat eh?



Didn't know where else to post this and didn't want to start a new thread for it but this was posted on my facebook feed:

The raid has begun at Standing Rock ( per Sunny Savage who is there)
There is apparently a standoff happening right now. Backwater bridge has been opened, and there are large numbers of police, DAPL security and National Guard circling the water protectors. Raid and mass arrest are imminent. Apparently Trump is behind this. Live feeds are blocked. Media are not there, except for TYT. Please send prayers!!!! (PS If you copy and paste, more people will see than if you click "share."
Love and respect to the water protectors.

I was wondering if anyone could confirm or deny this here. It seems a little unlikely that no one would be able to upload a feed or any form of media, and considering this is facebook we are talking about...


Sidhe / PikPok
There are MANY bigger aspects of this story, but the days of Kellyanne Conway having credibility as a White House spokesperson has got to be over. In less than a month we have alternate facts, the Bowling Green Massacre, and Flynn having the full confidence of Trump.

She is speaking on Flynn right now on Fox and Friends, that paragon of investigative journalism. Shockingly they actually asked her about the "confidence of the President" statement.

She is suggesting the misleading and forgetfulness of Flynn "was the lynchpin".

Pretty much throwing him under the bus. But at least it's getting play on Fox.

Doocy of course trying to pivot the issue to the IC "leaking" that they had damning call transcripts to the press.


Oh I just realized..,,

What is going through Jill Stein's mind right now?



Sidhe / PikPok
Coming up next on Fox and Friends, "how former President Obama is working behind the scenes to sabotage the new President"...

Enough masochism for the day. Click.
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