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PoliGAF 2017 |OT1| From Russia with Love

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Coming up next on Fox and Friends, "how former President Obama is working behind the scenes to sabotage the new President"...

Enough masochism for the day. Click.
They're just jealous that the last Democratic president still has sway with the country (or at least within his party) whereas no one wanted anything to do with the last Republican president, not even two seconds after he left office.
Oh I just realized..,,

What is going through Jill Stein's mind right now?


Coming up next on Fox and Friends, "how former President Obama is working behind the scenes to sabotage the new President"...

Enough masochism for the day. Click.
Speaking of which, what if Obama kicking the ambassadors out caused Trump to panic, thinking some type of move against him was afoot? What if he directly requested Flynn call the Kremlin to reassure them about the sanctions and also fish for any information they had on the WH's plans.

I don't see why Flynn would make the call without receiving input from the president. He was merely a civilian at the time, he had no authority to call shots/make promises unless he was given direction from the (then) president elect.


The real story here is why are there so many illegal leaks coming out of Washington? Will these leaks be happening as I deal on N.Korea etc?


Scandal destroyed Bush and the GOP in 06.

Not saying it will this time though.

Also we need to remember that every election basically serves as a reset. If Trump loses 538-0 in 2020 and Democrats win 300 House seats I still don't want to read any "the Republican Party is dead!" articles. They'll be back.

One of my biggest pet peeves of the election. Even though I fully expected Hillary to win, I also fully expected a Republican to win in 2020 -- which, frankly, could have very well put the Democrats in an even worse position than they are now.
The real story here is why are there so many illegal leaks coming out of Washington? Will these leaks be happening as I deal on N.Korea etc?

Call me crazy but I just don't think mentioning N.Korea leaks a couple days after this Mar-A-Lago fiasco does him any favors.


Didn't know where else to post this and didn't want to start a new thread for it but this was posted on my facebook feed:

I was wondering if anyone could confirm or deny this here. It seems a little unlikely that no one would be able to upload a feed or any form of media, and considering this is facebook we are talking about...
A judge denied a request for a restraining order to prevent the pipeline from being built on the basis of freedom of religion last night, but other than that there isn't much news. The judge ruled like so not because he's in favor of the pipeline, but rather that the religious freedom argument was weak.

There's no confirmation on being denied the ability to live feed. Construction continues but the fight will also continue in court.
His first 100 days are gone...hell, he may not have all his 2nd tier nominations done by then with the chaos that will reign for the time period.

Down side is the gov't is going to be ground to a halt with the vague EO's like regulations and hiring freeze since he won't have time to "adjust" them as problems arise.
Because of course.
Ah yes, the "your potential treason doesn't mean anything as soon as you leave your job" rule. On a more serious note, doing an investigation on him might actually distract from some other stuff going on. Just throw him completely under the bus. Him exiting the administration but still being protected is stupid since it'll just invite continuous media attention. If Flynn were properly scapegoated at least some people would stop asking as many questions... for awhile at least.
Did you expect any less from Chaffetz?

He wasn't looking into it in the first place

It's just the juxtaposition. This is the dude that was promising years of investigations (over some nonsense) had Hillary won. This White House can literally burn the country to the ground and all we'll get out of Chaffetz is crickets.
Ah yes, the "your potential treason doesn't mean anything as soon as you leave your job" rule. On a more serious note, doing an investigation on him might actually distract from some other stuff going on. Just throw him completely under the bus. Him exiting the administration but still being protected is stupid since it'll just invite continuous media attention. If Flynn were properly scapegoated at least some people would stop asking as many questions... for awhile at least.

This is only the correct play if a full investigation of Flynn only further damages Flynn and no one else.

Since they're shielding him, I have to assume there's more dirt on other people (doesn't have to be Trunk himself, just others).


Jason Chaffetz is a cowardly ratfuck. Most Republicans are, but its his position and disgraceful abdication of responsibility that especially heighten how terrible of a person he is.

Interesting also in all this is Conway was also thrown under, her credibility questioned again. All this happens just a few hours after she says that Flynn has full support.

Basically looks like, Preibus-Spicer and Bannon played her well.

How does she have any credibility left to be questioned?


LOL this is gonna bring them all down

this is nunes yesterday


and like 5 hours later Flynn was out

I heard that spin on CNN last night after Flynn was out. The question isn't so much did he talk about sanctions, the question is whether he told Russia not to worry about it. Considering Russia didn't respond, and that Flynn lied about having the conversation, all signs point to yes, he did.

Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

and really this sanctions issue is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Trump administration's ties to Russia

shit, the manner and timing of his departure is a whole scandal in and of itself


The real story here is why are there so many illegal leaks coming out of Washington? Will these leaks be happening as I deal on N.Korea etc?

Hard not to leak out Trump's dealings on North Korea when he's handling them in fucking public.


The real story here is why are there so many illegal leaks coming out of Washington? Will these leaks be happening as I deal on N.Korea etc?

Apply some of that extreme vetting to your own people asshole.


They are producing so much 2018 material. If they're smart they should stay silent when it comes to anything Trump.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Now Breitbart is turning on Priebus and blaming him. Oh, this is amazing.
Hard not to leak out Trump's dealings on North Korea when he's handling them in fucking public.

Apply some of that extreme vetting to your own people asshole.

They are producing so much 2018 material. If they're smart they should stay silent when it comes to anything Trump.

beyond that, he realizes the inability to keep secrets is a reflection on him and the staff he chose right? Obama didn't have this problem

"The real story here is why is there so much smoke," claims the man standing next to a dumpster fire.

These comments are golden.


Nice so the GOP is trying to make the story about why the leaks are happening, not the content of the leaks.

What fucking bizarro world is this? The white house was told that Flynn may be the target of blackmail by the Russians and did nothing, but that isn't the main story?
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