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PoliGAF 2017 |OT1| From Russia with Love

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The mind of the conservative, everyone:

Amanda Carpenter‏ @amandacarpenter
Amusing to watch Dems get upset over Trump's $54B defense hike, when they had no problem w/ the Sanders $75B/per year free college plan

Perfect response:

Neil @gneilyo
Amusing to watch my wife get upset over my $54 samurai sword when she had no problem spending $75 on groceries
So, a little fun update about what's going on in Pennsylvania right now.

There's a special election in PA HD 197 because Rep. Leslie Acosta committed a felony. The district is in North Philly and is suuuuper blue.

So, the issue? There was a court challenge against Democrat Freddie Ramirez, who Republicans said did not live at his address in the district. They looked at his water and power usage in his apartment until he finally did admit that he doesn't spend much time in his apartment. He was thrown off of the ballot.

Democrats can either 1) Petition to the SCOPA to have him put on or 2) try to have a judge put a replacement candidate on in the name of giving the district a fair election. It looks like they're going to try option 2, and they have a candidate, but the election is at the 21st. They could do a write in campaign since it's SO Democratic, but... eh.

Enter Jill Stein's seance partner Cheri Honkala, who run as Jill's VP in 2012. She's the Green candidate in the 197th and the ONLY left wing candidate in the race. Honkala herself is fairly controversial but would be the only elected candidate on the Green Party line in a state legislature.

Good job, Dems. And good job Dems who gave all of your money to the Greens. I'm suuuuure none of that is going to Cheri's campaign.

Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. Good riddance!!! Somethings never change.


This article...

House Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows’ wife is rallying North Carolina Republicans to sink Speaker Paul Ryan’s Obamacare replacement bill, telling activists in an email that “Ryancare” “will be wrapped around Republican’s necks.”

Meadows declined to comment on the email. But a Meadows aide said Debbie Meadows sent the email to about 15 people without Mark Meadows’ knowledge.

The message, however, is now making the rounds among Republicans in North Carolina. It highlights just how divided the GOP remains as it tries to fulfill a top campaign pledge by President Donald Trump — one that other Republicans have been running on for more than a half-decade.

Ryan’s office declined to comment. But a senior House Republican aide called the message “pretty stunning.”


Well, I mean, Manchin would be defending the Klan if he could.

And that's a problem.

But his opponents hate black people AND poor people whereas Manchin is more National Socialist.

If Manchin really wanted to defend the Klan, or whatever other slurs you think are clever, he could just run as a Republican and get 70% of the vote until he dies. This idea that the Democrats are sullying themselves by continuing to suffer people like Manchin is completely baffling. Anyone can look at a map and see that there are more Republican leaning states than Democratic ones so the GOP starts at a substantial advantage in the senate. Making that worse by demonizing anyone who can actually appeal to voters in a red state is exactly the wrong thing to do.

No one should try to primary Manchin, but taking him off Dem leadership and as vice chair of the Democratic Policy Committee isn't all that crazy. Then again, what can the Democratic Policy Committee even do right now, meditate and write poems?

Yes it is because Manchin could switch to the GOP tomorrow and have substantially more influence on the government for the next four years.
I wonder if she'd even caucus with the Democrats. I think the Vermont Progressives do.

They do. They also usually cross-endorse for big races (State Senate, statewide races), though they run on their own line in the House and on the Burlington City Council. They're pretty much the smartest 3rd Party in the country.

EDIT: The 2002 VT Lt. Gov race is why the VT Progressives now do fusion voting for statewide races: http://uselectionatlas.org/RESULTS/state.php?year=2002&off=6&fips=50
They do. They also usually cross-endorse for big races (State Senate, statewide races), though they run on their own line in the House and on the Burlington City Council. They're pretty much the smartest 3rd Party in the country.

EDIT: The 2002 VT Lt. Gov race is why the VT Progressives now do fusion voting for statewide races: http://uselectionatlas.org/RESULTS/state.php?year=2002&off=6&fips=50
I'm kind of surprised there hasn't been any other state third parties to try and do what they did, I was legitimately surprised when I found out about them and how relatively successful they are compared to bigger groups like the Libertarians. I guess there's the Mountain Party which has been gaining traction lol
I'm kind of surprised there hasn't been any other state third parties to try and do what they did, I was legitimately surprised when I found out about them and how relatively successful they are compared to bigger groups like the Libertarians. I guess there's the Mountain Party which has been gaining traction lol

They're successful because Vermont allows party line fusion voting (which is relatively rare outside of New England) and because they're fucking smart. They started local after Bernie won the Burlington mayorship and then spread from there. Right now, the Burlington City Council has 4 Progressives, 4 Democrats, 3 Independents, and 1 Republican. With a Democratic mayor, the Progressives are the de-facto opposition. Insane! No other 3rd party in the country is as effective as they are. Granted, the whiteness and homogeny of Burlington allows them to act as such, but it's still impressive for what it is. The Greens are very dumb comparatively.

The Mountain Party has no one elected in the state iirc. Like, look at this awful website: http://www.mountainpartywv.com/

Compare that to the VT Progressive. It looks like, surprise, a real party! http://progressiveparty.org/


Trump can't get any of his agenda passed because he has no idea how the government works.

Let's do someone who knows how government works.

I'm just concerned the anti-government/politician idea that helped propel Trump doesn't fade away. If "voters" don't want a politician, a name like Oprah, a brand like Disney could be a force to rally behind, at least in the short term.

Part of why Trump Administration is incompetent is because they're just that: incompetent. Democrats rallying around a candidate and providing aid in a way that the Republicans evidently didn't could prevent the incompetence Trump is showing now.
Heidi Heitkamp's probable challenger in 2018 is an idiot.


Cramer, who met with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell in December to discuss a Senate run against Democrat Heidi Heitkamp, agreed, remarked that there are a number of bipartisan issues that could bring the parties together, including the president's proposed infrastructure investment. He then, however, veered off topic and into the subject of the Democratic women's attire.

”But by the way, did you notice how poorly several of them were dressed as well?" he asked. ”It is a syndrome. There is no question, there is a disease associated with the notion that a bunch of women would wear bad-looking white pantsuits in solidarity with Hillary Clinton to celebrate her loss. You cannot get that weird."


Unconfirmed Member

This seems like a waste of money for him. Liberals don't have the same type of automatic respect for billionares and CEOs that conservatives do. I guess anyone with money, charisma, and a good political sense has a chance, but he would have a lot more ground to make up than trump.

Oprah's the only non-politician i can see winning the democratic primary, assuming Trump's presidency doesn't kill all desire for another outsider candidate.
They're successful because Vermont allows party line fusion voting (which is relatively rare outside of New England) and because they're fucking smart. They started local after Bernie won the Burlington mayorship and then spread from there. Right now, the Burlington City Council has 4 Progressives, 4 Democrats, 3 Independents, and 1 Republican. With a Democratic mayor, the Progressives are the de-facto opposition. Insane! No other 3rd party in the country is as effective as they are. Granted, the whiteness and homogeny of Burlington allows them to act as such, but it's still impressive for what it is. The Greens are very dumb comparatively.

The Mountain Party has no one elected in the state iirc. Like, look at this awful website: http://www.mountainpartywv.com/

Compare that to the VT Progressive. It looks like, surprise, a real party! http://progressiveparty.org/
Right, I'm just saying I'm surprised that there hasn't been any real attempt elsewhere to do recreate their success at a state level such that significantly larger third parties have to basically luck into winning seats.

A better comparison would be that it will be interesting to see if Socialist Alternative tries to expand itself beyond Kshama in Seattle and make itself a legitimate third party in the state. It looks like they almost got another councilor elected in Minneapolis but otherwise haven't had any electoral success.

President Trump delivered his first speech to a joint session of Congress Tuesday evening, and while the pundit class may be heaping praise on the performance, the hourlong address failed to draw the same kind of audience as his predecessor did in his first such outing.

Across eight networks — ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox, CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, and Fox Business — Trump’s speech drew an average audience of 43.42 million from 9:15 to 10:15 p.m. in Nielsen’s still-not-quite-final numbers.

President Obama’s first address pulled in an audience of 52.37 million people across the four broadcast networks, Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, Telemundo, and Univision. The audience for President George W. Bush’s first address, at 39.79 million, was overshadowed by the State of the Union Address he delivered in 2003, which brought in 62.06 million viewers.

Right, I'm just saying I'm surprised that there hasn't been any real attempt elsewhere to do recreate their success at a state level such that significantly larger third parties have to basically luck into winning seats.

A better comparison would be that it will be interesting to see if Socialist Alternative tries to expand itself beyond Kshama in Seattle and make itself a legitimate third party in the state. It looks like they almost got another councilor elected in Minneapolis but otherwise haven't had any electoral success.

Oh yeah, I agree.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
It's +1 towards the majority. It could be the difference between Schumer being minority or majority leader. And that title comes with a lot of power, even if they didn't actually have 50+ "true" Democrats
Yup, cannot be undervalued. Manchin is fine given the very probable alternatives. It's close to the best situation Democrats can get out of West Virginia.


I hope 2018 gets higher turnout due to Trump but I won't hold my breath.

North Dakota is super red, but iirc, Heitkamp is still fairly popular and it could be a Dem-leaning midterm similar to 2006, so Cramer can't really afford mistakes like that.
I keep hearing that John Ossoff is doing very well in Georgia-6 in both regards to fundraising and polling, but most of that information is coming from email blasts associated with his campaign. Has anybody heard differently?


I saw a bumper sticker today that left me wondering whether it was for or against prayer in school: "Russia put God in schools - We took him out".
I keep hearing that John Ossoff is doing very well in Georgia-6 in both regards to fundraising and polling, but most of that information is coming from email blasts associated with his campaign. Has anybody heard differently?

He's definetly raising a ton of money. Polling won't really be useful until we find out the GOP candidate. Right its Ossoff and then five Republicans splitting their vote.


Last night, conservatives gave up on conservatism
Trump has indeed taken over the GOP, scrubbed it of principle, responsibility and decency and left its ”leaders" nodding like bobble-heads as he runs through a list of rotten economic policies, which if they came from a Democrat, would be condemned. Those looking for some fiscal discipline, a market approach to trade, a pro-growth immigration policy, reasonable education and training ideas, respect for individual rights and a responsible, cogent foreign policy will need a new party.

At least some people have their heads screwed in.
They're successful because Vermont allows party line fusion voting (which is relatively rare outside of New England) and because they're fucking smart. They started local after Bernie won the Burlington mayorship and then spread from there. Right now, the Burlington City Council has 4 Progressives, 4 Democrats, 3 Independents, and 1 Republican. With a Democratic mayor, the Progressives are the de-facto opposition. Insane! No other 3rd party in the country is as effective as they are. Granted, the whiteness and homogeny of Burlington allows them to act as such, but it's still impressive for what it is. The Greens are very dumb comparatively.

The Mountain Party has no one elected in the state iirc. Like, look at this awful website: http://www.mountainpartywv.com/

Compare that to the VT Progressive. It looks like, surprise, a real party! http://progressiveparty.org/

Even if the Mountain Party hasn't won anything, I still think it's a really awesome way of framing the environmental issue.

They got like 6% in the governor's race, which obviously doesn't get them anything but is a decent showing.


Unconfirmed Member
36.8% I think


This site differs. Some article pinpoint 2010 turnout at 40.9 and here its 37.8


36.8% is voting age turnout for just the house vote.

37.1% is voting age turnout for whichever statewide election had the most votes

40.4% is voting eligible turnout for whichever statewide election had the most votes, and is what that chart uses

So yeah, there's a lot of variance depending on how you calculate it.

You can find all the numbers that the chart was using here:
Thinkprogress reports that CNN got played.


On Wednesday, CNN’s Sara Murray reported that President Trump manipulated a team of CNN anchors into providing him with hours of positive coverage ahead of his first speech to Congress on Tuesday night.
During the “Sara’s Notebook” segment, Murray characterized what Trump told the anchors at the White House on Tuesday as “the bait and switch that the president pulled when it came to immigration yesterday.”


This Republican ad against John Ossoff in GA-6 is so unbelievably dumb, it's hilarious


More than anything it makes me think that at some point future more politicans are going to be hounded by crappy youtube/twitch channel videos they made when they were younger. Here we see Joe Blow 2036 run imperiled by a poorly conceived Game of Thrones X Shrek skit posted on his youtube page 20 years ago.



This guy if he gets past the republican north dakota senate primary will probably end up being Todd Akin part 2.

This Republican ad against John Ossoff in GA-6 is so unbelievably dumb, it's hilarious


This is hilarious


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
The fact that republicans aren't letting anyone see the health care "plan" and are going to vote on it BEFORE the CBO report is just...ugh. Sickening. These people are disgusting.
It guess you could say that Jon Ossoff is part of...

( •_•)>⌐■-■

the #resistance.


The fact that republicans aren't letting anyone see the health care "plan" and are going to vote on it BEFORE the CBO report is just...ugh. Sickening. These people are disgusting.
We have to pass the bill so that we can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy.
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