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PoliGAF 2017 |OT1| From Russia with Love

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So, a little fun update about what's going on in Pennsylvania right now.

There's a special election in PA HD 197 because Rep. Leslie Acosta committed a felony. The district is in North Philly and is suuuuper blue.

So, the issue? There was a court challenge against Democrat Freddie Ramirez, who Republicans said did not live at his address in the district. They looked at his water and power usage in his apartment until he finally did admit that he doesn't spend much time in his apartment. He was thrown off of the ballot.

Democrats can either 1) Petition to the SCOPA to have him put on or 2) try to have a judge put a replacement candidate on in the name of giving the district a fair election. It looks like they're going to try option 2, and they have a candidate, but the election is at the 21st. They could do a write in campaign since it's SO Democratic, but... eh.

Enter Jill Stein's seance partner Cheri Honkala, who run as Jill's VP in 2012. She's the Green candidate in the 197th and the ONLY left wing candidate in the race. Honkala herself is fairly controversial but would be the only elected candidate on the Green Party line in a state legislature.

Good job, Dems. And good job Dems who gave all of your money to the Greens. I'm suuuuure none of that is going to Cheri's campaign.


apparently this guy is Cheri Honkala's son




So, a little fun update about what's going on in Pennsylvania right now.

There's a special election in PA HD 197 because Rep. Leslie Acosta committed a felony. The district is in North Philly and is suuuuper blue.

So, the issue? There was a court challenge against Democrat Freddie Ramirez, who Republicans said did not live at his address in the district. They looked at his water and power usage in his apartment until he finally did admit that he doesn't spend much time in his apartment. He was thrown off of the ballot.

Democrats can either 1) Petition to the SCOPA to have him put on or 2) try to have a judge put a replacement candidate on in the name of giving the district a fair election. It looks like they're going to try option 2, and they have a candidate, but the election is at the 21st. They could do a write in campaign since it's SO Democratic, but... eh.

Enter Jill Stein's seance partner Cheri Honkala, who run as Jill's VP in 2012. She's the Green candidate in the 197th and the ONLY left wing candidate in the race. Honkala herself is fairly controversial but would be the only elected candidate on the Green Party line in a state legislature.

Good job, Dems. And good job Dems who gave all of your money to the Greens. I'm suuuuure none of that is going to Cheri's campaign.

So now the GOP dropped the lamest oppo on Ossoff. He moved 10 minutes south of the district while his girlfriend of 12 years and the mother of his kid finished med school with the intention of moving back once her semester ends. He's actually mentioned this before!


I guess the GOP is seeing the same numbers Dems are.

This... isn't even oppo.

Who learns about this and thinks "oh gee, guess I'm not going to vote for him!"


Unconfirmed Member
Washington Examiner said:
House Republicans on Thursday plan to release details of a measure that would repeal Obamacare and replace parts of it, a key lawmaker said.

Rep. Chris Collins, a member of the Republican leadership team who sits on the House Energy and Commerce Committee, which authored the legislation, said it would be made available Thursday morning to Republicans in a basement room of an office building that adjoins the Capitol.

"No one is getting a copy," the New York lawmaker told the Washington Examiner. "We can go and read it."

The measure, which Collins said will be considered in committee next Wednesday, is expected to look a lot like a proposal many conservatives already have panned — a multifaceted plan that replaces Obamacare's subsidies with refundable tax credits and converts the law's Medicaid expansion into a block grant system controlled by the states.

Conservatives, particularly members of the House Freedom Caucus, have rejected the proposal as Obamacare 2.0.


Few thoughts

- Of course they're having closed door meetings with just republicans after they were so angry about not being included in meetings for the ACA

- They're never going to find a bill that can pass with the House Freedom Caucus

- I guess we have to go to places like Washington Examiner for news about what republicans are doing now that republicans see everything left of National Review as fake news they won't talk to.
Update: Jill Stein's Druid chanting partner Cheri Honkala is ALSO a write in candidate because she did not get enough signatures in time. The PA Greens are trying to say they should be given major party status based on the last results (I believe governor) and shouldn't need to collect signatures but that's where we are with that.
Hmm do I watch the McCain town hall so I can see him talk about Trump without ever putting any real action behind it? Or do I watch the Trump Putin special on MSNBC..


Few thoughts

- Of course they're having closed door meetings with just republicans after they were so angry about not being included in meetings for the ACA

- They're never going to find a bill that can pass with the House Freedom Caucus

- I guess we have to go to places like Washington Examiner for news about what republicans are doing now that republicans see everything left of National Review as fake news they won't talk to.

Was the House Freedom Caucus the same group that unintentionally prevented the "Grand Bargain" Social Security cuts that Obama/Boehner were trying to implement because the cuts weren't big enough for them?

Would be funny if they "save" Obamacare in the same way. And sure enough, after searching around, apparently someone else was thinking the same thing as me.

WASHINGTON — In the Obama administration’s last days, some White House officials scrambled to spread information about Russian efforts to undermine the presidential election — and about possible contacts between associates of President-elect Donald J. Trump and Russians — across the government. Former American officials say they had two aims: to ensure that such meddling isn’t duplicated in future American or European elections, and to leave a clear trail of intelligence for government investigators.

American allies, including the British and the Dutch, had provided information describing meetings in European cities between Russian officials — and others close to Russia’s president, Vladimir V. Putin — and associates of President-elect Trump, according to three former American officials who requested anonymity in discussing classified intelligence. Separately, American intelligence agencies had intercepted communications of Russian officials, some of them within the Kremlin, discussing contacts with Trump associates.
Update: Jill Stein's Druid chanting partner Cheri Honkala is ALSO a write in candidate because she did not get enough signatures in time. The PA Greens are trying to say they should be given major party status based on the last results (I believe governor) and shouldn't need to collect signatures but that's where we are with that.
on one hand America's draconian ballot access laws are stupid and part of why third parties can't really flourish even to the extent that they do in other FPTP countries

otoh lol

Was the House Freedom Caucus the same group that unintentionally prevented the "Grand Bargain" Social Security cuts that Obama/Boehner were trying to implement because the cuts weren't big enough for them?

Would be funny if they "save" Obamacare in the same way. And sure enough, after searching around, apparently someone else was thinking the same thing as me.
It's kind of amazing the way Social Security has been saved like three times by the GOP fucking up their chance to get rid of it
McCain/Graham on CNN doing some 'thing'.

I know it is for CNN ratings, I'm sure it is. But I would much rather have this than talking head shit every night.

I mean it, this is exactly what should be on TV every night/week. GG.

--Edit, serious this is some good shit.


Unconfirmed Member
Was the House Freedom Caucus the same group that unintentionally prevented the "Grand Bargain" Social Security cuts that Obama/Boehner were trying to implement because the cuts weren't big enough for them?

Would be funny if they "save" Obamacare in the same way. And sure enough, after searching around, apparently someone else was thinking the same thing as me.

Yeah. It's the one thing I really hope liberals don't replicate in their attempt to make a tea party of the left.

If something is actually better than nothing, please take the something.


Some heavy stuff from NYT and WaPo tonight. Really going to make it harder and harder to deny that independent investigation.

WaPo says Sessions talked to Russians during the campaign: https://www.washingtonpost.com/worl...205eda-feac-11e6-99b4-9e613afeb09f_story.html

Despite the fact that he claimed he didn't during his Senate hearing for the AG job.

drip drip drip

Have to wonder which Republican will finally take a stand or if they'll just keep on sweeping things under the rug. If Ossoff wins GA-6, I bet that spooks them and makes them think a little harder about things.
Trump can't get any of his agenda passed because he has no idea how the government works.

Let's do someone who knows how government works.

#1 he's been in office a little over a month. #2 one group of people who know how gov't works produced Obamacare and the other group couldn't manage to produce a repeal/replace plan after nearly 10 years. A lot of folks aren't very good at what they do. #3 there a bunch of deficit hawks and debt nuts in the GOP who will whine and obstruct regardless if a Republican or Democrat is POTUS. In any event, Trump has plenty of time to sink or swim.

Oprah and Bob Iger should definitely run if Trump fails the people who elected him. As long as they think they can help the country.
Sessions lied!? How astounding of a revelation!

Seriously though, fuck that guy. Hopefully that is big enough to force him out. Maybe we'll have 1 less bigot under Trump's administration.


I am LIVING for this Lip Sync for Your Life battle between The Washington Post and The New York Times.







Am I crazy or has CNN finally just become a defeatist? I feel like since the beginning of this week they have been acting like a wounded dog and toeing this gentler line against Trump. I'm disgusted with how fast this network flipped their narrative, no backbone.


drip drip drip

Have to wonder which Republican will finally take a stand or if they'll just keep on sweeping things under the rug. If Ossoff wins GA-6, I bet that spooks them and makes them think a little harder about things.
Lying under oath. Hmmm. I seem to remember someone else getting impeached for this.
It's hilariously sad how much corruption is involved in this administration and it makes the Benghazi witch hunt against Clinton look even more pathetic than it already was.
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