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PoliGAF 2017 |OT1| From Russia with Love

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After election night, I went 100% cold turkey on cable news and have been faithful to that... until today. With even the tiny tiniest bit of, gasp, "hope" around in the face of darkness, making Trump look and feel like a clown counts for realsies now that he's in office. Can't hide from it now. I hope it eats at him every single day that a protest rally was a bigger draw than he was, and drawing millions nationwide.
Frankly I'm ok with Ohio having another GOP Senator if it means we get the presidency back.

Congress is important and I'm usually the one harping on people ignoring downballot, but even if that one seat was the difference between a Schumer-led Senate and a McConnell-led one I would make that trade every time.

Probably our best case for 2020 without going too nuts:


If I were advising the next Dem nominee I'd say shoot for this. NE-2 optional.

If Kasich runs in 2018, there's a good chance he will likely win Brown's seat. If that's the case, then yeah, I definitely want him on the ticket as vice president.


Obama touched on this in his final speech, and honestly seemed a single sentence away from endorsing a universal basic income at one point.
The Swiss referenda on this was enlightening to me.

It got destroyed. 77%-23% against. Barely half what I expected.

A negative income tax might be more workable somehow. Congress worked on various forms of it during the Nixon years before Watergate, that eventually became the Kemp-Roth plan.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
I think you need a man with middle class upbringing from Ohio.

Lower middle class + from Rust Belt, yeah. Don't think they need to be a man or from Ohio specifically per se, and I think it needs to be made clear that 'middle class' does not mean a household earning $250,000 but they live in a city where costs are really high so like we're actually really poor like and basically working class.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
A middle class Joe from the rust belt to win back the working class voters we lost to Trump, who is a middle class Joe from the rust belt.

Trump is obviously not a middle class Joe, but he was running against Clinton, who was... also not a middle class Joe in any way, shape, or form. What you want to do is create that contrast - look at how out of touch Trump is. Look how little he understands you, like we do. You could never do that with Clinton because in terms of her image, she's as remote as Trump is from the American psyche, if not more. Basically, Trump was pretending to be a man of the people, and it knocked Clinton the fuck out because she didn't even make the effort. But if you give people the real McCoy... why would they stuck with Trump?


It's almost as though a black man named Barrack Hussein Obama wasn't just President, and now a silver-spoon racist moron IS President.

Background matters exactly this much: -100000000

Dems need to nominate someone charismatic, who can deliver killer speeches, think on their feet, CAMPAIGN, and play the game of politics.

Background does not matter. Might as well be discussing the color of the soles of their socks.
If Kasich runs in 2018, there's a good chance he will likely win Brown's seat. If that's the case, then yeah, I definitely want him on the ticket as vice president.

Not happening. The state party has turned on Kasich completely and they're busy trying to throw him under the bus. Trump and Co. have their loyal soldier already in Josh Mandel.


The Women's March stuff is making feel better about the world/country but we have to keep this up for the next 4 years. No letting the foot off the peddle!

As an aside , it's so fucking weird watching these Trump supporters they have been interviewing today (asking them what they think of the marches). They don't seem stupid but they are still completely divorced from reality. It might have made me feel better if they were clearly fucking stupid rather than just drinking the Kool-aid :/


Trump is either seething that a protest event is bigger than his inauguration, or drooling at all of the potential pussies to grab.


The Swiss referenda on this was enlightening to me.

It got destroyed. 77%-23% against. Barely half what I expected.

A negative income tax might be more workable somehow. Congress worked on various forms of it during the Nixon years before Watergate, that eventually became the Kemp-Roth plan.
Yep, I've looked into the negative income tax too and I'm definitely open to it.


So what happened to all the drain the swap day one thing?


Yep, I've looked into the negative income tax too and I'm definitely open to it.

Even Milton Friedman, free-market capitalism darling, was a huge advocate of the negative income tax
in addition to eliminating welfare, i.e. the negative income tax is welfare.


Ted Cruz says the Jews have powers rivaling a God and are behind the protests.

How are the Jews able to organize things this well?!? I can't organize shit and yet The Jews can do all this.


(Ted Cruz is an anti-Semite)

soros soros soros soros soros soros soros soros soros soros soros soros soros soros soros soros soros soros soros soros soros soros soros soros soros soros soros soros soros


You can tell when Mike Pence doesn't believe a word he's saying because he breathes even more loudly through his nose than Trump does normally.


It's almost as though a black man named Barrack Hussein Obama wasn't just President, and now a silver-spoon racist moron IS President.

Background matters exactly this much: -100000000

Dems need to nominate someone charismatic, who can deliver killer speeches, think on their feet, CAMPAIGN, and play the game of politics.

Background does not matter. Might as well be discussing the color of the soles of their socks.

Agreed 100%. It's all about who can get people passionate and give a shit.


I think Trump might be drunk. What is with this speech?

"We should've kept the oil.....maybe we'll get another chance"

Oh god.


I pick option C. he gives 0 fucks because he is the captain now.

Trump is nothing if not petty. Of all the things you can predict, he's always been petty.

You better believe he gives a shit, I'm just surprised they've kept him off twitter so long. But it's coming, the 3 am tweet storm about this women's march is definitely going to happen.
Receipts on this? I know people who """don't like""" Trump (but still voted for him enthusiastically) but love Ted Cruz.

"George Soros is running the show and manipulating these protesters!" is an inch away from "The Jews are running the show!"

Whenever people want to use an Antisemitic conspiracy theory about the power of The Jews, they replace "The Jews" with "Soros."

This is a massive protest that obviously could not be organized by George Soros unless Soros is The Flash or Jesus, but Cruz is still blabbering about a conspiracy like that.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
WTF?!?! Did just imply that he would have another change to "get the oil" from Iraq????

Wow he's bitching about the dishonest news media at CIA headquarters......Yep this happening
Giving a completely deranged, off the cuff speech to a group of people who probably want to murder you to install Mike Pence because they think you are unstable and disconnected from reality is a really interesting idea.
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