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PoliGAF 2017 |OT1| From Russia with Love

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Dems have uh.

Kamala Harris


Kamala probably is our best shot. She can win everything Clinton did. The question is can she get back part of the rust belt and/or sun belt.


holy shit
There are 1,389 days until the 2020 Presidential Election and Attorney Geoffrey Fieger is wasting no time. His new ad sends the message he wants to be the next President of the United States of America.

The ad starts out like many Fieger Law ads.

"For year’s now you have heard me say, if you don’t stand for something, you end up standing for nothing,” Fieger says in the beginning of the ad.

It then goes in a direction where none of his ads have gone before. It attacks President-Elect Donald Trump, saying Trump tapped into hate to get elected.

It ends with Fieger saying he has a different vision for the nation’s future. It reads, “2020: A Clear Vision for America.”

“I am 100% more qualified than Mr. Trump,” said Fieger in a one-on-one interview about the ad with 7 Action News.

Attorney Fieger says he believes Trump’s plans to build a wall, comments on race, and controversial cabinet choices put our constitution at risk.

“Attorneys are the foot soldiers of the constitution,” said Fieger.

He wants to be the Commander in Chief for our country, the President of the United States.

“Listen,” said Fieger when asked if this was a publicity stunt. “I ran for governor. It wasn’t a publicity stunt.”


So basically Yeezy 2020: Our bench is weak so why not!?
If this happens I will likely stop voting for the rest of my life. It would mean US politics has basically merged with the worst aspects of celebrity culture and set on a course that can't be reversed.

It's already bad enough that Trump could make it this far.
Trying to predict things 4 years ahead is a fools errand. The message from the voters and the party should be that the field is wide open. Those who think of themselves as worthy should seize the opportunity.

These fantasies of anointed, or chosen ones just foster resentment. In other words.....

Let them fight.


Fieger is best known for being Dr. Kevorkian's attorney and when he ran for Governor of Michigan in 1998 during which he said "rabbis are closer to Nazis than they think" and promptly got 37% statewide and only won Detroit by the skin of his teeth.

And then he got indicted on federal campaign finance charges related to John Edwards' presidential campaign.

Trump/Pence vs. McAuliffe/Fieger vs. Kokesh/benji
Worrying about the Pres bench right now is silly. There are some hopefulls at the same time there will be new people between now and 2020 that will rise up through the ranks, maybe even someone outside the party. Who knows maybe Trump will hate tweet the next POTUS into office. Right now there needs to be the focus on the local and getting people engaged.

To that, as much as I like Obama, his hope and optimism isn't getting people into the streets right now, it's the will to fight. That's the message the DNC needs right now, not concerned with civil discourse but empowering those willing to fight.


Worrying about the Pres bench right now is silly. There are some hopefulls at the same time there will be new people between now and 2020 that will rise up through the ranks, maybe even someone outside the party. Who knows maybe Trump will hate tweet the next POTUS into office. Right now there needs to be the focus on the local and getting people engaged.

To that, as much as I like Obama, his hope and optimism isn't getting people into the streets right now, it's the will to fight. That's the message the DNC needs right now, not concerned with civil discourse but empowering those willing to fight.
But there is a fine line between wanting to fight and going crazy; there is so much confusion, resent and unrest right now. It's hard to put your finger on the pulse of that and harness it into something bigger and more cohesive as a means to winning elections. There are so many challenges facing the Dems internally and so many outside factors that I have no idea how they bounce back by 2020. Trump's actions may serve as a catalyst but I'm afraid to see what we'd have to endure going down that rabbit hole.
Worrying about the Pres bench right now is silly. There are some hopefulls at the same time there will be new people between now and 2020 that will rise up through the ranks, maybe even someone outside the party. Who knows maybe Trump will hate tweet the next POTUS into office. Right now there needs to be the focus on the local and getting people engaged.

To that, as much as I like Obama, his hope and optimism isn't getting people into the streets right now, it's the will to fight. That's the message the DNC needs right now, not concerned with civil discourse but empowering those willing to fight.
No but don't you understand? The presidency is ALL THAT MATTERS!

50 state strategy, except for in those dumb red/purple states! As long as we can win California and New York we should be good!

But there is a fine line between wanting to fight and going crazy. It's hard to put your finger on the pulse of that and harnessing it into something bigger and more cohesive as a means to winning elections. There are so many challenges facing the Dems internally and so many outside factors that I have no idea how they bounce back by 2020. Trump's actions may serve as a catalyst but I'm afraid to see what we'd have to endure going down that rabbit hole.
Come on, man. The GOP was a mess after 2012, nominated the worst possible candidate in 2016 and won.

I know there's a lot to be worried about but winning the presidency in 2020 should be the least of them right now.

2018 2018 2018
But there is a fine line between wanting to fight and going crazy. It's hard to put your finger on the pulse of that and harnessing it into something bigger and more cohesive as a means to winning elections. There are so many challenges facing the Dems internally and so many outside factors that I have no idea how they bounce back by 2020. Trump's actions may serve as a catalyst but I'm afraid to see what we'd have to endure going down that rabbit hole.

Have no fear, we have fallen into the abyss already. Embrace it.
Dems have uh.

Kamala Harris


Kamala probably is our best shot. She can win everything Clinton did. The question is can she get back part of the rust belt and/or sun belt.
You're forgetting Tulsi.

Speaking of who, she just went to Syria on a "fact finding mission". She is running in 2020.
This country has completely lost the plot. We just inaugurated a dude that less than a third of us even like and even foreign countries have people protesting in the thousands against him.


We can do this just by winning CA/NY by enough votes. It's in the constitution!
We just need to send letters and petitions and death threats to Republican state legislators and then schedule a time where everyone has surgery so a Democrat becomes President temporarily so he can recess appoint a Supreme Court justice in the infinite milliseconds between all points in time and he can rule on...


You're forgetting Tulsi.

Speaking of who, she just went to Syria on a "fact finding mission". She is running in 2020.
I forgot about her for good reason. I don't think she'd be a serious contender and I question her motives.

We just need to send letters and petitions and death threats to Republican state legislators and then schedule a time where everyone has surgery so a Democrat becomes President temporarily so he can recess appoint a Supreme Court justice in the infinite milliseconds between all points in time and he can rule on...
Sam Wang says there's a 98% chance this will happen


If I was a billionaire, I would make a secret team of researchers and ask them to find me the person who Americans would most want to have a beer with, draw a list by priority, and simply try to get the top one to run in 2020. It's such a simpler strategy than actually looking at potential proper candidates, then once you're in office just do what you actually wanted to do, no need to follow up on all promises.

I'd then bet all my money on my candidate and make even more money, fueling a never ending research of "Who would you rather have a beer with" for all future elections, either to undermine the opposition when they have a top contender, or favor mine.

1000 year rule!

edit: Only Conservatives can manage to put women in presidential or prime minister roles in the UK/Canada/US/Australia. It seems people automatically assume "strong woman" when running for the right, but weak when running for left.
Tulsi Gabbard is why I think Dems lose 2020.


However, I've found my pessimism to generally win out (See: 2010, 2014) more often than my optimism! (See: 2016).
But there is a fine line between wanting to fight and going crazy; there is so much confusion, resent and unrest right now. It's hard to put your finger on the pulse of that and harness it into something bigger and more cohesive as a means to winning elections. There are so many challenges facing the Dems internally and so many outside factors that I have no idea how they bounce back by 2020. Trump's actions may serve as a catalyst but I'm afraid to see what we'd have to endure going down that rabbit hole.

The women's march is really a good example of focus and message getting people on the streets. Compare it to the more chaos of yesterday and the difference in focused anger and unfocused is pretty clear. The march happening around the world is easy to understand and broad enough to include wide swaths of people. When people are talking about it women's rights, LGBT rights and inclusiveness are the topics (those pesky identity politics). IMO it's more fruitful to try and focus that anger rather than ignore it.


If I was a billionaire, I would make a secret team of researchers and ask them to find me the person who Americans would most want to have a beer with, draw a list by priority, and simply try to get the top one to run in 2020. It's such a simpler strategy than actually looking at potential proper candidates, then once you're in office just do what you actually wanted to do, no need to follow up on all promises.
I'm pretty sure this was roughly Dick Cheney's strategy.


Tulsi Gabbard is why I think Dems lose 2020.


However, I've found my pessimism to generally win out (See: 2010, 2014) more often than my optimism! (See: 2016).

She'll make Dems lose as the nominee, or make them lose because she will be a trojan horse troll during the primary and cause unnecessary amounts of argument within the Dem voter base?
If I was a billionaire, I would make a secret team of researchers and ask them to find me the person who Americans would most want to have a beer with, draw a list by priority, and simply try to get the top one to run in 2020. It's such a simpler strategy than actually looking at potential proper candidates, then once you're in office just do what you actually wanted to do, no need to follow up on all promises.

I'd then bet all my money on my candidate and make even more money, fueling a never ending research of "Who would you rather have a beer with" for all future elections, either to undermine the opposition when they have a top contender, or favor mine.

1000 year rule!

edit: Only Conservatives can manage to put women in presidential or prime minister roles in the UK/Canada/US/Australia. It seems people automatically assume "strong woman" when running for the right, but weak when running for left.
Or just convince Tom Hanks.

Seriously though this outsider crap needs to stop. I'm sure we can find someone who is harmless enough for everyone on the left. Keith Ellison would be a good pick and I am liking his views on economy and racism, but yeah no way he'd win a general. My dream scenario was Hillary winning both 2016 and 2020, by when Jason Kander would be waiting in wings

I wonder how many Trumps will America have in the next 10-20 years?

The whole family could run things for a very long time if Trump does not fuck up as much as we hope he will
She'll make Dems lose as the nominee, or make them lose because she will be a trojan horse troll during the primary and cause unnecessary amounts of argument within the Dem voter base?

Hopefully Bernie is quick to condemn her so that the Far Left doesn't fall for her.
Unless something drastic changes I'm riding that Brown/Klobuchar ticket (can be either way, Klobuchar would be a good first woman prez) to glory.

And yeah 2018 is the most important thing right now. Or hell 2017, I hope that Virginia congressman can get it.

I don't think it's as dire as this article paints it; mostly because of this: The "messaging" part I see going one of two ways:

1) Trump is gonna fail to deliver on most of his promises and be a terribad president (I give this like a 85-90% chance)
2) Trump will actually deliver. Small chance but this would be trouble.

If 1) happens, they can just 'pick up the mantle' from Trump's message.

Also, they're still very much a national party; they just need to make sure the midwest going so red was an anomaly and not the new norm.


How can you prevent a red midwest? If that's the new electoral reality you can't stop it.

We really have to hope gains in the sunbelt become profound enough to swing the map towards Dems again.

And for fuck's sake PA better not go red again.
How can you prevent a red midwest? If that's the new electoral reality you can't stop it.

We really have to hope gains in the sunbelt become profound enough to swing the map towards Dems again.

And for fuck's sake PA better not go red again.
Run a candidate with charisma and less baggage.

MI/PA/WI went red by less than a point each.
How can you prevent a red midwest? If that's the new electoral reality you can't stop it.

We really have to hope gains in the sunbelt become profound enough to swing the map towards Dems again.

And for fuck's sake PA better not go red again.

If by Midwest you mean Ohio and Iowa, those states are gonna be red for a while.

If by Midwest you mean PA, MI, and WI, remember that even in the red rural wave of 2016 those states only barely went to Trump, They can easily flip back to blue.

As to how, the main thing will be defeating the anti-free-trade rhetoric with a focus on proposals to train the Midwest in the following industries:

- Healthcare
- Education
- Civil Engineering
- Clean Energy
- Cyber Security
Trump is apparently so bored at the prayer today that he's almost falling asleep.

Trump has more disdain for his evangelical voters than any New Atheist could ever have.
How can you prevent a red midwest? If that's the new electoral reality you can't stop it.

We really have to hope gains in the sunbelt become profound enough to swing the map towards Dems again.

And for fuck's sake PA better not go red again.

I don't think there's much we can do to prevent it. Twenty years from now, I can see Illinois as the only solid blue state left in the region, with Minnesota as a light blue/purple state, and the rest as light/solid red states. However, many of these states will lose representatives in the House for every passing census, along with the lost of electoral points. By 2040, Georgia will have more electoral points than Ohio, and about an equal amount of points as Pennsylvania.

Democrats are going to need to put in extra work in the Sunbelt states (VA, NC, GA, FL, TX, AZ), while trying to maintain what's left of the Blue Wall in the Midwest. I think we're past the point of no return for Ohio and Iowa. And as far as Pennsylvania is concerned, we need to do a better job of turnout in Philly and Pittsburgh. I also think rural turnout should be lower in 2020, so that will also help flip the state blue.
I want to see how Brown does in 2018 before writing off Ohio completely, but if he isn't the nominee it probably isn't worth bothering with in any case.
BREAKING: @CNN reports more people on National Mall for #WomensMarch than yesterday at this time for inauguration.

Ohohoho can't stop smirking


Unless something drastic changes I'm riding that Brown/Klobuchar ticket (can be either way, Klobuchar would be a good first woman prez) to glory.

And yeah 2018 is the most important thing right now. Or hell 2017, I hope that Virginia congressman can get it.
I started stanning for a Brown/Klobuchar ticket as the ideal back in May when I was arguing with some friends about the primary. I think I was right that it would have been the perfect ticket for this year. I think Franken would have done well too.

But who knows what the political climate will be in 4 years. And I get the impression Brown really doesn't want to run for president. And I doubt we'd win back his Ohio Senate seat in the foreseeable future.
I started stanning for a Brown/Klobuchar ticket as the ideal back in May when I was arguing with some friends about the primary. I think I was right that it would have been the perfect ticket for this year. I think Franken would have done well too.

But who knows what the political climate will be in 4 years. And I get the impression Brown really doesn't want to run for president. And I doubt we'd win back his Ohio Senate seat in the foreseeable future.
Frankly I'm ok with Ohio having another GOP Senator if it means we get the presidency back.

Congress is important and I'm usually the one harping on people ignoring downballot, but even if that one seat was the difference between a Schumer-led Senate and a McConnell-led one I would make that trade every time.

Probably our best case for 2020 without going too nuts:


If I were advising the next Dem nominee I'd say shoot for this. NE-2 optional.


If by Midwest you mean Ohio and Iowa, those states are gonna be red for a while.

If by Midwest you mean PA, MI, and WI, remember that even in the red rural wave of 2016 those states only barely went to Trump, They can easily flip back to blue.

As to how, the main thing will be defeating the anti-free-trade rhetoric with a focus on proposals to train the Midwest in the following industries:

- Healthcare
- Education
- Civil Engineering
- Clean Energy
- Cyber Security
To add to that, we need to have a serious national conversation on automation. The effects it's already had on killing jobs (the fact that many of those jobs outsourced years ago no longer exist) and the exponential increase it may have on the job market in the near future and what that means for our social contract. Obama touched on this in his final speech, and honestly seemed a single sentence away from endorsing a universal basic income at one point.

There needs to be a serious acknowledgment of the negative effects globalization and technological advancement has had for some people (while highlighting the absurdity of a societal structure that allows for technological progress to be a negative development for some people). And a serious plan for adjusting its course towards being a force for global peace and more equal, widespread benefit, as opposed to a vehicle to be hijacked by elites for private, personal wealth accumulation. Rather than portraying globalization/technology as inherently good or bad, portray it as the powerful tool that it is, lacking any inherent morality. Then make the case for how that tool can be used and shaped to everyone's benefit, and back it up/follow through with appropriate policy.
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