I wonder if trump and his administration are preparing for the next hurricane season or thinking of preparing for it soon.
*Flash Forward to September, 2017
"Oh shit we should probably appoint a FEMA director soon, huh?"
I wonder if trump and his administration are preparing for the next hurricane season or thinking of preparing for it soon.
Trump has so successfully cast a fake image of shrewd businessman who always gets the best deals that people have been duped into believing, since his nomination announcement in 2015, that any time things aren't going his way it's actually part of some cunning plan. And it's still going.
But yeah, as mentioned above, at some point the lies become so obvious that you can't even deliver a message other than to your most rabid supporters. It will be impossible to rally the people to win another election in those conditions.
edit: I wonder what Barron is thinking. He had to hear about the grab the pussy stuff, the Pissgate, etc. Plus Melania and Trump are probably not on good terms right now.
I agree with royalan, it's better to overestimate him at this point. He was underestimated during the primaries, and well.
Here is one for the grand strategy pile:
This doesn't explain how the strategy practically works, the only ones willing to join this journey into folly are his most ardent supporters. Most people are dumb and ignorant, but I don't think they'll follow into the There are Five Lights routine.
Here is one for the grand strategy pile:
This doesn't explain how the strategy practically works, the only ones willing to join this journey into folly are his most ardent supporters. Most people are dumb and ignorant, but I don't think they'll follow into the There are Five Lights routine.
Here is one for the grand strategy pile:
This doesn't explain how the strategy practically works, the only ones willing to join this journey into folly are his most ardent supporters. Most people are dumb and ignorant, but I don't think they'll follow into the There are Five Lights routine.
I think he's just a compulsive liar and lives in his own fantasy land and there isn't some master plan behind it.
RustyNails said:You guys dont get it. You dont think they dont know their crowd size was shit? Of course they do. They're just playing the game they played all campaign: continue delegetimizing every mainstream source other than Breitbart, Fox News or maybe RT. Their audience will thoroughly believe them and in fact, this statement was for them.
Nope, that's the plan. I actually wrote this in the other thread before even reading the Vox piece.
But the people who would lose faith in regular news were already hardcore Republicans and probably didn't trust those media sources anyway.
Any random person can look at a picture of the event and see the crowd was not bigger than Obama's. And he's being called out on this lie, de-legitimatizing future statements he makes. It's one thing to make up statistics, it's another all together when there's photographic evidence that he's a liar.
I wonder if some Republicans are questioning to themselves just how much long-term damage this man will do their brand the longer he stays in power, throws tantrums, spins blatant lies, shuns the media, shuns the world, shuns the truth and pushes through their damning legislation intended to rob people of their civil and personal freedoms, abet Russia and tax everyone except the top 1% while creating NO jobs and inciting civil disobedience?But never before have we had a Republican President been so willing to use their base and its ignorance to be so...well, evil. That's really the best word forward.
As someone I know said in a conversation, "a good Republican is hard to come by, but at least previous Republicans had sense." Trump does not, and he will now likely use that diehard Republican base to sanction things that no previous Republican president would have.
When ISIS blows up a Trump Tower and Trump decides to send 100k troops to Iraq for retaliation, I'm sure people will still be saying that there's a masterplan and this is just distracting away from random bullshit.
It's almost as though a black man named Barrack Hussein Obama wasn't just President, and now a silver-spoon racist moron IS President.
Background matters exactly this much: -100000000
Dems need to nominate someone charismatic, who can deliver killer speeches, think on their feet, CAMPAIGN, and play the game of politics.
Background does not matter. Might as well be discussing the color of the soles of their socks.
Trump has demonstrated a mastery at leading the media to cover stupid little stories like this. I'm left wondering who played whom?
NPR did like a scientific study about this and it came down to language. He spoke like a third grader. Hillary, well, spoke like a teacher. In the end it came down to who you "connected" with, and even though Trump's rating is absurdly pants-on-fire in politifact, people still found him more trustworthy.Trump, for whatever reason, connected as honest about the poors. Like, I don't get why. Don't ask me why. But he did.
You need someone who can talk about being middle class and talk about being aspirational and sell his policies as aspirational and have people believe him.
The issue is that Hillary is not a good liar.It's not about background, it's about authenticity. Hillary had an authenticity issue speaking to the middle class (white AND nonwhite). Trump, for whatever reason, connected as honest about the poors. Like, I don't get why. Don't ask me why. But he did.
You need someone who can talk about being middle class and talk about being aspirational and sell his policies as aspirational and have people believe him.
The issue is that Hillary is not a good liar.
That's the actual core of the "authenticity" issue - people don't actually want honesty, they want good bullshitters.
Going over House seats would take a bit so I won't for right now.
There's not much opportunity in the Senate unfortunately because Dems had a big wave year in 06 that they expanded upon in 2012. Only real opportunities are Nevada (Dean Heller, won by less than a point in 2012) and Arizona (Jeff Flake, won by 3 points) while we're defending a lot of vulnerable incumbents. The best we could do, holding every D-held seat and flipping those two would still just tie the Senate, effectively giving Rs control as Pence would be tiebreaker.
The big cheese for Democrats will be the governor's races. Hillary states with R governors up in 2018 include:
New Hampshire
New Mexico
Arizona, Florida, Michigan and Wisconsin - all close last year - will also have gubernatorial elections.
Potentially vulnerable Dem-held seats: Alaska (kind of), Colorado, Connecticut, Minnesota, Pennsylvania
Let's say Trump decides to take the guns if there's another Sandy Hook or something (because Trump is a gun grabber at heart).
Would 15 Republican Senators go along with Trump to massively curtail gun rights?
It's not about background, it's about authenticity. Hillary had an authenticity issue speaking to the middle class (white AND nonwhite). Trump, for whatever reason, connected as honest about the poors. Like, I don't get why. Don't ask me why. But he did.
You need someone who can talk about being middle class and talk about being aspirational and sell his policies as aspirational and have people believe him.
It's not about background, it's about authenticity. Hillary had an authenticity issue speaking to the middle class (white AND nonwhite). Trump, for whatever reason, connected as honest about the poors. Like, I don't get why. Don't ask me why. But he did.
You need someone who can talk about being middle class and talk about being aspirational and sell his policies as aspirational and have people believe him.
I absolutely agree with this. And it highlights how little background matters.
We can talk about the Hillary today who is a rich old white woman. But she wasn't born wealthy. She grew up in a middle class life. Her fault was her inability to connect in that way.
Whereas Trump was born wealthy, and has never known a hardship his entire life. But because he's simple, he connects. Not to say that all of his voters are dumb (although quite a few are), but it's easy to believe that someone stands for you when they remind you of your idiot cousin, and they don't use big, intimidating words.
So Democrats need to find that candidate who knows how to connect. The "We need a candidate with [insert physical traits here] from [insert swing state here]" debate is the most useless debate to have now, and going forward. Like, there is no worth whatsoever in it.
Who to have a beer with, gotcha.
Who to have a beer with, gotcha.
Putin wants to talk to his buddy trump in the coming days.
If someone is willing to lie to you about what you can see with your own eyes, imagine what they'll lie about that you can't see.
The media is not going to lose though. Trump has driven their ratings up already, especially CNN. They were going to increase anyway because there's a market for anti-Trump news...but mix in an incredibly antagonistic media relationship with the president and you get even more fireworks.
His approval ratings are already low. What's he going to look like after a year of this nonstop escalation and aggression? Manufacturing jobs aren't going to magically re-appear between now and 2018 (or ever). The jobs market won't be drastically different unless we have a recession. So he'll have to rely on a very aggressive far right legislative agenda, attacking the press...that's about it right? Maybe a war, who knows.
David A. Clarke, Jr.‏ @SheriffClarke
Analysis of Women's riot today in DC. Overwhelming white women. Black and Latino women were absent. So typical of this socialist movement.
9:54 PM · Jan 21, 2017