I don't see him standing a chance at a statewide election here, but if he ever runs I'll campaign for him like crazy.
I don't see him standing a chance at a statewide election here, but if he ever runs I'll campaign for him like crazy.
HAHA Imgur now has an Alternative Facts topic/theme/category
"Reject reality and substitute your own."
I don't see him standing a chance at a statewide election here, but if he ever runs I'll campaign for him like crazy.
If Chicago doesn't fix the horrible "carnage" going on, 228 shootings in 2017 with 42 killings (up 24% from 2016), I will send in the Feds!
Well Trump just threatened chicago..on fucking twitter.
It looks like Trump was just watching TV again and made a wild threat without paying attention to anything except TV.
Trump just deleted a tweet -- that could potentially be a violation of the Presidential Records Act.
More importantly,
This is actually a pretty big deal (the edit Tweet thing isn't)
Uhh... this is a MASSIVE security hazard, and I didn't even think it was legal.
This really, really just doesn't seem sustainable over a few weeks let alone 4 years.
Please tell me there is no loop hole this fucker found to actually let him get that wall built
Please tell me there is no loop hole this fucker found to actually let him get that wall built
Please tell me there is no loop hole this fucker found to actually let him get that wall built
Please tell me there is no loop hole this fucker found to actually let him get that wall built
Well, Trump could cite existing law enacted by Congress in both 2008 and 2010 to build the wall along the border. But he would need to figure out a way to pay for it.
If Mexico refuses to pay for it, then he'd have to turn to Congress to appropriate money -- something he could try to do through the Department of Homeland Security's annual funding bill. However, he would need to overcome a likely Democratic filibuster -- meaning he would need 60 votes in the Senate, requiring Democratic support.
And even if got funding, that's the easy part. The hard part is overcoming the myriad of lawsuits that would almost certainly ensue. The wall have to pass a number of federal environmental reviews -- a process that usually takes years and gets tied up in courts.
The wall would also have to be constructed through private property -- especially in Texas -- and those cases would have to be settled in court. Then there's Native American tribal land along the border. Either a deal would have to be cut with the tribes, or the wall would have to cut through a different section of Arizona instead to go around the sovereign land.
So many hurdles exist.
Please tell me there is no loop hole this fucker found to actually let him get that wall built
Isn't the big worry that a hacking group could hack his phone and use it to start a national incident?
And he's still using his personal phone?
Fuck Chuck Schumer.
Some Dems have been in office too long.
Be your typical establishment Dem who thinks "fighting the President's agenda" means whining about the things he said he wasn't going to do, in-between posing for pictures and occasionally voting Yes on his cabinet picks.What'd he do?
This is just day 5. It is going to get a whole, whole lot worse.
It's going to happen, but it's hard to fathom this shit going on day in and day out for at least four years
How exactly is Trump going to get funds for the wall through executive action? He can't appropriate funds? What is he going to divert funds from?
How exactly is Trump going to get funds for the wall through executive action? He can't appropriate funds? What is he going to divert funds from?
How exactly is Trump going to get funds for the wall through executive action? He can't appropriate funds? What is he going to divert funds from?
Education? The EPA?
This EO is just going to be some instructions or statement of intent, would bet you fifty bucks if this was an in person conversation.
Samsung is pretty much the go to for government phones now, so he could be tweeting from one of those that's still protected.