Mother of god, the front page is FULL of "President Trump" threads, and their titles are all fucking terrifying.
- the wall
- feds to stop violence in Chicago
- banning refugees
- gutting EPA, denying science
- oil pipelines
- supreme court pick
- him losing popular vote because of illegal votes
- CNN is fake news
I would have expected my imagination of his first days as President to be more dramatic and horrible than reality, but here we are.
At the risk of sounding dramatic, I do hope that democratic forces (voting public, media, ngo's, ...) are vigilant because things could go south quickly. We're so used to democracy being just there and safe, that a president with tyranical tendensies could do a lot of damage before opposition really kick into action. Safeguard your rights, americans (free press, fair trial, freedom to protest, no excessive force, separation of powers, ...) because your president has a deep disdain for all of it.