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PoliGAF 2017 |OT3| 13 Treasons Why

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No Scrubs
I mean, all of the candidates that he's backed post-election have made significant gains on Hillary's margins? What a weird argument.

The question is that due to Bernie or Trump being a dumpster fire of a dumbass. Hold a gun to my head and I'd say the latter.


It'll be interesting to see what kind of legislation we see the 2020 field push should Democrats gain control of either chamber. Anything that passes would likely be vetoed by Pence anyway, seems like a perfect opportunity to showboat for your platform proposals.

First 100 hours is a great gimmick for this. $15 minimum wage, required tax return disclosure + some kind of ethics/nepotism law, and some kind of Medicare for all proposal would all be easy to posture around.


I mean, all of the candidates that he's backed post-election have made significant gains on Hillary's margins? What a weird argument.

But can all of that be attributed to him? Or the giant tire fire that is the Trump Administration?

I mean, looking at around, I don't see a lot of candidates these days crediting Bernie Sanders. But a lot are talking about how the threat of Trump has energized the base.



Republicans with higher favorables still got creamed by Trump.

Bernie Sanders still got creamed by millions of votes.

The two candidates with the worst favorables made it to the general.

Who you like is not the same as who you'll vote for.

We had a unique election where both were incredibly unpopular. The lesson isn't "popularity doesn't matter and we should go with less popular people on purpose," the lesson is "voting against the other candidate is still enough to get a lot of people out to the polls"

The primaries were a different beast. On the left, it was one of THE most well known politicians against a nobody. On the right, it was a guy that managed to capture all the news cycles and unleash a latent-ish white nationalism that the GOP had tried to pretend they hadn't created.

One reason Trump remains relatively popular with GOP base is because identity politics is a force that exists on the right but not the left.
What is called "identity politics" on the left is really a quite expansive agenda aimed at eliminating unjust hierarchy through policy.
When the left judges Presidents, we're looking at concrete policy achievements. That's what the Democratic base demands.
The right is almost pure identity id at this point. There is no policy agenda, just hatred of "latte liberals," people of color, immigrants.
Because the right doesn't have politics beyond identity politics, it's a lot easier for Trump to be "successful" in the eyes of the base.

I think this is pretty spot on, reminds of this article( which is part of a book).

The question is that due to Bernie or Trump being a dumpster fire of a dumbass. Hold a gun to my head and I'd say the latter.

Sure. But like, it's still an odd thing to say? These candidates did better than Hillary did, %-wise. They might have lost (and not all of them?), but. They're making gains in the demographics that we'd need to make gains in to win back some of the Obama coalition from 12. I don't see what the problem is.

But can all of that be attributed to him? Or the giant tire fire that is the Trump Administration?

I mean, looking at around, I don't see a lot of candidates these days crediting Bernie Sanders. But a lot are talking about how the threat of Trump has energized the base.

I think it can both, but that wasn't the argument you were making. It's a weird attack.
The question is that due to Bernie or Trump being a dumpster fire of a dumbass. Hold a gun to my head and I'd say the latter.

Trump is almost certainly a bigger factor, but it's still poor reasoning to use those races as an attack on Bernie. Unless you have a preconception and are looking for excuses to validate it.

Guess which dem voted nay



We had a unique election where both were incredibly unpopular. The lesson isn't "popularity doesn't matter and we should go with less popular people on purpose," the lesson is "voting against the other candidate is still enough to get a lot of people out to the polls"

The lesson I take from last year isn't "let's go with the most unpopular on purpose," that would obviously be silly. But the beginning and ending of this conversation isn't a politician's favorability numbers. Believing that is the same thing that had a lot of Bernie voters scratching their heads last year wondering why Hillary Clinton was kicking his ass in state after state. B-but, nobody likes her!

Trump had impossibly low favorables for a winner, but that didn't matter because he correctly predicted the oncoming white backlash and rode that wave to victory. External factors will always matter more than how somebody polls.
The lesson I take from last year isn't "let's go with the most unpopular on purpose," that would obviously be silly. But the beginning and ending of this conversation isn't a politician's favorability numbers. Believing that is the same thing that had a lot of Bernie voters scratching their heads last year wondering why Hillary Clinton was kicking his ass in state after state. B-but, nobody likes her!

Trump had impossibly low favorables for a winner, but that didn't matter because he correctly predicted the oncoming white backlash and rode that wave to victory. External factors will always matter more than how somebody polls.

Well, because Hillary had better/even favorables for Dem voters. Most Democrats liked Hillary! She did better with Democrats, so it's not actual surprise that she won the Democratic nomination fair and square.

Sucked about everyone else though.
Putting the blame on Obama for Hillary's loss is honestly completely ridiculous.

He did everything you could ask an outgoing president to do for another candidate and more.

If Obama has any regrets it likely isn't doing enough to help Hillary win.. it would have been making her SoS to begin with. I think in hindsight he would have just elevated someone else or given the job to Kerry right away.

She can talk now if she wants but less internal blame game would be nice. Some accountability would be appreciated. Blame Russia or Comey even but stay back from throwing Obama under the bus.


No Scrubs
stop coming for me

I feel like I should point out that voters in Montana apparently said they voted R because of Bernie's endorsement.

More likely than not it's Trump's stupidity that's affecting these races, there's not enough data to say it's Bernie.
Speaking of Tulsi, have there been any rumors about primary challengers? I hate seeing such a safe seat occupied by such a conservative Dem.
I feel like I should point out that voters in Montana apparently said they voted R because of Bernie's endorsement.

More likely than not it's Trump's stupidity that's affecting these races, there's not enough data to say it's Bernie.

I'm more talking about how weird it is to say, Bernie's people aren't winning these voters!!! When 1) They are? 2) Even if they're losing, they're doing better %-wise than Hillary did. It's an odd complaint.
Nothing is ever fair to Bernie.

Also why would I list the seemingly altruistic and party building things that the bitch eating crackers is doing. That's silly.


I want to reform the Democratic party in such a way where people won't be embarrassed to call themselves Democrats again. No more hiding behind this Independent bullshit. A party is powerful because we all march under the same banner.

Using Sanders' Independent cred to draw independents to maybe sometimes vote Democratic is just pissing yourself to keep warm. It's courting a fickle audience in a superficial way that won't last. Instead we need to pull those people into the party. Make them feel welcome and feel a sense of ownership over the Democratic Party.

We don't just need to build a rickety coalition that will hopefully hold together in 2018 and 2020, we need to be creating the next generation of the Party.

I feel the same way and I think this is important thing people ignore in this discussion. Sanders may be more popular than actual democrats in the party but there are serious signs that he's unable (or unwilling) to turn it into victories for the party at large. And frankly, to me, that's all that matters right now. This isn't Dragon Ball and Sanders isn't Goku come to save the day after everyone else gets knocked down. I don't give a shit what his powerlevel is.


Putting the blame on Obama for Hillary's loss is honestly completely ridiculous.

He did everything you could ask an outgoing president to do for another candidate and more.

If Obama has any regrets it likely isn't doing enough to help Hillary win.. it would have been making her SoS to begin with. I think in hindsight he would have just elevated someone else or given the job to Kerry right away.

She can talk now if she wants but less internal blame game would be nice. Some accountability would be appreciated. Blame Russia or Comey even but stay back from throwing Obama under the bus.
I, at least, am not doing that.

I blame Obama for two things:

a) The DNC falling into disrepair. This is not controversial

b) Helping clear the path for Hillary to avoid a contested nomination, which opened the door for the High Sanders.
I, at least, am not doing that.

I blame Obama for two things:

a) The DNC falling into disrepair. This is not controversial

b) Helping clear the path for Hillary to avoid a contested nomination, which opened the door for the High Sanders.

This is a big one. DWS was an amazingly poor fit for DNC chair and they should not have dropped Dean's 50 state strategy
The New York one was in the NYC metro, idk about New Hampshire.

NYC was Long Island, New Hampshire was exurban town.

I, at least, am not doing that.

I blame Obama for two things:

a) The DNC falling into disrepair. This is not controversial

b) Helping clear the path for Hillary to avoid a contested nomination, which opened the door for the High Sanders.

If an issue you have with 2016 is that Obama cleared the field which lead to the unfortunate rise (which you imply?) of Sanders, I feel like you're learning the wrong lessons from 2016.


I don't regret voting for Hillary, either. She wasn't an Obama, but I truly believe that she was the best Democrats could put up in 2016.

I honestly don't think Bernie would have won. The demographics he couldn't pull together in the primaries wouldn't have come together in the general in greater numbers than they did for Hillary. And I don't think his message would have been more attractive to the Independents that ended up swinging R.

Also, he writes rape fanfiction. To this day I still cringe thinking about what Republicans would have done with that.
Not everything is about you. Sometimes it's just general snark.

Also the Resistance is a dumb buzzword.

The left would be better at branding if all the soulless marketers weren't Republicans.
who has actually said in this discussion that Bernie would've won.

Not everything is about you. Sometimes it's just general snark.

Also the Resistance is a dumb buzzword.

Sometimes it's hard to tell without quoting. And no, I don't think everything is about me, but that seemed pointed towards someone.
I, at least, am not doing that.

I blame Obama for two things:

a) The DNC falling into disrepair. This is not controversial

b) Helping clear the path for Hillary to avoid a contested nomination, which opened the door for the High Sanders.
That's what I gathered from Hillary's statement and it just annoyed me.

I agree with both of these things. He did make mistakes there. But seriously whatever Obama did wrong pales in comparison to the things the Clinton's have done that no one else made them do that platooned their image and popularity
who has actually said in this discussion that Bernie would've won.

Sometimes it's hard to tell without quoting.

A Bernie that could have beaten Clinton could have won, but that wasn't the reality we ever lived in. It's kind of a pointless hypothetical given that he would have had to have been a much better candidate to even get the nomination.

For all the talk of clearing the field, I don't know that anyone would have beaten Hillary in any scenario.


The Trump administration is moving toward handing back to Russia two diplomatic compounds, near New York City and on Maryland’s Eastern Shore, from which its officials were ejected in late December as punishment for Moscow’s interference in the 2016 presidential election.

Then-President Barack Obama said Dec. 29 that the compounds were being “used by Russian personnel for intelligence-related purposes,” and gave Russia 24 hours to vacate them. Separately, Obama expelled from the United States what he said were 35 Russian “intelligence operatives.”

Early last month, the Trump administration told the Russians it would consider turning the properties back over to them if Moscow would lift its freeze, imposed in 2014 in retaliation for U.S. sanctions related to Ukraine, on construction of a new U.S. consulate on a certain parcel of land in St. Petersburg.

Two days later, the U.S. position changed. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson told Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak at a meeting in Washington, that the United States had dropped any linkage between the compounds and the consulate, according to several people with knowledge of the exchanges.
A Bernie that could have beaten Clinton could have won, but that wasn't the reality we ever lived in. It's kind of a pointless hypothetical given that he would have had to have been a much better candidate to even get the nomination.

For all the talk of clearing the field, I don't know that anyone would have beaten Hillary in any scenario.

I think a bigger field would've been messier, and could've ended up with scenarios that wouldn't necessarily happen in a 1v1 environment. But who knows. I ain't no psychic.
That's what I gathered from Hillary's statement and it just annoyed me.

I agree with both of these things. He did make mistakes there. But seriously whatever Obama did wrong pales in comparison to the things the Clinton's have done that no one else made them do that platooned their image and popularity

Huh? People attacked the DLC and triangulation for many many years. Bill Clinton didn't get off blame free when Gore lost either.


That's what I gathered from Hillary's statement and it just annoyed me.

I agree with both of these things. He did make mistakes there. But seriously whatever Obama did wrong pales in comparison to the things the Clinton's have done that no one else made them do that platooned their image and popularity

Democrats have lost over 900 legislative seats under the Obama administration.

Now, that's not all his fault. But his neglect of the party itself definitely played a role, and that's more harm than Hillary Clinton has done or could ever do.


Democrats have lost under 900 legislative seats under the Obama administration.

Now that's not all his fault. But his neglect of the party itself definitely played a roll, and that's more harm than Hillary Clinton has done or could ever do.

Honest question: how much of that job rests on the president? I feel like the president is busy being president.


If an issue you have with 2016 is that Obama cleared the field which lead to the unfortunate rise (which you imply?) of Sanders, I feel like you're learning the wrong lessons from 2016.
Yes, I believe Sanders to be like an unwanted algae bloom. By having a coronation instead of an actual contested primary it left a lot of unused oxygen open which allowed the Sanders phenomenon to occur to the degree it did, which was far, far worse than having team players from within the party rising up and challenging (and possibly beating) her.

There were a lot of other candidates who would have been better than Hillary! None of them were in the race.
Honest question: how much of that job rests on the president? I feel like the president is busy being president.
Party management is part of the job description. He chose to try and consolidate power and resources in OFA instead of within the party.


Hypothetically, if Bernie won, he would be obstructed by the GOP for every move till at least 2018 and would most likely be a 2 termer.
Megan McArdle's pre-election take of "The best outcome for Dems as a party long term is for Hillary Clinton to lose, because even though it's going to suck, it's going to suck less than having a competent Republican sweep in 2020" is looking really, really prescient right now.
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