With Obama and the Dem apparatus, the only major failing I think is that in an effort to look bipartisan and not tip scales and all that, he didn't push for the right people to take those party apparatus positions. He has a good eye for hiring talent so it's a bit pants that we had to do a purge of the party and hire new people, and what do you know? When Obama pushes for people, you get good messages and well-run operations.
I don't think a President should be out calling for cash, Cruz-style, but the idea that the party is supposed to pretend the President is an unknown entity is off to me.
This reads like you think weed and free college are somehow not worthy policy goals? Also, what do you mean by Socialism?
Weed is a great policy goal, but it's not going to help us longterm (it'll help a shitton in the short term I think). It's an easy win, but that means it's not an issue you get to fight for to rally a base for a long time, which seems to be the point of IWMTB's post. Once you legalize it, you're just done and that's it.
With college, IWMTB was referencing the very real idea that spread that not only would college be free (which I think is doable if you've got the policy chops to work it out), but somehow the government would just throw out all loan agreements that had ever been made and let literally everyone off the hook. That's an insane policy idea and would never pass for a variety of reasons. We already have to fight "I paid for my college, why can't you?" I don't want potential left-wing voters who have already paid a good bit in student loans to start saying "I paid off my loan/some of my loan, why can't you?"