People really held back on this negatives.
That's interesting.
I don't know much about him, and I'm sure I disagree with him on plenty of issues. But at the minimum you've got to have some respect for somebody who is willing to stand by and defend his choices rather than running away from them.
What the fuck is up with MSNBC becoming CNN lite with all these conservatives getting their own shows. Nicole Wallace? Really?
The rumors they might give Hugh Hewitt his own show, CNN might as well give jack Kingston his own show so they can compete.
Scuttlebutt is that whoever's in charge right now is trying to pick them up because conservatives get higher ratings. Not even kidding.
Even better...so is Kenny Smith. Partly. He endorsed Gary Johnson, but has done stuff for other libertarian-lean Republicans like Bill Weld.Ernie Johnson from Inside the NBA is a Republican, you don't trust him either?
Stop feeling sympathy with fucking quislings
I can't believe I'm saying this, but after a shaky start Huck Sanders was actually not terrible at the podium. Everything she said was 100% horseshit of course, but unlike Spicer she wasn't a complete asshole the whole time. I wouldn't be surprised it Sean decided it's time to spend more time with his family soon.
Agents were stunned that Mr. Trump would fire Mr. Comey in the midst of an F.B.I. investigation into whether any of the presidents associates had conspired with Russia to swing the election in favor of Mr. Trump. Some said in interviews that news of the firing felt like a gut punch. Others wondered whether they would be able to continue the inquiry.
One senior F.B.I. official said that the president had severely damaged his standing among agents, many of whom are conservative and supported Mr. Trump as a candidate. Agents were angered by the way Mr. Trump fired Mr. Comey, who learned of his dismissal from television reports while he was in Los Angeles. They called it disrespectful.
https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/10/...ts-wonder-about-future-of-russia-inquiry.htmlAgents, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to candidly offer their assessments of F.B.I. morale, said they respected Mr. Comey as their director. They said they believed he had the bureaus best interests in mind and had tried his best to guide them through a difficult past year, even if he had misstepped in the Clinton investigation.
I'm impressed that you did all this but it could stand for some creativityIron Range sounds fancier than Northeast Minnesota for example. Still, impressive work doing it for all 435.
Means fuck all right nowGeneric ballot is D+16
In what way are racist and bigot not negative
Can we leave him as a token Republican House member at least. He's all I've got in this harsh world.We should fight every day to take his seat from him. His views on a lot of things are shit.
California Republican Congressman Devin Nunes calling Amash "Al Qaeda's best friend in Congress"; As Friedersdorf of The Atlantic notes, "Amash voted against the reauthorization of the Patriot Act, favored a measure to repeal indefinite detention, and opposed reauthorization of the FISA Amendments Act."
Amash opposed President Donald Trump's 2017 executive order to temporarily curtail Muslim immigration until better screening methods are devised. He stated: ”Like Pres. Obama's executive actions on immigration, Pres. Trump's executive order overreaches and undermines our constitutional system."
He supported a repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act
Amash and fellow U.S. Representative Ted W. Lieu (D-CA) introduced a bill[75] to block the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) from financing its Cannabis Eradication Program through civil asset forfeitures
What a coincidence, this is the exact margin Ted Cruz won his election in 2012 with!
Plenty of Trump supporters see his racism as a feature not a bug.
Yup. Doesn't feel that way because they've all been held in these D/R+a billion-ass districts, but if*** this held through November no gerrymander alive would stop us.Plus demographic changes.
D+16 fits pretty closely with the special election results we've seen too. Just have to keep the momentum up.
WH sources: Highest levels incl. POTUS evaluating Sanders subbing for Spicer in briefing room. Last night an "embarrassment.. disaster."
It's been real Spicer.
WH sources: Highest levels incl. POTUS evaluating Sanders subbing for Spicer in briefing room. Last night an "embarrassment.. disaster."
It's been real Spicer.
WH sources: Highest levels incl. POTUS evaluating Sanders subbing for Spicer in briefing room. Last night an "embarrassment.. disaster."
It's been real Spicer.
Yup. Doesn't feel that way because they've all been held in these D/R+a billion-ass districts, but if*** this held through November no gerrymander alive would stop us.
I'll crunch how many seats we'd get over 2016 if we won by 16 points.
WH sources: Highest levels incl. POTUS evaluating Sanders subbing for Spicer in briefing room. Last night an "embarrassment.. disaster."
It's been real Spicer.
I know it's irrational because it's bullshit, but part of me is genuinely worried about a false flag attack at this point. It seems fitting that only someone propped up by the conspiracy theory crowd would be the one to actually make fiction a reality.
I know it's irrational because it's bullshit, but part of me is genuinely worried about a false flag attack at this point. It seems fitting that only someone propped up by the conspiracy theory crowd would be the one to actually make fiction a reality.
"Racial realist" is the new go to term I have heard from self identified white supremacists. Coincidentally "climate realist" is also the new term for climate science denial.But they don't call it racist, they call it honest.
I know it's irrational because it's bullshit, but part of me is genuinely worried about a false flag attack at this point. It seems fitting that only someone propped up by the conspiracy theory crowd would be the one to actually make fiction a reality.
You really think Trump & Co. have the competence to pull that off?
I know it's irrational because it's bullshit, but part of me is genuinely worried about a false flag attack at this point. It seems fitting that only someone propped up by the conspiracy theory crowd would be the one to actually make fiction a reality.
Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
Dems have been complaining for months & months about Dir. Comey. Now that he has been fired they PRETEND to be aggrieved. Phony hypocrites!
Yup, they're doing the whole "see, liberals are just liars and hypocrites" anglehttps://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/862387734492663808
Also retweeted to the official @POTUS account.
Also retweeted to the official @POTUS account.
Yup, they're doing the whole "see, liberals are just liars and hypocrites" angle
I mean they've literally been trying to make it stick for almost a full day now and it's still not really. Maybe if he didn't have like 38% approval more people would believe him.
Also retweeted to the official @POTUS account.
"Race realist" is pretty old actually. Been around since the early 2000s at least, David Duke I think started using it. There was a magazine that specialized in it. Though now a google search just goes to voat, reddit, alt-right and Trump related articles so you can't find any of the great old stuff from the before times."Racial realist" is the new go to term I have heard from self identified white supremacists. Coincidentally "climate realist" is also the new term for climate science denial.
cory December 3, 2015 at 4:44 pm
One of my favorite passtimes is to dabate race denyers. It's so easy when truth is on your side. However, the race denyers are like religeous fanatics ignoring evidence and common sense. It's so frustrating!
Russian versions of Microsoft Office were used to edit some documents, and the name of an employee of a company providing information security services to Russian intelligence organizations was in document metadata showing the last person to edit at least nine documents.
Chris Christie is loyal to Bruce Springsteen above all.
"Race realist" is pretty old actually. Been around since the early 2000s at least, David Duke I think started using it. There was a magazine that specialized in it. Though now a google search just goes to voat, reddit, alt-right and Trump related articles so you can't find any of the great old stuff from the before times.
The Time Cube guy oddly enough had basically the same theory.
It's based on evolution you see.
edit: oh oh here, it was James Watson that started the kerfuffle that introduced me to the term...here's known racist John Derbyshire's piece from the time:
U.S. to Ban Laptops in All Cabins of Flights From Europe
Does this mean the bipartisan deals are off?