Pretty quiet on the Trump/Russia front.
Am Sad.
Good. More time and space to focus on healthcare.
Pretty quiet on the Trump/Russia front.
Am Sad.
A respite from big Russia stories means the public will be ready for one when it arrives.
SD leans pretty far right all around.
This is the second time today that you've attributed quotes to me that are not my own. Not sure what your deal is with me.
A respite from big Russia stories means the public will be ready for one when it arrives.
Exactly. Especially if the report that the WaPo are sitting on at the IC's request is as big as it sounds like.
Statement from GOP/DEM House Intel leaders: WH isn't fully complying with request for info about Comey tapes & WH response not good enough
Ruh Roh, bad day for Trump!
sounds like tapes exist? lol
Ruh Roh, bad day for Trump!
Ruh Roh, bad day for Trump!
It doesn't matter if Dems don't have a chance of winning in some of these seats. Running real candidates in them is a Good Thing.
SD leans pretty far right all around.
Wow: Trump's "Election Integrity" commission is requesting full voter rolls, including names and party affiliations, from every single state Including voting history back to 2006 and last four digits of voters' SSNs. Says all docs will be "made public" by the commission
When it drops they should do it during a televised press conference, or moments before.
Otherwise there won't be a televised press conference for days after.
Must read thread on the "election integrity" commission. We are so fucked
News: Republican leadership aides tell my colleague Ted Barrett that a health care deal is NOT expected by tomorrow.
Even if we don't win that race, the boost in turnout could help us win a mayoral election, or an extra seat in the state legislature, or a sheriff's office or a local court seat. People need to look at the bigger picture here than just "oh well we can't win the gubernatorial race so why bother."Yep. Running quality candidates even in long-shot/no-shot states help energize local state parties and base voters.
I wish they'd subpoena him. Didn't he just admit there weren't any?
Must read thread on the "election integrity" commission. We are so fucked
CNN, just cut this fucker off.
Ruh Roh, bad day for Trump!
We should only run candidates for gubernatorial races we're favored in and only run in 218 House elections. Anything else would waste resources that could be put to use in the races the consultants tell us are winnable.
Must read thread on the "election integrity" commission. We are so fucked
Is Illinois winnable? Maryland? Probably not. After all, we've lost them before.We should only run candidates for gubernatorial races we're favored in and only run in 218 House elections. Anything else would waste resources that could be put to use in the races the consultants tell us are winnable.
Retweets are just retweets; RT does not mean I agree or disagree....I am merely retweeting
This is a common thing w/ opinion personalities on twitter.Love this bit from Greta's twitter bio:
MSNBC fails at every attempt at a 6 p.m. show. Hiring a Fox News alumni (and not even a popular one like Shephard Smith) for a left-leaning network was such a bad decision. I'd like to know who thought that would work.