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PoliGAF 2017 |OT4| The leaks are coming from inside the white house

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Who is this mythical Republican that:
-advocates for enough left-wing policies that they are palatable to "Our Revolution"
-advocates for few enough right-wing policies to be palatable to the average Democratic voter

That position only makes sense in districts or states where a Democrat has literally no chance of winning so you might as well get the least bad Republican in there. Outside those sorts of locations this just seems like a "screw the Democratic party, fuck unity" message.
I used the Arkansas example (cannot remember his name for the life of me, though) because it's an R+10000 district but the guy running for it seemed not evil. I doubt he'll win (though maybe the electoral calculations are different if the Medicaid cuts go through) but I hope no one gets mad if they endorsed him.

The question just was "will you endorse non-Democrats" and the answer was "yeah if they support our policies." I don't get what's so upsetting about that, it's not like they've been endorsing spoiler candidates.

I read Medicare for All as an example, not the only litmus test needed to get the endorsement. I don't think OR would support a candidate that ran on "Medicare for All and the establishment of America as a white ethnostate." They did endorse Mello though, which is obviously disappointing.


Lewandowski is such a pea-brained tool. Nobody is remembering this guy after his daily ball washing of Trump on CNN during the campaign. No one.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
It's really a case by case issue. Is it a significantly Red district, with a Republican who is moderate on several issues versus another Republican who is moderate on several issues AND for Medicare For All?
But, picking purely from the perspective of a single issue is a dangerous road to go down. It really needs to be discouraged.

Mueller is not adding Andrew Goldstein to the team if there is nothing there, to me that indicates there are several avenues worth (or being) investigated.
I'm leaning more and more towards thinking Republicans are going to be left with no choice but to impeach before midterms, to stave off catastrophic losses to significant losses. Even if Trump is not directly involved (which is also looking more and more unlikely), the number of people, most of which Trump handpicked, being implicated shows grievously bad judgement, and will very likely result in a revolt within the party if he does not resign. Trump has zero ability to deal with this from a public relations or political angle, which will further damage him. It's easy to ignore the web of events and people involved being constructed by the media, as an elected republican. But I think even for Republicans there are limits, even if it may seem unlikely now. I think there will reach a point where the rats jump off the ship and try to save their own ass, and reelection chances in any district within 12 or so percentage points (and maybe, just maybe, a couple of people with a remaining backbone and principles).

What people find as "fine" will vary.
I'd like to hear some specific examples of what they find a problem.

The person I'd most like to see involved is Turtle McConnell. Dude had devoted himself to pure evil with zero hesitation.
Remember the Paul Ryan/Kevin McCarthy "Putin pays Rohrabacher and Trump" tape? I want to know who recorded it. I've seen Evan McMuffin's name mentioned, but Mensch and her flying Twitter monkeys could've been spreading more shit.

My point: the person who recorded it might have heard more and could implicate more Republicans.

Sorry if I've derailed the thread too far into Russia scandal speculation territory.
I swear, the only place I hear Tulsi Gabbard mentioned is NeoGAF. I'm a radical left populist socialist and I wouldn't even know who Tulsi was were it not for NeoGAF reminding me she is "not the future of the Democratic Party."

Like, nobody even knows who Tulsi Gabbard is. Maybe ten people, tops, worldwide. I will eat my entire body from the feet-up until I am an inside-out skeleton man if the name "Tulsi Gabbard" ever comes up in a legitimate national context.

Tulsi gets more mentions on GAF than Chapo Trap House and that's how you know she is nobody's hero.

Ehh... she already has this clearly astroturfed site: https://runtulsirun.org/ set up for a 2020 run.

There are also some mentions of her on Politico as a contender.

I think she would appeal well to populists.
Be careful that Peter Smith does not become Seth Rich.

Unless they find polonium in Smith's Metamucil, I'll assume that his being 81 played a significant role. :)

Thankfully, I've seen people commenting on the substance of the articles. In retrospect, I admit that summary looks a bit loony toonish, but maybe the facts of this whole thing look that way no matter who reports them.
Unless they find polonium in Smith's Metamucil, I'll assume that his being 81 played a significant role. :)

Thankfully, I've seen people commenting on the substance of the articles. In retrospect, I admit that summary looks a bit loony toonish, but maybe the facts of this whole thing look that way no matter who reports them.
Lol that he's 81. That was probably it. An 81 year old also can't access the Deep Web. Bill Clinton can barely use a computer. Oh, and this is also inconsistent with every other narrative I've ever heard. The most believable is that Paul Manafort was the one who made the connections with Russian officials and Trump campaign during the RNC. If they already had that connection they wouldn't need to look for hackers, they'd just have to call the Kremlin. Or Stone.
Lol that he's 81. That was probably it. An 81 year old also can't access the Deep Web. Bill Clinton can barely use a computer. Oh, and this is also inconsistent with every other narrative I've ever heard. The most believable is that Paul Manafort was the one who made the connections with Russian officials and Trump campaign during the RNC. If they already had that connection they wouldn't need to look for hackers, they'd just have to call the Kremlin. Or Stone.

To be fair, he had an entire team, some of them quoted in the WSJ, helping with the Deep Web sleuthing.

I believe there could've been multiple branches of Russian influence. I know from Cold War spy movies that you don't tell every operative everything. That way, if one gets caught, he can't give the whole game away.

Now I sound Menschy, so I'll stop. Do you think the Smith narrative is more Russian disinformation? A red herring?
Lol that he's 81. That was probably it. An 81 year old also can't access the Deep Web. Bill Clinton can barely use a computer. Oh, and this is also inconsistent with every other narrative I've ever heard. The most believable is that Paul Manafort was the one who made the connections with Russian officials and Trump campaign during the RNC. If they already had that connection they wouldn't need to look for hackers, they'd just have to call the Kremlin. Or Stone.

It's not like he was doing this on his own. Dude founded a company for this stuff.
Misogyny is the biggest factor in this question. Obama took money from Wall Street too, but if a Woman does the same, all hell broke loose.

How did all hell break lose when Hillary received more votes than Obama did during the primary? Both of them were criticized for accepting and refusing to return money. And of course Obama was slammed once he became POTUS because of who he hired and what he did in terms of Wall St.




The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
No seriously that story about the Afghan girls has me viscerally angry. Maybe six years ago I helped run a summer robotics workshop. You know, one of those things for ten year olds; basic programming logic with Scratch, some soldering with robotics kits, simple stuff to help kids peek behind the curtain and understand that this sort of stuff could be in their hands.

Maybe a third of that class was Somali Muslim girls (this was in Minneapolis). The juxtaposition of that memory, and their enthusiasm and hard work, against that story about the Afghan robotics team has me fucking pissed
To be fair, he had an entire team, some of them quoted in the WSJ, helping with the Deep Web sleuthing.
It's not like he was doing this on his own. Dude founded a company for this stuff.
Okay, well, there is no deep web or whatever you want to call it.

I believe there could've been multiple branches of Russian influence. I know from Cold War spy movies that you don't tell every operative everything. That way, if one gets caught, he can't give the whole game away.

Now I sound Menschy, so I'll stop. Do you think the Smith narrative is more Russian disinformation? A red herring?
I think it's even worse than you realize.
Tuning out of politics til Wednesday.
Name checks out
No seriously that story about the Afghan girls has me viscerally angry. Maybe six years ago I helped run a summer robotics workshop. You know, one of those things for ten year olds; basic programming logic with Scratch, some soldering with robotics kits, simple stuff to help kids peek behind the curtain and understand that this sort of stuff could be in their hands.

Maybe a third of that class was Somali Muslim girls (this was in Minneapolis). The juxtaposition of that memory, and their enthusiasm and hard work, against that story about the Afghan robotics team has me fucking pissed


now im even more angry about it


Bunch of tweets attacking the press... still hasn't said a bad thing about Putin.

Also, fucking idiot doesn't seem to understand that it's not his "use" of social media that's the issue, but HOW he uses it and WHAT he says on it. But of course in his deranged mind he can't ever do anything wrong.
I used the Arkansas example (cannot remember his name for the life of me, though) because it's an R+10000 district but the guy running for it seemed not evil. I doubt he'll win (though maybe the electoral calculations are different if the Medicaid cuts go through) but I hope no one gets mad if they endorsed him.

The question just was "will you endorse non-Democrats" and the answer was "yeah if they support our policies." I don't get what's so upsetting about that, it's not like they've been endorsing spoiler candidates.

I read Medicare for All as an example, not the only litmus test needed to get the endorsement. I don't think OR would support a candidate that ran on "Medicare for All and the establishment of America as a white ethnostate." They did endorse Mello though, which is obviously disappointing.

I didn't take it as an example so it could be me misunderstanding their point. And your last statement is what causes some to worry. What gets thrown under the bus? How much does, if it's something that could really be measured?

I'm not really concerned about spoilers so much as giving the statement "some Republicans aren't evil" any weight. They're all terrible and the best message to run on (that they run on all the time) is that the best Republican is worse than the worst Democrat.

Like I mentioned before, we all hope better Republicans win over worse ones if there's probably no chance to flip the race. But that should be private; never officially support Republicans.

Edit: and those tweets from Trump make me happy. It means he's upset; when he's content, he shuts up. I don't want that fuck to ever be happy.


Corporate Apologist
While not really new, it does seem like Trump's mental health is deteriorating rapidly due to a combination of old age and a new high stress environment.

So Trump is on multiple timers, I wonder which will hit first. Old Age, Media Pressure, the Impeachable Offenses, the 25th Amendment, or just normal term limits. Something's going to give, and I don't think it will be his term limits.
IMO I don't think the American people care too much about mean tweets towards Mika. It just seems like annoying DC drama while people's lives are at risk with the healthcare bill.


While not really new, it does seem like Trump's mental health is deteriorating rapidly due to a combination of old age and a new high stress environment.

So Trump is on multiple timers, I wonder which will hit first. Old Age, Media Pressure, the Impeachable Offenses, the 25th Amendment, or just normal term limits. Something's going to give, and I don't think it will be his term limits.

I still say he's just been an asshole his entire life, but I agree the high stress environment for someone with a thin skin like him is certainly making things worse for him. He seeks validation and feels he has to punch back at everyone.
While not really new, it does seem like Trump's mental health is deteriorating rapidly due to a combination of old age and a new high stress environment.

So Trump is on multiple timers, I wonder which will hit first. Old Age, Media Pressure, the Impeachable Offenses, the 25th Amendment, or just normal term limits. Something's going to give, and I don't think it will be his term limits.

You forgot No Exercise and Lots of Fast Food.
Tulsi gets more mentions on GAF than Chapo Trap House and that's how you know she is nobody's hero.
She's a Representative in the house and they're a bunch of millenials fleecing other millenials for lib cred.

She is one of Sanders hangers on and will probably be in the mix at least in the early stages of the next primary.

Who is this mythical Republican that:
-advocates for enough left-wing policies that they are palatable to "Our Revolution"
-advocates for few enough right-wing policies to be palatable to the average Democratic voter.
Easy question.
Liberal Icon Tulsi Gabbard.

Who would probably be a Republican if you could win as one in Hawaii.
And is actually a prime example to target for primarying if one was really going after people who could be replaced by more liberal candidates in their respective seats.
Scratch what I said earlier about getting another woman to go in on Tulsi because of ~~~OPTICS~~~. Someone needs to find Barney Frank at the Newton, Massachusetts, bingo hall and ask him to do it.


As has been pointed out many times by the media, the media doesn't care if he uses Twitter. In fact it makes things easier for them. For some reason he thinks the media wants him to stop using twitter when in fact it's his own staff and the Republican Party.
As has been pointed out many times by the media, the media doesn't care if he uses Twitter. In fact it makes things easier for them. For some reason he thinks the media wants him to stop using twitter when in fact it's his own staff and the Republican Party.

800^2D chess.


As has been pointed out many times by the media, the media doesn't care if he uses Twitter. In fact it makes things easier for them. For some reason he thinks the media wants him to stop using twitter when in fact it's his own staff and the Republican Party.

He interprets "stop being a horrible, horrible, HORRIBLE person on twitter" as "stop using twitter" because he literally can't process the fact that he isn't perfection.

Tommy DJ

As has been pointed out many times by the media, the media doesn't care if he uses Twitter. In fact it makes things easier for them. For some reason he thinks the media wants him to stop using twitter when in fact it's his own staff and the Republican Party.

It's a gold mine for anyone who wants to know the inner workings of the president. Foreign intelligence to TMZ tabloid stuff don't have to work for their scoops anymore.

You literally know everything about the president. What he's thinking, how long he's thinking about something, if he's watching said TV shows, what's currently upsetting him, what isn't upsetting him, his personality, etc. It's actually a huge security threat because you've seen several countries completely play him like Saudi Arabia and Russia.


contribute something
As has been pointed out many times by the media, the media doesn't care if he uses Twitter. In fact it makes things easier for them. For some reason he thinks the media wants him to stop using twitter when in fact it's his own staff and the Republican Party.

Trump's whole "the media is out to get me" schtick is extremely important to his image, because it gives him and his followers a convenient excuse ignore any criticism. "Fake news" is this narrative concentrated for attacks on specific networks or publications.

Even worse, this fiction that American media hates Trump lets him play the underdog. Pay no attention to Republican dominance of all levels of our government. As long as "the media" exists as some abstract far-left villain, Trump and his supporters feel like they're the ones being oppressed.

I'm preaching to the choir here, but this is dangerous. From my understanding, the New York Times' role in exposing Watergate foul play turned most of Nixon's support base against him. If similar allegations were proven about Trump, I think his fanbase would largely ignore them.
Trump's whole "the media is out to get me" schtick is extremely important to his image, because it gives him and his followers a convenient excuse ignore any criticism. "Fake news" is this narrative concentrated for attacks on specific networks or publications.

Even worse, this fiction that American media hates Trump lets him play the underdog. Pay no attention to Republican dominance of all levels of our government. As long as "the media" exists as some abstract far-left villain, Trump and his supporters feel like they're the ones being oppressed.

I'm preaching to the choir here, but this is dangerous. From my understanding, the New York Times' role in exposing Watergate foul play turned most of Nixon's support base against him. If similar allegations were proven about Trump, I think his fanbase would largely ignore them.

But his fanbase comprises one-third of the country at the very MOST. Right now he hovers between 35-40% with no real disasters, no recession, no "smoking gun" in the investigation; if we had definite charges, I think it would drop to at least 30%.

Nixon had 25% approval when he resigned, not that far below where Trump sits now.

And we haven't seen yet how the Morning Joe bullshit will affect his popularity.


If the economy tanks quickly it will give him an opportunity to try and get ridiculous stuff through, so that will give him a lifeline for a little while. GOP has a majority remember. If it's a slow downturn then it could end up hurting him yes, in 2020.


In like, I dunno, June of 2018 Trump could finally start acting Presidential for the rest of the year and that alone would probably give his party a bump for the midterms
In like, I dunno, June of 2018 Trump could finally start acting Presidential for the rest of the year and that alone would probably give his party a bump for the midterms

Trump is incapable of acting "presidential"

If the economy tanks quickly it will give him an opportunity to try and get ridiculous stuff through, so that will give him a lifeline for a little while. GOP has a majority remember. If it's a slow downturn then it could end up hurting him yes, in 2020.

If the economy tanks, his presidency is over. Doesn't matter if it's a quick blow or a slow decline
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