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PoliGAF 2017 |OT4| The leaks are coming from inside the white house

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In like, I dunno, June of 2018 Trump could finally start acting Presidential for the rest of the year and that alone would probably give his party a bump for the midterms

It's not "acting presidential" unless a 9/11 magnitude event occurs. What matters now is what's happening in Congress.


It's not "acting presidential" unless a 9/11 magnitude event occurs. What matters now is what's happening in Congress.
Wow, your name/avatar is impressive

Honestly if a 9/11 event happens I do not know what will happen to this country.

It's already terrifying enough that Trump is having Twitter wars with Morning Joe while there are still positions not filled that are necessary for national security among other things. That is just pure lunacy. The party that told us year after year that Obama was not doing enough to keep us safe is now propping up a President who basically won't even listen to his own SoS.
Wow, your name/avatar is impressive

Honestly if a 9/11 event happens I do not know what will happen to this country.

It's already terrifying enough that Trump is having Twitter wars with Morning Joe while there are still positions not filled that are necessary for national security among other things. That is just pure lunacy. The party that told us year after year that Obama was not doing enough to keep us safe is now propping up a President who basically won't even listen to his own SoS.

Trump's ability as chief executive has been so poor a major national security crisis is the only opportunity for him to ever prove himself, not saying it's ever likely tho.

And unfortunately people's political memories do not last as long as two years.
Lewandowski is scared to death of being thrown in front of a bus and ending up in jail and Dolt 45 is causing his ballwashing spinners apoplexy.

I have a feeling Joe and Mika is his new gold star family. It's a bone he won't let go.

Good, as long as some people get together to use it as an "anti-women, unpresidential" wedge to pry at his base.
Lewandowski is scared to death of being thrown in front of a bus and ending up in jail and Dolt 45 is causing his ballwashing spinners apoplexy.

Good, as long as some people get together to use it as an "anti-women, unpresidential" wedge to pry at his base.

Yeah, the Khans quickly faded from view, but Mika and Joe be on TV every day... and we know he watches. This might not go away - and might not stop hurting him - unless they either sedate him in the mornings or force him to stop Tweeting.


Corporate Apologist
Any dreams that Trump could act professional at any point of his Presidency should have gone out of the window within a month of him taking office.



July 1st, 2017- Trump learned a new word, fraudulent.
Y'know I'd put money down that when he was running around the WH yesterday asking staffers what they thought of the tweet someone who was piss-scared of setting him off and losing their job was like:

"W-well, sir, those were presidents who didn't have twitter, it could be considered 'modern-day presidential.'"

And clearly Trump really liked that.
Yeah Ohio sucks

As someone who lives in Columbus I love this city but they need to invest in public transport ASAP. The bus system sucks and I hate driving to work at 6 in the morning.

Not sure if this is totally accurate but I'm pretty sure the municipal government (which is all at-large districts, no wards) passes budgets every year that has 50% of the city's budget going to the police and massively expensive tax abatement for luxury apartments in the Short North.

I remember Andrew Ginther hanging up on Ann Fisher on her show for asking about the tax abatement.

Hate to double post but didn't decide to go out tonight and got drunk and watched old interviews and stumbled upon this mindblowing interview of Lyndon Johnson with Walter Cronkite about a few weeks before LBJ kicked the bucket. LBJ's understanding of racial issues in this interview is so radical it's shocking, no president, not even Obama, has talked about race relations in America in such a critical way.

That being white Americans own the responsibility of the state of the black community and other minority groups.

He also dispels the notion that Vietnam ended his legislative agenda, noting that the most difficult piece of legislation he proposed, the Fair Housing Act was passed even after the Dems got wiped out in 66 over the issue, and that he never was denied funding for the Vietnam police action even in 68.

Hate to double post but didn't decide to go out tonight and got drunk and watched old interviews and stumbled upon this mindblowing interview of Lyndon Johnson with Walter Cronkite about a few weeks before LBJ kicked the bucket. LBJ's understanding of racial issues in this interview is so radical it's shocking, no president, not even Obama, has talked about race relations in America in such a critical way.

That being white Americans own the responsibility of the state of the black community and other minority groups.

He also dispels the notion that Vietnam ended his legislative agenda, noting that the most difficult piece of legislation he proposed, the Fair Housing Act was passed even after the Dems got wiped out in 66 over the issue, and that he never was denied funding for the Vietnam police action even in 68.

"Until justice is blind to color, until education is unaware of race, until opportunity is unconcerned with the color of mans skins, emancipation will be a proclamation, but emancipation will not be a fact."

Still true today.

Hate to double post but didn't decide to go out tonight and got drunk and watched old interviews and stumbled upon this mindblowing interview of Lyndon Johnson with Walter Cronkite about a few weeks before LBJ kicked the bucket. LBJ's understanding of racial issues in this interview is so radical it's shocking, no president, not even Obama, has talked about race relations in America in such a critical way.

That being white Americans own the responsibility of the state of the black community and other minority groups.

He also dispels the notion that Vietnam ended his legislative agenda, noting that the most difficult piece of legislation he proposed, the Fair Housing Act was passed even after the Dems got wiped out in 66 over the issue, and that he never was denied funding for the Vietnam police action even in 68.

One of the greats.

(Regardless of his obsession with his own dick.)
Were it not for the Vietnam War, LBJ would be up there with FDR and Lincoln (and arguably still should be, even with that blackest of marks on his record).

Below Tyler and Harrison, though, benji. What men!

They simply do not make them like they used to.
Was the Vietnam War bad but the Korean War good?

Well we didn't have a sustained terror-bombing campaign so that in itself is a step up.

And while most governments established after proxy wars suck South Korea is that rare exception where it turned out to both be a decent independent government that is way better than the visible alternative.
Also I think the interview shows the difference between the Kennedys and LBJ in terms of understanding poverty and racial iniquity. Jack didn't give two shits about civil rights until his hand was forced in 63 and Bobby didn't understand the depths of poverty in America until he visited the Mississippi Delta in 67, and this guy was a 42 year old Harvard graduate.

Johnson saw it first hand how the depths of poverty could go in America when he was teaching Hispanic children in south Texas during the Depression, he understood the cruelty in the world far more than the Kennedys did.

Vietnam is such a black mark on his legacy, I agree with the other posters that he would be up there with Roosevelt and Lincoln if he never escalated the war.
Harris has a chance 2020. Gillibrand is basically trying to run Hillary 2020, except you've drained her of all name recognition, authoritative presence, experience and even charisma.

She wouldn't just lose the electoral college to Trump but the popular vote too.

Considering I called the 2016 election down to the state with 100% accuracy compared to all you guys who believed Hillary was unbeatable I think my opinion is worth more than yours.

Bernie, despite his age, is the best candidate to run in the general elect.


Harris has a chance 2020. Gillibrand is basically trying to run Hillary 2020, except you've drained her of all name recognition, authoritative presence, experience and even charisma.

She wouldn't just lose the electoral college to Trump but the popular vote too.

Considering I called the 2016 election down to the state with 100% accuracy compared to all you guys who believed Hillary was unbeatable I think my opinion is worth more than yours.

Bernie, despite his age, is the best candidate to run in the general elect.
I don't think you're paying attention to anything Gillibrand is doing if you think she's running Hillary redux.
I'm holding onto my hot take that we need a candidate from the upper Midwest to win in 2020.

Al Franken.

I wish Gillibrand and Harris have appeal by 2020 but need to turn into populist assholes while also combing the "return to normalcy" message Harding ran on in 1920.


Let's not whitewash LBJ too much. He was successful in advancing progressivism because he was ruthless. He used politics to enrich himself. He stole his first Senate race. And his petty blood feud with RFK seems all the more damning in light of his complete and utter failure on Vietnam.

Harris has a chance 2020. Gillibrand is basically trying to run Hillary 2020, except you've drained her of all name recognition, authoritative presence, experience and even charisma.

She wouldn't just lose the electoral college to Trump but the popular vote too.

Considering I called the 2016 election down to the state with 100% accuracy compared to all you guys who believed Hillary was unbeatable I think my opinion is worth more than yours.

Bernie, despite his age, is the best candidate to run in the general elect.

Think I disagree with just about every word of this


I'm holding onto my hot take that we need a candidate from the upper Midwest to win in 2020.

Al Franken.

I wish Gillibrand and Harris have appeal by 2020 but need to turn into populist assholes while also combing the "return to normalcy" message Harding ran on in 1920.
Franken won't be running. Probably would take the VP slot if offered though.
Let's not whitewash LBJ too much. He was successful in advancing progressivism because he was ruthless. He used politics to enrich himself. He stole his first Senate race. And his petty blood feud with RFK seems all the more damning in light of his complete and utter failure on Vietnam.

His feud with RFK was because Bobby was a little shit.

You know the beginning of RFK's political career was serving as Joe McCarthy's Senate aides.

RFK didn't flip on the war or the join the primary against LBJ in 68 until after McCarthy nearly beat Johnson in NH.


Says one of the "Hillary is unstoppable" die hards.
Comey letter doesn't happen, she's President.

Shit happens. Can't predict the unpredictable.

Lots of fuck ups to go around, to be clear, but Trump's margins were tiny. If you ignore the math of what happened here, you'll come to a lot of really awful conclusions.
Comey letter doesn't happen, she's President.

Shit happens. Can't predict the unpredictable.

If that didn't happen people would still complain about her incessantly, any progress into collusion investigation would be seen as a vindictive put-down by an even greater swath of the mainstream media, and I suspect some accelerationists would pine for our world.


Let's not whitewash LBJ too much. He was successful in advancing progressivism because he was ruthless. He used politics to enrich himself. He stole his first Senate race. And his petty blood feud with RFK seems all the more damning in light of his complete and utter failure on Vietnam.
LBJ was not a nice person and he was pretty damn corrupt, but he cared about poverty and social welfare like few presidents ever did, and by all accounts it wasn't a show.

And I don't think you can pin Vietnam on LBJ, he inherited that mess and unlike JFK, he wanted nothing to do with it.
RFK should go fuck himself in general.


LBJ was not a nice person and he was pretty damn corrupt, but he cared about poverty and social welfare like few presidents ever did, and by all accounts it wasn't a show.

And I don't think you can pin Vietnam on LBJ, he inherit that mess and unlike JFK, he wanted nothing to do with it.
RFK should go fuck himself in general.
I picked the LBJ choice in Dragon Age 1. No regrets.
LBJ was not a nice person and he was pretty damn corrupt, but he cared about poverty and social welfare like few presidents ever did, and by all accounts it wasn't a show.

And I don't think you can pin Vietnam on LBJ, he inherited that mess and unlike JFK, he wanted nothing to do with it.
RFK should go fuck himself in general.


American involvement in Vietnam started in WWII, we trained the Viet Minh to fight the Japanese (ring a bell?) and instead of doing the smart decision and making Vietnam a satellite state after WWII we decided to side with the weakened French. The shit storm in Vietnam was long brewing before Johnson took office, he literally had no good choices when he took his oath.

Honestly I think he should've just cut and run in 65 like Reagan did in Beirut in 84, would've had no impact on his approval rating.
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