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PoliGAF 2017 |OT4| The leaks are coming from inside the white house

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I vacillate because Picard is obviously the #2 best captain character, but he's more useful as a diplomat and military strategist, whereas I think Janeway, despite her writing inconsistencies, had more gumption and would be more likely to extricate you from a dire situation for which protocol is inadequate
as long as it's not one she's arguably responsible for, like stranding one in the Delta Quadrant
. Picard is Patton, Janeway is Dax from Paths of Glory.

Edit: Fuck Sisko. Not only the worst-acted captain in the series thanks to Avery Brooks' stiffness and inability to avoid hamminess (which was NOT a fit for Sisko like Shatner's subtler hamminess was a fit for Kirk), but his Space Jesus story sucked, his son sucked as a character and as a character motivation for him, his relationships with the crew were weak and largely underdeveloped, and his strategy for basically everything was "fly at it with a big-ass gun and hope things work out". How he got his little cult following I will never understand, because outside of "In the Pale Moonlight", "Far Beyond the Stars", and a few other episodes, he pretty consistently was not enjoyable to watch and had little dynamism as a commander.

A lot of Trek fans (myself included) consider DS9 to be the best Trek series so that's going to generate some goodwill for Sisko. He isn't my favorite of the captains but it's safe to say I like him better than you do. Honestly I think the Emissary thing was mostly fine until the Pah-Wraiths were introduced, but from then on yeah it's pretty bad.


Unconfirmed Member
Holy shit. If we're now a political party that falls over itself every time the president even looks in the general vicinity of Moscow, I will harakiri my testicles off with blunt force trauma. He's the head of state, let him do his job. When the Republicans accused Obama of islamofascist appeasement for engaging in the Iranian nuclear deal talks I nearly got severe gastroenteritis. Seeing the same nonsense here, except in a less relevant and completely inconsequential situation, is surely cancer-inducing.

Hopefully this serves as a lesson why you should never piss off the media establishment and make them your designated enemy. They will conjure up so much irrelevant yellow journalism that even your fresh laundry looks dirty.

Anyway, here's a real video I like of the president making secret dealings with the imperial Russians. Very candid.

Not sure if serious...
Holy shit. If we're now a political party that falls over itself every time the president even looks in the general vicinity of Moscow, I will harakiri my testicles off with blunt force trauma. He's the head of state, let him do his job. When the Republicans accused Obama of islamofascist appeasement for engaging in the Iranian nuclear deal talks I nearly got severe gastroenteritis. Seeing the same nonsense here, except in a less relevant and completely inconsequential situation, is surely cancer-inducing.

Hopefully this serves as a lesson why you should never piss off the media establishment and make them your designated enemy. They will conjure up so much irrelevant yellow journalism that even your fresh laundry looks dirty.

Anyway, here's a real video I like of the president making secret dealings with the imperial Russians. Very candid.


Like are you fucking dense?

Also, happy Made In America week!
A lot of Trek fans (myself included) consider DS9 to be the best Trek series so that's going to generate some goodwill for Sisko. He isn't my favorite of the captains but it's safe to say I like him better than you do. Honestly I think the Emissary thing was mostly fine until the Pah-Wraiths were introduced, but from then on yeah it's pretty bad.

I'm a DS9 detractor in that I think the qualitative order of the shows is basically the chronological order of the series. DS9 has some of the most interesting ideas of the series and is the closest thing to a plausible rendering of the Star Trek universe in the post-TNG franchise but is weighed down by a main cast that was largely annoying and whose potential I found largely unrealized, aside from Quark, and even he is limited by how terrible and stereotypical his species is. (Garak and Gul Dukat are obviously the best characters on the show, but they aren't true main characters.) It has good writing in a good many episodes, but having to revolve that writing around Sisko, Kira, Dax, Bashir, and even Odo (who had some good aspects but never had the innocence of Data or the charm of The Doctor) diluted its impact.

I'm an Emissary detractor both because I think it added basically nothing to the series and because it tied into the Bajorans being the stupidest, most superstitious, least plausibly spacefaring species this side of the Klingons.


Watching Anderson Cooper, I love when Charles Blow smacks down someone. Especially if it's someone that tries to twist Blow's words. He just destroyed someone over healthcare.


Holy shit. If we're now a political party that falls over itself every time the president even looks in the general vicinity of Moscow, I will harakiri my testicles off with blunt force trauma. He's the head of state, let him do his job. When the Republicans accused Obama of islamofascist appeasement for engaging in the Iranian nuclear deal talks I nearly got severe gastroenteritis. Seeing the same nonsense here, except in a less relevant and completely inconsequential situation, is surely cancer-inducing.

Hopefully this serves as a lesson why you should never piss off the media establishment and make them your designated enemy. They will conjure up so much irrelevant yellow journalism that even your fresh laundry looks dirty.

Anyway, here's a real video I like of the president making secret dealings with the imperial Russians. Very candid.

This is a terrible post, be more informed


My god...

Democrats that go on TV have got to find more evocative words than "exceptionally unusual" to describe the shit coming out of the White House.
I cannot defend Voyager though. That show is actually bad

I defend it to the extent I think it has more good episodes than people give it credit for (especially in like seasons 3-5 or so), Kate Mulgrew's terrific acting, and the "reset button" was almost as big of a problem in TNG, in terms of negating the impact of episodes, it just made more sense, narratively, because of them being within range of Federation repair yards. I watched all of TNG in like a month and a half, and the number of episodes that end with "OMG THE SHIP IS GOING TO BE DESTROYED j/k everything is fine we're all good" is staggering.

Anyway, how is Trump so bad at lying when literally his entire life has been about lying?
I defend it to the extent I think it has more good episodes than people give it credit for (especially in like seasons 3-5 or so), Kate Mulgrew's terrific acting, and the "reset button" was almost as big of a problem in TNG, in terms of negating the impact of episodes, it just made more sense, narratively, because of them being within range of Federation repair yards. I watched all of TNG in like a month and a half, and the number of episodes that end with "OMG THE SHIP IS GOING TO BE DESTROYED j/k everything is fine we're all good" is staggering.

Also, with the number of times the Warp Core Ejection system (single most important safety mechanism on the ship) fails, how Geordi didn't get Court-Martialed is beyond me.
To get off discussions of the 2nd worst sci-fi franchise with multiple shows, if you look at "Smart" Right Twitter, there's lots of discussion how the failure of ACA repeal shows how the bureaucracy and media is all tilted toward the left, so that's why it's impossible to actually make real cuts to programs.

The actual truth is, the problem is low info fiscal conservatives think foreign aid and Obamaphones make up 30% of the budget, so they don't understand why you're cutting Medicare or Medicaid or other programs they like.


I have never consumed a single piece of Star Trek media in my entire life.

I look at Patrick Stewart's iconic role, not as Picard, but as Charles Xavier.

I was a latecomer to Star Trek myself having only first watched it about a year ago. Next Generation holds up remarkably well. If you have any interest in sci-fi and/or just a really well written show, I recommend it.
Dang that pre edit almost gave me a heart attack
Haha, I am quite familiar with the Star Wars franchise

I literally posted in a Star Wars thread just today!
I was a latecomer to Star Trek myself having only first watched it about a year ago. Next Generation holds up remarkably well. If you have any interest in sci-fi and/or just a really well written show, I recommend it.
I'm not really a big fan of watching TV shows. Too much of a time commitment


I defend it to the extent I think it has more good episodes than people give it credit for (especially in like seasons 3-5 or so), Kate Mulgrew's terrific acting, and the "reset button" was almost as big of a problem in TNG, in terms of negating the impact of episodes, it just made more sense, narratively, because of them being within range of Federation repair yards. I watched all of TNG in like a month and a half, and the number of episodes that end with "OMG THE SHIP IS GOING TO BE DESTROYED j/k everything is fine we're all good" is staggering.

Anyway, how is Trump so bad at lying when literally his entire life has been about lying?

I've met compulsive liars before. They lie even when its an obvious lie. Being a compulsive liar doesn't mean you are a good liar. It means even lieing about stuff that has no reason to lie about. My stepson is a compulsive liar and we have him in counciling over it. He lies about ridiculous things and the most inane things. Compulsive lying and self aggrandizing seem to go hand in hand. I actually really worry about him being a trump in progress and his dad is absolutely no help.
I've met compulsive liars before. They lie even when its an obvious lie. Being a compulsive liar doesn't mean you are a good liar. It means even lieing about stuff that has no reason to lie about. My stepson is a compulsive liar and we have him in counciling over it. He lies about ridiculous things and the most inane things. Compulsive lying and self aggrandizing seem to go hand in hand. I actually really worry about him being a trump in progress and his dad is absolutely no help.

Yeah but Trump is a public figure who's been a tabloid and media fixture for decades and literally the President, it's just bizarre to me that he's not even a little bit better at lying than an adolescent boy in the same position would be. The only reason he's getting away with it is right-wing complicity, not anything in particular he's doing.
Ill take issue with Dukat in favor of Garak but otherwise please proceed.

I might like Garak more but I think Dukat was better.

Dukat was sinister and antagonistic and Garak was happy and polite and antagonistic.

DuKay was in the entire show as a key figure far more. He gets some much history and development of the show. You end up knowing him so well and he is just so fucking twisted.

ill stop now
All news networks tonight talking about Russia and healthcare, except one



Kills Photobucket
Know why Sisko is better than Kirk? Sisko can save his son from Klingons.

Know why Sisko is better than Picard? Sisko can meet Captain Kirk without getting Kirk killed.

Know why Sisko is better than Janeway? He got stranded on the other side of the Galaxy in his first episide. At the end of the episode, he got home.

Know why Sisko is better than Archer? He isn't Archer.

And fuck Trump.

I don't know of many Democrats that are against Single Payer. What I do know of is many Democrats who are against some kind of weird Wall St. pays for healthcare system that does a hard switch from our current model to Single Payer. What we need is a bill for a Public Option, then once that gains popularity and people see it's cheaper and doesn't require you to forfeit all of your income, then we start phasing in Single Payer. We could easily expand the ACA to include a Public Option, if we had a strong Democratic Majority. Unfortunately we don't, so talking about issues that win elections is probably more important.
You'd think Trump's lawyer would be

You know


I've seen him on various networks for the last like week.

Though sadly I guess one could argue this IS him working.
Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if Sekulow's sole job as Trump's Lawyer is to go on TV and spin. Pretty sure he was hired because his history with conservative christian activism could help Trump shore up support with his base (same reason Trump is taking interviews with Pat Robertson). Does Trump even pay him for all these hours of TV appearances or is he skimming off his nonprofit?
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