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PoliGAF 2017 |OT4| The leaks are coming from inside the white house

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We're on the same page on this. I was arguing in a thread in OT that I think it's a wasted opportunity that Democrats don't seem to have an ACA 2.0 drafted as a rallying point. AHCA isn't about healthcare (it's about tax cuts) and we all know it. But Democrats leave open a pretty large window by not emphasizing the contrast between D and R at every opportunity.

They DO! It's the Medicare for All bill! Most Democrats are signed onto it!


I dunno, maybe? What's wrong with the House bill? It has to originate in the House anyway. If anybody asks, tell them Bernie's waiting on a blue slip problem.

Nothing? But this bill has been lurking around for a while now. And outside of the occasional blip on my news feed, I hear nothing about it.

I agree with your point about the traditional media being tailored to promote conservative viewpoints and both-sides! everything to oblivion. But at some point we have to adapt to work within that. Because I don't see that changing by the force of our complaining.
I know this is small potatoes compared to everything else but it would be great if the Ossoff campaign would stop sending me fundraising emails for their 'razor-tight contest'.


You uh, didn't envision the Anti-Car party as a revolutionaryvanguard?

Geez this is awkward.

We've been posting in this thread together for months now and you really didn't know I was a Trotskyite

What is this relationship even based on

Oh, right, it's hatred of cars
Nothing? But this bill has been lurking around for a while now. And outside of the occasional blip on my news feed, I hear nothing about it.

I agree with your point about the traditional media being tailored to promote conservative viewpoints and both-sides! everything to oblivion. But at some point we have to adapt to work within that. Because I don't see that changing by the force of our complaining.

Was inevitable given Fox News domination for 15 years. Other cable news execs kept seeing those numbers and wanted some of that pie. CNN was rewarded highly for it in the election.

Conservative viewers even turn out on TV. Where leftists and progressives branch out among more companies and mediums. The unfortunate part of that is TV is still powerful and it's easier to get a base to consolidate around one brand versus dozens.
Nothing? But this bill has been lurking around for a while now. And outside of the occasional blip on my news feed, I hear nothing about it.

edit: im sorry for the shouty caps. im on edge today.
People need to stop judging the Democrats based on what they see on television and start judging television for being deliberately designed to promote conservative viewpoints and erase progressive viewpoints even on hypothetically progressive channels.

Thank you!
You uh, didn't envision the Anti-Car party as a revolutionaryvanguard?

Geez this is awkward.

We've been posting in this thread together for months now and you really didn't know I was a Trotskyite

What is this relationship even based on

Oh, right, it's hatred of cars

Good luck getting your military coup to work after you've banned your own tanks!

I'm sure a dictatorship would let me make a semantic argument against them with no repercussions
"Get rid of Pelosi! She's so old, we need young progressives with new ideas!"

Says Bernie supporters.

The funniest thing is the Bernie guy wanting to primary her is... 71 and his claim to fame was suing the Democratic Party in court because he felt the California primary was unfair to Sanders.
Train-Tanks, which are like tanks but also trains, will be arriving shortly to take you to the gulags.
Do the gulags have standardized health care at least? Silver linings!
The funniest thing is the Bernie guy wanting to primary her is... 71 and his claim to fame was suing the Democratic Party in court because he felt the California primary was unfair to Sanders.
It's only been about ego, ever.
This senate bill is pretty bad. Called everyone I could but I'm in a solid blue state so all it did was show my support. Man, sometimes politics gets rough. Can't give up hope though.
Not a Bernie supporter, and Dems just need someone who has not been completely demonized by GOP among even marginal voters.

There's no one better who wants the job...

Would you prefer she go and Tim fucking Ryan take it?

Or Hoyer...

Both are less liberal... is that how we get youth by firing a liberal woman and replacing them with a more conservative man?

Like by all means show me someone who wants the job can do her actual job as well as she can and is as liberal as she is.... I'll wait.


Not a Bernie supporter, and Dems just need someone who has not been completely demonized by GOP among even marginal voters.

1. Who is good enough to take over for Pelosi and able to play hard and dirty? I'm not hearing any good choices so far. Or any to be exact.

2. Anybody Dem chosen from then on will be completely demonized by the GOP no matter what. And please, don't give me the "it won't instantly take effect and blah blah blah". It will happen as long as the GOP wills it.


I wanted Xavier Becerra but he left the House to be California's AG. He'll probably be California's junior senator in 2023. Or 2021 if Harris goes to the White House in some capacity!
There's no one better who wants the job...

Would you prefer she go and Tim fucking Ryan take it?

Or Hoyer...

Both are less liberal... is that how we get youth by firing a liberal woman and replacing them with a more conservative man?

Like by all means show me someone who wants the job can do her actual job as well as she can and is as liberal as she is.... I'll wait.

The irony is you're describing the exact predicament which occurs when you allow one person to have an iron grip on a position for 15 years.
The irony is you're describing the exact predicament which occurs when you allow one person to have an iron grip on a position for 15 years.

She's been great at her actual job.... we generally don't fire people who are good at their jobs...

But sure iron grip... an iron grip I'm sure you think is powered solely by her ego.




The irony is you're describing the exact predicament which occurs when you allow one person to have an iron grip on a position for 15 years.
I feel like this is always the fallback excuse. That oh, she is powerful establishment, etc.

Men have had an iron grip on the speakership for two hundred years before Pelosi but she climbed to the top with less whining.

I reiterate: if there is someone better than Pelosi, go right ahead and challenge her. If there are just going to be smears, complaints, and whining, and hoping she will resign and make it easy to put in some decidedly less competent guy who didn't have the balls or ability to fight her straight up, then that is a no go.

Get back to bloody healthcare.


Posted a thread in OT, but for those who don't step into there very often...

Figured this was thread worthy. Long-form Washington Post exclusive - Obama's secret struggle to punish Russia for Putin's election assault.

Early last August, an envelope with extraordinary handling restrictions arrived at the White House. Sent by courier from the CIA, it carried ”eyes only" instructions that its contents be shown to just four people: President Barack Obama and three senior aides.

Inside was an intelligence bombshell, a report drawn from sourcing deep inside the Russian government that detailed Russian President Vladi­mir Putin's direct involvement in a cyber campaign to disrupt and discredit the U.S. presidential race.

But it went further. The intelligence captured Putin's specific instructions on the operation's audacious objectives — defeat or at least damage the Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton, and help elect her opponent, Donald Trump.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Trump bashed Mueller again on TV this morning. Trying to actively sow distrust because he knows what Mueller is finding.

Posted a thread in OT, but for those who don't step into there very often...

Figured this was thread worthy. Long-form Washington Post exclusive - Obama’s secret struggle to punish Russia for Putin’s election assault.

I can't believe he dropped the ball so badly. I get that he didn't want to appear as if he was influencing the election, but the story is gigantic and the American people have a right to know that a foreign government was actively influencing the election.


Always loathed to just post links to articles and nothing more, but got a rather iffy stomach, so not up to critical analysis. Will just post this in case others have yet to see it:

Canada's Trump Strategy: Go Around Him

TORONTO — As President Trump disrupts alliances across the map, nearly every level of government in Canada has taken on new duties in a quietly audacious campaign to cajole, contain and if necessary coerce the Americans.

So Canada turned to courting every other level of government, forming something like a doughnut around a White House-shaped hole.

Canadian officials have fanned out across the United States, meeting with mayors, governors, members of Congress and business leaders on matters from trade to the environment.

Ministers' schedules resemble those of rock bands on summer tours. They travel armed with data on the precise dollar amount and number of jobs supported by Canadian firms and trade in that area.

I can't believe he dropped the ball so badly. I get that he didn't want to appear as if he was influencing the election, but the story is gigantic and the American people have a right to know that a foreign government was actively influencing the election.

Yeah... more and more I think this was a staggering failure of leadership from Obama. Republicans would've called him out for being partisan, and I think that, plus thinking the electorate couldn't ignore Trump's horrendous failings, made him hedge against being more open.


Always loathed to just post links to articles and nothing more, but got a rather iffy stomach, so not up to critical analysis. Will just post this in case others have yet to see it:

Canada’s Trump Strategy: Go Around Him

Yeah... more and more I think this was a staggering failure of leadership form Obama. Republicans would've called him out for being partisan, and I think that, plus thinking the electorate couldn't ignore Trump's horrendous failings, made him hedge against being more open.

One reason why I can palate the appeasement angle more than I would have otherwise―not as naïve as hoping he comes to his senses if we're nice or something.


I can't believe he dropped the ball so badly. I get that he didn't want to appear as if he was influencing the election, but the story is gigantic and the American people have a right to know that a foreign government was actively influencing the election.

He dropped the ball so to speak because the narrative out there at the time was the Obama was going to go for coupe and make himself dictator. Conservatives had it plaster all over channels, along with the FEMA death camps, buy gold now, and stoke up cause 0bummer going to take your guns.

The conservative primed there base for an armed government revolt if something real, like we might have to postpone elections cause of Russia. It is almost like they and Russia coordinated. (well probable not that earlier nor the entire GOP, GOP has been hate messaging for awhile- but they gave Trump and Putin a perfect cover)

It is so persuasive that even on liberal GAF, people can believe Russia stole the election- Hillary was the one that lost it "fill in GOP talking point here".

So exactly how could Obama sound the horn and have the majority actual believe him. Conservative and Bernie Bros would call him a tyrant. Half of Dem, Liberal, and Progressive would cry that he was trying to crown the Queen.

Even now that there is investigations and evidence come to light on a daily bases, still a large portion of the country is in denial.

Obama hand were tied after midterms when Liberals failed to give him any power in the House and Senate.


If we get through this, this is a tangible precedent and step toward future unification. Wouldn't have predicted history's dumbest fascist as being the impetus.
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