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PoliGAF 2017 |OT4| The leaks are coming from inside the white house

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Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
He dropped the ball so to speak because the narrative out there at the time was the Obama was going to go for coupe and make himself dictator. Conservatives had it plaster all over channels, along with the FEMA death camps, buy gold now, and stoke up cause 0bummer going to take your guns.

The conservative primed there base for an armed government revolt if something real, like we might have to postpone elections cause of Russia. It is almost like they and Russia coordinated. (well probable not that earlier nor the entire GOP, GOP has been hate messaging for awhile- but they gave Trump and Putin a perfect cover)

It is so persuasive that even on liberal GAF, people can believe Russia stole the election- Hillary was the one that lost it "fill in GOP talking point here".

So exactly how could Obama sound the horn and have the majority actual believe him. Conservative and Bernie Bros would call him a tyrant. Half of Dem, Liberal, and Progressive would cry that he was trying to crown the Queen.

Even now that there is investigations and evidence come to light on a daily bases, still a large portion of the country is in denial.

Obama hand were tied after midterms when Liberals failed to give him any power in the House and Senate.

Oh come on. No reasonable person believes that ever would have happened.


Oh come on. No reasonable person believes that ever would have happened.

On a large scale, no. Guerrilla warfare pockets, yes. It doesn't take that many people to terrorist a nation.

Also, no reasonable person would believe in Pizzagate, but plenty do. Enough that someone to his gun and tried to solve it himself.


When the Fox interviewer suggested that the possible existence of recordings might make sure Mr. Comey “stayed honest in those hearings,” Mr. Trump paused before responding, “Well, it wasn’t very stupid, I can tell you that.”

Referring to Mr. Comey, the president said that “when he found out that I, you know, that there may be tapes out there whether it’s governmental tapes or anything else and who knows, I think his story may have changed.”



Those "The Democrats are doomed/Panicking" articles that keep getting posted in OT are exhausting.

I guess this is getting serious
Im skimming and the article seems to be missing the biggest issue: that after she got the loans and after the school was dying, she was sending funds to a family members woodworking school via the college. It's what turns this from mismanagement to something that gets an investigation.

Changed his story from what? He's suggesting his tweet forced Comey to be honest but the story Comey gave after believing their might be tapes paints Trump as a liar and a criminal. Trump is so short-sighted and so stupid that, in an attempt to make his moronic tapes tweet seem like a stroke of genius, he admits to intimidating a witness into giving accurate testimony that Trump committed obstruction of justice. 4 fucking D fucking Chess.

This is probably why you don't repeal a law that took a year and a half with a law that took 3 weeks.

It's hard to tell what Republicans are thinking at this point, but it's possible that might be what they are after. They know that removing coverage requirements for pre-existing conditions would be massively unpopular, so they set up a situation in which further rising healthcare premiums give them "no choice" but the remove the clause to save the insurance market. People will praise them because no one will remember shit by the time it happens.


It's hard to tell what Republicans are thinking at this point, but it's possible that might be what they are after. They know that removing coverage requirements for pre-existing conditions would be massively unpopular, so they set up a situation in which further rising healthcare premiums give them "no choice" but the remove the clause to save the insurance market. People will praise them because no one will remember shit by the time it happens.

They don't give a shit. They want to "repeal and replace Obamacare" so they can give tax cuts to their ultra wealthy donors.

This is probably why you don't repeal a law that took a year and a half with a law that took 3 weeks.

I honestly have lost all ability to understand the motives of the GOP beyond the conclusion that they expect to rig elections to be in power forever and assign every member secret service goons to protect them.
They don't give a shit. They want to "repeal and replace Obamacare" so they can give tax cuts to their ultra wealthy donors.

But some of their ultra wealthy donors are from insurance companies that don't want this bill and whose business might see significant issues going forward.

This seems more passed out of spite because of Obama. They're laser focused on destroying the first black president's legacy, and if that means blowing up the entire country, so be it.


But some of their ultra wealthy donors are from insurance companies that don't want this bill and whose business might see significant issues going forward.

So many of them have been complicit in what has been going on. Very few have spoken out.

(People only care about the short term.)

This seems more passed out of spite because of Obama. They're laser focused on destroying the first black president's legacy, and if that means blowing up the entire country, so be it.

And this too.


Changed his story from what? He's suggesting his tweet forced Comey to be honest but the story Comey gave after believing their might be tapes paints Trump as a liar and a criminal. Trump is so short-sighted and so stupid that, in an attempt to make his moronic tapes tweet seem like a stroke of genius, he admits to intimidating a witness into giving accurate testimony that Trump committed obstruction of justice. 4 fucking D fucking Chess.

I think he's saying it made Comey say that he told him he wasn't under investigation 3 times, although I don't think Comey had ever said anything publicly about that.
I have to imagine this will be the kick in the pants the huge blue states need to get their own state run healthcare up and running.

I'd really love to have New York Care, and I know it's working its way through the government.

Just one state needs a success story and the rest can follow. Maybe work between them to get better rates.
I'm trying to figure out where they're even going to find premium lowering stuff in this bill.

At least the House bill pretended to lower premiums (by killing the sick). This just seems so poorly designed, it doesn't even have the fake premium savings stuff in it.

It ends up just being "Repeal Medicaid for tax cuts on the rich, oh yea, and crash the entire health industry"


I have to imagine this will be the kick in the pants the huge blue states need to get their own state run healthcare up and running.

I'd really love to have New York Care, and I know it's working its way through the government.

Just one state needs a success story and the rest can follow. Maybe work between them to get better rates.

This could be the push to get California Care (SB 562) over the finish line. It's in the State Assembly after passing the State Senate.


I'm trying to figure out where they're even going to find premium lowering stuff in this bill.

At least the House bill pretended to lower premiums (by killing the sick). This just seems so poorly designed, it doesn't even have the fake premium savings stuff in it.

It ends up just being "Repeal Medicaid for tax cuts on the rich, oh yea, and crash the entire health industry"
But Trump told me he would keep Medicaid!
Or was that social security? When is that getting the axe?


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
This part of the new bill is insane:

Federal funding for Medicaid expansion phases out between 2021 and 2023. In addition, eight states would have a trigger clause — if the federal matching rate declines below the ACA-promised rates, the expansion goes away immediately. That would affect Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Montana, New Hampshire, New Mexico, and Washington.

Maybe I'm misunderstanding this, but isn't this clause going to be a complete disaster?

Pretty sure that's exactly what they said Plinko.

On a large scale, no. Guerrilla warfare pockets, yes. It doesn't take that many people to terrorist a nation.

Also, no reasonable person would believe in Pizzagate, but plenty do. Enough that someone to his gun and tried to solve it himself.

The idea that an "armed revolt" would get ANYWHERE in our heavily policed country today is ridiculous.


The idea that an "armed revolt" would get ANYWHERE in our heavily policed country today is ridiculous.

Did you forget Malheur National Wildlife Refuge takeover?

Revolt doesn't mean a successful take over. Perhaps I should have said civil unrest?


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Did you forget Malheur National Wildlife Refuge takeover?

Revolt doesn't mean a successful take over. Perhaps I should have said civil unrest?

It's much more likely that Obama held back because he thought it would make Hillary's life harder when she won. Republicans already had plans to constantly investigate her, and this would have made it seem shady. That's all.

He still screwed up. I love Obama and wish he'd be the figurehead of the party from this point forward, but he screwed this up.


It's much more likely that Obama held back because he thought it would make Hillary's life harder when she won. Republicans already had plans to constantly investigate her, and this would have made it seem shady. That's all.

He still screwed up. I love Obama and wish he'd be the figurehead of the party from this point forward, but he screwed this up.

He has no option? I don't understand why people keep saying that Obama fucked up given what the republicans did. Mitch McConnell told Obama to his face threat if he started talking about Russia and election manipulation he would walk onto the White House lawn and tell the press Obama was interfering in an election in an unprecedented way to make his candidate win. They had the largest media agencies in the country ready to tell the entire republican base that the god-king president Obama was trying to steal an election.

If you want to blame anyone, blame Mitch McConnell. He put party loyalty above country in a way very few people have ever done. I

He says "could be today, could be Monday".

Whatever day it happens on I hope it isn't the same day as the CBO score. That needs all the air time it can get.

He has no option? I don't understand why people keep saying that Obama fucked up given what the republicans did. Mitch McConnell told Obama to his face threat if he started talking about Russia and election manipulation he would walk onto the White House lawn and tell the press Obama was interfering in an election in an unprecedented way to make his candidate win. They had the largest media agencies in the country ready to tell the entire republican base that the god-king president Obama was trying to steal an election.

If you want to blame anyone, blame Mitch McConnell. He put party loyalty above country in a way very few people have ever done. I

Mitch McConnell being a jackass is no excuse for Obama being a pushover, to be honest. They could have vilified Obama all they want, but if he'd told us then we'd have all the information we have now without the White House feverishly trying to cover it up. Like I would have rather dealt with a GOP actively undermining the investigation and blaming Obama and calling it a rigged investigation over the GOP plus the White House actively undermining the investigation and blaming the Democrats and calling it a rigged investigation.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
He has no option? I don't understand why people keep saying that Obama fucked up given what the republicans did. Mitch McConnell told Obama to his face threat if he started talking about Russia and election manipulation he would walk onto the White House lawn and tell the press Obama was interfering in an election in an unprecedented way to make his candidate win. They had the largest media agencies in the country ready to tell the entire republican base that the god-king president Obama was trying to steal an election.

If you want to blame anyone, blame Mitch McConnell. He put party loyalty above country in a way very few people have ever done. I

Blame Mitch McConnell? What? Obama had the information and knew a foreign government was openly influencing the election. As a Commander in Chief, you absolutely need to let the public know it is happening. It was a tactical error. I can guarantee you he knows this and it bothers him every single day that he didn't.


*reads about changes for those with pre-existing conditions*

You are SO fucked if you have a GOP governor.

Furthermore this is going to really hurt the overall health insurance market. It can't be a free for all, just let red states open up a Pandora's box, consequences be damned situation. This is abhorrent.


It's much more likely that Obama held back because he thought it would make Hillary's life harder when she won. Republicans already had plans to constantly investigate her, and this would have made it seem shady. That's all.

He still screwed up. I love Obama and wish he'd be the figurehead of the party from this point forward, but he screwed this up.

Yup, he did screw up. No argument here.

I'm saying, he did have good reasons to pause. Like I said, we have evidence coming out every day and people still don't take the Russian interference seriously.

Imagine if he came out with it last summer, without massive proof, in this political environment? It would be right thing to do, but would not have been pretty.

It why it was such a perfect play on Russia's part. There was no good way for Obama to do his job in our political environment.


Seen a few things on Twitter about Manafort being investigated and Ivanka and Don Jr. being looked at for money laundering.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Comey's FBI buddy is at it again on Twitter. Tick tick tick.

Notice the timing--immediately after Trump tries to make it look like he pulled one over on Comey on Fox and Friends.
*reads about changes for those with pre-existing conditions*

You are SO fucked if you have a GOP governor.

Furthermore this is going to really hurt the overall health insurance market. It can't be a free for all, just let red states open up a Pandora's box, consequences be damned situation. This is abhorrent.

Its going to wreck overall health care for anyone who doesn't live in an urban or affluent area. Tons of facilities depend on Medicaid dollars to stay profitable. You are going to see offices close in rural areas across the country. I'm honestly stunned that Republicans in places like Kentucky and West Virginia are willing to fuck over their voters like this.

Here's just one example, in the entire south over half of births are funded by medicaid. We're going to see this everywhere:

Blame Mitch McConnell? What? Obama had the information and knew a foreign government was openly influencing the election. As a Commander in Chief, you absolutely need to let the public know it is happening. It was a tactical error. I can guarantee you he knows this and it bothers him every single day that he didn't.
The "no drama Obama" part of him was something I did not really like. He should have been Angry Obama (that Peele guy) in so many places but instead he was way too rational and scholastic. He was worried about "faith in the Democratic systems" when Trump was out there screaming riiiggged. Its also onw of the reasons Obamacare flopped with the public. He thought that people will see its benefits and it will be success story.

Imagine Trump passing something as gargantuan as ACA.
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