Trump plans to sabotage the ACA this week. If everyone handles it right, it won't work.
More on this later today. Follow if interested.
2- Trump's single greatest bullet in his gun to disrupt ACA is to not make CSR payments what he calls bailouts.
3- Trump has been threatening it & I am hearing he will announce this Tuesday he won't pay.
His aide...
4- Ms. Conway's comment here... saying he's the only one who can decide.
4- There is a well documented record that this is political & violates the law. Well documented by Trump that is.
But more importantly...
5- States & insurers by refilling can make this a neutral 2 positive 4 consumers & the only one to pay the price of this sabotage- Trump..
6- Here's how. This is technical, but Oliver Wyman explains it here:
7- Now I will try to explain. Skip next few tweets if you don't want these details. It begins with states allowing states to file w no CSRs.
8- When states re-file, there are 3 types of consumers:
1- those w max subsidies
2- those w some subsidies
3- those w none
All can be ok/btr
9- With max subsidies, consumers are protected against all rate increases. They don't pay a penny more.
10- For consumers w some subsidies, benchmark silver plan is higher so they actually get MORE of a subsidy
11- People with no subsidy will be the same if plans file a comparable off market silver plan.
12-Technical part is over. What this means is insurers make it the exact same in 2018 and beyond. Consumers same in better. But...
13- If Trump eliminates CSR payments, entire increase in burden could be born by the Federal Treasury.
Trump would be sabotaging himself.
14- If trump pulls the trigger this could end up looking like the very foolish decision it is if no one blinks.
And here's what happens...
15- Here's what happens next.
-Gets sued for remaining 2017 payments.
-2018 & beyond (per Oliver Wyman, tweet 6)
Worse for him...
16- If Trump pulls the trigger on CSRs, he loses what leverage he may have to push Congress for a deal.
17- This is a little but like Trump pulling out of the Paris Accord and states & companies saying "we won't change our emission standards."
18- My twitter hiatus starts Wednesday for a reason. I will leave you w the key people to follow on this topic.