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PoliGAF 2017 |OT5| The Man In the High Chair

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not approving unqualified appointments, voting against getting rid of the filibuster, demanding more regular decorum, and the real test, voting for any type of action against Trump.
I even forgot about that federal judge nominee who was using a fake name to blog alt right conspiracies. How did principled conservative, Jeff Flake, vote on that nomination? That was just 2 weeks ago. Again, this dude can miss me with all that talk.
It was we conservatives who were largely silent when the most egregious and sustained attacks on Obama’s legitimacy were leveled by marginal figures who would later be embraced and legitimized by far too many of us.
I recall learning about the origin of carpetbagger when studying history in school. I find it kind of odd looking back that we were taught a very Neo-Confederate view of Reconstruction given that I was in a Northern state.
Yeah, it was the same for me -- as a kid in the '80s and '90s, I saw and read a lot of that kind of thing and you don't automatically question all of it, not when that's often the only view of things you're getting. That school of thought is still out there, but it has faded.

You see, from the post Civil War era through most of the 20th century, history of the Civil War was dominated by historians from the South. So, even up here in the North we learned bad things about the carpetbaggers (I remember this as well), were told about how Lee was almost a tragic hero who didn't really like slavery, Grant is pictured as a drunken bum, etc, etc. This version of history lasted a long time, and many Northerners believed it. There are innumerable academic examples, but just look at two of the most prominent Northern things about the Civil War from the '70s and '80s, The Killer Angels (the book, or the movie Gettysburg based on it) and Ken Burns' Civil War documentary series. I loved both of them at the time, but looking back they repeat far too much of the traditional Southern version of the story without questioning it much. The Killer Angels has a line in it about how Lee doesn't really think much of slavery or something along those lines for example, and is sympathetic to both sides. Kem Burns' Civil War is, too often, similar.

In the past couple of decades though, that version of the war finally has started to fall apart. Lee's image, outside of the South at least, has gone steeply down. For example, there has been a good amount of reporting on Lee's true view of slavery -- he was strongly in favor, and did not treat his slaves well. Grant's good qualities also have drawn attention, such as the fact that he won the war, that he wasn't a drunk, and that he worked to help improve the lives of black Americans while he was President. Instead of talking about those awful carpetbaggers, you instead see some positive stories about Reconstruction and how the reformers tried, but ultimately failed (until the mid 20th century that is), to give black Southerners the rights they deserved. Grant has risen quite a lot in some lists of Presidents as well, as a result, and the corrupt deal the Republicans made in 1876 (where they decided to abandon Reconstruction in return for getting the presidency again that year) is not a good moment; more progress could have been made had reconstruction continued.

While that view is still out there, it's a very good thing that Civil War history has moved beyond almost exclusively following the traditional Southern-led view on things that it always used to.


Only positive thing Scaramucci did was the return of televised press briefings. We get to see all the fuckery live again.


Also reading this article makes me so proud of Obama. He spearheaded a bill that even in the most polarizing of times was so effective in setting the baseline standard for healthcare that it cannot be eliminated. Depending on how this law is tweaked and improved in the future, he will go down as one the greatest ever. Top 10 for sure in terms of legacy and impact on American society. Healthcare remains 1/6th of the economy and he started the push that will certainly only be taken in a more progressive direction.
It's all about getting re-elected.
Most Republicans believe that going against Trump is going to hurt them more than supporting him, if they stop believing that, they'll go against him.
So my guess is that he won't be the last one, but I doubt we'll see something really organized unless Trump favorability drops to unprecedented levels.
The thing is they all made their beds already with their healthcare votes. No amount of finger wagging is going to do any good. I just dont get this play. He's going to get primaried.


"The most psychologically deranged cover up in American history. If this story is true the man should do the dignified thing and resign."

Richard Painter the goat on msnbc

Lmao and he just said Trump wants to turn the Boy scouts into Trump youths


Professional Schmuck
Even lone wolfers worried about reelection and running from trump is a good sign. Of course it's a good sign. It's not enough but it's a start.

But the real canary in the coal mine is Fox News. When that tone changes you'll know.
The way I knew we've finally won on Reconstruction is that the 1st thing people mention about Grant isn't corruption, but him being the last President to give a damn about African-American's for nearly 70 years and an argument he was the best President for them after Lincoln until LBJ.


Unconfirmed Member
I just realized.

Kelly is now the most powerful person in the administration. Imagine if he quit next week.

Maybe this is actually a purge and Trump and Bannon are going to get rid of all generals by appointing them to posts' they'll quit from or be fired from soon after.

Kelly will threaten resignation when Trump tries to fire Mueller.





Even lone wolfers worried about reelection and running from trump is a good sign. Of course it's a good sign. It's not enough but it's a start.

But the real canary in the coal mine is Fox News. When that tone changes you'll know.
Trump's approval with his base will drop some 20-25 points as soon as Fox News pivots.
And that should vividly spell out what a danger they are to the country at large.
because the base is much more closely aligned with Trump than a generic GOP congressperson - more than Trump needs the party.

Maybe over the whole country, but his approval ratings in various red states show that there are quite a few Republicans who don't like him. That doesn't mean much for the Senate, but I'd wager more than a few House districts aren't going to be thrilled to vote R next year if the GOP is still largely seen as the Trump Show.

McCain did too, but I don't honestly know what he plans to do long-term. And frankly, he should be focused on spending time with his family and playing the long-odds on his cancer.

Even his long odds aren't great. I looked up some papers on his condition when it was announced, and at his age, even an incredibly well-done surgery with no complications still gave him pretty bad odds at making it longer than a year (I think best-case scenario had someone his age making it 11 months).

The guy really does need to take off and get his stuff in order. This condition isn't really something you "beat."

You see, from the post Civil War era through most of the 20th century, history of the Civil War was dominated by historians from the South. So, even up here in the North we learned bad things about the carpetbaggers (I remember this as well), were told about how Lee was almost a tragic hero who didn't really like slavery, Grant is pictured as a drunken bum, etc, etc. This version of history lasted a long time, and many Northerners believed it. There are innumerable academic examples, but just look at two of the most prominent Northern things about the Civil War from the '70s and '80s, The Killer Angels (the book, or the movie Gettysburg based on it) and Ken Burns' Civil War documentary series. I loved both of them at the time, but looking back they repeat far too much of the traditional Southern version of the story without questioning it much. The Killer Angels has a line in it about how Lee doesn't really think much of slavery or something along those lines for example, and is sympathetic to both sides. Kem Burns' Civil War is, too often, similar.

This matches my experience closely. In the South, you're casually taught that racism is bad but that no Southerners were actually racists. They were like kids getting drafted in 'Nam or something, and the fact that most people didn't own slaves is parroted as a reflex (as if that precludes someone from being a racist). The Lee thing is certainly repeated often. A lot of it is incredibly silly given primary sources from the time period too. I once had someone tell me that Mississippi never cared about slavery and that it wasn't a cause for our secession.

Mississippi Declaration of Secession said:
Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery - the greatest material interest of the world.
We must either submit to degradation, and to the loss of property worth four billions of money, or we must secede from the Union framed by our fathers, to secure this as well as every other species of property. For far less cause than this, our fathers separated from the Crown of England.

Like, it's literally right there. It's a ghastly document that definitely had popular support (one can't even argue that citizens of these states couldn't have possibly fought back even though WV exists, as do several regions in Appalachia with pro-Union militias).

I think a big part of it (other than there still being a shitload of white supremacists) is that people don't wanna speak ill of the dead. Ole Miss still has buildings named after some real shitheads (some of which are finally being renamed; fucking James Vardaman still had a building named after him, and he famously said, "If it is necessary every Negro in the state will be lynched; it will be done to maintain white supremacy."). People are still mad about it though because they don't want to talk bad about dead people, even if those people should be rotting in Hell.

As an aside, I'd love to move somewhere else, but I probably wouldn't end up in a place where I get to frequently trample on Confederate graves (hey, it's the little things)


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Even lone wolfers worried about reelection and running from trump is a good sign. Of course it's a good sign. It's not enough but it's a start.

But the real canary in the coal mine is Fox News. When that tone changes you'll know.

They were anti-Trump in the early stages of the primary, but more because of his tone than his policy. Fox will slide back to this if they find it profitable.

But Trump die-hards probably make a huge chunk of the Fox News viewership. I don't expect them to change their tune on Trump until he's out of office.
The email prankster tweets under the name @SINON_REBORN, where he posts his pranks, and describes himself as a "lazy anarchist."
CNN piece is horrifying, in that this person is almost assuredly a GAFfer. Does it even count as phishing when you're not even trying to hide anything and some idiot thinks you are who you are without any evidence to support as such? Phishing is falling for a paypal copycat message or a Nigerian prince offers to cut a check. This is just being Internet Stupid.
Breaking on WaPo that Trump dictated Don 'Junes misleading statements on meeting Russian lawyer.
So the bullshit line about "adoptions" at first is all constructed by Don senior.

I don't have a sub so can''t post quotes but its on CNN as well now.
CNN piece is horrifying, in that this person is almost assuredly a GAFfer. Does it even count as phishing when you're not even trying to hide anything and some idiot thinks you are who you are without any evidence to support as such? Phishing is falling for a paypal copycat message or a Nigerian prince offers to cut a check. This is just being Internet Stupid.

I think the technical definition of phishing is that you're trying to trick someone into volunteering information or access instead of using electronic force.
I was worried because i thought there was no way he could have a worse 3 month span than his first 3 months, seems like i was bed wetting over nothing.


....Graham wants to block grant money to the states for healthcare...

And Laura Nazi Salute Ingrahm suggested capping the funding.

These mother fuckers better be paying for the funerals.


The previous line was that he signed off on it but didn't write it himself. The difference is that in that case he would've been okay with something his advisors came up with. In this case he seems actually eager to hide things.
I was worried because i thought there was no way he could have a worse 3 month span than his first 3 months, seems like i was bed wetting over nothing.

This is all just an elaborate distraction while he slowly erodes your rights and then one day you'll wake up in a fascist country with a tyrant ruler. #resist #keepfighting #notmypresident #nodistractions

Or maybe he's just a moron and a poor leader and there isn't really a risk of him becoming a fascist and ruling the country forever.


Donald J. Trump
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
Stock Market could hit all-time high (again) 22,000 today. Was 18,000 only 6 months ago on Election Day. Mainstream media seldom mentions!
8:49 AM · Aug 1, 2017

This is almost verbatim what one of Fox's business people said this morning.

Right down to them saying other networks don't talk about "good news".


Politico: Obama's Inner Circle is Urging Deval Patrick to Run

I'm pretty skeptical Deval will make a 2020 bid (for one thing, I feel like if that was ever going to be a goal of his, he wouldn't have joined Bain), but people I know who are much closer to Deval think he will... not sure if that's just wishful thinking on their part though.

The previous line was that he signed off on it but didn't write it himself. The difference is that in that case he would've been okay with something his advisors came up with. In this case he seems actually eager to hide things.

Donald J. Trump
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
Stock Market could hit all-time high (again) 22,000 today. Was 18,000 only 6 months ago on Election Day. Mainstream media seldom mentions!
8:49 AM · Aug 1, 2017

This is almost verbatim what one of Fox's business people said this morning.

Right down to them saying other networks don't talk about "good news".

"Good news! I didn't destroy economy!"

But in all honestly it is a good news that Trump is too incompetent to impact economy at all. What's scary is that he is also too incompetent to prevent/soften any kind of market crash... And if we look at historic trends we are likely to get one in the next few years...
Stock market helps the rich. It does very little for the poor fools working for a living.

It does help the poor a bit. Just look at any stock market crush, sure the rich lost the most money, but poor were screwed the most... As much as I think that Wall Street is doing a lot of damage to the economy, keeping Wall Street healthy and regulated is important.
Donald J. Trump
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
Stock Market could hit all-time high (again) 22,000 today. Was 18,000 only 6 months ago on Election Day. Mainstream media seldom mentions!
8:49 AM · Aug 1, 2017

This is almost verbatim what one of Fox's business people said this morning.

Right down to them saying other networks don't talk about "good news".

Tell those dorks that election day was 9 months ago.

Also ask Donald Trump to articulate the details of even one policy that he put into place that has caused this to happen.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Deval Patrick would be a non-starter. He gave up fighting the good fight to go work for Bain Capital, when in the era of Trump we need those voices who speak up and stand strong. Would prefer Gillibrand if forced to pick.
Sort of sad that Obama people are so out of touch with what the democratic voters seem to want. Like Hillary was too close to Wall Street and was vilified. Deval literally works for the company Obama vilified Romney for working at.

He was on Pod Save America after the election and he just sounded soo much like a Third Way kinda person. I just feel the rest of the party has moved on from that.
I guess people pushing Deval Patrick to run were hibernating the last 2 years? How out of touch do you have to be to think voters want someone like Patrick after witnessing the last primary?


Sort of sad that Obama people are so out of touch with what the democratic voters seem to want. Like Hillary was too close to Wall Street and was vilified. Deval literally works for the company Obama vilified Romney for working at.

He was on Pod Save America after the election and he just sounded soo much like a Third Way kinda person. I just feel the rest of the party has moved on from that.

Its not the "closeness" that necessarily upsets people. If you look at what Holder and Obama did following the financial crisis, their response is mired with revolving door perverse incentives and frankly, an irresponsible reaction to regulatory reform.
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