Yeah, Tippecanoe is really shaky. Living here has been politically depressing.
This is the most infuriating thing.Some graphs from Thomas Piketty et al.
Fix this before it's too late.
Ah. That is an awful name btw. I blame Al Gore...An Inconvenient Sequel
I have confirmed from sources from inside the White House, the Israeli government and Israeli intelligence that the Israelis have intercepted email communications from General McMaster to George Soros, informing him of everything thats going on inside the White House, reported Infowars correspondent Roger Stone. I have double checked this with two different sources very high up in Israeli intelligence, and I actually expect the Israeli ambassador to the US to confirm this.
Trump will probably believe this 100%Roger Stone with a hot scoop on InfoWars:
Roger Stone with a hot scoop on InfoWars:
Roger Stone with a hot scoop on InfoWars:
We let you goyim have a go at taking him down, but enough is enough, the jewish shadow government is moving in to clean up that mess.Roger Stone with a hot scoop on InfoWars:
Lindsey Graham is on CBS basically saying that unless the world steps in and stops NK then the US will. Time for talking is running out. We tried the same stuff for 30 years and it didn't work. Blah blah.
All of this rhetoric reminds me of the cheerleading we heard for war after 9/11 but perhaps with even more resolve because there's the possibility of an ICBM with a nuke on it.
Ugh, if Hillary was always destined to lose I'd take any other Republican over Trump right now if only because they'd deal with the NK situation at least somewhat rationally.
It's about revenge, isn't it? Because he fired "one of them"?The thirst to get rid of McMaster is real. I'm not sure why, but it's real! It is really worth tanking one of the more (comparatively) stable parts of the administration over Loretta Lynch's security clearance, especially when there was no actual compelling reason to turn her away other than a misunderstood Bill Clinton booty call at an airport tarmac? I mean, she was cleared on the unmasking. Not sure what else they want from her.
He makes his supporters feel like they're in on his bullshit with him.Trump is something else. I have no doubts once the Trump saga is over another policitican won't be able to bullshit as hard as Trump does on a daily basis, but for the life of me I don't understand how people keep letting him fucking do it.
Like everyone else I'm quite unnerved by the NK developments but I feel like some of the WW3/apocalypse sentiments are a bit overboard.
If we nuked North Korea into oblivion, it would be horrible because Seoul and/or Tokyo might be reduced to rubble. It would be a historic tragedy. But I very much doubt anyone would actually go to bat to defend North Korea. Is China or Russia really going to start a nuclear war with the US over North Korea?
The Washington Post said:...Manaforts allies fear that Mueller hopes to build a case against Manafort unrelated to the 2016 campaign, in hopes that the former campaign operative would provide information against others in Trumps inner circle in exchange for lessening his own legal exposure.
The significance of the records seized from Manaforts apartment is unclear.
Manafort has provided documents to both the Senate Judiciary Committee and the Senate and House intelligence committees. The documents are said to include notes Manafort took while attending a meeting with Donald Trump Jr. and a Russian lawyer at Trump Tower in June 2016...
Hat tip to the OT: Paul Manafort's home raided before dawn by FBI agents in late July according to The Washington Post
Check out the OT thread to see all the tweets Trump made that day.Hat tip to the OT: Paul Manafort's home raided before dawn by FBI agents in late July according to The Washington Post
Like everyone else I'm quite unnerved by the NK developments but I feel like some of the WW3/apocalypse sentiments are a bit overboard.
If we nuked North Korea into oblivion, it would be horrible because Seoul and/or Tokyo might be reduced to rubble. It would be a historic tragedy. But I very much doubt anyone would actually go to bat to defend North Korea. Is China or Russia really going to start a nuclear war with the US over North Korea?
If we nuked NK with no actual nuclear aggression from them (threats don't count), we would basically become the #1 most hated country on the planet and our alliances would be devastated instantly. If the US is willing to throw around some bombs with no regard for diplomacy, why trust us?
This isn't going to happen (no nukes are going to be exchanged any time soon), but "it's no big deal in international politics if we nuke NK" isn't really what would happen if it did happen.
It's a tough district. There isn't really a Dem base. Even in 2008, when Obama won the state:
There's almost no Dem bases of support. I think the only county that Obama won that year in the district was Tippecanoe, which he lost in 2012 and Hillary lost in 2016. It's actually a fairly impressive gerrymander.
(This was 2016. Yeesh.)
But if we preemptively attacked, we wouldn't use nukes, right? And if we didn't use nukes, what would happen?
I'm very uneducated on this stuff, and while I successfully walked back from being terrified about the end of the world, this whole thing makes me anxious as hell.
For the longest time, Dems won the State House more often than not (while getting crushed in the State Senate) and were able to force compromise maps. Then R's took the House in 2010 and the result was ridiculously gerrymandered maps to add to the existing R advantage. I don't see how we can overcome this unless SCOTUS strikes down partisan gerrymandering because even if we get the governorship (and I doubt we will in 2020) the legislature can override a gubernatorial veto with a simple majority vote.
The other thing notable about the 2016 map is Clinton only winning four counties. Of those four, Marion (Indianapolis), Monroe (Bloomington/Indiana University) and Lake (Gary/Northwest Indiana) would go Democratic under any circumstances. St. Joseph (South Bend/Notre Dame) is the only competitive Indiana county she pulled off.
Nukes are defense, not offense. Or at least are meant to be that way.
We'd use regular warfare if we attacked first, specifically aiming at Pyongyang to attempt to end the conflict in a few days.
It's basically off the table though. NK is a bad guy in a cop show who is cornered with a hostage (SK basically has a gun pointed at it at all times).
Would NK ever actually pull the trigger on the hostage, though? Doing that opens up a big can of worms that NK can't deal with and knows they can't deal with.
Kim's found a way to rile up a big country and make himself and his country seem more important than they are. He's doing everything possible to annoy and antagonize without actually taking it past a point where he starts to get hurt by it. He's an opportunist, using Trump to get attention and importance because Trump is stupid and reacts badly to threats.
So with all the worries about nuclear escalation going on in OT, what's poligafs take? I'm not as knowledgeable on North Koreas geopolitics as I should be, but I'm under the impression that they like to sabre rattle a lot. Hopefully Trump's stupidity won't lead to a lot of unneeded carnage though...
So with all the worries about nuclear escalation going on in OT, what's poligafs take? I'm not as knowledgeable on North Koreas geopolitics as I should be, but I'm under the impression that they like to sabre rattle a lot. Hopefully Trump's stupidity won't lead to a lot of unneeded carnage though...
So with all the worries about nuclear escalation going on in OT, what's poligafs take? I'm not as knowledgeable on North Koreas geopolitics as I should be, but I'm under the impression that they like to sabre rattle a lot. Hopefully Trump's stupidity won't lead to a lot of unneeded carnage though...
So with all the worries about nuclear escalation going on in OT, what's poligafs take? I'm not as knowledgeable on North Koreas geopolitics as I should be, but I'm under the impression that they like to sabre rattle a lot. Hopefully Trump's stupidity won't lead to a lot of unneeded carnage though...
But if we preemptively attacked, we wouldn't use nukes, right? And if we didn't use nukes, what would happen?
I'm very uneducated on this stuff, and while I successfully walked back from being terrified about the end of the world, this whole thing makes me anxious as hell.
So with all the worries about nuclear escalation going on in OT, what's poligafs take? I'm not as knowledgeable on North Koreas geopolitics as I should be, but I'm under the impression that they like to sabre rattle a lot. Hopefully Trump's stupidity won't lead to a lot of unneeded carnage though...
My opinion is 140 characters isn't enough to explain a nuanced stance on NK aggression or threats. More to the point, getting into a pissing contest of ever escalating threats with NK is meaningless. My only worry is what happens when Trump inevitably shoves himself in a corner when he threatens NK action and they act on those threats by launching another test or something, painting Trump as weak.
Glenn Thrush (@GlennThrush)
Per WH sources: Trump improvised 'fire and fury' -- paper he looked was an opioid fact sheet. Kelly 'surprised' not shocked... more tk