Spoiled Milk
oh noMaybe I'm off base here, but imo, to them "I marched with MLK", and an actual break down or better reach outs to minority voters aren't any different because they aren't really equipped to parse them out.
oh noMaybe I'm off base here, but imo, to them "I marched with MLK", and an actual break down or better reach outs to minority voters aren't any different because they aren't really equipped to parse them out.
Sweet jesus, the AJ Delgado thing was real?!? Score one for "conspiracy theories that sound so randomly ridiculous that maybe are true because no one would ever waste their time making up something so stupid." Why was the press at a strip club? And why were the two of them... you know, forget it. I feel bad for his wife and that's about all.This is a shockingly astute observation.
oh no
You didn't say anything offensive (well, maybe if you're upset about the portrayal of rual people.) But I disagree w/ your POV.? I just was saying that white rural voters who don't have regular contact or great understanding of minority voters values/interests likely wouldn't be able to tell much of a difference between the type of rhetoric that Bernie was saying in that video and the sort of more tone deaf approach approach he went with; where as the minority voters he was trying to win with and how his rhetoric rubbed them the wrong way, it would have likely made a pretty big difference... Is that wrong?
? I just was saying that white rural voters who don't have regular contact or much understanding of minority voters values/interests likely wouldn't be able to tell much of a difference between the type of rhetoric that Bernie was saying in that video and the sort of more tone deaf approach approach he went with; where as the minority voters he was trying to win with and how his rhetoric rubbed them the wrong way, it would have likely made a pretty big difference... Is that wrong?
Oh, right. I wasn't trying to suggest anything negative; just what the likelyhood people who live there are to be well versed on the topic of social issues that don't tend to affect them specifically, not something like "lol fly over country can't figure it out!' (was white rural voter who didn't really understand much about different people's perspectives and wasn't really equipped to hold conversations on it until later.You didn't say anything offensive (well, maybe if you're upset about the portrayal of rual people.) But I disagree w/ your POV.
Right I suppose this is true. But I don't know if that is really a workable long term strategy is either. Or one that we can even go back to. Our candidates regardless of race I think are going to have to campaign vigorously on and start producing results for civil rights reforms or else I think it will lead to voter depression. I don't think you can side step civil rights issue discussion and then flip the switch on passing all the reforms people were asking for when in office. Even if the candidate that wins does campaign/want it they won't have the votes to do anything they want if we can't sell them to the vast majority of the party anyway.The issue is that if he goes w/ the approach that can win over minority voters, he's likely going to lose support w/ the rural ones as a consequence. How much? I'm not sure. (and it's not like they had many other options!) but I don't think it's a clean "all gain no pain" tradeoff for him. But he should have done it because a) it was the right thing to do imo and b) he picked a losing strategy. At least pre-Comey Letter Clinton likely did have a winning hand going into the River in the general. Bernie was dead on the flop in the primaries.
Part of the reason Obama was able to assemble the coalition he did was because he didn't have to explicitly talk about race to get people to trust him on it. It's not like he never talked about it of course, but relative to the average white politician in his position it definitely was an edge he was able to use to his advantage. And yes, of course, Obama being a once-in-a-lifetime political phenom helped too!
On that phenom part- the Dems getting a wider field definitely would help them I think. We haven't had large fields for our primaries in a long time, and I think it's been a handicap for us.
Even white city Bernie voters didn't understand why the approach was working. That marched with MLK! meme was all over the internet forever.
http://www.politico.eu/article/ange...gy-avoid-confrontation-germany-election-2017/Germans want to be left in peace, a conservative official said. Its finally summer, theyre slowly coming back from holidays, everyone has a job, there are barely any refugees visible anymore. They dont want to debate things.
Merkel is going to be around for at least four U.S. presidents.http://www.politico.eu/article/ange...gy-avoid-confrontation-germany-election-2017/
It's Merkel until the end of times.
What do the Germans even debate over? The parties are nearly indistinguishable to me.
What do the Germans even debate over? The parties are nearly indistinguishable to me.
Such an analysis shows us that, contrary to urban legend, the parties do have different profiles and are emphasizing different issues in their manifestos. In order to investigate these differences we now look at the light house issues of the parties. These issues distinguish the parties from each other, i.e. they are those that are emphasized considerably more often by one party in comparison how much the issue is stressed by all the other parties. It is important to note that these light houses are not necessarily those issues emphasized most often by this party within their own manifesto. The key distinction is that these issues are emphasized more often by this one party than by all the other parties. There is one limitation to this rule: for this analysis we only included issues which were important enough for at least one party to spend 5% of their manifesto discussing it. Graph 2 shows the share of statements for each partys light house issues within their respective manifesto. What becomes obvious at first glance is that the parties emphasize those issues in their manifesto that they are also associated with in the general political discussions.
Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald says he doesn't have the votes for the #Foxconn deal yet. Story will be up soon.
Sanders got started way too late, his primary staff sucked, and he wasn't flexible enough. He looped literally everything back to one of two lines. That's good to do on a regular basis, but not for every single question.
It's really not hard to see why Sanders fans felt alienated. It did really feel like the Democratic establishment said, "Nope, Clinton's turn now," as if the Primary was 100% meaningless, just an annoyance they had to go through.
Sanders didn't do much to make friends, but from day 1 they announced around 400 Superdelegates, nearly all of them siding for Clinton. That's to her credit that she made connections with them and earned their trust, but it's hard not to see that as a huge, potentially unfair handicap. Superdelegates probably shouldn't announce until near the end of the public primary. There were other instances where Sanders clearly didn't have the DNC's favor. He didn't always earn it, but they really did go a little extra out of their way to trip him up now and then.
Sanders did try to reach out to communities, but there was this narrative quickly set, and it seemed like no matter how hard he tried, it wasn't real, or he was doing something wrong about it, etc. I still remember that he was the first to bring up Black Lives Matter on the Democratic primary stage, and Hillary was really careful to not say it directly at the time. She got better about that, mind you.
She would've ultimately benefited from giving the VP spot to Sanders. Yes, it would've seemed risky at the time, with all the "Socialism!" claims and whatnot. There may be something iffy with Sanders' tax records too, but clearly Republicans don't give a shit about that anymore! But they ended up hitting her with every gun all the time anyway, and it ultimately worked. Sanders would've hopefully brought that energized youth into a more organized campaign. I don't think Clinton liked him at all, for obvious reasons, but she's not one to put personal preference over political expediency. And I don't mean that insultingly.
Now please stop blaming Sanders for being a thorn in Clinton's side, as if he was her ultimate destructor. Clinton was a qualified candidate who worked hard to get where she was, was unfairly demonized
as Republicans shit on the Democratic process and potentially worked with a foreign power just to "win", getting a wholly-unqualified bigot with possible dementia or other medical conditions into the most powerful position in the United States and throwing away all the checks and balances that might protect us. She was trying to fight a normal battle while Trump ripped up the Rules of Engagement, and every sniveling Republican behind him squeaked, "It's always been like this!"
It is hilarious that he is still focusing on healthcare after it failed twice.
Fucking seriously?
Time has to be trolling Trump now
Byron York said:
52% of Republicans would support postponing the 2020 elections if their Supreme Leader proposed to do so and 47% think he won the popular vote.
Slightly more than half of Republicans say they would support postponing the 2020 presidential election if President Trump proposed it to make sure only eligible American citizens can vote
Here is the key:
Interesting caveat, and something I wouldn't be shocked at all that he tried to pull.
That said, I am 99.9% certain Congress wouldn't go for this at all. They'll probably be praying for him to lose by that point.
"Eligible American citizens"
At this point, I feel they've defending him way too long, but Republicans have a talent for not owning any of the stupid ideas they have.Is there any evidence that GOP identity trumps Trump identity among Republican voters at this point? Seems to me this is Trump's party through and through
Strange put out an ad recently whose transcript was basically, "Jesus. Trump. Guns. Trump. Swamp. Trump." And trump just recently tweeted support.
"After some minor food poisoning at a tailgate last fall, a number of fans complained of 'Fire and Fury' coming from their anuses. You know who has an anus? Stephen K Bannon."
At this point, I feel they've defending him way too long, but Republicans have a talent for not owning any of the stupid ideas they have.
If Trump were more popular and one of their own, they may have given it a shot, but they certainly won't for Trump.Interesting caveat, and something I wouldn't be shocked at all that he tried to pull.
That said, I am 99.9% certain Congress wouldn't go for this at all. They'll probably be praying for him to lose by that point.
ftfy"You know who is an anus? Stephen K Bannon."
Also, I missed this one:
Fitzgerald said he would need more time than the Assembly and questioned why Walker and Foxconn Chairman Terry Gou had set a Sept. 30 deadline for approving the deal.
There was a quick deadline because they needed to avoid any actual consideration of what it entailed. The more time, the more thinking, the more obvious this is a terrible deal that benefits no one but Trump and Walker's need for easy PR.Fitzgerald said it was "striking" that a report issued this week by the Legislative Fiscal Bureau found that state taxpayers would not recoup their investment in Foxconn until 2043. The bureau described that timeline as the best-case scenario, with the Wisconsin plant fully operational and spawning job growth at suppliers and other companies that would come to the area.
Donald Trump is not a man who moves on from anything. His brain is perpetually stuck weeks, months, and years in the past.It is hilarious that he is still focusing on healthcare after it failed twice.
But seriously, polls should stop giving Republicans ideas.Here is the key:
Interesting caveat, and something I wouldn't be shocked at all that he tried to pull.
That said, I am 99.9% certain Congress wouldn't go for this at all. They'll probably be praying for him to lose by that point.
The alt-right is boycotting Google? Fucking lol.
The alt-right is boycotting Google? Fucking lol.
Bing about to become the new Pepe.The alt-right is boycotting Google? Fucking lol.
Good, maybe it'll clean up YouTube a bit.
The alt-right is boycotting Google? Fucking lol.
Source?The alt-right is boycotting Google? Fucking lol.
Just endured Congressman (AZ) Trent Franks make an absolute spectacle of himself on MSNBC. Refused to answer any questions about misssile defense (the ostensible reason he'd been invited on) and instead continued to insist that this situation was DIRECTLY caused by Barack Obama.... and BILL CLINTON. They tried to get him back on topic six times, then gave up and asked him about the Mueller investigation - he restated that Mueller should recuse himself because hes friends with Comey, but that Sessions SHOULDN'T recuse himself because he was ON the Trump Campaign being investigated...
It was absolutely aggravating and the host literally ended the interview with, "wow."