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PoliGAF 2017 |OT5| The Man In the High Chair

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Was this posted? It was retweeted by Ben Jacobs.

David S. Bernstein‏ @dbernstein 1h1 hour ago
FWIW: Per Dem fundraiser, 4 Senators are telling donors they are running #2020:
Even if it's still RRR in 2019, they won't have the margins in the Senate to even pretend to do a repeal.

When they're looking at a 1 or 0 majority in the Senate, there's no possible way to repeal the ACA.

Their best chance to pass the ACA repeal went by awhile ago.

That is true, but I was thinking if we fail to take the House.
Was this posted? It was retweeted by Ben Jacobs.
Not surprised by this.
Do you think he understands any of the options that were on the table in the first place?

Trump's view is extremely simplistic. GOP has been pledging Obamacare repeal for years. GOP now has majorities in Congress and a president willing to sign literally anything put in front of him. So naturally, this should have happened months ago.

He has zero clue about the details of policymaking, the legislative process, etc. All he knows is to fight and badger people; all he understand is winning, and that if he's not putting wins on the board it's because someone else is failing him for no good reason.
I'm kind of waiting for Trump to realize "gee, maybe I should actually try and understand what we're doing," but he's way too narcissistic for that revelation to ever happen.

It's not like you need to know every single legalese in-and-out of a complex bill, it's not like Obama himself wrote the Affordable Care Act. But he understood what was in it, which provisions mattered to which Congressmen and Senators etc. Obama himself was never even that close to Congressional leaders which made things harder for him even when the Democrats had power, so that just further illustrates what a difference it makes having a leader who's actually engaged in the process intellectually. All Trump has done is lounge about his resorts and yell at McConnell on Twitter.

Yasss Queen Kamala!

...but where's Franken?
I've always said of the MN Senators, it'd be one or the other of Klobuchar and Franken. They wouldn't run against each other.

Franken probably defers to Klobuchar because a) I don't think he really wants the job anyway and b) Klobuchar is far more popular and would be less of a question mark on the national stage. I mean we elected fucking Trump so I wouldn't see it as a problem, but who knows how his Playboy articles and such would be received in a presidential race.


Jeffery Lord ladies and gentlemen



I wonder if it's more personal than political. I wouldn't put it past him. He probably feels like the GOP did him dirty on that healthcare L and probably blames McConnell for that L personally.

It's both.

"Congress making me look bad, so I'll try to deceive everyone and blame Rs, 'cause blaming Democrats won't work"

I don't think he's personally offended, just how they're making him the loser he is.
Skinny repeal getting shot down by McCain really set them back but unless Dems get the House and/or Senate, Republicans have the WH with a GOP Congress until at least 2020. I wouldn't rule out the possibility of another big repeal effort. Not to mention sabotage via HHS.

I think the skinny repeal would have passed if the process started in committees, but here we are. Too late to start over.

In terms of future tries...midterm season ensures next to nothing will get done next year. This was their chance to do it, and they fucked it up. Then there's the issue of Trump's eroding popularity, even with his base. How popular will he be in January or Feb 2018? The party is already distancing itself a bit, they could be in full retreat mode by then.


I think the skinny repeal would have passed if the process started in committees, but here we are. Too late to start over.

In terms of future tries...midterm season ensures next to nothing will get done next year. This was their chance to do it, and they fucked it up. Then there's the issue of Trump's eroding popularity, even with his base. How popular will he be in January or Feb 2018? The party is already distancing itself a bit, they could be in full retreat mode by then.
Even in full retreat mode they would love to see the ACA repealed.

They'll do something to fuck up the law. Someday.


I am excited to see Klobuchar's name on that list. I always figured Kamala and Gillibrand were locks but was less sure Klobuchar would want to get into the race, so I'm glad she is.

Okay but that's not likely at all to be the case in 2019.

Nobody (rational at least) ever talks about the GOP gaining seats in the senate in 2019.

Really? I don't think Indiana, maybe Missouri and Montana, are all that out of reach for them. I am more confident in Manchin and Heitkamp's prospects though.

Yasss Queen Kamala!

...but where's Franken?

He has said over and over that he's not running and has no interest. Compared to Kamala, Booker, Gillibrand, et al. who give their dodgier "I'm just focusing on right now, not 2020."

I'm kind of waiting for Trump to realize "gee, maybe I should actually try and understand what we're doing," but he's way too narcissistic for that revelation to ever happen.

I think he really just believes Ryan, McConnell, etc. should be doing all that work because they're the legislators. He thinks his only role in any of that is to browbeat people into voting for a bill and then signing the bill.
He will decide late, or is probably not running. He is happy where he is.
In his new book, there's a chapter where he imagines how his obituary will read (in the context of how any time the media reports on him they start out with "No Joke," bashing you over the head with "oh yeah, this guy used to be on SNL") and he lists himself as a former three-term Senator. Taken at face value, that suggests he runs for re-election in 2020 and then retires in 2026.

Also, if Klobuchar vacates her seat and a Democratic governor gets elected next year, they could put Keith Ellison in her seat. Senators Franken and Ellison. I just jizzed a little.

I think the skinny repeal would have passed if the process started in committees, but here we are. Too late to start over.

In terms of future tries...midterm season ensures next to nothing will get done next year. This was their chance to do it, and they fucked it up. Then there's the issue of Trump's eroding popularity, even with his base. How popular will he be in January or Feb 2018? The party is already distancing itself a bit, they could be in full retreat mode by then.
That's the best part about how this went down IMO. If McConnell had played this fair and square, he probably would have gotten a bill passed. But no, he wanted to get out in front of any negative coverage by rushing it through as quickly as possible without anyone seeing it, to the point of flying a dying man out from Arizona to deliver the decisive vote.

There's probably been bigger but I can't think of a worse self-owning than what McConnell did to himself.
It's both.

"Congress making me look bad, so I'll try to deceive everyone and blame Rs, 'cause blaming Democrats won't work"

I don't think he's personally offended, just how they're making him the loser he is.

You don't think he's personally offended the Senate made him looks like a loser?


aka andydumi
That's the best part about how this went down IMO. If McConnell had played this fair and square, he probably would have gotten a bill passed. But no, he wanted to get out in front of any negative coverage by rushing it through as quickly as possible without anyone seeing it, to the point of flying a dying man out from Arizona to deliver the decisive vote.

There's probably been bigger but I can't think of a worse self-owning than what McConnell did to himself.

The problem is the base did not want a 2009 process that took 18 months from start of talks to pen on paper. They wanted results in the first 100 days. They crowed about day one for years, and they did not have it ready for day one so as you point out it is entirely self inflicted.
uhh, looks like rep's gonna win 2020 pres. unless these people start campaigning now and really get into the public eyesite dems not gonna win.

at the very least I want to see Harris destroy and gut Facebook shit head on the debate floor
Eh? I don't think any of them are super inspiring right now, but none of them have nearly the same baggage as Clinton (well, Booker maybe) and they'll likely be facing either an unpopular Trump or a dull GOP second-stringer like Pence.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Was this posted? It was retweeted by Ben Jacobs.

I still can't help but think these four younger ones will split votes while Biden garners the rest. He'll probably run a campaign that focuses on him being an aged, experienced politician who felt the need to step in at his age and bring America back after a disastrous Trump presidency. It could be his to lose if he doesn't put his foot in his mouth.

The real wild card here is what Bernie does. If he comes in, I think these four are going to be hurt.
Would be really happy to see Klobuchar run if Franken or even Brown don't.

we 100% need more midwestern politicians in the mix. The current lineup is too coastal heavy
The Democrat candidates don't have to start now. That just gives the GOP more time to attack them.

then we gotta play coy upfront and decide whos gonna run behind the scenes so the day thats publicly announced it is an onslaught of marketing ads and rallies. Heavy constant targeting of midwest/rust belt not just major cities, work your way to major cities, then back out to the country side in a pulsating marketing wave.

at the same time do fact attack ads against the GOP
I think McCaskill stays and so does Tester. Donelly goes down.
McCaskill and Donnelly are both coin tosses for me, although I'd actually say McCaskill is the likelier of the two to lose. Then again, Donnelly has better-on-paper opponents.

The problem is the base did not want a 2009 process that took 18 months from start of talks to pen on paper. They wanted results in the first 100 days. They crowed about day one for years, and they did not have it ready for day one so as you point out it is entirely self inflicted.
I mean sure, but "we're still working on it" would be a lot better look than "maybe in 2019 if we win more seats*?"

*almost never happens

Speaking of, the next Dem president better brace themselves for the first 100 days with some ready-made legislation. I wouldn't expect anything like Medicare for All right away, but with a D House/Senate I'd want at least the three big pillars of Dems' 2018 strategy - $15 minimum wage (easy win for progressives), a new trade deal (could be as well, depending on what's in it) and a trillion dollar infrastructure bill (especially if we're coming off of a Trump recession or something, just don't muddy it down with tax breaks like with the stimulus bill). Just rack up some easy brownie points to ensure the base isn't disillusioned by 2022.
The problem is the base did not want a 2009 process that took 18 months from start of talks to pen on paper. They wanted results in the first 100 days. They crowed about day one for years, and they did not have it ready for day one so as you point out it is entirely self inflicted.
They didn't need 18 months though. Could have spent 50-60 days in committees, hearings, fake town halls, and then voted on something before Day 100. It would have failed but by now they could have at least gotten some form of the skinny repeal.


So what is with the animosity towards the state department by this admin? Is it because Clinton was sec of state? I don't understand being against it when they are part of your side.


Can't put the Statue of Liberty in the background of a fashion magazine cover without the right having a conniption.

This country is officially broken.
I think that a similar scenario to 1998 is possible if we are not careful. And that Pelosi and Schumer should keep everyone in congress quiet on "impeach Trump", talk and let Mueller do his job.

Regardless of the differences of the process in 98 and 2018 I don't think it's crazy to imagine the GOP base reacting in a a similar way remaining energized because they believe the opposition is going after their guy too hard.

The only way turnout goes down is if GOP infighting continues and many people who still believe Trump is a victim in all this down have an outlet because even their Reps have had to turn their backs on Trump


In fact, Manafort had alerted authorities to a controversial meeting on June 9, 2016, involving Trump’s son Donald Jr., other campaign representatives and a Russian lawyer promising damaging information on Hillary Clinton, according to people familiar with the matter.


Every man for themselves!


So what is with the animosity towards the state department by this admin? Is it because Clinton was sec of state? I don't understand being against it when they are part of your side.
They're deliberately weakening institutions so that they can seize control within the White House. This is what autocrats do in third world countries.
So what is with the animosity towards the state department by this admin? Is it because Clinton was sec of state? I don't understand being against it when they are part of your side.

Administration can't wrap its head around the idea of "soft power." Trump's got a military/general complex.


aka andydumi
They didn't need 18 months though. Could have spent 50-60 days in committees, hearings, fake town halls, and then voted on something before Day 100. It would have failed but by now they could have at least gotten some form of the skinny repeal.

I don't think they could have passed anything like that. Once they had debates on the numbers they would have been dead in the water defending nonsensical 15-25 million people coverage lost. Same with town halls, they faked them already and it caused enormous anger.

I do think they could have sweetened it with some drug cost controls even if anti-corporate. They could have hidden it as some "cap on profits" while still allowing high prices but not Skrelli type prices. Separately they could have had nominal amounts towards anti-opioid task forces to examine prescribing, not just jailing. They could have not touched medicaid beyond the "aca expansion" amounts.

But no, they wanted to gut the whole system top to bottom.


I still can't help but think these four younger ones will split votes while Biden garners the rest. He'll probably run a campaign that focuses on him being an aged, experienced politician who felt the need to step in at his age and bring America back after a disastrous Trump presidency. It could be his to lose if he doesn't put his foot in his mouth.

The real wild card here is what Bernie does. If he comes in, I think these four are going to be hurt.

I mean the bolded is 10000% happening. The issue is if the Dem base or the country as a whole will care in 3 years after Trump. Dems seem to get held to a different standard :/

Can't put the Statue of Liberty in the background of a fashion magazine cover without the right having a conniption.

This country is officially broken.

The Right is made up of the most fragile of snowflakes. It's really pathetic. At least when the Left gets its underwear in a bunch its usually over things like racism/sexism/etc. not icons and institutions of America like the Statue of Liberty, separation of Church and State or the idea that Immigration is actually good :p


aka andydumi
They're deliberately weakening institutions so that they can seize control within the White House. This is what autocrats do in third world countries.

And the GOP are letting it happen and weakening the President so that even if they lose the presidency to Democrats, they will have the legislative stranglehold of the Obama years.


All these people running and splitting the vote is probably the best way for Bernie to actually win, because I feel like he'll have a set base that won't abandon him.


The Associated Press‏Verified account
BREAKING: Trump on his `fire and fury' warning to North Korea: Maybe statement wasn't tough enough.
11:33 AM - 10 Aug 2017


Josh Lederman‏Verified account
BRIDGEWATER, N.J. (AP) — Trump: 'You can ask the question' whether Senate Leader McConnell should step aside if he can't deliver on agenda



Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
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