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PoliGAF 2017 |OT5| The Man In the High Chair

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Junior Member
It looks like Murkowski and Collins will be solid no's no matter what.

I don't think that even the Turtle knows for sure if he'll everyone else on board to actually pass a bill.
There's... there's just so much of it right now...

Steve Clemons‏Verified account

Right now @SenJohnMcCain is our greatest American, speaking in selfless, patriotic, inspired tones from Senate floor. I hope Trump hears

Can't let truth get in the way of a good story.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I guess I'm just curious what happens if the amendments all fail, including McConnell's dumbass skinny repeal. Do they just vote on AHCA as-is? Table the bill?

It won't stop. Can't they keep bringing this up again?

It'll still be hard (but not impossible) to pass something. Rand only wants full repeal. Murkowski and Collins still seem against anything. That's three.


Well, the truth everyone knows but can't acknowledge is that the activists completely failed in the 2016 election. The phone calls are just therapy for the millions of people to absolve themselves from doing more last November.

(Is this the worst take of all???)

The activists didn't fail in 2016 because they didn't really try very hard
You do know that it's perfectly possible to criticise the man's politics and also show you're not a complete fucking arsehole by having some sympathy for the man on a human level.

Fuck out of here with that insane bullshit!

On a human level, he shouldn't try to kick 22 million people off their health insurance and kill people.

That's not disagreeing with what someone things about marginal tax rates. That's literally life or death.
Hey, the Senate just moved forward with potentially taking away insurance from millions of people.

In the grand scheme of things, whether Cory Booker hugged someone or the Democrats clapped doesn't really seem all that important when, by the end of the week, millions might be staring down the very real possibility they will die a lot younger than they should be.

This happened with the House vote, too.

People wanna know why Dems can't stay on message? It starts at the bottom, y'all.
While I don't agree with how whyamihere presented his argument, does PoliGAF haven any sympathy for those who are freaking out with this process, some in comparable medical conditions?
I guess I'm just curious what happens if the amendments all fail, including McConnell's dumbass skinny repeal. Do they just vote on AHCA as-is? Table the bill?

Probably just keep trying, I guess?

I was under the impression the plan was for the AHCA vote to fail, along with the senate bill, and the clean repeal, and they were moving onto the skinny repeal built from amendments. McConnell would craft a small bill that could pass and let the bi-chamber committee handle all the hard work.

Seemed like a pretty straight forward plan, but I'm not really sure the far right loonies will go for a repeal of one part of the ACA. Leaving stuff like abortion funding still around.


You do know that it's perfectly possible to criticise the man's politics and also show you're not a complete fucking arsehole by having some sympathy for the man on a human level.

Fuck out of here with that insane bullshit!

Its possible, sure. I get when people just don't give a fuck.
It looks like Murkowski and Collins will be solid no's no matter what.

I don't think that even the Turtle knows for sure if he'll everyone else on board to actually pass a bill.

Anything not a straight repeal will warrant Paul and Lee not voting for it, along with McCain (PRESUMABLY).

God McCain talking about "BOTH SIDES" is the biggest load of horseshit during his speech. Yeah the Dems really RAMMED THROUGH the ACA after a year of hearings and compromises.


You do know that it's perfectly possible to criticise the man's politics and also show you're not a complete fucking arsehole by having some sympathy for the man on a human level.

Fuck out of here with that insane bullshit!
This has nothing to do with politics though. Healthcare is a human right. He wants to take it away from people.

So on a human level he's objectively a piece of shit. His own cancer notwithstanding.


You do know that it's perfectly possible to criticise the man's politics and also show you're not a complete fucking arsehole by having some sympathy for the man on a human level.

Fuck out of here with that insane bullshit!

Hey, man, nobody said inhuman scumbags like McCain don't deserve health care.

This is a level of inanity I didn't expect from you.


That McCain speech was like the most extreme McCainian stereotype ever. Like, you couldn't write a more non-mavericky thing to do.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
While I don't agree with how whyamihere presented his argument, does PoliGAF haven any sympathy for those who are freaking out with this process, some in comparable medical conditions?

I and my children have pre-existing conditions. I have major sympathy for anyone with those or are dealing with cancer, disease, etc.

That said, no bill has passed yet.


You do know that it's perfectly possible to criticise the man's politics and also show you're not a complete fucking arsehole by having some sympathy for the man on a human level.

Fuck out of here with that insane bullshit!
This is dumb. Would you feel the same if you found out Hitler had brain cancer? Ok now what about Stalin? Charles Manson? Jeffrey Dalmer? A serial rapist? A child molester? At some point a person is a bad person. If any of those people had brain cancer I would feel no sympathy. John McCain, leaving his deathbed to come to Washington solely to throw 22 million people off of healthcare so they can't get the same treatment he currently is, crosses that line for me. Fuck that old bastard. May the cancer be slow and painful
Meh, put me in the "McCain has cancer and I don't give a shit" boat.

I Have empathy fatigue and what little I have to go around has far more deserving people to go to than a conservative politician. He can keel over on the Senate floor for all I care.


This is dumb. Would you feel the same if you found out Hitler had brain cancer? Ok now what about Stalin? Charles Manson? Jeffrey Dalmer? A serial rapist? A child molester? At some point a person is a bad person. If any of those people had brain cancer I would feel no sympathy. John McCain, leaving his deathbed to come to Washington solely to throw 22 million people off of healthcare so they can't get the same treatment he currently is, crosses that line for me. Fuck that old bastard. May the cancer be slow and painful
John McCain is so far removed from all those people you just mentioned. Please tell me you’re joking.
No one is disagreeing with that, most people are just saying senators who work together being happy people they see on the regular didn't up and die from cancer isn't worth freaking out about.

Also an aside.

CSPAN (@cspan)
CLIP: @Statedeptspox says Secretary of State Tillerson is "taking a little time off." https://t.co/C2fGFvyWrb

Is that code for "He resigned but we don't want to admit it yet because it makes look incompetent as hell"?


John McCain is so far removed from all those people you just mentioned. Please tell me you’re joking.


His entire political career has just fucked people over domestically and in the Middle East. He was a piece of shit pre-cancer, and he remains one.

I don't want him to die, and I feel sympathy for his family. But he's not a hero.


I and my children have pre-existing conditions. I have major sympathy for anyone with those or are dealing with cancer, disease, etc.

That said, no bill has passed yet.

This seems like a needless quibble. Each step towards a bill passing is meaningful and threatening, no matter how supercilious the people are who say it's ultimately not going to matter.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
There isn't a chance in the world he doesn't vote yes on whatever final bill McConnell coughs up

Again, I agree. Just saying that, at this point, he hasn't. He voted for debate, which is actually going along with his principles.

I don't agree with him and wished he'd have voted no. But with everything he said, the vote makes sense.


There was a great way to ensure no one would lose healthcare as a result of "this" bill.

That would have required zero effort or difficult decisions. He would just have had to stay home.

Again, I agree. Just saying that, at this point, he hasn't. He voted for debate, which is actually going along with his principles.

I don't agree with him and wished he'd have voted no. But with everything he said, the vote makes sense.

Plinko, this is dumb af. He voted for a debate on a bill that doesn't exist that you know is likely going to get slap-dash'd together at the 11th hour, and then voted on. And he'll fucking vote yes.


On a human level, he shouldn't try to kick 22 million people off their health insurance and kill people.

That's not disagreeing with what someone things about marginal tax rates. That's literally life or death.

I'm not arguing this any more. Criticising Dems for applauding McCain on his return from brain cancer treatment is petty and stupid. It also plays into the hands of MAGAbots and other dipshit GOPsters trying to present liberals as vindictive scumbags in the eyes of ordinary Americans.


Again: McCain did NOT vote to take people's health care yet. If you want to trash him, wait until he votes yes on an actual bill.

I guarantee you he thinks the MTP means a bill just passed.

He voted to start debate when he could have scuttled the whole process.

Stop playing interference for people doing morally despicable things because maybe it'll work out okay.
Again: McCain did NOT vote to take people's health care yet. If you want to trash him, wait until he votes yes on an actual bill.

I guarantee you he thinks the MTP means a bill just passed.

He could have killed the process outright. He'll eventually fall in line with whatever trash they propose at the last minute.


Corporate Apologist
So uh, what is actually in this bill? It's going so fast that its hard to keep up. Do we have the bill text available anywhere?



His entire political career has just fucked people over domestically and in the Middle East. He was a piece of shit pre-cancer, and he remains one.

I don't want him to die, and I feel sympathy for his family. But he's not a hero.
He’s not a serial murderer, rapist, or child molestor. It’s bullshit to lump them together to justify to yourself why you(the poster I quoted) wants him to suffer a slow and painful death from cancer.
Again: McCain did NOT vote to take people's health care yet. If you want to trash him, wait until he votes yes on an actual bill.

I guarantee you he thinks the MTP means a bill just passed.

I'd say allowing this stupidity and mockery or process to continue is bad enough to warrant a few 'fuck him' chants, especially given his speech.

I don't expect him to vote no on anything presented.
The fact that McCain has cancer makes what he's doing that much worse. It's incredible to me that some of you don't see it. He literally took a break from the fight of his life to come to Washington and ensure that other people in his situation will fucking lose it. To sum that up as "Well, that's politics ¯\_(ツ)_/¯" is damned near as tone deaf as what he just did.


John McCain is so far removed from all those people you just mentioned. Please tell me you’re joking.
Way to miss the point. The point is "this person has a disease and therefore deserves sympathy" is bullshit. I don't think anyone would care if any of the people I listed were alive and contracted a horrible, painful disease. So obviously there is a line where a person goes past the point of redemption. For some, to cross that line you have to be truly evil, on the level of history's greatest monsters, like Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot. For others, that line is being a serial murderer or rapist, someone who has no regard for human life. For me, I have a much lower tolerance for bullshit. John McCain chose to spend the precious few months of his life left attempting to take healthcare away from millions of people. He crosses that line for me, and I don't give a shit about him anymore. Fuck John McCain, now and forever


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
He voted to start debate when he could have scuttled the whole process.

Stop playing interference for people doing morally despicable things because maybe it'll work out okay.

I'm not saying it'll "work out okay." He'll vote for a bill.

The idea that people think he would even consider voting to table the process is ludicrous when he spent weeks talking about how he wanted debate on the bill. That's all I'm saying. I'm not defending him in the least.
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