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PoliGAF 2017 |OT5| The Man In the High Chair

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Oh man. Heather's mom just recently saw the clip of Trump when he was equating both sides and now she will not talk to him (they haven't spoken yet). Poor woman. Call him out on that bullshit.



Good for her. Trump used her for political purposes ("See? she thanked me! I did something right!") that fly in the face if what her daughter died for.
Wouldn't pardoning Assange give up whatever leverage Russia may have on him as well as whatever Trump could use him for? Don't see the pardon happening.
Assange is claiming he has info on the source of the DNC leaks (which totally isn't Russia), and he'll give the info to Trump. And he wants a pardon in exchange for that info so he can come and live in the US. Rohrabacher (R-Moscow) went over there with Charles Johnson to uh, work out the details or something. Totally on the up-and-up.


Like if this isn't just a distraction to keep the base skeptical of the official Russia story, it sounds, um, incredibly fucked up in multiple ways.


Assange is claiming he has info on the source of the DNC leaks (which totally isn't Russia), and he'll give the info to Trump. And he wants a pardon in exchange for that info so he can come and live in the US. Rohrabacher (R-Moscow) went over there with Charles Johnson to uh, work out the details or something. Totally on the up-and-up.


Like if this isn't just a distraction to keep the base skeptical of the official Russia story, it sounds, um, incredibly fucked up in multiple ways.


RT was running a story on him today with Pro Bernie Blower Haha Good, man.


Democrats should be pushing for the removal of confederate statues, that doesn't stop them from also being able to call out Nazis. It's the right thing to do, and some part of the reason we're in this mess is our country's failure to stamp out the confederate remnants of white supremacy and follow through with reconstruction in the first place.

And honestly, anyone who would use the removal of memorials honoring men who fought specifically to maintain chattel slavery as an excuse to go back into the embrace of Nazis and their enablers, less than a week after Nazi and white supremacist terrorism killed a woman and injured others, is not someone I have any interest in appeasing anyway. If all it takes to get you to go back to sympathizing with and coddling Nazis is the removal statues honoring white supremacy, then you can fuck off and I don't want you on my side.
"Now I ain't saying we should become an overt terrorist organization, I'm just saying we could..."

Insisting he was just “making an observation,” Wiginton invoked a dark precedent: the formation of the Irish Republican Army.

“Historically if you look at the IRA, the Irish Republican Army, this is exactly how they were formed,” he said. “They were forced underground because of their views. That’s what America is playing with. I’m not advocating that at all, but in a society where you have people that have issues or are angry or something, our First Amendment makes it so they can express those views, come to a forum and discuss and find a solution to those problems.”




Fascist fuck

Worry about your own terrorist first you orange fuck.

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
The Obstructionist Democrats make Security for our country very difficult. They use the courts and associated delay at all times. Must stop!
8:55 AM · Aug 18, 2017

Uh..................................... Wel, fuck. He is an idiot.
Worry about your own terrorist first you orange fuck.

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
The Obstructionist Democrats make Security for our country very difficult. They use the courts and associated delay at all times. Must stop!
8:55 AM · Aug 18, 2017

Uh..................................... Wel, fuck. He is an idiot.

What else is new? He'd blame literally everything on the Democrats if it were possible.
He needs a boogy man.

Its alot harder to be the man screaming at the system when you become the system.

Exactly. I'm almost wondering for the Democrats would benefit to avoid publicizing any potential presidential front-runners until much closer to the election. I understand building publicity is important to occupy the mind share of voters, but Trump's begging for someone with a name upon which he can blame the woes of his Presidency. The longer Democrats delay, the longer there's no one to feasibly blame other than himself.


Le shock. People who feel like there is less discrimination against minorities are more likely to vote for Trump.



The survey found that a plurality of Americans — 42 percent — perceive "a lot of discrimination" against three groups: black people, immigrants, and gay and lesbian people. But the partisan gap is large: 61 percent of Democrats believed this of all three groups, compared with 19 percent of Republicans.

PRRI broke down the numbers by state. When the states' perceptions of discrimination are lined up against states' votes for Trump in 2016, it shows a clear negative correlation — places where there was bigger perception of discrimination had a lower likelihood of voting for Trump. Reliably liberal California and reliably conservative Wyoming reside at opposite ends of the spectrum.


Chimpout might be the worst slur I've read on the internet in a while. Right Wing websites going the full-hate route?

Why not? The leader of the executive branch and leader of the DoJ either outright supporting Nazis and the KKK or blatantly ramping up discrimination against minorities, that is is becoming perfectly acceptable to have that white hood always freshly laundered, folded, and placed right at the top of the drawer.
Why are Dems bringing bills to remove confederate statues from capitol right now...

Keep repeating:

There were people at the rally shouting "Jews will not replace us" and Trump called them fine people.

Yup, stop talking about the damn statues. They should be shouting from the rooftops that trumps rhetoric emboldened these people and that he refuses to call it terrorism.

Do you think people can't walk and chew gum at the same time



Biggest shock of all is there's only one religious group where under 40% think there isn't a lot of discrimination against blacks: White Evangelicals.

Who would have seen that coming?!
Why not? The leader of the executive branch and leader of the DoJ either outright supporting Nazis and the KKK or blatantly ramping up discrimination against minorities, that is is becoming perfectly acceptable to have that white hood always freshly laundered, folded, and placed right at the top of the drawer.

True true, just scares the shit out of me is all. But you know, politics in 2017 and all that.


Some of the state numbers in that poll seem suspect as fuck though.

Nebraska and Kansas are apparently more liberal on a path to citizenship and gay marriage than Vermont.


What did Fox & Friends talk about this morning that prompted this? I haven't heard of any major cases rolling through, unless the Muslim Ban is up for another hearing (not the injunction, already being resolved, but the case against the EO itself).


What did Fox & Friends talk about this morning that prompted this? I haven't heard of any major cases rolling through, unless the Muslim Ban is up for another hearing (not the injunction, already being resolved, but the case against the EO itself).

Barcelona just happened


Professional Schmuck
(America has already had a much more destructive and hateful version of the IRA for 150 years: the KKK)

edit: (i'm not comfortable comparing the two because i don't know enough about the IRA to speak responsibly. just saying the US already has an underground org of resistance fighters/terrorists who use terrorism and they are called the KKK. not sure why dude would be referring to them instead.)


He's already "won" on the Muslim ban, by having it be allowed to be reinstated temporarily while the SC hears the case.

Not really sure what he's even talking about here.

Be probably wants muslims rounded up and put into camps.

Gotta put American safety First*

*unless you are a protestor against Nazis


Oh boy



At first, The Adventures of Pepe and Pede seems innocuous. The children's book, released on Amazon on August 1, tells the story of Pepe the frog and Pede the centipede. They're excited because Wishington Farm, where they live, has a new farmer in charge. After eight years of bad leadership, the friends are happy to finally enjoy everything the farm has to offer.

Their revelry is cut short when they find out their favorite pond is now a murky swamp ruled by the terrible alligator Alkah. The buddies use teamwork and honesty to take down Alkah and free his minions from their muddy chains. "With law and order now restored, this land was great again," the book explains as the two triumphant friends bask in the glow of their victory.
He refuses to call a car running into a crowd of americans terrorism on tuesday, and on friday he tweets about terrorists running over people in spain.

Dems need to push this hard, hes weak on terror.

Senior Republicans on Capitol Hill fear President Donald Trump's eagerness to fight a Confederate-tinged culture war and his attacks on fellow Republicans are squandering precious political capital and imperiling their agenda in Congress.

Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell desperately need Trump to help them sell Republicans on a debt ceiling hike by the end of September — a toxic vote for conservatives. And they know they'll need strong White House leadership to get tax reform over the finish line, a must-do for the conservative base after the embarrassing collapse of their Obamacare repeal effort.

Republicans are practically pulling their hair out, frustrated over the leadership vacuum they say Trump is creating. The way they see it, the party is gearing up for one of the most politically precarious legislative stretches in recent memory. In addition to the debt ceiling and tax reform, GOP leaders need to avert a government shutdown, strike a long-term spending deal with Democrats and pass a budget that appeases conservatives and moderate Republicans — all in the next couple months.

”I do think there need to be some radical changes," Republican Sen. Bob Corker told reporters in Tennessee Thursday. ”The president has not yet been able to demonstrate the stability or some of the competence that he needs to demonstrate in order to be successful."

”These constant tangents create distractions; they force our members to talk about statues and Nazis instead of tax reform," one senior House GOP aide said Thursday. ”Until this White House learns how to actually use the bully pulpit, they're essentially useless."
"Trump is just making September that much more toxic," said another GOP aide who requested anonymity to speak frankly. ”How are we as Republicans supposed to maneuver through some major cliffs if he just sets the whole place on fire?"

Trump is just making everything harder for the Republicans to do anything, but at the same time they need him to get some important bills passed. The fall is going to be the hardest yet for the GOP and Trump. They really didn't have that many important bills to pass, but now they do and they are on a stricter time limit too.

Trump is just making everything harder for the Republicans to do anything, but at the same time they need him to get some important bills passed. The fall is going to be the hardest yet for the GOP and Trump. They really didn't have that many important bills to pass, but now they do and they are on a stricter time limit too.

If only there was a way they wouldn't have to deal with Trump anymore🤔🤔🤔
Romney blasts Trump: There may be "an unraveling of our national fabric"

In a lengthy post on Facebook, the 2012 GOP presidential nominee wrote that the "potential consequences are severe in the extreme" and he must take extreme action in response.

"He should address the American people, acknowledge that he was wrong, apologize. State forcefully and unequivocally that racists are 100% to blame for the murder and violence in Charlottesville," wrote Romney, who served as governor of Massachusetts from 2003 until 2007.

He continued that the president should, "Testify that there is no conceivable comparison or moral equivalency between the Nazis--who brutally murdered millions of Jews and who hundreds of thousands of Americans gave their lives to defeat--and the counter-protesters who were outraged to see fools parading the Nazi flag, Nazi armband and Nazi salute."

Apologize? Yeah, I don't see that happening.
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