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PoliGAF 2017 |OT5| The Man In the High Chair

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This money doesn't even build the wall though, it just reinforces what's already there.

It helps reinforce a see-through wall.

So what's going on? Is skinny repeal happening? Last I heard they were writing it over lunch, lol. When's the actual vote?
Don't really know. The process is happening so quickly that there are conflicting reports.
Sure, but if they do actually vote on skinny, none of the machinations it took to get there will matter in the end.

I'm not really sure much more to even tell you considering Johnson has specially voted no (well, threatened enough to count as a no before the vote) on healthcare reform before due to being told one thing that was changed behind his back without him knowing.

He has literally actually did this

So it like, kind of does matter


I will say I'm skeptical of the "imagine if they were smart" comments, since I don't think a smart group would abuse their station as wantonly (well, before an idiot showed them it could be done.) Like the old chestnut of Napoleon/Hitler's military blunders, could they avoid their overconfidence and still be themselves/get as far as they did?

All Trump wants is to be praised, though, and even if he's been a petty shit all his life, he also demonstrably had more self-control in the past and at least understood optics 15 years ago even if he's never been able to hold an L.
There is no reality where this is possible.

All those dumb articles about it make wild assumptions and count states with GOP governors that would never sign onto it, like Massachusetts. Or states where one house is controlled by the GOP (like NY) where there is a 0% chance all three are controlled by the GOP enough to move forward.
The GOP currently controls both houses in 32 states, and they would have two presumably dire elections to get to 38. Then it would just have to pass by simple majority in congress. I don't believe governors have any role in constitutional amendments. Or am I wrong?

Edit:eek:k never mind, i didn't realize the proposal had to get past a 2/3 threshold in the house and senate.
I will say I'm skeptical of the "imagine if they were smart" comments, since I don't think a smart group would abuse their station as wantonly (well, before an idiot showed them it could be done.) Like the old chestnut of Napoleon/Hitler's military blunders, could they avoid their overconfidence and still be themselves/get as far as they did?

I've been meaning to post a similar sentiment for a while. I don't think you can divorce the chutzpah from the incompetence.

A more "competently evil" administration would be partially roadblocked by their own respect for norms and institutions.
The GOP currently controls both houses in 32 states, and they would have two presumably dire elections to get to 38. Then it would just have to pass by simple majority in congress. I don't believe governors have any role in constitutional amendments. Or am I wrong?

Gaining control of 6 more chambers requires getting into blue states where there is essentially no chance of it happened.

From my research, it seems the governor's role depends on the state and how they handle it.

On one hand we have some senators that won't vote yes unless this becomes law, on the other, one's that won't vote yes unless this doesn't become law

Fun times


Do they seriously think the house and the senate will be able to agree on anything together?

Them going into conference together on a new bill will be a fucking disaster.


I mean, its all newsworthy and should be reported.

But its relatively meaningless compared to the amount of coverage this gets.
Well Mooch is also the new shiny toy thrown into this dumpster fire. It's a new angle on a story they've been doing for months
After typing that "it'll be an entire month blah blah" reality just set in that we'll have 2 weeks where we have no functioning federal government. No senators, no house, no president, no SC.

The entire federal government will be out.


I'm going to keep track of questions asked in today's press briefing and whether Huck Sanders says anything that any Trump supporting gomer off the street couldn't say.

Did Sarah say something only an insider would know?
1. No (asked if Trump had confidence in Sessions - she wouldn't say)
2. No (asked about Lindsey Graham's hell to pay comments and if pres had a reaction, she didn't know)
3. No. (Military says the need more direction than a tweet for transgender policy change. Does pres plan to do so and what happens? What's the plan? She didn't know. )
4. No (Would the white house report a skinny repeal? "They support progress." Would the president sign a skinny repeal? She doesn't know.
5. No. (Is the president aware his tweets step on others actions? Didn't answer)
6. No. (Does Trump want to change the way immigration law enforcement officers use force? She didn't know.)
7. No. (Does Mooch think Reince is the leaker? Does the WH? She didn't answer)
8. No. (Should tax reform be revenue neutral? Details to come later)
9. No. (Has Mooch taken a oath of office? She doesn't know. )
10. No. (Does the pres know HFC won't support skinny repeal and will he take action? Doesn't answer)
11. No. (Is the president calling Senators to convince them? What's his message? I'll keep you posted on any specifics. )
12. No. (Will pres veto Russia sanctions bill? She doesn't know. )
13. No. (When will we have details from DoD on transgender thing? Doesn't know.)
14. No. (Can you put to rest that Sessions will not be fired? Won't answer.
15. No. (is the president aware of the IT staffer working for DWS arrested attempting to leave the country and is he satisfied with the investigation? We're watching)
16. No. (Comment on Scout leader's apology for Trump's speech - does the pres owe the boy scouts an apology? They were excited the pres was there. Haven't seen scouts statement can't comment)
17. No. (Mooch violated guidelines talking to DoJ? Alaska blackmail issue? Won't speak on conversations she wasn't a part of.)
18. No. (Does the pres think Mooch and Preibus need to meet to work things out? She doesn't know. )

Waste. Of. Time.


After typing that "it'll be an entire month blah blah" reality just set in that we'll have 2 weeks where we have no functioning federal government. No senators, no house, no president, no SC.

The entire federal government will be out.

So wait is the recess still delayed 2 weeks or is that no longer the case?


The Republican Party's incompetence at governing is extremely exasperating. It's like having to answer to hundreds of bosses every day and not a single one of them knows what the fuck they're doing.
Single payer goes down.

0 Yes
57 No
43 Present

My guess is the 5 Dem Nos were Heitkmap, Manchin, Donnelly, Tester, and McCaskill. Which, lol. GOOD JOB GOP.
Lenghty post but with so much news that there's so much (important) stuff that gets lost. Including the fact that Kobach has resent a new request to the States asking for their voter data again after a federal judge ruled against EPIC and their privacy lawsuit:


California Secretary of State Alex Padilla has refused the second request.


Kentucky Secretary of State has refused the second request as well:


Main Secretary of State Dunlap (a member on the commission!) won't release the information until the next meeting.


I should mentioned that Dunlap is getting a huge amount of pressure to resign his position as one of the few credible Democrats on the commission. Many feel he is legitimizing the work of a sham commission who's goal is to suppress the vote and stroke Trumps ego.

An important note about the federal ruling against EPIC, the judge made it clear that the request for voter information was PURELY a request and States are not in any way obligated to hand that information over. Something Padilla mentions in his letter and I think many of the States resisting will use to refuse to hand over their records.


Single payer goes down.

0 Yes
57 No
43 Present

My guess is the 5 Dem Nos were Heitkmap, Manchin, Donnelly, Tester, and McCaskill. Which, lol. GOOD JOB GOP.
That outcome is even funnier than we thought it'd be since it let the people who needed to vote against it do so while letting the people who need to waffle waffle!
I mean, its all newsworthy and should be reported.

But its relatively meaningless compared to the amount of coverage this gets.

So the fact that the Comms Director violated DOJ rules by talking with the AG about pressing trumped up charges against the Chief of Staff is not as big of a deal as, say, a Hillary Clinton biography?

So the fact that the Comms Director violated DOJ rules by talking with the AG about pressing trumped up charges against the Chief of Staff is not as big of a deal as, say, a Hillary Clinton biography?


Lmao, also didn't notice any complaining about how the news media would be wasting time covering it

Anyway I still think when it comes down to it skinny will pass because it's basically their only option left
Another L for Trump. The border adjustment tax is dead.


Ryan Gives Up on Border-Adjusted Tax on Imports After Attack

A statement Thursday from the so-called Big Six -- which includes House Speaker Paul Ryan, Ways and Means Chairman Kevin Brady, White House economic adviser Gary Cohn, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch -- said due to the unknowns associated with the border-adjusted tax, the group “had decided to set this policy aside in order to advance tax reform.”

The concept had been under attack by retailers and other industries that rely on imported goods, who mounted a campaign saying it would raise prices for working Americans on everyday goods.


That Clinton thread sure is something. Someone just compared the way the DNC handled the primary to North Korean elections.
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